Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomli...

By autumn1324

319K 6.4K 1.7K

I apologize ahead of time for any cringiness, I wrote this when I was 14. Alyssa Hansel. Your everyday good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Important Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (part 1)
Chapter 57 (part 2)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
New Story
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
New Fanfic

Chapter 15

5.6K 107 7
By autumn1324

*Alyssa's P.O.V.
"KENNA WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I screamed as I saw the scene before me. "Kenna! Are you okay?" Louis yelled running towards her and kneeling in front of her. Kenna was laying on the ground, sobbing, with razor blades surrounding her. There was blood dropping on her wrist. She nodded carefully, while replying. "I'm f-fine. I'm so sorry guys." She sobbed harder. I knelt down next to Louis and her. I watched as he carefully pulled her into his lap, and I ran my fingers through her soft hair.

"Kenna why did you do it?" I ask squeezing her hand letting her know everything was going to be alright. "You and Lou were f-fighting.. I felt to blame.."

"Why would you feel that way? It was our faults... maybe if Aly would've listened.." Louis says looking at me."Don't start with me right now. Just focus on Kenna. we can focus on us later." I say glaring at him to knock it off.

"Sorry. Anyways, Kenna why did you feel that way..?" He says rubbing her back as she sobs in his arms. "I don't know just.. when you brother and best friend are fighting.. it's hard to be put through that.."

"Kenna! I'm so sorry.. T-this is m-my fault" I stutter biting my lip to keep me from crying. "No babe, it's not your fault." Lou says grabbing my hand real quick. "Kenna, you can't be doing this. if we hadn't come in, you could've died! How could I survive without you! And the girls!"

"Lou.. but Kenna he's right. I couldn't live without you by my side. I love you Kenna, and this." I say as I point to her wrist. "isn't going to help you. It causes more pain. I promise you." I say playing with her hair to calm her down.

"She's right. I promise. This doesn't help! And it never will! No matter how much you do it, or how long you stop. These scars will always be with you. forever. Even if the physical ones fade, the mental scars are still there." I hear Louis say gripping her shoulders.

"Aly, how do you know that? You talk like you've been in that situation before." I sigh. "I have been. Two years ago." I stand up lifting the bottom of my shirt revealing the scars on my hip.

"I did it for 2 years. My friends all took advantage of me being rich and I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like they were only there for the money. Then it got better when I got new friends, my life was happier. I had real friends, and then I moved here." I say. This isn't the way I wanted to tell them but I guess it's now or never.

"Baby girl, why didn't you tell me?" Louis says rubbing my back with his free hand. Sure we may not be on good terms, but he was still being a caring boyfriend. "It wasn't important and I thought it would change y-your opinion of m-me" I say stuttering the words.

"Why would it? I've done it too." He lifts his wrist showing it to me. You could barely see them, because they were covered with tattoos, but you could see them. "LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON! I can't believe you didn't tell me!" Her voice cracks. "We tell each other everything!"

"I'm sorry, I just. I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want to be a bad influence to you and the girls. I had no other option." He says with softness in his voice. "Why'd you do it?" I say getting a wet towel ready to clean Kenna's cuts.

"I really don't want to talk about it, Kenna knows what happened." I nod. "I stopped the same time as you, when I started drugs." My eyes widen in shock, before going back to normal. "Do you still do drugs?" I ask Louis. "Can we talk about this another time?" He asks.

"Guys I'm sorry." Kenna speaks up interrupting our "couple" talk. Louis smiles. "Don't worry baby. Just please don't do it again okay?" He begs kissing her forehead. I must say I am jealous of their closeness. My older brothers and did nothing but fight.

"Yes, no more cuts please!?" I say as Lou finishes wiping the blood and kisses each individual cut. "I promise. I was stupid I'm sorry."

"Let's go before the girls get worried. Aly, can you wrap her arm so the girls don't see? Just tell them you fell or something. And met me in my room when your done." He says getting up. I nod and tell her to come her so I can bandage up her wounds. "Alright, I'm going to your brothers room, so we can discuss earlier alright?" She nods, and I walk out into his room.

He was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone until he saw me. "Aly. I promise you I didn't kiss her." He say standing up and walking over to me.

"Well could you explain to me what actually happened because it looks different from where I'm standing." I sigh. "I'm done arguing I just want the truth right now."

"Finally!" He says and I smack his arm. "OW!" He says rubbing his arm."How did that hurt?" I say giggling.

"Okay what happened was, I was at your locker waiting for you, like a good boyfriend. Then Camryn came over, and I'm not going to lie, she was looking kinda hot. Besides that, she came over saying she needed to talk to me. I agreed to talk to her and she started being really flirty and seductive then the minute you walk the corner she kissed me. When you ran off I pushed her of me. I did not kiss her. It was shock to me, then I realize what was going on and I pushed her off me." He finished. "And this is all exactly 100% true?" I asked giving him the eye. "Yes yes it is. Just please forgive me." He says grabbing my hands and kissing my knuckles. I shrug. "I don't see a reason why I shouldn't. I'm really sorry Lou I didn't know I just over reacted." I said giving him a hug and wanting to stay like that forever. In his arms, where I feel safe. He kissed the top of my he and said, "It's fine baby girl, I probably would've done the same." I hid my head in his neck as he said that.

"Aw, do you like when I call you that baby girl?" I was smiling in his neck now. "Love look at me." I shake my head. He gently lifts my head so I'm looking at him. "Aw, your blushing." He said kissing my nose. "You're so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?" He whispers so his breath is blowing on my lips causing shivers to go down my back. "Just kiss me already." He smiles and kisses me. It was quick, but nothing like our other kisses. "You don't even know the things you do to me Aly." He says making me smile. "Thank you Louis! But I'm not beautiful." He scuffs. "Please, you are the most beautiful girl I ever dated or even hooked up with for a week." A smile comes across my lips as he says that.

*Louis' P.O.V.
I'm actually really shocked that my sister did that to herself. Even my beautiful girlfriend. I'm really happy that we made up. I don't think I would be able to stand another minute of her hating my guts.

"You're so beautiful, how did I get so lucky?" I whispers so my breath is blowing on her lips. "Just kiss me already." I smile and kiss her. It was quick, but nothing like our other kisses. "You don't even know the things you do to me Aly." I say making her smile. "Thank you Louis! But I'm not beautiful." I scuffed. "Please, you are the most beautiful girl I ever dated or even hooked up with for a week." A smile comes across her lips as i say that.

When I'm around I feel something I haven't felt in 3 years. I'm not sure what it is, but I kinda like the affect she has on me.

A/N: So I had this chapter finished Monday, but I needed my friends help on a part of it and she wrote it, SOO chapter 15 is finally here!

Let me know who it is, I do apologize if you don't like it, but I love this chapter.

Until next time my penguins

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