Chapter Twelve

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Ermehgwerd I have a wattpad addiction.

I have almost 200 stories/fanfictions in my library.

I'm guessing that is not normal and counts as addiction.

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING. This is all JKR's. #dealwithit #iknowidid

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to my other sister Lissy because like Jenna she supports me for everything, even if she can't be there or doesn't see it she is with me no matter what.

On the side would be a jily picture to go with this chapter.



Lily POV


After almost kissing him in a deserted classroom I go right ahead and decide to study with him in THE BOYS DORM!

That is just asking for something to happen.

Oh well, I'll just have to be extra careful.

But his hair just looks!

And he likes me! Oh, I'm positive now after those notes between them!

I mean, I like him to but, am I even ready for a relationship?

No, I decided this a long time ago; I will not go out with James Potter.

"So Lily," He said breaking my train of thought as we walked up to Gryffindor tower.


"I wanted to know if sometime this summer, you know, if you did want to come stay for a little. I mean, Padfoot would be there and Mar is always visiting so you wouldn't even really have to talk to me. You know what, just forget that I-"

"James, I would love to." I wouldn't tell anyone but my stomach was doing somersaults.

He smiled really big. "That's great! Mum will love having another girl there. It's usually just her Mar and Mrs. McKinnon."

"So Sirius hangs out there a lot?"

"Oh yeah." If possible his grin widened. "He's actually moving in with us this summer! You know because his family is so..." He trailed off but I understood.

"That's cool. So...let's go, study."



(A/N: I'm sorry TFIOS is my favorite book I HAD TO. #dealwithit thanks.)

We walked up the stairs to the boys dorm. "Where should we sit?"

"Oh, uh, we could sit on my bed I guess?" I cracked a smile and stifled a laugh. He then realized what he said. "Oh! Er, you can sit on my bed, I'll just sit on Sirius' bed."

I let the laugh go and sat on his bed. "So, what do you want to start with?" He asked.

"Um, well there's nothing I'm really confused on... we could just go over it though, you know."

"Yeah, yeah. Okay. Is it okay, if I come and sit next to you?"

"Yeah sure." Boy was this awkward.

The time passed with us awkwardly sitting next to each other doing different work occasionally bumping elbows.

Wow, if I’m going over there this summer we better stop this… this… just plain awkwardness, there is no other word to describe it. I just keep feeling at a loss for words when I’m around him and I don’t know what to do!

What is wrong with me! Lily Evans does not get flustered around guys! Especially not James Potter.

I will not except the ugly truth that has been in the back of my mind.

I know the probability of my fancying James is 99.9% but I cannot and will not let it happen.

But he so bloody gorgeous!

Why can't I fancy someone like Remus or Peter they are far more respectable and responsible than bloody prankster Potter.

Sigh, it was always him wasn't it?

It always comes back to that arrogant toe-rag that makes my life miserable and perfect at the same time.

Why must this be so complicated?

Oh my! Did I just admit to fancying James?

No. I most certainly did not.

But there is nothing wrong with him. I mean he is kind and smart and definitely has the looks down. I never said he wasn't attractive. He has always been a very well-looking boy even since first year.

Oh yes, I was right, it always was him.

I must have sighed aloud because James looked at me and asked, "All right, Evans?"

I like a small smile appear on my face, "All right."

He returned the grin and for some unknown reason we both leaned in.

This was it! I was going to kiss the boy with the great hair and looks and that smelled so good and-

"Oi Prongs! Do you- Whoops!" Sirius yelled upon entering but stopped as he saw us. We jumped apart James glaring at him and me blushing furiously.

"Padfoot you arse! Do you know how to knock?"

He smirked. "James it's my dorm too and," his smirk grew. "Didn't mummy ever tell you not to bring a girl to bed on the first date?" He blinked his eyelashes innocently as James leaped off the bed and tackled Sirius.

“SIRIUS!” James bellowed.

“Oh boy!” Sirius’ eyes grew wide. “It was nice knowin’ ya Lily!” he shouted as he ran out.

“Lily, I’m sorry about that…” James rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Yeah, I well, I’ll go now.”


“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I really wanted him to say something but he just nodded and rubbed his neck some more.

I sighed. “James you’re an idiot.”

“Wha…?” He snapped his head up to look at me saw my smile and trailed off confused. “What do you mean?”

“Oh nothing.” I giggled. I didn’t know why but I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through his hair. “Man how you don’t see this I can’t figure out.” He was so confused so to help I stepped for kissed his check and said, “Goodnight James.” He just stood there wide eyed as I left the room. I took the steps down two at a time laughing even though my heart was soaring.

I kissed his cheek again.

Merlin he had a soft cheek.


Follow me on instagram @persassies 😏

Important author note:

Also, if you didn't read the AN at the beginning or chapter 10 because it is important about this story. Thank you.

Dedication goes to commenter.




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