Old Stories Told New Ways: An...

By lukesseislove

14K 422 751

There SO aren't enough Aiden X Reader books on WattPad. So, I decided to make one myself! :3 *~*~*~* Jesse an... More

(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. Chapter Two .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)
(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. Chapter Three .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)
(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. Chapter Four .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)
(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. Chapter Five .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)
(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. Chapter Six .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸-Chapter Seven-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸-Chapter Eight-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸-Chapter Nine-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸-Chapter Ten-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸-Chapter Eleven-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸
,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸-Chapter Twelve-,.-~*'¨¯¨'*.~-.¸
»-(¯'·.·'¯)->Chapter Thirteen<-(¯'·.·'¯)-«
»-(¯'·.·'¯)->Chapter Fourteen<-(¯'·.·'¯)-«
»-(¯'·.·'¯)->Chapter Fifteen<-(¯'·.·'¯)-«
»-(¯'·.·'¯)->Chapter Sixteen<-(¯'·.·'¯)-«
»-(¯'·.·'¯)->Chapter Seventeen<-(¯'·.·'¯)-«
»-(¯'·.·'¯)->Chapter Eighteen<-(¯'·.·'¯)-«
▂▃▄▅▆▇Chapter Nineteen▇▆▅▄▃▂
▂▃▄▅▆▇Chapter Twenty▇▆▅▄▃▂
▂▃▄▅▆▇Chapter Twenty-One▇▆▅▄▃▂
▂▃▄▅▆▇Chapter Twenty-Two▇▆▅▄▃▂
▂▃▄▅▆▇Chapter Twenty-Three▇▆▅▄▃▂
▂▃▄▅▆▇Chapter Twenty-Four▇▆▅▄▃▂
Author's Note
Sequel! ❤️

(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. Chapter One .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)

1.9K 39 48
By lukesseislove

(Y/N)'s POV
Everything is mostly a blur. I can't really see much, only I know I'm sitting on a couch, presumably in the living room. I can only see one person; Aiden. Why? I have no idea. But it's true. He leans in. I do, too, but it seems like my body has no choice. Before I know what's happening, we're kissing. I don't hate it, not that I can really feel any emotions at the moment. All of a sudden, everything goes black.

I jerk myself up. My eyes are only slitted open and my eyebrows are scrunched. It's bright, and I can't see much. Fish, who is sleeping on my bed, instantly wakes up and stares at me.

Fish is our pet cat. Ever since I joined the Ocelots, he has been our mascot. He was my cat before, but now we all share ownership. Fish is a really sweet cat. He cares about everyone and protects us, especially me. So far, he has really taken a liking to Aiden, although I can't figure out why.

That reminds me. What a strange dream. I scratch my head and then smooth my hair down. I can feel that it's a mess. I lie back down. After a few minutes, my eyes have adjusted, and I decide to get up. I stumble downstairs. Fish follows me.

I can already see the other Ocelots at the table in the kitchen. Sometimes, I forget I live with them, but I don't know why or how considering the majority of the time they are quite obnoxious.

"Hey, you finally decided to get up," Aiden remarks smugly. Fish runs over to him and starts rubbing his head on his legs. Aiden bends down to pick him up and strokes him, occasionally scratching his ears.

I just give a weak half-smile and go into the cupboard to grab a bowl and some cereal.

"And you're still in your pajamas," he adds.

I glare at him as I place my breakfast on the table.

"Not talkative this morning?" I guess it was Lukas's turn to tease me. That's all they really ever did, but I was okay with it. They never really said anything hurtful. Just a few playful jokes.

"I'm just tired," I reply, rubbing my thumb on my closed eyelid.

"Well, you better wake up before we have to head out to Endercon," he tells me.

I'm about to bring a spoonful to my mouth when he says this. Shoot! I forgot that was today. I freeze for a moment to think.

"(Y/N)?" Maya jerks me back from my thoughts.

"Sorry, I got lost in thought," I say awkwardly.

Aiden chuckles. I glare at him again. This just makes him laugh even more. I roll my eyes.

I finish my cereal, mostly without ridicule, with a few jokes from the others here and there.

"Well, everyone, we should get ready," Lukas orders us while putting on his leather jacket.

I go back upstairs and grab my clothes. I think I probably have the cutest clothes of all of them. I open my closet and take out a black lace crop top, a spaghetti strap fitted tank top, and a floral yellow and white skirt with black details and trim. I also grab some black socks and black leggings. I jog downstairs and into the bathroom, where I close and lock the door. I quickly undress and take a brisk shower. The bathroom still smells of shampoo and conditioner from when the others took their showers, which makes me gag. I can't stand the lingering smell of the mix.

As I am taking my shower, I somehow manage to get shampoo in my eyes, like I always do. Of course, to make matters worse, I use dry shampoo because it makes my hair less greasy, and dry shampoo stings like heck when you get it in your eyes. I rinse off my eye and dry it with a towel that I had draped over the shower curtain {just a tip from me to you, if you have a bigger shower, put your towel over the curtain. It really helps if you get soap in your eyes}.

After that happened, I rinse out the soap, letting the suds and water run down my back. I then slather my hair with conditioner and comb through it with my fingers to work all the knots out. I continue to do so as I rinse.

After I get out of the shower, I briefly dry my hair and body off. I quickly get dressed, grab the comb, and walk out. I sit on the couch as I comb my hair out. After I'm done, I make sure everyone else has brushed their teeth, and go in to brush mine.

I despise the taste of toothpaste, so I only put small amounts on my toothbrush. I stick it into my mouth and wince as the disgusting toothpaste that hasn't turned to the foamy substance from my brushing touches my tongue. Sometimes I get lucky and we have whitening toothpaste, which I actually like—despite the fact that most people can stand it. I lay my toothbrush on the counter, lean down, hold my hair back, and spit into the sink. As I pick my head up, I see Aiden in the mirror, nearly causing me to fall backward.

"Aiden!" I yell at him, dumbfounded. "Holy— What are you doing in here? Why did you come in here? What if I had been going to the bathroom?" I bombard him with questions.

"The door was open, doofus." He rolls his eyes at me.

"Oh." I see myself blushing awkwardly.

"Weirdo." He ruffles my wet hair. This causes bits of my hair sticking together with water to slap me in the face. He walks out thereafter, hands in pockets.

I glare at the doorway as if I'm glaring at him but there's really no one there. That was . . . weird. And awkward. And embarrassing. And strange. And every other adjective that you can use to describe something weird, awkward, embarrassing, and strange. I shake it off and continue my morning needs. As I am rinsing off my face wash, I hear Lukas call my name. I grab my towel and run out of the bathroom.

"Took you long enough," Aiden scoffs. I teasingly stick my tongue out at him.

I throw the towel on the counter and put on my leather jacket and slip into my black ankle boots, which are unzipped, like always. We head out, Fish following behind us.

Fish is walking right next to me. I stare and the ground and start thinking about lots of things. For starters, I think about what the heck caused that dream I had last night. I mean, Maya does always tease me about him and me, but it's not like I actually have a crush on him. Then I think about what happened in the bathroom with Aiden. I stifle a laugh at our awkward run-in. I then realize that for some reason I was thinking about Aiden a lot. I get lost in thought until I hear Maya talk.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Maya says and I jump back to reality. "Whatcha doing?"

"Oh, just . . . thinking," I reply.

"About whom?" she asks with a sly smile.

"Who?" I ask, trying to cover up the subject of my thoughts. "What makes you think I was thinking about a specific person?"

"Well, it must've been about a boy," she replies smugly.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Or else, why would you be blushing?" she asks.

My eyes widen as a look of shock and embarrassment spreads across my face. I lift a hand to feel my cheeks, and sure enough, my skin is burning.

"I'm not blushing." I try to think of an excuse. "I, uh . . . put on some makeup this morning."

"Ha, well you might want to go easy on it," she laughs before speeding up her walk to catch up with the others.

I glare at her, even though it's no use since her back is turned to me. Shoot, was I really blushing? I was only thinking about Aiden. Why would I blush over him?

I guess I get lost in thought again because the next thing I know I'm face-first into a tree.

"Ow," I say, stumbling back.

"Watch it, lover girl," I hear Maya say from in front of me.

Aiden stays back a bit to help me get back on my feet.

"Hey, for once you're being nice to me," I say.

He just smiles a dorky smile, which makes me laugh.

I notice Maya looking at us. She starts walking backwards and makes a heart shape around us with her hands.

Stop, I mouth to her. She laughs and turns around. Luckily, I can see the Building Competition entrance.

When we get up to it, Lukas signs us in while Aiden, Gill, Maya, and I wait. Then I hear talking behind us. I quickly glance over my shoulder. Shoot! It's Jesse and her friends! I try to pretend like I don't notice them so the others don't, but it makes no difference. Soon enough, Aiden is turning around.

"Hey, look! It's the Order of the Losers!" he says.

"Oh, great, the Fail Squad's here," Maya chimes in.

"Lukas! Get a load of these losers!" Gill laughs.

"Let's go, everyone." I am relieved Lukas says this. I really don't like it when they bully other people. It makes me upset. As I walk in, I give Jesse a look that says, I'm sorry.


We arrive at booth four, the one we are assigned to.

I start digging through the chest one last time to make sure we have all the supplies we need to make our rainbow beacon.

I walk over to a corner of grass, still tired. I sit down and rest my head on my knees as I watch the others unpack. I yawn. I don't realize it until he speaks, but Aiden walks up to me.

"Hey, sleepyhead," he says, which pulls me awake.

"Hey," I reply, picking my head up.

"I don't see how anyone can be tired when you get out of bed at ten thirty."

I laugh. "You can be when you're me."

He chuckles at me before lightly pushing my head into my knees. I smile as he walks away. I have no doubt that I'm blushing, too, after what happened on our way here.

A few minutes later, I see Aiden, Gill, and Maya walking towards Jesse's group. Oh, no. I get up and walk over to them.

"Well, maybe not all of you," I hear him say. "Endercon doesn't allow any outside food or drink," he says, gesturing at Jesse's pig, Reuben. Sure, Aiden acted like a jerk most of the time, but he's never said something like this. I run up and stand in front of him.

"Aiden, please," I look at him with pleading eyes, "leave them alone."

He just stands there for a few seconds staring at me before giving in and sighing. "Okay. Fine," he says.

I smile at him. Jesse looks kind of surprised, I presume because I got Aiden to back down. I politely wave to them as I walk away.

After I walk away, I see Petra walking up to us and Jesse's group.

"Hey, Jesse. Everyone," she says.

"Hey, Petra," Jesse responds.

Lukas walks up to her, and I do too. "Hey, Petra, I forgot to thank you for that Nether star," he says.

"No problem, Lukas."

"You helped these tools?" Jesse's friend, Axel, asks.

"Rude!" I say.

"For the right price, I'll help anyone," Petra answers. "If you need me, you know where to find me." She walks away.

"But none of us know where to find you!" Olivia, Jesse's other friend, calls out.

"Exactly," Petra says as she disappears into the crowd.

"No hard feelings," Lukas says to Jesse and her friends. "And if you're cool with Petra, you're cool with us. So, why don't we just make this about how cool our builds are?"

"May the best team win," Jesse replies.

"Careful what you wish for," Lukas says back.

Our two groups go separate ways. I walk up to Lukas.

"Stop flirting," I say as I lightly elbow him.

Before he can reply, the announcer gets up on stage. "Welcome to the Endercon Building Competition!" she yells. "The winners will not only have their builds featured at this year's Endercon, but will also get to meet, in person, Gabriel the Warrior!" I gasp in excitement. "Building," she starts a countdown, "starts," I think in my head as she says it aloud, "now!"

We all run to start building. First, we build the skeleton. Then, we start doing redstone. I have to have someone guide me through this part—usually Maya; she's really good with it—since I'm terrible with redstone.

I find myself at the top of our machine. I've always been horrified of heights. Shoot. How do I get down? I try not to look, but I do. I step back away from the edge until I meet the opposite edge. My foot lands halfway on the building, halfway off. To make matters worse, I am also wearing heels. They are only an inch high, but they are just enough to make me lose balance and fall. Fortunately, someone happened to be right underneath me. Unfortunately, that someone had to be Aiden. I don't know, is that fortunate or unfortunate? I can't decide.

"Whoa, (Y/N)!" he says as I fall into his arms. "Are you alright?"

"I think I'm fine, just a bit terrified," I reply out of breath.

For the next few seconds, we just stare into each other's eyes. We finally snap back to reality when we hear our names. Aiden quickly puts me down and for the moment I had forgotten he was holding me, to begin with. I just got so . . . mesmerized by his sweet green eyes and adorable brown hair. We stand there awkwardly as Lukas comes around the corner.

"There you two are!" he says. "We need you to help finish the build!"

"Sorry, we got caught up," I say as I turn to leave.

Most of my time is spent watching Aiden work. He's so cute. I never really thought this would happen, but I now realize that I definitely have feelings for Aiden. This whole time, I've thought of him as a brother, but now . . . ?

I then notice Lukas staring at Jesse. I can't help but laugh. I walk over to him. Finally, I could get back at him for teasing me all this time.

"Hey, Lukas," I say, swiftly walking up to him.

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," he replies, breaking his contact with her.

I giggle.

"What's so funny?" he asks me.

"Oh, nothing." I pause. "I've just noticed that you've been staring at Jesse this whole time."

He goes red in the face, but it quickly vanishes. "And I could say the same to you about Aiden, (Y/N)," he says slyly.

I feel my face get hot as Lukas laughs. "Touché," I grumble. I walk back to the patch of grass I was sitting on earlier and sit down. Aiden comes over and kneels next to me.

"Hey," he says. "Why so grumpy?"

"I'm not grumpy!" I defend myself.

"Haha, sure you're not." He nudges me. I lightly elbow him. We keep doing this back and forth to each other until we both start laughing. Without thinking, I lay my head on his shoulder. Once I realize what I did, I instantly regret it. But, to my surprise, he lays his head on mine.

I start seeing fireworks. Literally. Jesse had flipped a switch on her build and fireworks shot out of her enderman. Everyone crowds around to look and Aiden jerks his head up. I pick mine up, and Aiden gets up and walks over to see what's happening.

Aiden's POV
I think I really, really like (Y/N). I always kind of have. . . .

This sweet moment is interrupted by those losers and their build. Fireworks? Really? We have a rainbow beacon! That is way cooler than a lame old fireworks dispenser. I look over to (Y/N). Her eyes are wide and even she's astonished by this stupid machine. Eventually, I get super frustrated.

"Ugh! It's just a bunch of dyed wool!" I exclaim as I punch the first block in sight. The block I happen to punch is a stone block. Shoot! It was holding back lava! "Oops." I honestly didn't know. I looked over at (Y/N), who was looking at me, horrified. Shoot, she probably hates me now. Stupid, Aiden! You finally get a girl who could love you and you mess everything up.

My thoughts are interrupted by a scream. It sounds like (Y/N)!

"(Y/N)?" I call. I spot her. She seems okay, but I still run up to her. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?"

"Fish!" she shrieks. "He ran into the forest, along with Reuben!"

I didn't care about Reuben as much as I cared about Fish. He means so much to (Y/N).

"I have to go get him!" She runs away before I could tell her not to.

"(Y/N)! No!" I start running after her, but Jesse and her friends cut me off and run into the forest before I can. I presume they are going after Reuben. Well, I was going after (Y/N). She's more important.

(¯'.._..(¯'.._..(¯'.._.. A/N .._..'¯).._..'¯).._..'¯)

WHEEE I've been wanting to make this for forever ^-^ But, I've only read, like, three or four good Aiden X Readers and only two or three of those are to be continued. One of them, which is my absolute favorite story I've read on WattPad, is called The Colors I See by FaithSunrise . She is so good at writing! Be sure to go check out her story. I am literally obsessed with it. *fangirls so hard she can't continue this author's note until an hour from now*

But, anyways, I just wanted to thank you for reading : ) I really appreciate each and every one of you who reads my books. I am a total Aiden fan girl (that is FaithSunrise's term for us xD) and this was just so much fun to write. Also, this is a really long chapter ;-; WELP, before I make it any longer than it needs to be, goodbye!

Oh, and, word count: 3,098

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