the final round #Wattys2018

By everyhearthasahero18

2.3K 3K 47

a prequel to code lyoko More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

chapter 6

105 112 0
By everyhearthasahero18



"Okay the connecting blocks have been stick, now we have to compile the structural intermediate data, did you scan the random distortion components" Jeremy says to Aelita, Harry, and Odd, typing on the computer in the lab.

"It's done" Aelita tells Jeremy.

"Good" Harry said sitting around.

"I'm programming accident metric vectors to browse the dipolar coordinates" Jeremy says to the others.

"Jeremy how's the virtual submarine going, I can't wait to go on a Xana hunt" Odd asked him throwing a ball around the lab.

"Odd" Harry says to him knowing he's bothering Jeremy with the ball in the lab.

"Sshs, you don't want to wake up are sleeping beauties" Odd tells him, pointing over to Yumi & Ulrich who's sleeping against the wall in the lab.

"The coordinates have been recognized by the supercomputer" Aelita tells Jeremy.

"That's great teamwork, uh Aelita, I couldn't have done it without you or Harry help" Jeremy says to her looking at her.

"The programming is complete" Harry tells them.

"Time to launch the construction phase" Aelita tells them as well.

"Just a few more seconds and I'll be all set" Jeremy tells Aelita, and Yumi wakes up and Ulrich does as well. "Okay I'm ready, now" Jeremy says looking over at Aelita again.

"Yeah now" Aelita tells him.

"Hey what is that room, its new to me" Yumi asks Jeremy walking over to him.

"Its new to everyone" Harry tells her.

"Aelita just programmed into the core zone, we'll use it to hanger" Jeremy tells them.

"We have to give it a name" Odd tells Jeremy.

"Odd, we won't name the ship until the building is over, that's when it gets real name, nothing says we can't give it a code name" Jeremy tells him.

"Good idea, what we call her Melony" Odd says.

"Melony, you mean like that redhead you're so mad about" Aelita tells him.

"You have a crush on a girl who reminds you of a submarine" Ulrich tells him.

"You know its pretty late, why don't we talk about it we're walking" Harry says to them.


"Do to the calculation should keep running by themselves until tomorrow afternoon, by then the atomic layers of the virtual external structure will be complete at four pm sharp. Aelita will be launching phase two of the programming operation the construction of the core" Jeremy tells the group.

"We're going to have to be on time because if we're not the kinetic dipolar distortion energy will enter a dangerous and destructive chromodynamics sinusoidal phase" Harry says finishing what Jeremy was telling the group.

"Mine saying that in English" Ulrich asked them.

"If we're not in the factory by four the core will collapse into itself, kinda like a black hole" Aelita explains to the others.

"Are you saying Melony will be destroyed" Odd asked.

"Yeah it sure will and it's going to take months before we can reprogram it, months during which Xana can continue doing his dirty work without any interference from us" Jeremy said.

"Jeremy & I still have some technical stuff to work on before we go to sleep" Aelita says.

Jeremy's & Harry's room

"I can't believe it, pretty soon we'll be able to track Xana on the network" Jeremy says to Aelita.

"Can you guys keep it down" Harry tells them trying to sleep.

"Sorry" Aelita says to him.

"I'm leaving, see you in the morning" Harry tells them leaving the room.

"You might even be able to localize my dad" Aelita tells Jeremy.

"That would be great, we better not give our hopes up, even if its possible it's not going to easy" Jeremy whispered.

"I know, but I completely lost hope when Xana destroyed all of Lyoko" Aelita tells him.

"What are you doing here" Jim asked Jeremy opening the door on him & Aelita.

"Uh, this is my room" Jeremy tells Jim.

"I know that, as I was saying miss Stones, what are you doing in here" Jim asks her. "You know girls have to stay upstairs which is their floor and they're not allowed downstairs, where the boys down here, and so tomorrow you can repeat word for word what I just said to the principle" Jim tells the both of them.

 Next morning

"Now listen to me the both of you Kadic is a highly respectable institution, the rule is strict girls have no right to be in the boys rooms and vice versa and especially after lights out, there's no excuse for your conduct" Mr. Delmas tells Jeremy and Aelita with Jim standing behind them.

"We didn't do anything bad" Jeremy tells him.

"He's right we were just studying" Aelita tells him as well.

"Well since you like to study so much you'll be glad to know that that's what you'll do in the library for the entire afternoon, I hope that's clear, Jim you're in charge" Mr. Delmas tells them.

"Mr. Delmas you can count on me to take care of them" Jim tells him.

English class

"Shakespeare's work has been divided into a number of categories: comedy, tragedy, history plays, and dark comedies, were going to work his most..." The English teacher said to the class.

"This is a disaster, if were not back in the factory by four sharp it's so long Melony" Jeremy tells the group.

"I told you guys not to stay up late" Harry told them.

"What are you guys talking about" Sissi asked them.

"So what are we going to do" Ulrich asked Jeremy.

"Skip out, no matter what the consequences are" Aelita tells him.

"You can't do that you'll leave the library they'll throw you out of school for sure" Odd tells them two of them.

"We absolutely need the submarine to travel through the network" Jeremy told them.

"What if you guys get expelled how do we fight Xana" Ulrich asked them.

"Remember brother I can work the supercomputer as well" Harry tells Ulrich.

"He's right" Sissi says to them.

"I have an idea" Odd says loudly in class.

"Yes Odd were listening, what do you find so much more interesting than Shakespeare" the teacher asked him.

"Uh, Melony" I tells her.

(Laughter from other students)


"Actually Melony is a code name is pretty lame" Ulrich tells Odd.

"You prefer Sissi" Odd asks him.

"I heard that Odd" Sissi said to him walking over to the group with Harry.

"Come on that's enough, Melony or not you still got a pretty serious problem" Jeremy tells them.

"What about using lunch time to get away, we can just tell Jim you're in the infirmary because something you ate didn't agree with you" Odd tells Jeremy.

"Huh, you think that might work" Jeremy asked Aelita.

"What's on the menu for lunch" Aelita ask Jeremy.

"Ravioli" Ulrich tells them looking bored out of his mind.

"Oh yeah its bound to work" Jeremy assures them.

"Jeremy, stones you know what we're going to have lunch together that way I can get you to the library right on time" Jim says to them, coming over to the group, then the three of them leave.

"Well whats happening" Yumi ask Odd & Ulrich.

"We've got company for lunch" Ulrich tells her.


"We've got to find a way to get them out of there by four o'clock" Yumi tells Odd & Ulrich.

"Yeah, but how" Harry asks Yumi coming to the table.

"And that was when I had to bail out, little big storm over the north Atlantic, well I made it, but then I realized that I wasn't going to get back in time for dinner" Jim tells Jeremy & Aelita, then his phone rings. "Yeah Jim speak, um would you repeat that, what I won the lottery yes, are you sure" Jim asked on the phone.

"Absolutely, but if you don't come to claim your prize immediately we're sorry, but it's going to be given to the runner-up" Odd says on the phone covering his mouth.

"Okay hey, just a second I never bought a lottery ticket in my life" Jim tells him.

"Yeah really are you sure you wouldn't by any chance have a twin brother who could of bought one" Odd says seeing Jim come over by him.

"You're going to be the one who wished who had a twin brother to do the attention I'm going to give you" Jim tells him.


"Not together separate desk, you know what they say about dividing to multiply to conquer, I mean anyway Jeremy over there and stones over there" Jim tells the two.

Odd & Ulrich's room

"Kiwi, I just came to borrow something from you so calm down okay" Odd tells his dog.


"Mrs. Hertz mice escaped from the lab they're taking over the whole school, we have to catch them right now" Odd yells coming into the library.

"Do you really want to know what has to be done to be caught, an idiot in a purple outfits and a dumb ridiculous haircut, and who's going to be in big trouble if he and his toy mouse don't get out of here right now" Jim tells Odd.

"Ridiculous haircut, I bet your jealous huh" Odd tells him crossing his arms.

"Della a Robia" Jim says to him.

"Okay, okay, have you seen a mouse made out of plastic" Odd asks Jim. 

"Out go on" Jim tells him.

"So how did it go" Ulrich asks Odd.

"How do you think it went he failed" Harry tells his brother.

"I got a get Kiwi a new mouse, and we can't use the door next time" Odd tells them.

"Well how about the window" Ulrich tells him.


Xana sends creeps to destroy the submarine.


Jim keeps reading his comic book.

"Confiscated you're here to study and that's all meaning that there's no gabbing your head off on your mobile" Jim says to Aelita taking her phone. "Your phone as well Jeremy, and your thing that goes beep shut it now or I'll throw it in the trash. Now look I was not born yesterday so don't think that you can fool me; whatever, game you want to play remember I can beat you at" Jim says to him & Aelita.


"Any luck" Odd asks Ulrich holding him so he can look into the window.

"The windows locked" Ulrich tells him.

"Shocker" Harry mutters.

"Okay come down, you're not the that light" Odd tells him.

"Hold on, I think Jeremy's trying to give me a signal" Ulrich tells him.

"You mean his message wasn't clear" Odd asks him.

"It was a little too clear" Ulrich tells him.

"Well your bright ideas working out" Yumi asks them.

"No speaking of bright ideas Jeremy just tried to blind us with his hit's" Harry tells her.

"Let me have a look" Yumi tells them.

"Come on its simple..." Jeremy mutters.

"It's Morse code" Yumi tells them.

"I don't want to worry about Melony" Odd says to them.

"No time to lose we've got to get to the factory the message ended with the word William" Yumi tells them.

"Oh great" Harry & Ulrich mutter.


William riding on a manta in sector 5, with 2 other mantas with him.

"Attack" William tells the creepers and the mantas, "Fire" William orders them.


Yumi, Ulrich, Harry, Odd, and Sissi running to the factory.


"Um, Jim is it true you're a math teacher in the tropics" Aelita asks him walking over to him.

"Yes" Jim tells her.

"I can't figure out the hypotenuse could be, could you help me please" Aelita asks him.

"Yeah, but it's not all that easy because um in the tropics the hippopotamus news is um a variable" Jim tells her trying to think of what it is.

"Yeah because of the heat" Aelita says to him.

"Right" Jim says.

Jeremy checks his laptop.


The five arrive in the lab Harry goes to the computer.

"Jeremy left us a message" Harry tells the others.

"Xana is attacking Melony, you may take over for me" Yumi says reading the message.

"You guys go down to the scanner room" Harry tells them.

"Right" the four say to him.

Scanner room

"You guys ready" Harry asks them.

"Yes" Ulrich tells him.

"Transfer Yumi, Transfer Odd, Transfer Ulrich. Scanner Yumi, Scanner Odd, Scanner Ulrich..." Harry says.

Sissi steps in a scanner.

"I'm ready Harry" Sissi tells him.

"Transfer Sissi, Scanner Sissi..." Harry says.


"Now I would even say that the hypothermia of the hippopotamus depends on the hyperactivity of the news" Jim tells Aelita.

"Huh, who would of thought, you know what you're a walking cyclopedia Jim" Aelita says to him.

"Well you see Aelita, when your out there all alone in the tropical jungle with nothing more than a cigarette lighter, you don't know what you need to know that we dead meat" Jim explains to her.

"Your amazing" Aelita tells him.

Jeremy messaging Yumi while those two are talking still.


"Guys we got a problem, once the protective shield are gone nothing can stop Xana from totally wiping out Melony and according to Jeremy it can't be reprogrammed" Harry tells the others.

"Harry we're almost at the hangar" Ulrich tells him.

"Okay I'll let Jeremy know" Harry tells him.


Jeremy typing on his laptop still.

"Jeremy you've been punished for not having obeyed the rules, but it seems you never learn no computer communication" Mr. Delmas yelled at him closing his laptop.

"Um, Mr. Delmas I didn't know you were here" Jim said surprised to see him.

"Bravo for your surveillance Jim" Mr. Delmas tells him looking at everyone.

"I um, I was helping Aelita here with some hippopotamus that is a hypotenuse problems" Jim told Mr. Delmas.

"I'm confiscating this for the rest of the day" Mr. Delmas told them taking Jeremy laptop in his hands.

"No please sir, you can't do that you see I must have my computer it's urgent" Jeremy pleaded to Mr. Delmas.

"He's right Mr. Delmas" Aelita tells him backing up Jeremy.

"It's very vital" Jeremy tells him.

"Vital ridiculous would you like to know what's vital listen it's vital to be aware that there is no one in life cooking go unpunished for being disobedient" Mr. Delmas tells Aelita & Jeremy.

"Sorry about that Jeremy, but you still have a little punishment time left until then I'm going to stand between you and that door" Jim tells Jeremy.


Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, and Sissi get to the submarine looking at it.

"You get William attention, and we'll handle the creepers" Odd tells Ulrich.

"This better work" Ulrich mutters.

"YO, big shot, you wanna mix it up a little" Ulrich says to William going up the elevator to William, and starts fighting William.

"You will join me, same as your brother" William tells Ulrich.

"Never going to happen" Ulrich tells him.

"Lazer arrow" Odd says shooting a creeper destroying it with one hit.

The fight between William & Ulrich still going on.

"Manta" William says.

"That's all we needed Xana airforce" Odd says to himself seeing more mantas come in.


"Answer Jeremy, come on. Oh what's the matter with him" Harry says typing away on the computer.


"Jim, just let us go now and we'll promise to do double detention starting tomorrow or triple, well do triple detention for a whole week okay" Jeremy says to him.

Jim shakes his head.


Mantas keep firing at the submarine. While William & Ulrich keep going at it still. Odd keeps destroying creepers.

"Harry we need backup, we can't go it alone" Ulrich tells him.


"Brother, I lost contact with Jeremy, oh no the submarine shields are getting weaker" Harry tells him.

"Improvise, Aelita & Jeremy have to get here now regardless of Jim" Ulrich tells him.

"He's right" Sissi tells him.

"Call my brother and have him do a favor for me" Yumi tells Harry.

Yumi's house

Yumi's brother picks up the phone.

"Harry, do you a favor huh like what, no because Johnny and me are playing bell on ninja fighter fly right now" Yumi's brother tells him. Johnny grabs the phone.

"Hold on he's so cool, come on let's give him a little help" Johnny tells him.

"If you let me get to level 5 first" Yumi's brother tells Johnny.

"Okay" Johnny tells him.

"You got it Harry, but on one condition you have Yumi do my homework for a month" Yumi's brother tells him.

"Fine I'll tell her, but she's going to hate me for it, also make it fast" Harry tells him.

"Hey don't forget to tell him it was me who convinced to change your mind" Johnny tells him.

"Yeah sure, but I already told you, you got no chance against Ulrich" Yumi's brother tells him.


All fighting against Xana is still going on between the guys.


Jeremy checks his watch.

"Just 15 more minutes to go" Jeremy tells Aelita.

Kiwi comes into the library.

"Huh, what's going on around here, oh I get it the mouse didn't work so now its a mechanical dog, pretty good imitation Della Robbia, but hey it's a real thing I'm mangy mutt, hey stay where you are get back here" Jim says looking at Kiwi, and Kiwi barks and then runs out of the room.


"Just like sitting dust well sitting creepers that is" Odd says to himself.

"You're not going to win William let your master know" Ulrich tells him.


"Hey its about time" Harry tells Jeremy & Aelita.

"Okay, Harry Aelita head for the scanners, only 8 minutes to go" Jeremy tells them.


"Guys we need more help" Odd says to his friends.


"Ulrich, Odd, Yumi, Sissi backup is on its way" Jeremy assures them.


"Great, things were heating up around here, oh no" Odd says getting sent back to the scanner room.

Scanner room

Odd walks out of the scanner.


"Get away from him" Sissi says to William getting sent back to earth as well.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Aelita" Ulrich tells her.

"It's always nice to feel needed" Harry tells his brother.

"Sorry" Ulrich tells him.

"Look what we got here, my favorite people" William says to Ulrich & Harry.


"It's about time do you realize that it's 5 minutes til 4" Odd asked Jeremy coming up to the lab with Sissi with him.

"I know Odd, I know only 5 minutes until Melony program, but even more important all of her protection shields are just about down to zero" Jeremy tells him typing away on the supercomputer.


Ulrich keeps fighting William, and William takes his sword and sends Ulrich back to earth.

"You're going to regret sending my friends back to earth and trying to destroy Melony" Harry tells William.

William grabs his sword from the ground, then jumping on top of the submarine.


"Hurry guys Melong has 7% of slight light left" Jeremy tells Harry & Aelita.


"Energy field" Aelita says hitting a Manta and destroying it.


"Harry Aelita the sub shield layer is almost totally gone" Jeremy tells them.


"One more hit and it's all over for Melony" Jeremy tells them.

Harry uses one of his powers to attack William.

"Energy field" Aelita says again hitting William this time having him fall off the submarine, making him leave lyoko.

"You okay Aelita" Harry asks her going over to her.


"3:59 and 45 seconds, 46, 47" Odd says worried about Melony.

"It's done the programming for phase two is underway" Jeremy tells him.


"Yes" both Harry & Aelita say.

"Jeremy our ship is finally completed" Aelita tells him.


Ulrich comes into the lab.

"Oh wow, close call for Melony huh" Odd says to Jeremy.


"But Melony is a great name, why don't we keep it" Odd asked the group.

"It's a nice name for a girl, but not a submarine" Yumi tells him.

"She's right Odd" Harry tells him.

"Well for a ship that's going to hunt down Xana on the network we need to have a name the got a punch, don't you think like um, not a list for example" Jeremy tells him.

"Mm, that's pretty original" Odd tells him.

"Find better one" Jeremy tells him.

"Aelita are you coming" Ulrich asked her.

"Um I'll be right there" Aelita tells him grabbing a book from the shelf. "My father used to read this to me when I was five" Aelita says to the group going into the room their in.

"Vikings, Gods and legends" Jeremy said.

"Look at that" Aelita says to him putting the book on his lap. "It was a mythical tall ship that could even sale on land and it always reaches the  destination, no matter what kind of wind was blowing" Aelita tells them.

"The skidbladnir" Jeremy said.

"Skid what" Odd asked.

"I really like that name" Yumi tells them.

"Yeah I like it too" Ulrich says.

"Okay, our new ships name is now skidbladnir" Harry says.

"This skid, what about skid for short" Odd suggests.

"Hey what about Jim, how did he react to when he found out you guys were gone" Ulrich asked Jeremy and Aelita, who look at each other.

"Well we haven't seen him since so maybe he forgot about us" Jeremy told them.

"I haven't seen him on campus at all, he must have other things on his mind" Aelita says.

School grounds

Jim is still chasing Kiwi around.

"Where are you little doggie, I know you're around here come on now, Uncle Jim got a little snack for you come on out now. You won't get away from me" Jim says yelling.

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