Jily: A hidden love - indefin...

By divergentweasley

341K 8.3K 5K

You know the story of Harry Potter and his years at Hogwarts. But what about his parents? This is the story o... More

Jily: A hidden love
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen - Part One
Chapter Eighteen - Part Two
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Indefinite Hiatus
Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Two

17.1K 406 256
By divergentweasley

Hello, hello! So just as a clarification: this takes place the week after Christmas break 6th year. *thumbs up emoji*

Now I’ve realized this isn’t the best story….yeah but i shall continue with it because I like the ideas I have for it.


Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters they all belong to the wondrous JKR

Dedication to Vi because….*looks into sunlight* Merlin.

And Syd because….*coughs awkwardly* erm.


Lily POV

He. Bloody. Had. A. Conversation. With. Me. What has this life come to? He actually walked up to me and said, and I quote “Hello Evans.” No incriminating joke or proposal to go out with him. HE SAID HELLO FOR MERLIN’S SAKE! Why does he have to do this? Why is he going from horrible and insufferable to becoming close to bloody well perfect? HE HAS ONLY HEXED 3 KIDS IN 2 WEEKS! HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE FOR WELL KNOWN MARAUADER JAMES POTTER? I have no idea.

Okay, I refuse to let myself give in to Potter.

And look here, here comes the devil himself.

“Evans,” he tilted his chin up to me and sat down on the couch next to me.

“Potter.” I grumbled realizing now that he was this close that he really smelt rather good….Merlin Lily cut it out!


I interrupted him, “You seem to want something potter.”

“Oh always Evans,” he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

“You’re full of it Potter.”

“Right, I am well- erm Evans?”

I heaved an exasperated sigh. “What Potter?”

“Doyouwannagooutwithme?” he asked so rushed I had no idea what he said.

I laughed, “What?”

He inhaled, “Do you, ya’ know, wanna go out to Hogsmeade with me?”

I stared at him eyes wide. For some reason my heart fluttered a little. “Honestly Potter I thought we were over that.” I stood up and walked away ignoring the way my stomach did somersaults and my heart yelled at me to run back and jump in his arms. “No, no no no no no.” I mumbled to myself on my way up to the girls dormitories.

James POV

I let out a sight. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up. A hand slapped my shoulder, I looked up and Remus was standing there.

“Moony, please don’t-“

“James, I’m not going to, I’m not Sirius you know. I care about how you’re feeling about Lily and don’t just encourage you to snog her in a broom cupboard and forget about her. I know you care about her. I just saw what happened and wanted to see if you were okay. I can see you’ve been trying to be better. She likes that, I can tell.”

“Moony, do you and Evans have secret study sessions without me?” I feigned offence. He barked a laugh.

“No Prongs we don’t have ‘secret study sessions’ without you. Believe it or not Lily and I are friends.”

“Well, really Remus, thank you. It’s nice to know someone cares. It just hurts knowing she hates my guts.”

“Nah, she doesn’t hate your guts.” He slapped me on the back one more time smirking and went up to the boys dormitory leaving me there dumbfounded.

 Lily POV

Prefect Rounds 10:45

I shuffled my feet as Remus and I explored our last floor for rounds. I still couldn’t get the day’s events out of my mind.

“So Lils,”

“Yeah Rem?” I questioned looking up from my feet at him.

“I was talking to James today…” I sighed. “He really is trying Lils. You should give him a chance, or at least, you know, don’t give up on him.”

“Oh Remus. I can tell, but it’s just, he is James. All he does is annoying me and make fun of me. Bit childish don’t you think?”

Remus stifled a laugh, “You, you- hold on,” he broke out into a fit of laughter. “You,” he caught his breath. “Think he asks you out to annoy you?”

“Well, yeah.” My cheeks slowly grew redder and I could feel them get hot. Remus laughed harder at that. “OI! Could you not make fun of me?”

“Sorry Lils, it’s just, James asked you out for the precise reason you ask someone out, he likes you.” The silence grew as I let that sink in.

James Potter, the boy I hated for possibly forever liked me.

He has liked me since 3rd year.

I have been turning down and insulting this boy because I thought he was making fun of me.

I might be as bad as I thought he was.


Not a great chapter, sorry.

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