I Missed You (George Weasley...

By janewilsonpotterfan

109K 3.7K 633

The last bit of summer before Kat was meant to return from her internship in Bulgaria, working with magical b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 49 (Bonus-Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 36

1.9K 71 1
By janewilsonpotterfan

Kat's POV:

I look into the man's dark eyes and I see pain that could rival my own, and I see regret that I hope to never experience. I find tears forming in my eyes again as I stare at him, but my anger still resides. I watch as his face become as expressionless as a statue, his eyes becoming just as blank.

"What may I ask do you wish with me?" (S)

"R-read m-my mi-mind, g-give Ge-orge a c-copy." (K)

"Surely, the Headmaster could have done this for you as easily as I could." (S)

"N-no. I n-need you t-too." (K)

"Very well. Let's begin then shall we. Legilimens." (S)

I feel him enter my mind, and I keep my thoughts focused solely on my time at the Malfoy Manor. I make him witness every moment and instance of my pain and my torment. I show him my rage, my anger, my new found fears. I show him my every weakness, just as he had done by telling me his story.

At the end of the last memory of the manor, I show him the last few weeks of being in the dark, and the loneliness and despair that I've felt. The moment that I finally open my eyes to find George sobbing on my hand is when I feel him leave my mind, and I refocus on him sitting in the chair next to me. His eyes full of remorse and pity for me. I stare back at him as my anger continues to grow stronger.

"Is that all you required of me Miss Harrison?" (S)

"D-did you know!?!" (K)

"I can assure you I did not and had I known then I would have made it my priority to retrieve you from the Manor." (S)

I stare at him, and I listen to his heartbeat as he speaks. I know that he is telling the truth even though his eyes and his facial expression remains just as unmoving as always. I give him a brief nod, accepting his answer for truth, knowing that he is too good a man to lie about something like that. He puts his wand up to his head and pulls my memories out, before placing them in a vial. He offers them to me but I shake my head at the offer.

"G-give them t-to Ge-george p-please." (K)

"May I ask why you think Mr. Weasley should see these?" (S)

"He de-deserves to kn-know wh-what hap-happened." (K)

"If you insist. I will have another potion brewed for you by tomorrow, it should help your recovery with your speech." (S)

"Th-thank you Se-Severus." (K)

I watch as a look of surprise passes over his face as he looks at me. I don't doubt that he expected me to call him Snape or perhaps a worse name, with his experience with Gryffindor students. He regains his blank expression before standing and walking away. He reaches the foot of the bed before turning back.

"I am sorry I could not have known about your treatment sooner and gotten you out. I will see to it that you have a healthy recovery...Katherine." (S)

I offer him a slight smile and a nod as he walks away with the vial of memories in his hand. I watch as he goes and wonder about the ways that he and I are different. We seem similar to one another really, and being what I am, I should have been cast aside by everyone and left all alone in the world. I wasn't though, unlike Snape was. The difference is that I had a loving family and eventually found friends to accept me for what and who I am. He resorted to following Voldemort on the quest for power instead.

I lay back down with these thoughts eating away at my a bit, and I realize where my anger lies. I am angry towards Bellatrix and the other Death Eaters that did this, but I am more angry at the unfairness of it all. The unfairness of a world where loneliness can lead a person down the wrong path, or where one person can be ignored all their life as others have countless friends. I realize that my anger is late in life, as I'm faced with the overall unfairness with the world.

George's POV:

I was staring at the lake, the edges of it frozen over with a thin layer of ice when I saw someone coming towards me out of the corner of my eye. I turn towards the moving figure only to come face to face with the old Death Eater himself, Snapey. I find my stare hardening as I look at him coming closer.

"What do you want then?" (G)

"I have just come from Katherine's bedside, Mr. Weasley. She requested that I give you these to look at." (S)

He holds out a small vial and I see that there are memories contained within. I study his face but it has only the bored and haughty look that I've seen so many times. I take the vial, realizing that he called Katherine by her first name rather than her last as he did with me and I can't help but wonder why.

"What are they?" (G)

"Memories of her time at Malfoy Manor. She had me copy them for you, to help you better understand I suppose." (S)

"Thank you, Professor." (G)

I watch as he gives me the slightest nod before he turns on his heel and walks back up the castle. I find myself following shortly after, heading up the stairs to the 7th floor and the room of requirement. I get outside and pace, reveling a small door after three times. I walk inside and find just the thing that I needed, a pensieve. I pour the memories inside, before taking a deep breath and watching the memories unfold.

*************Bits of Memories George Sees*******************

I watch as Bellatrix LeStrange kicks Katherine in the stomach, laughing as she hisses out in pain. Bellatrix then grabs her knife and starts cutting Kitty's arms and legs, each knife slash preceded by a question that Kitty answers.

"What are the Order's Plans!?!" (B)

"You will never know." (K)

"Oh? Won't I though. HAHAHAHA!" (B)

I watch as Bellatrix cuts her arm again before motioning to two other Death Eaters watching on the side. I recognize one as that Rowle guy, but I don't know the others. Rowle has a look of pity on his face as he turn Kitty over onto her stomach, before holding one of her arms down. The other Death Eater does the same and then I realize exactly which memory this is. I watch with tears of anger building in my eyes as Bellatrix takes the knife and slashes into Kitty's back, carving out the word 'Bloodsucker' as Kitty screams.

I watch as blood starts to flow from the wound and Kitty's struggle becomes even weaker underneath the two Death Eaters. Bellatrix conjures up a mirror and forces Kitty to look at her new scar, but Kitty barely reacts to it as she glares at her in the mirror, her silver eyes flashing with hate.

"Now even if you did get away, someone would find you and kill you for what you are. What do you say about that little vampey?" (B)

"All die, even you and your precious leader, and soon I would think." (K)

I feel a sense of pride as Kitty spits in her face, but my pride is soon replaced by sorrow and anger as I watch Bellatrix beat and kick her until she passes out. The memory turns dark and I'm shown countless others all ending in more or less the same way. I'm shown Kitty alone in the dark dungeons, wondering if she'll ever see me again.

I'm shown her defiance and resolve to say nothing about the Order, even if it cost her life. I watch as the tattoo was cut away realizing that it was my message, that I was forcing Fred to send that day, that caused that to happen.

I'm shown Kitty escaping and apparating to the Burrow, and I see myself catch her in my arms when she stumbled through the doors. Then it fades away to black, and I think that the memories are over until I hear her sobbing alone in the dark. I listen to her cries for help and I realize that she could hear us sometimes when we spoke to her, as she cries out to my voice for help. I failed her again, and I didn't even know it until now.

*************Memory Lane Trip Over******************

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