Little Black Dress

By JessieImpulsive

167K 4.3K 843

Enter little Elizabeth Jones, she isn't the popular type of girl and people always judged her by the looks on... More

Little Black Dress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7-Valentine Special
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's Note
Chapter 13

Chapter 3

10.4K 280 25
By JessieImpulsive

Hi guys! I just wanted to dedicate my story to my hero. @jerileekaye and you should check out her stories! I was really into her stories and cried a lot. I highly recommed Knight in Shining Suit and Intertwined! So yeah thank you for being an inspiration and hope you guys will like this chapter!


Turning down my music when suddenly “It’s time” by Imagine Dragon starts to blast on my speaker. I immediately turn the volume up as I belted the song while rounding the corner.

'Cause after all
This city never sleeps at night

It's time to begin, isn't it?
I get a little bit bigger, but then I'll admit
I'm just the same as I was
Now don't you understand
I'm never changing who I ammmmmmmmmmmm”

Grinning like an idiot. I look on my side mirror and caught the sight on my face. Uh oh

I pull over and rummage through my bag for my pouch. After a few attempts of searching, I gave up. I remember it bringing down but I don’t know where the hell I put it. I am in a big trouble and I can sense it. I surrender and put again the key on the ignition and hit the gas.

A few minutes or so, the iron gate of our house came into view. Rolling down my window as I glance at the intercom.

“Good day! What can we do?” I almost laugh as Billy, our main security agent talk robotically in the intercom.

“Why hello to you too Billy?” I said sarcastically as I refrain from laughing

Oh shit” He whispered more to himself

“Good afternoon Lady El” Billy cried as I laugh harder when he calls me Lady El

Suddenly the gates open widely for me to enter. Before I roll the window up, I yelled at Billy on the intercom.

“See you lateeeeeeeeeeeer itsy-billy!” and the roar of laughter can be heard on the intercom as his co-workers laugh at my nick name for him. Billy is one of the most serious and focused security agents and he is just in his mid-thirties.  Maybe I need to cut him some slacks.

           I parked my car at garage beside my Ferrari. I step out the car and grab hold for my bag and unlock the car. I made my way to the mahogany door.  As I grab a hold for the knob, Robin, our butler beats me onto it.

“Hello Kiddo!” Robin exclaims as he sees me. He’s one of the best old man and he is practically like a father to me. He saw me grew up and he’s still around the corner making fun of me.

“Hi Bobin!” I waved at him as I call him his favorite nickname. Would you believe if I say that the first word I exclaim when I was a toddler was “Bobin”? Yeah, that’s the first word that escapes my mouth. And boy was my mother mad?

           I entered our foyer and still be amazed. Like any other house. Our foyer consists of grand staircase you see on those cliché movie and an elegant chandelier hung freely in the middle but unlike any other people, we usually change our house into something more appropriate, like for example Christmas is nearly approaching, my dad bought this expensive chandelier from France with little diamonds like a snowflakes that glitter whenever the lights----

“Ewiiii!” little footsteps can be heard stomping at the tiled flooring as my little monster approaches me.

“Diana!” I cried as she throws herself on me catching me off guard. We stumbled a little bit backward but still managed to hold her little figure.

As I regain my composure, I held her by her waist as I spin her around and we both squeal and laugh to our selves.

"Stowp…. ewi…… pwease! I am gewting dizzy!” She said in between squeals and soon I found myself getting dizzy too.  I stop spinning her around and we both drop onto the near couch while gasping for air.

Diana is my brother’s 3 year old daughter. They always visit me ormy dad whenever they have time. My brother and his wife, Anastasia, work 24/7 but when it comes to their only daughter they give their full undivided attention and they keep their job aside and have some quality time with the family. Sigh


      My brother managed to build his own restaurant. And it’s pretty cool if I may say. He not only manages and owns the restaurant but he is also the head chef. Pretty cool, eh? When we were little he was always the one who was beside my mother whenever she cooks and I was this little girl who always tries to mingle with them but failed miserably. Because it’s either burn the food or burn the whole house down. And that is really not a pretty sight to see.

      Arthur, which is by the way my big-over-protective-brother’s name, not only has the restaurant. He’s still the heir of our father’s company. And while he’s still declining my father’s offer because he says that he is not the good enough in the business line of what’s our father’s business is. I smile at the thought whenever I recall the time when we visit him at his island and he pretty much announced that our dad will hand the business to him. To say he was shocked was an understatement. He pretty much fainted when he heard it. And me being his annoying little sister of his, laughed out loud while my mother glared at me.


     I remember every pieces of her. She was the perfect definition of a perfect mother. And yes, I can say that not because I am required to say it as her daughter and vice versa.

         She was perfect without trying to be. When I was young, I always looked up on her and copy whatever she does and being me, failed. But she always told me that,

There is no perfect person. There will be only a perfect person if you will just be yourself. Being perfect is without trying to be someone you’re not.”


    The words that came out of her mouth still linger on my mind. And soon…..the tragic just happened.

We didn’t expect that she will be gone soon. Were all devastated and for my 6 year-old self everything is vague. Arthur would always answer me that mom was just on a vacation trip whenever I question our dad, my father shut us out of her life over a year and that leave me and my brother alone on ourselves. We can’t blame our dad though, he loves mom more than he loves himself. They are high school enemies-turned-sweethearts and when they tie the knot, they became the perfect couple for a perfect family. See? How cliché was that?

        I was suddenly snapped back to reality when tiny little hands grab my face. I look down at my niece. Her pretty big blue eyes stared in mine in confusion and his pink lips turned into a frown.

“Why aw you cwying aunt el?” She questioned me and wiped a stray tear that escapes. I didn’t even notice that I’ve been crying with her in my arms. Idiot!

When I didn’t respond she continued. Aw you sad aunt el? Down’t wowy I will be there for you and mummy and daddy” She crawled onto my lap and hugged me, her tiny arms wrapped around my neck.

For a 3 year old girl like her, she sure is a hell lot smarter than any kids. Hell, I think she’s smarter than my brother.

I smiled and hug her. And it’s time to break the ice.

I dramatically fake cough.

“Da-da-ina can’t b-breath” I almost laugh at my failed acting. I can’t be an actress for sure. I will surely cross out the actress choice on my i-want-to-be-list later.

          She gasped and said sorry all over again so, I tickled her till she beg for me to stop and we were both laughing hard. And that’s how you break the sadness ladies and gentleman but please give consideration on my lack of skills in the acting department, Thank you!


   We both stop and look at the intruder, the Chef himself.

Diana scooted away from to run to her father.

"Daddy!!!" She squeals and wound her arms around his neck as he peck him on her chubby cheeks.

“Hey princess! I see you’ve found Aunt El, eh?” he motioned to me to come towards them.

“Hey Arthur!” I greeted him and hug both of them.

“Hey yourself!” He just ruffled my hair as always. I rolled my eyes at him. Real mature brother

“So what brings you here?” I questioned him, he visited me every twice a month to check on her little sister. He is like every older brother, over-protective and annoying.

“Do we need reasons to visit my favorite sister?” He teased me as her daughter nuzzled her face on the crooked of his father's neck, a sign that she is tired and needs her beauty sleep according to my brother.

“I am the only sibling you have, so yes it needs to have a reason” I said sarcastically.

“Well...” he sits on one of the family couch and shifted her daughter on her lap so she can sleep comfortably.

“Just spit it out brother”

“Today is my and Ana’s wedding anniversary and I was hopping if you could…you..know..” he scratched the back of his head as he mumbles.

“What? You’re not making any sense, if you want me to babysit Diana, that’s fine with me."

“No…diana is fine with me, well…She’s part of my plan for my surprise dinner but…I know you’ll probably gonna hate me for this…” he whisper the last part, I guess it is his intention for me not to hear it but I did.

“Hate you for what?” I asked impatiently, what could have gone wrong?

Ah! Screw it!” He said and I glared at him as Diana stirs in his sleep.

“Shhhh and don’t cuss when she’s around even if she’s sleeping!” His eyes softened and I heard him sighed.

“I need you to attend a Charity Ball Eli” he mumbled. I think I did not hear him right?

“Excuse me? I didn’t catch what were you saying” I asked nervously

“I said I need you to attend a Charity Ball in behalf of me” I froze.

“I…I can’t Arthur…You know it…” I was always reluctant when it comes to this kind of occasion, I barely show myself to anyone. I hated it with burning passion whenever I was forced to attend some parties or associate with those rich tycoons and women around the world. Yes, I would probably enjoy seeing those snobby rich people wearing elegant dresses and fine suits but that’s all. I will bring boredom and an aching feet.

“I know, but this one is a Charity Ball, and it is a masquerade themed party anyway. I just need someone to replace me and I can’t help it if no one will show there. It’s a benefit party afterall. There will be an auction and all funds will be given straight to the Give a light foundation. It’s for a good cause Eli”

I heaved a sigh. He’s right. Part of me wants to attend and bring myself to that party but part of me doesn’t. But I guess, one party won’t hurt. No one will recognize me since it is a masquerade party.

“Alright..” He startled me by hugging my little body on his muscular one.

“Thank you sis, I owe you big time!” He kisses my cheeks and took Diana in his arms as he walks towards the double doors.

“And Happy Anniversary to you and Ana!” I shouted at him before he disappears. He look on me at the open door and say..

“By the way, I already chose your gown and mask and your date will be here in less than two hours! Oh, tonight is the ball. Bye!” He shuts the door and sped away.

My eyes were wide and my mouth hung open. I slowly close my eyes and loose some tense muscles before I screamed at no one.


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