Chapter Eighteen - Part One

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Chapter Eighteen: The Train Ride Part One

Disclaimer: This is JKR's plot and characters.

This is in 3rd person omniscient


When they all walked onto the train and the girls sat in their usual compartment except this time they had the company of the Marauders and later Fabian, Gideon, and Frank.

“Ladies,” Sirius had said trying to look serious. “You should know the Marauders have a tradition on these train rides and I am afraid you will have to join this year.”

“As long as it’s not illegal or inappropriate we’re in.” Lily agreed.

“Great! Now are you ladies ready to join the tradition for our 6th year of-“

“Nothing’s a tradition without us!” It was Fabian ad he Gideon and Frank burst through the door. “Now, what’re we doing?” Frank gave Alice a kiss and Fabian groaned, “just because we approved of you two dating doesn’t mean we want to see you snogging!”

Alice laugh but then seriously said, “Not that I don’t love you but what are you doing here?”

“What we can’t come be with our baby sister?” Said Gideon.

“By one year.” Frank pointed out.

“Watch it Longbottom, don’t want to get on our bad side now do you?” The two continued to bicker so Fabian told Alice, “our usual compartment was hijacked by first years and we thought, where else to go but to the beloved Alice’s compartment? But now that we see you have company…”

“Oh can it and sit down!” Alice sighed. “Now what’s the tradition Sirius?” By now Gideon and Frank quieted down and to make room Alice sat on Frank’s lap and Marlene on Sirius’.

He smiled evilly and James said, “Truth or dare! Marauder style!”

“What do you mean ‘Marauder style’?” Marlene asked skeptically.

“Oh Mar, it means that if you back down from a truth or dare someone either gets to spill one of your secrets or you have to tell one yourself.” Sirius said patting her head. “We might be finding out lots from you girls.”

“Oh Padfoot you prick shove it!” Remus said rolling his eyes. “It really means that if you back down from a dare or truth someone gives you, you will have to do two of the one you passed up. So say you choose truth and you back out you will have to do two dares that are decided by everyone.”

“Oh,” Marlene squeaked. “Alright, who’s going first?”

Sirius waved his hand around in the air. “Me! Pick me! I want to go! Me! Me! Me!”

“Hmm? Peter, would you like to go first?” Peter smiled.

“I would love to Marlene, thank you.” He tapped his chin while Sirius frowned. “James,” He started to wiggle his eyebrows and James looked scared. “Truth or dare?”

“Dare.” James said without hesitation.

“I dare you to…”

“Peter I swear if it has anything to do with what we discussed last night I will hex you into next week.”

“Alright, alright. He sighed in defeat. “I dare you too…go to the compartment next to us and flirt with the girl closest to you.”

Sirius laughed, “Wormy you are still rubbish at dares.”

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