Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Okay so basics: sorry about the grossness of the last chapter it was pretty bad and hopefully this chapter makes up for it…maybe??? And I promised an update before BoO, didn't I?

Disclaimer: The characters, setting, and plot all belong to JK Rowling.

So y'all, recently I got myself a twitter for myself like a personal account and I was thinking that maybe ill make a twitter just for this a twitter as Divergentweasley where ill like tweet chapter sneak peaks and news on updates...if y'all think I should do it or if you think I shouldn't please just comment and let me know because I'm quite conflicted on whether I should or not. But if I do make it I will update my bio here on wattpad with my link and I would post about it on my fan account on instagram @persassies ! Great so thanks, enjoy the chapter! Love y'all! The name would probably be like sassydivergent or something for a mix between my instagram and wattpad or maybe I'll go like @accioerica and make it acciosammi who knows!!

And honestly I can't tell you guys how happy your comments have made me recently. Like literally I love it when y'all interact and leave your reactions to things in the chapter, like I got a lot of "OMG"'s and I have to say I like when people comment stuff like that because it helps me like connect with you...and that probably doesn't make sense, okay (Sorry this is so frikkin' long omg) ON WITH THE STORY! 

A song that goes great with this chapter and I recommend listening to is Disconnected by my favorite band in the entire world, 5 Seconds of Summer. (Attached on the side)


Lily POV

I don’t know what he was expecting; squeals of joy, a screamed yes, giggling with a positive answer, but no, none of those happened.

I was actually surprised and taken aback.

Didn’t the whole date thing already imply we were kind of official?

If Alice and Marlene were here right now they would shake their heads, sigh and say, “Oh Lily…” 

But neither of them was here so it was time to man-up and actually do something without chickening out because of old fears proven not to happen again.

James’ face had started to go slack at my lack of answer and I felt bad because he probably thought he did something wrong and I was double-thinking whether or not I still liked him. Really I was just trying to build up the courage to say yes. Which was stupid because I already accepted the date and wow now I’m just purposely trying to stall answering and it’s most likely because of the bit of commitment fright I was never able to grasp and really believe until Marlene so rudely shoved it in my face. Metaphorically, obviously.

Well, it’s now or never you idiot. You’ve already caused a fuss just spit it out! My very unsympathetic conscious was practically screaming that at me.

“Seriously? Isn’t the answer to that obvious, James?” Is how it came out instead.


Aren’t I the kindest person ever?

Take note in my sarcasm.

I covered my mouth and he looked rather perplexed.

“Oh my Merlin!” I tried to cover up. “I-I didn’t mean to say that I was just over thinking- as usual and I was trying to get myself to say yes, but then I guess I scared or pressured myself or something, but it came out like that instead and that was really rude and I apologize so um to answer your question, yes.” I took a deep inhale, (I said that all in one breath and goodness it was a mouthful).

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