But You Already Know That (Bi...

By DeathToLurkers

81K 2.7K 1.6K

I never really published one of my billdip stories... Idk why I just didn't. So here. Take it. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chatper 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Or what would have been)

Chapter 3

3.7K 117 180
By DeathToLurkers

Dipper's POV

"Dip dot? What's up you said you had something important to say?" Mabel says waiting for me in my apartment. I take off my jacket and shoes then start to pace in a circle.

"Okay, Mabel. Bill IS back! I swear to god I'm telling the truth! He called me PineTree, he literally introduced himself as Bill Cipher and he teleported me and he said he's been looking for me for YEARS!" I say quickly, running my hands through my hair.

Mabel's eyes dull a bit. "Dipper-" She starts, slowly getting up. "No Mabel I'm not imagining things! I know I've been paranoid since gravity falls but I swear to god I'm telling the truth!" I say raising my voice.

"Dipper-" She whispers putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm not lying! Don't you believe me Mabel?!" I ask angrily.

"DIPPER!" She yells, I keep quiet. "We both know you have been quick to act and judge people, I'm pretty certain you just had another... Imagining thing. Besides, Bill can't leave gravity falls remember? Come on bro... We said we would try and be normal this year." Mabel pleads.

"What happened to you?" I whisper, she gives me a confused look. "You used to trust me... You used to get excited if I even mentioned adventure. But now you want to so badly to be... Normal." I push her hand off me.
"Fine. You don't have to believe me. But come to my work tomorrow and I'll prove it." I say confidently, I stride to my room and fall onto my mattress.

Please believe me Mabel.


Mabel yawns and stretches her hands behind her back. "I can't believe how early you have to go to work! I can barely move at eleven..." She mumbles rubbing her eyes.

"Nine is a pretty good work time in my opinion. But sure Mabes, come on let's go inside." I say grabbing her hand and leading her inside.

Our manager leans on the counter with a blue rag in her hand, probably for cleaning.

"Hi dipper. You shot out of work yesterday, I got worried, Bill said you weren't feeling well. You better now?" She asks a kind smile on her face.

"Yes I am. Is Bill here?" I ask, I can see Mabel's surprised face in the corner of my eye.

"Sure is. In the back. He said you should see him when you get here, oh and hey Mabel long time no see." She greets, waving slightly.

"Yeah true that! We need to catch up at some point Katy!" She says as I drag her into the back room.

I take a deep breath as we enter, Bill sits on a pile of books staring directly at me.

"See Mabel? What did I say!" I whisper gesturing to Bill.

"He just looks like a normal guy in yellow Dipper!" Mabel says glaring at me.

"Oh yeah, and he is a normal guy with the name of BILL CIPHER!" I growl raising my voice more.

"Aww did Shooting Star not believe you PineTree? Now that is sad. I thought you two were close~" Bill says smiling a sickly sweet smile.

"S-Shooting Star?" Mabel stutters getting behind me. "Holy shit Dipper! It is him!" She whispers.

"That's what I said!" I growl.

"Anyway you two, stop your bickering I'm here for PineTree after all." Bill says getting up and approaching us.

Mabel suddenly pulls out her grappling hook from under her sweater. "Stay back! I will shoot you... You dorito!" She says glaring.

"You still have that?" I ask quietly.

"Never leave the house without it."

"Oh please, you think that's going to stop me? PineTree how about we make a deal?" Bill asks sticking out a hand.

"W-What?! Hell no! I'd never make a deal with you!" I shout, pushing Mabel further behind my back. "What do you want with me anyways?!"

Bill smirks. "You're smart. I need a home. Right now I'm sick of acting like a homeless person. And you are the only person that would be willing to put up with me." He explains.

"We'll go buy a house then!" I yell angrily. "Pfft! What? No! I want to room with you silly!" He chirps. My eyes widen.

"What?! NO! WHY?!" I shout.

"Don't question a demons intentions. I want to is all. Let me stay with you and I won't do anything to harm anyone as long as I live." He crosses his arms coldly.

"We both know you won't stick to that Cipher!" I spit, Mabel suddenly shoots her grappling hook at him. He catches it in his hand an inch away from his face.

"What do you want me to add your sister into the deal? I'm saying that I will never hurt anyone intentionally for the rest of my life JUST so I can stay in your apartment." Bill says growling.

"No no! Don't add Mabel into this! " I say quickly, "Wait... How do you know I live in an apartment?!" I ask.

"I know where you live PineTree."

Mabel starts to back away. "Have you told Ford about this?" She asks quietly.

"Yeah... What do I do, I don't want to be tricked again!" I whisper.

"Do it. I don't wanna get involved." She says calmly. I pause.

"S-So you don't care if I get hurt during this... You just don't want to get involved in the deal." I whisper, staring at her in shock.

"I mean, he said he wouldn't hurt anyone so you won't get hurt I guess." She says shrugging.

"You... Mabel think of how many times he has tricked us and double crossed us!!" I whisper yell.

"Yeah but, I don't think anyone else should get involved in this deal, this is your problem now Dip dot." She says rolling her eyes.

Out of no where Bill shoots forward and pins Mabel against the wall. "WHAT KIND OF SISTER ARE YOU?!" He yells, his eyes red. "YOU ARE NOT THE SHOOTING STAR I KNOW!" He shouts.

"B-Bill I'll do the deal! I'll do the deal! Don't hurt her please!" I chime in, he steps back, still glaring at her. He holds out his hand for me to shake, it goes a brilliant blue as flames twist around it.

"Deal." He says, I nod and step back. "I-I'm going to take the day off." I say walking to talk with the manager. "Oh me too!" Bill squeals chasing after me.

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