Molly's World

By glogangright

6.3M 188K 186K

Molly is a young teen with anger problems because of her past. Growing up in a bad ass neighborhood and with... More

My Name Is Molly
Rah Was Short For Rashawn
Game 20
I Really Don't Like Yo Ass
Good Friends
Dam Shorty. You're high
That Was My Brother
Molly Give Me A Reason Why I Shouldn't Kill You Right Now
Ahh Fuck
Best Friends With Anger Problems
How You Feel
Is That A Deal
Are You Ready For Tonight
You A Virgin
The Boy With The Cold
Anthony They Called Him Ant
Is It Noticeable
Sweetie What Are You Doing
I Did It For Us Baby
Molly Brazy
Ahh Shit Molly
Dana Relax It's Just A Graze
Everybody Ain't What They Seem
How Stupid Could You Be
There You Go Again Ruining Shit
I Love You Molly
I Mean It's Only Fair
I'll Consider
Goodbye Molly
Let Me Love You
Poor Rah
My Name Is Zay By The Way
I'm Pregnant
I Trust You
Molly What's My Name
6 Months
Detective Von
Dirty Cop
Teen Drug Lord Case
I Can't Do This By Myself
Kenny V
Ride Or Die
I Promise
My Name Is Jada
You Mad Bro
Happy Birthday
Travis Day
Just One More Month
I'm Free
It's Good To Have You Back Molly
Your Sperm Your Problems
Cookies Are Ready
Just Head
In Love And Lonely
Old Molly
Will Do Molly
Goodbye Sean
Down Chick
We're Flying
Papa D
I Can Handle Her
Jordan Knight
Drill Partner
I Cant Swim
Leave Me Alone
Are You Okay
Baby Steps
She Needs Help
Yes...Yes I Did

Alisha & Alicia

69.3K 1.8K 811
By glogangright

I woke up the next morning got in the shower and freshen up to go and see Dana. While I was in the bathroom brushing my hair I felt sick in my stomach again so I threw up.

Are you serious I didn't even anything to make me throw up.

"Molly are you alright?" Rah asked.

"I'm fine I'm just-"

I was cut off by me throwing up again. He grabbed my hair in a ponytail and patted my back.

"You pregnant aren't you?" He asked.

I froze at that thought. "Pregnant? Why the fuck would I be pregnant?" I asked getting up and washing my hands.

"Well I did nut and you and I'm pretty sure you know how babies are made." He said.

I dried off my hands. "I can't be pregnant I'm on the pill...well was...sorta." I said.

He gave me a confused look. "What are you talking about it's either you took the pill or not." He said.

I sighed. "Well I wasn't sexually active the week before so I stop taking the pill. The day we left to see Dana's father I started back taking it. Maybe my body wasn't full prepared for it. I don't know how this shit works." I said.

He sighed and wiped his face. "When we go to the hospital today I want you to find out from a doctor in there. I don't trust those cheap ass pregnancy test from the store." He replied kicking me out the bathroom to freshen up.

Me? Pregnant? At this time would be the worst time.

I sighed and I went downstairs. Quan was up but Gunz and Jada were sleeping.

"So did you get any sleep last night?" I asked.

He looked at me and chuckled. "Of course I did. Just not as much as I should." He said.

I walked over to him. "Talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind." I said.

He took a deep breath. "I'm worried about Dana and I want to put her in to therapy. I really think she needs it and it'll get her better because let's face it something wrong with my baby." He said.

"Okay." I replied.

"Okay?" He asked.

"Yea. Dana was supposed to go in to therapy from when she was little but her dad didn't want to put her in there because she was young and he thought it was just a phase." I said.

He nodded his head. "I'll ask her about it today when she gets up." He said.

I gave him a reassuring smile and woke up Gunz and Jada. After everyone was dressed and ready we drove to the hospital. While we were driving I called Dana's dad and told him to come and meet us at the hospital.

When we walked in we were greeted by Doctor Charles. "Why hello Mrs.Kennedy you're just in time your friend has woken up." He said.

"Can we go see her?" Quan asked.

"Of course she's the last door down the hall." He replied.

Everyone went to go see Dana but I stayed to talked to the doctor. "Why are you so helpful towards us? You don't even know me." I said bluntly.

He put his clipboard down and gave me his full attention. "Like I told you before I know the life you look live. My wife was very involved with her brother and I did anything for her because I loved her and she loved me. When I look at you and your friends it just remind me of all the stuff that had happened back then so I just feel like it's my duty to help." He said.

"Speaking of her she comes right now." He continued.

I turned around and saw a beautiful dark chocolate women with long and full hair. She was tall and well built holding and container of food in her hand.

She walked over to us and kissed Charles on the cheek. "You forgot your dinner on the table in the house. You're gonna need it since you're working late tonight." She said.

He kissed her and told her he'll be with her in a second. He looked over at me. "Like I said I feel like it's just my duty to help." He said.

I smiled at him. "Well thank you...for everything." I replied.

He smiled back. "Just doing my job." He said walking away.

I walked towards Dana room and saw her smiling.

Thank god she was smiling.

"MOLLY." She yelled.

"DANA." I yelled back.

I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. "How do you feel?" I asked.

"I feel fine. I'm fine I just wanna know how are the babies." She said.

"Well I was just with the doctor. Want me to go-"

My sentence was interrupted by the door opening. In came Xavier, Aaron, Dana's dad, and Charles.

"Wow it's a party." Xavier said.

We all started to laugh. "Hey Dana how are you?" Charles asked.

"I'm fine. I just want to know how are the girls." She said.

He nodded his head. "I'm sure your friends told you the conditions your babies are in right?" He asked.

She slowly nodded her. "Yea they did. This is all my fault." She said.

"No it's not it's mine. I'm the one that brought the stress on you." Quan said.

"Quan please. I'm the one that brought most of the stress on myself and the girls. You shouldn't blame yourself none of you should, you all were just trying to help me out." Dana said.

Quan facial expression changed. He no longer had that concentrated look on his face but he look more calm down and relax.

"Let's just be happy the babies were able to make it out alive. Now if you follow me I'll show you the room to where the babies are staying. Dana you can sit in the wheelchair and we'll roll you over there." The doctor said.

We followed the doctor out while Dana's dad rolled her out in the wheelchair. "Doctor can I ask you a question?" I said.

"Well I can tell you have the tendency to ask a lot of questions huh?" He asked.

"You got that right. Try taking her out on a surprise date, all she does is ask questions." Rah said.

I glared at him making the doctor chuckle. "I was wondering if you could test me out to see if I'm pregnant or not." I said.

He nodded his head. "Of course. You can follow me to a room after I drop them off to see the babies." He replied.

We continue walking till we reached the department where the babies are kept. We walked till we saw 2 containers with holes in it and wires connected to it.

"Aww somebody get a camera." I said quietly walking towards the babies.

"Already one step ahead of you." Jada replied pulling out her phone.

One baby was sleeping but the other one was wide awake. "Hi mama." I said smiling towards the one that's awake.

She smiled back and started laughing. "She's laughing . That's a good sign right?" I asked the nurse watching me.

"It is. The reason we keep premature babies in here is so they can grow and fully develop. It's just sometimes while growing they don't make." She replied.

"What did you guys name them?" Jada asked walking next to me.

"One name was Alisha after your middle name Molly." Dana said.

"And Alicia because it's just a name I always liked." Quan said looking at the sleeping baby.

"Which is which?" Gunz asked.

"Why don't you choose?" Dana asked.

Gunz started to smile extremely hard. "Aw man I don't know. What if I fuck up?" He asked.

"Gunz would you name the dam girls and stop cursing in front of the babies." Rah replied.

"Right right." He looked over at the baby that's awake.

"Okay so I'm a name you Alisha." He walked over to the sleeping baby. "And I'm a name you Alicia." He said.

At that moment the Alicia woke up and smiled. "I think she likes it." Aaron said.

Gunz just let out a deep breath he was holding and smiled. "Molly you ready?" Charles asked.

"Yea sure." I said walking towards the exit.

"Wait for me dam." Rah said following behind me.

"We'll be back guys." I said leaving the room.

We walked in to another room where Charles checked my hight, weight, and blood pressure.

"Alright Molly I'm a need you to pee in this." Charles said handing me a cup.

"Ewww" Rah said.

I rolled my eyes. "Grow up." I said going to the bathroom.

I did what I had to do and gave it back to the doctor. "I'll just bring it to the lab and tell you the results when it's ready." He said leaving.

We walked back over to the room everyone was in and I saw Dana standing up and looking out the window. I walked over next to her staring out along side her.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" I asked.

She started laughing. "To be honest I just wanted to get away from them. I looked out the window to be dramatic." She replied laughing.

We both laughed at our stupidness. "You pregnant aren't you?" She asked.

I looked at her shocked but sighed. "There could be a chance. I hope I'm not." I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"Do you see the situation we are in? Rah gotta whole baby coming on the way-"

"You don't know if it's his for sure." She said.

"We aren't even together at the moment Dana. How the hell do you expect us to take care of a kid when we can't even take care of our relationship?" I questioned.

She sighed in defeat. "But I really wanna be a aunt and I know for a fact Rah really wants to be the father to your kid." She said smiling.

I gave her a strange look. "How would you know?" I asked.

"Just look at him." She said turning in his direction.

"I remember when did a home invasion and you went in with Quan and  it would be me and him, all he did was talk about having a future with you. He use to say he wanna fuck you non stop and have millions of kids with you till y'all die together." She said.

I bursted out laughing. "You're lying." I said.

She shook her head no. "There's something really wrong with that boy when it comes to you." She said.

I laughed making him look at me. "Problem?" I asked.

He walked over to me smiling. "You laughing too loud is my problem." He said still smiling.

I rolled my eyes and Dana looked at me. "Did you even talk to him about it?" She asked.

"About what?" He questioned.

Oh boy.

"Oops." She said walking away.

Thanks Dana.

"Nothing what's up?" I asked leaning against the window as if nothing happened.

He pulled me by the waist closer to him. He bit his lips and smiled at me.


He leaned in and I got ready to feel his lips on mine. "When we get home. You better tell me or prepare for an argument." He said smiling and walking away.

I mentally faced palmed myself and looked over at Dana. "Fuck you." I mouthed.

"That's gay shorty." Dana replied.

I rolled my eyes at her stupidity and walked out the room find something to eat.

I went to go to vending machine and buy 2 bag of chips. When I went back upstairs Dana was sitting in a chair while Quan was standing up talking to her.

When he saw me he smiled and walked away. "What was that about?" I asked.

She sighed. "He wants to put me in therapy and I wanna go but like I don't know." She said.

"I think you should go. It'll help you and unwind all that stress you have. Take the opportunity cause in the end we still gonna be with yo crazy ass." I said laughing at the end.

"I hate you." She said hitting my arm and laughing.

"You ready to find out who the father of your kid is?" I asked.

She looked at me. "We can do it? Get it done now?" She asked.

I nodded my head. "Just ask the doctor when you're ready." I said.

I squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring smile. She smiled back and walked over to Quan starting to talk him. They walked over to Gunz and then the doctor and left the room.

We all decided to leave and go home since Dana and them would be busy. The only person that did stay was Jada and that was to be with Gunz.

Rah, Aaron, and I were in the car and it was awkward. Mainly because I knew Rah was gonna press me once we step inside.

As soon as we reached the house I left the car and walked to the front door with Aaron. Aaron went upstairs and as soon as my foot hit the first step I was pulled back down.

"Um excuse me miss did you forget about what I said?" Rah asked. "Now what were y'all talking about?" He questioned.

I sighed. "It was nothing seri-"

"So tell me." He said cutting me off.

"Would you relax I'm gonna tell you. Basically she asked me if I was pregnant and I told her the situation. She asked me if I want to have a baby and if I asked you about it and I said no." I replied.

His eyes soften up and he leaned on the couch. "You don't wanna have a kid with me?" He asked hurt.

Awww Rashawn.

I walked over to him. "Of course I wanna have a kid with you but just not right now. We are still young and we technically aren't even in a relationship how the hell do you expect us to have a kid?" I asked.

He sighed. "So what if the test comes back and you're pregnant? What are we gonna do?" He asked looking down.

I lifted his head up so he was looking at me. "We do what we always do. We'll do anything to survive and support the ones we love." I said.

He smiled and hugged me. "I love you." He said.

I chuckled. "Love you too Rashawn." I replied.

Our moment of affection was cut off by the doorbell ringing. "I'll get it." I said going to open it. He grabbed my hand.

"Stop let them stand there and ring." He said pulling me closer to him.

I pushed him away. "You forgot Aaron is upstairs?" I asked walking over to open the door.

When I did I was surprised at who was at the door.


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