Try Again (Jelena FanFiction)...

By fxckedneverland

14.2K 228 30

Justin and Selena have history, history that cannot be forgotten. But with Justin wanting to be friends, and... More

Prologue - Lets Rewind
Chapter One - "It's Justin."
Chapter Two - "Can I hear it?"
Chapter Three - "Why not give him another chance?"
Chapter Four - "On a scale of 1-10 how bad?"
Chapter Five - "I'll show you something funny."
Chapter Six - "What are you smirking about?"
Chapter Eight - "-you're my boyfriend."
Chapter Nine - "Whats there to figure out?"
Chapter Ten - "-everything got so heavy.."
Chapter Eleven - "-be a cool mommy and daddy."
Chapter Twelve - "Are you kidding?"

Chapter Seven - "and they told me I don't need to worry."

761 11 4
By fxckedneverland

song OF THE chapter

Better Together - Fifth Harmony

Love is Overated - Shwayze

(I listened to these while writing. They have no relation to the chapter. lol)


(Monday, September 16th - 13 days/two weeks til the Billboard Awards)

Selena's P.O.V

I got up from the seat I've been in all day, when I stood up my butt felt numb and I was woddling like a penguin.

After me and Harry talked earlier and was told that he was, um, gay, I decided on spending the rest of my day in my home theatre switching between playing video games and watching television. I could've went on for the rest of the day if I didn't let curiosity get the best of me while in the midst of a mission on Gears of War.

I limped my way out of the home theatre- my but still numb and into the kitchen, where I saw Justin making god knows what. Come to think of it, why is he always in my house? That's probably a good thing to ask out loud, I thought bitterly to myself. I shook my head.

"Why are you always in my house when I come out of a room?" I asked Justin.

Justin jumped in surprise and turned around, a hand on his chest. "Don't do that." he breathed out a chuckle.

"Sorry, I didn't realize I had to be a ninja in my own home." I sat down on one of the stools near the counter.

"Oh." he flushed. "I'm sorry, Taylor just invites me over, but would you accept my apology by taking these?" he bowed his head down and held up a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

I giggled as I took the place and set it on the counter. "Thanks." I grinned, "Apology accepted." I grabbed a cookie and split it in half.

Justin took the other half and grinned, nodding.

"Listen, let's do something today, no distractions," I paused, "No Harry, no Taylor." I grinned. I nudged him with my elbow, "Just you and me today."

I waited for Justin to respond while I chewed on my half of the cookie. He pondered for a second or two before nodding his head, agreeing.

"Alright, sounds like fun. Don't think Taylor wanted to do anything today." he shrugged.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to upset Taylor now, would we?" I mumbled, pursing my lips.

Why did everything we talk about now always come down to Taylor. Will Taylor be okay with this? Would Taylor be alright if blah blah blah. I don't get it. This isn't what best friends do. I would know.

Justin was waving his hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention. "Hey, Selena!"

I shook my head and looked at him, properly.

"What's up with you recently? You've just been out of it." he chuckled.

"Nothing, it's just been a bit weird around here recently." I said.

"Alright, cool." Justin paused, "well then let's go." he pulled me off the stool and towards the door.

"Justin what are you doing?" I smiled.

He was still holding onto my wrist, gently, while he grabbed the keys on the little wooden table by the door.

"Justin seriously! Where are we going, I'm still in my pyjamas and you don't even have a shirt on!" I proclaimed.

Justin just shrugged and continued to pull me towards my car. He opened the passenger door and waited for me to get in before he shut the car door and ran to the driver's side.

"Alright, since you decided to do a surprise drive ride, I should get at least be somewhat appealing."

I reached across Justin, despite the tense feeling he got, and pulled out my makeup bag from the compartment on the side of the door. I zipped open the bag and reached for my concealer but Justin pulled over and gently placed his hand on top of mine, stopping me from pulling it out.

"No makeup Selena. I said we are going all natural, show the paps we are human, not just their puppets." Justin held his grip on my hand.

"Not even a little mascara?" I asked, scrunching my shoulders up.

"Not a smidge." he chuckled.

"Fine." I said.

I dropped the mascara tube back in my makeup bag and zipped it up. I smiled at Justin while I threw the makeup bag in the backseat. It was quiet and Justin was about to start driving again when I unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped up.

"I need that makeup." I exclaimed.

I heard Justin unbuckle his belt and then I felt his hands tug on my waist.

"Selena, no!" Justin yelled.

"I need it!" I yelled back.

I kept thrashing my arms around, trying to escape the grip Justin had on my waist. I stretched out my hand, almost reaching the makeup bag.

"You don't need it!" Justin shouted, he pulled on my hips again.

"Yes. I. Do." I said, in between grunts.

My middle finger slightly grazed the plastic of the makeup bag and I twiddled it. The makeup bag moved a little bit further. I tried stretching my hand out more, but Justin kept shortening it by pulling me back a bit. The pad of my middle finger touched the makeup bag and I tried rolling the makeup bag. Mission accomplished, because the rest of my fingers were now holding the bag and I finally got.

I sat back in the front, reaching for the zipper of the makeup bag. Just then Justin pulled off the side of the road and started driving again.

Gave up that easily? I laughed to myself.

Just then Justin ripped the makeup bag out of my hand and threw it out the window. I gasped and looked in the mirror on the side, watching the bag while we moved further and further away from it. I turned to look at Justin, my mouth hanging open.

"Justin!" I slapped his arm.

"What? I had to get the makeup away from you somehow - you weren't just going to give it to me." he said, using hand gestures.

I slumped in my seat and sighed. But then I realised that I had got the mascara out of the bag before he threw it out. I smirked and twiddled it in my fingers.

"Ha ha," I taunted, "I still have the masca-"

Before I could react Justin quickly averted his eyes from the road and grabbed the mascara tube. He rolled down the window once again and threw it out.

"Whaa." I exclaimed.

I slumped my shoulders and jutted my bottom lip out.

"Selena - if you really needed that, you wouldn't have gotten so many good reviews on that photoshoot you did with no makeup." he said.

He was actually paying attention to me? Even though we were broken up? Wait - we, I mean are. Are broken up.

"Okay." I said, giving in, "But you're getting me a new makeup bag with new makeup in it." I pointed my finger at him.

"Deal." Justin said, smiling at me.

Justin was still smiling at me when I heard the sound of a car beeping. I turned to look at the front and gasped.

"Justin! Keep your eyes on the road!" I exclaimed, pointing to a car that we almost drove into.

Justin stopped the car once again and quickly turned to me.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" He rambled.

I shut my eyes and laughed, throwing my head back. Justin looked at me with confusion flooding his face.

"I-I'm fine." I said, my laugh slowing down to a giggle.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked.

"I don't think you should be asking if I'm alright," I said.

Justin still stared at me, in confusion. This is really killing my giggle.

"You're not wearing your seatbelt." I said.

Realisation settled in and Justin looked down at his torso.

"My bad." He said, raising his head to look at me.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"To be fair, you're not wearing yours either." He pointed to me chest, where no seatbelt was found.

I flushed and just thought how Justin was even looking there. He seemed to notice too because he then blushed and tried not to smile.

"Um- let's go." He said.

I reached my arm back and pulled my seatbelt down and across my body. I waited til I heard a click when I settled back into my seat. Justin did the same thing and started the car up, pulling it back onto the road once again. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, which made Justin shift in his seat.

"How's the music coming?" I asked.

"It's okay. I don't really know what to write about anymore, seeming as you left for a bit," he paused, "but, something'll come up soon." He said.

I shrunk in my seat a little. Just knowing that I'm the reason that he stopped writing music for a while is heartbreaking. I mean, it's not easy hearing your ex say that he stopped making music because he was too busy trying to mend his broken heart, which I caused.

"It's not your fault." he said, as if he could hear my thoughts.

I just nodded and picked at my nails.

"So you should stop blaming yourself." He said, smiling.

I let out a breathless chuckle, "Even after months of being apart, you still can read me like a book." I said, wiping a small tear in the corner of my eye.

God, I'm being a wimp.

"Listen, I know that everything has been hard on you and all, but I'm serious. Stop blaming yourself for everything that happened. It was my fault, if I hadn't acted the way I did, we wouldn't have broken up." he said, still keeping his gaze on the road ahead.

I sniffled and grabbed a big clip in the dashboard compartment and twisted my hair into a bun.

"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't stop writing music completely." He said.

I turned to look at him, confusion running in my face.

"I made a couple songs, but don't get excited. Most of them aren't finished." He said.

I clapped my hands excitedly anyway. I loved hearing new music, Justin's new music to be specific.

"Can we go listen to it?" I asked.

"Right now?" He raised one of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, I mean- we were just going to go get useless coffee anyways, right?" I said.

"Okay." He said.

He turned into some random driveway and backed out of it again, only going the other way. Considering u's weren't allowed around this area. I couldn't help stopping the smile on my face, I was just excited to hear it. I'm also nervous too. It could be good music about anything, or it could be good music about his heartbreak over me. Both of which I'm sure will happen.

Justin kept glancing at me, switching from the road to me. I decided that it would probably be best if Justin put a shirt on. People like to start rumours about anything. I reached into the back seat, hoping to find a sweater, shirt, anything to cover him up. Unfortunately for him, the only thing I found was an old Victoria's Secret sweater I bought a couple months ago.

I stiffled a laugh and looked back at Justin. He raised his eyebrow at me and frowned.

"What are you laughing at back there?" Justin asked.

"Nothing." I simply said.

I quickly scrunched the sweater in my hand and sat forward in my seat again. I had a smirk on my face and I could tell by Justin's slight shifts that he was getting nervous.

"So people are going to start talking if you walk out of here with no shirt on." I said, still looking forward.

"Then let them." Was all Justin said.

"Here." I said.

Conveniently, we arrived at the studio and he parked the car. He unbuckled his seatbelt and turned towards me. Once he saw the purple on the sweater, he started violently shaking his head.

"No, no, no, nope, nope. No way." He said, all in one breath.

"You have to. If you get out of this car, there's going to be way worse rumours than there already is about us." I said, pushing the sweater in my hand towards him.

"How do you know?" He asked, smirking and raising his eyebrow.

"I- uh," I stammered, "I-it doesn't matter. What matters is that you put this on before anyone can see." I said, shaking the sweater in my hand.

He huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He sighed.

He snatched the sweater out of my hand and rolled it out. The fabric was a soft purple fabric, making it look a little shiny. On the back it had black sequins in the shape of two angel wings. Justin put his arms through the armholes and zipped it up. The front was a little bit messed up, considering Justin was way more built than I am. The words that once formed "Victoria's Secret." on the front, were now stretched and barely readable, due to his abs and pecks.

I covered my mouth with my hand and giggled.

"Let's just go." Justin huffed.

I let out a little laugh before unbuckling my seatbelt and opening my door. There were only a few paparazzi, the usual, some hiding in a bush, others farther on the road. As the clicking and snapping of their cameras went, me and Justin walked into the studio. I walked in first and Justin following after.

I was greeted by the familiar red painted walls of the hallway, the walls being covered by record deals and labels of the many artists that worked at Island Records. Bon Jovi, Hedley, John Newman, Queen, Snow Patrol, Stevie Wonder, Robbie Williams. This is amazing. I walked further down the familiar hallways and stopped at the wooden door with the clear glass window and the golden plaque with 'Justin Bieber' written on it.

He unlocked the door and we both walked in. Yup. Still the same. The walls were painted a dark purple, almost looking like a black color. The big panel of buttons and do dads was placed in front of the big glass window, showcasing the sound box where you sing. In the middle of the room, there sat a table, speakers in the middle of it and snacks that I'm guessing were replaced with new ones everyday.

"You never changed it." I whispered to him.

"No. It didn't feel right." He said, walking in front of me.

He walked towards the panel of buttons and flipped a couple switches, pressed a couple buttons and then sat down in one of the wheely chairs. He motioned for me to sit down in one and I smiled and sat down in the one across from him.

I took this opportunity and took out my phone, I quickly opened instagram and clicked on the little camera at the bottom of the screen. I took off my shoes and lifted them up and into Justin's lap. I told Justin to smile and he flashed his smile, showing a little bit of his gums. I smiled and snapped the picture. I decided to put hashtags as a caption.

"#studio #relaxing @justinbieber"

"You know there's going to be a lot of drama now, right?" Justin said.

I just shrugged and looked through the glass and saw the microphone and headphones set up.

"So can I hear it?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"Sure." He said.

Without hesitation, Justin reached over and pressed a little button and the starting of the song played. The sound of an electric acoustic guitar was being played and then Justin's voice boomed through the speakers on the table beside us.

"Girl you don't know how I feel. Since you've been away, oh baby.

Any chance that you could take my call, If I got you today, oh.

Gir you say that you don't wanna talk, but it's cool.

I've been thinking 'bout you all day long, hoping you'll pick up the phone.

Girl I know, that I don't wanna lose your love, oh baby"

"Oh girl, I got a secret place that we could go. Cause I really wanna be alone.

And baby nobody else gotta' know. Just meet me later on the low.

Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker. Cause girl my hearts breakin'.

Don't tell me you're my heartbreaker. Cause girl my hearts breakin'."

The song continued, going through the second verse and chorus, then the last verse, the hook and then the ending of the song. To be honest, I love it. But the lyrics were so intimate, so, heartbreaking.

"So.." He paused, "How is it?" He asked.

I took in a deep breath and then let it go, and smiled.

"It's really, really good Justin." I said.

I let my feet down and stood up to hug him. He hugged back and I let go, sitting back down in the chair.

"Really?" Justin asked, unsure of himself.

"Yes, it's amazing. Release it! Everyone'll love it!" I exclaimed.

"You think?" He asked.

"Yes Justin! Stop being so unsure, you're amazing and this song will sell. Your fans are going to love it." I ensured him.

"I guess i'll talk to Scooter about it." He said.

"Anything else?" I asked.

"Well..." He said, still unsure.

"Come on! I showed you a whole album of songs!" I said.

"Yeah but that's different. You knew everyone was going to hear it and it's your album." He said.

"True." I said, "But I mean," I stammered, trying to find a reason, "Just come on! Show me, please?" I said, dragging out the word 'please'.

"Fine, okay." He chuckled.

He switched a couple more bottons and pressed something. Suddenly, a nice slow beat came on. A piano actually. It had such a pretty tone to it. We were now at the chorus of the song.

"-and miss the down,

life is worth living, oh oh oh.

life is worth livin-ng, so live another day."

I found myself swaying to the song, the flow of the lyrics that I imagine coming out of Justins' mouth and into the microphone. I heard the sound of a click and the music stopped playing. I snapped open my eyes and looked at Justin in confusion.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's not finished." He said.


"I told you I had some that weren't finished." He said.

"That's okay." I leaned back in the chair.

If only he could somehow get everybody talking until he can finish this song. There's no doubt that this song would definitly sell and break the charts, but with the articles and things being said about him right now, I don't think anyone wants anything to do with him.


"Oh my god." I mumbled.

"What?" Justin asked.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, jumping out of the chair.

"Will you stop 'oh my god' ing and tell me what's going on?" He chuckled.

"I have an idea." I said.

"Okay?" He said, gesturing for me to continue.

"Why don't you release a song, every week for a while, until you can finish this song. That way, people will start talking and get pumped every week for a new song from you!" I said.

"I don't know." Justin said, turning his back towards me.

"Come on. I know that you're in a really bad state right now and on bad terms with the world, but I know once they hear your new songs, they will love you." I said, going in front of him.

"It won't work. Everybody hates me." Justin muttered.

I took his face in my hands.

"Look at me." I ordered.

His hazel-brown eyes scattered a little before making their way to mine.

"Everybody does not hate you. I certainly don't, and your fans don't." I said, "Think about your fans. They've probably been waiting and I know that if somebody wants to say something, they will kick their asses with their violent words." I said, chuckling at the last part.

"And plus, I can help you. Apparently you being around me means good things." I said, smiling.

Justin smiled and looked down. He trailed his eyes back up to mine and somehow in a flash second he seemed way taller than me.

"Thanks." He whispered.

"For what?" I asked.

"Fixing me." He said.

I felt my heart stop and my stomach flutter. Just hearing those words come out of his mouth made me want to sink through the ground and send myself to hell. It was also a relief hearing that. I was the one who broke Justin in the first place, and to hear him say that I fixed him over these past few days warms my heart.

"It's no biggie." I spoke softly, chuckling.

Justin laughed a little and placed his hands on top of mine. I felt my hands get weak and I felt as if they were going to melt. I felt myself leaning in towards his face, my breath hitching ever milisecond.

"Do you wanna sing something?" He asked, breaking the moment.

He dropped my hands and walked over to the panel, adjusting things. He turned back to me and raised his eyebrows, still waiting for an answer.

"Oh!" I said, "Sure. I actually wanted to show you something." I lied.

I pulled out my phone and clicked on the istrument app I had on my phone. I know it's silly to make music on an app, but this app is specially made for me. As in, no one can find it because I had a friend who is good with tech and electronic stuff, so I had him make this app for me.

I plugged my phone into a cord which I hoped and assumed was to the panel. I adjusted the little sliding buttons and pressed a few. It was kind of difficult, considering me and Justin work at different studios. I walked into the booth and grabbed the headphones first, putting the headphones over my ears, making everything seem isolated and far away.

"Just tell me when to press play." Justin's voice transmitted through the headphones.

I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

The sound of a guitar played and a little bit of picking, and then I started singing.

"Three little birds sat on my window,

and they told me I don't need to worry,"

The music went on and I looked at Justin. He was smiling. Then it clicked. Something clicked. Just seeing Justin sitting there, smiling. Like he always used to. It wasn't a forced smlie, or one he just used for a few seconds. It was one where he was genuinly smiling and that he's still the same person I met two years ago.

I took the headphones off my head and rushed out of the door and back into the studio where Justin was. I saw him stand up from his chair and raise his hands in question. I just smiled.

"What are you doin-"

I didn't let him finish because in that moment, I threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips against his. His lips weren't moving first, due to shock, but then in a few seconds he started moving them against mine. His plump lips pushed against mine, almost in a passionate way. Every kiss we share, it seems like we are both in a bubble... an uncrushable, unpopable, bubble. We both slowed down the kiss and then he latched his teeth on my bottom lip before letting it go and pecking my lips one last time.

I opened my eyes and saw Justin still had his eyes closed, as if this was a dream he didn't want to wake up from. He then peeled open his eyes and I saw those irresistable hazel brown eyes staring at me. I smiled lightly before pulling him into a hug.

"I love you. I never stopped." I whispered.

"I love you too." He said.

I felt his breath tickle my neck, he then placed a soft kiss on my shoulder. His arms were wrapped securely on my waist, keeping me close and his face was nuzzled in my neck. My arms were still around his neck and my chin was on his shoulder.

"We should come to the studio more often." Justin said, chuckling.

I let out a big laugh. Maybe getting back together with Justin wasn't such a bad thing.


Hello my loves!! Listen, you guys have no idea how much I missed writing this story. It's just I have literally been so busy and school and moving, it's just been a hassle. But hey, I'M BACK. And I will keep straight and organized and just be on the dot.

Now, I don't want to be an ass, but keep voting for new chapters! Sooooooooooooooo, what'd you guys think of the chapter?? Huh?? *wink wink* *twiddles imaginary mustache in between fingers* So, eh, Jelena has a little smoochy smoochy in this chapter >:3 I AM SO HAPPY THAT THEY KISSED. LIKE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND A RIGHT TIME TO SNEAK IN A KISS BUT IDK IM DUMB.

Also, one more thing. Both their 'new music' is on their instagrams if you haven't heard already. Selena's is from about a week ago and it's on a video on her instagram. Justin's is called 'Life is worth living', and LAWD. IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THIS, GO ON HIS INSTAGRAM RIGHT NOW AND HE HAS A VIDEO OF SOME OF THE AUDIO ON THERE. OMFG. MY FEELS RN.

Also, also, yes I said also two times, I was going to tell you guys about the ship this chapter but I forgot and I kinda wanted this chapter to be Justin and Selena only, since it's a Jelena fanfiction, not a Taylor, Harry, *unknown name you cannot see yet*, Selena, and Justin fanfic. Seriously though, I will let you guys know about Harry and a special someone in the next few chapters. In the meantime, keep voting! Thanks I love you guys soooooooooooooooo much.


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