Jerk Theory (Punk Louis Tomli...

By autumn1324

319K 6.4K 1.7K

I apologize ahead of time for any cringiness, I wrote this when I was 14. Alyssa Hansel. Your everyday good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Not An Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Important Note
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 (part 1)
Chapter 57 (part 2)
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
New Story
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
New Book!
New Fanfic

Chapter 14

6.8K 103 25
By autumn1324

*Alyssa's P.O.V
Louis arrived at school on time today because he didn't have to take the others to school today. I got out waiting for him to get out. "Hey babe. You didn't have to wait for me." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I know, I just wanted to say hi to the guys." He looked at me with a look saying 'really'.

"Are you sure it has nothing to do with wanting to see Perrie?" He asked. "Um... Er... I don't know what your talking about." I said smiling kissing him on the cheek. "Sure whatever." He said entwining our fingers together.

"Hey guys." Louis said as we approached his group. "Hey Lou." The guys all said. "Hey Alyssa!" Niall said. I laugh and go over and hug him. I see Louis tense up a little. " Lou. Calm down it's just a hug." I said walking back over to him. "I am calm." I kiss him lightly on the lips. "No you're not. You're jealous." I whisper. "I'm anything but jealous." He says. "So you wouldn't mind if I did this." I said walking over to all the guys and hugging them all.

I walk back over to Lou and he wraps his arms around my waist whispering, "Don't you ever do that again." I smile. *cough* "jealous" *cough*. "Whatever, I am not jealous."

"Hey Zayn, do you know where Perrie is?" I asked politely. "I knew that's why you came over here." Louis said with a smirk. "NO! I wanted a Horan hug." I say laughing. "Anyways, have you seen her?"

"No, I'm sorry. I think she might be with her friends. I'm not sure." I nod. "Hey it's fine I'll go find her." I turn to Louis. "And I'll see you later." I pecked his cheek before walking off.

I found MaKenna talking to her friends. "Hey Kenna! Have you seen Perrie?" I ask. She looked slightly confused for a minute. "Um.. Zayn's girlfriend." I say scratching my neck. "Oh. Uh... No. I haven't. Do you have her number? You could text her." I nod. "Why didn't I think of that!" I say pulling out my phone.

To: Perrie
Hey! Perrie! Where are you?

I sent and got a reply quickly.

From: Perrie
I'm by my locker with my friends! You should come! Locker 156.

To: Perrie
Alright I'm on my way.

"Hey Kenna, I'll see you later? I'm gunna met Perrie and her friends at her locker." She nods. "Bye Millie, Summer, Hannah!" I said walking to locker 156.

"Hey Perrie! Who are these people!" I ask as I approach her and I take it her friends. "This is Lucas, Jesy, Leigh- Anne, and Jade." She said pointing to the four. "Hi. I'm Alyssa." They all said hi. "Do you want to join us for lunch?" Leigh asked.

"I'd love to, but I'm not sure if I have plans yet. I'll get back to you guy okay?" They nod. "Alright, see you later." I say walking of to my locker to grab my things. Walking to my homeroom, then my first class.

Like usual Louis came in late, and took a seat next to me. He smelled like alcohol and cigarets. I have a feeling he's been drinking and smoking on campus. I've actually never seen him, but I can tell. This class ended and Louis ran out the door, not even waiting for me. Alyssa. Stop you don't need to seem clingy. That's the last thing I want to do.

I walked into science and sat down by Millie. "Hey Millie!" She jumped. "Oh my god! Don't do that to me EVER again." She said laughing and holding her heart. "Sorry!" I said putting my hands up in defense.

"So where did you have to go in a hurry this morning?" She said winking. I may have smack her. "Ow! What was that for!!" She said acting innocent. "I was meeting a friend, not what you think." She laughed. "You dirty mind!" I exclaim.

"Alright, class settle down." Mr. Dyer said as we all sat in our seats. (A/N: I just recently found out there is a teacher at my school named Mrs. Dyer. I didn't even know that. It sorta just happened.) He had a stack off papers in his hand. "I hope you guys were paying attention yesterday, because today we are having a pop quiz." He said passing out the papers.

I got the test and put my name on it before reading the first question. It was really easy. I think I was the first one done, but I didn't turn it in until like half the class was done. I got our a notebook and started to draw in it. Now let me tell you. I can't draw. I mean seriously. My stick figures always look like giraffes on skates. Okay maybe that's an over exaggeration, but you get the point.

15 long minutes later the bell rang signaling it was time for math. I take my time because the class room is right near my locker. I turned the corner to my locker and there's a sight in front of me. Louis. But he wasn't alone. He was with another girl and they where kissing.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I just ran off walking past him. He tried to stop me but I just ignored him, and storm of to class. MaKenna asks what happened and I told her everything. Boy did she look pissed.

*Louis' P.O.V.
As soon as I saw her run past me I knew I was in trouble. I tried explaining it to her but she kept running in the direction of the math room. Well isn't today just going great. Note the sarcasm. She doesn't even know what happened. Ugh!
Looks like I'm going to get the worst boyfriend/brother award today.

I figured I should head to class. I may be able to explain it to her. That thought left quickly when I enter the room and Kenna was looking at me. I'm lucky looks don't kill, because I would be dead right now by the look on her face. Great. My girlfriend hates, and right now so does my sister. I took my seat beside Aly. "Aly." I said. She ignored me doing the work on the board. I groan.

"Mr. Tomlinson do I need to assign more work since your complaining?" God I hate this teacher. "No Hannah." She glared at me. "Louis why can't you be more like your sister and not get into trouble?"

"MAYBE BECAUSE MY SISTER ISN'T A SCREW UP LIKE ME!" And with that I left. What's the point of staying in a class where your sister hates you, and the girl you care about is mad at you.

*Alyssa's P.O.V
"MAYBE BECAUSE MY SISTER ISN'T A SCREW UP LIKE ME!" And with that he left. I can't believe I was an idiot. I believed that he wouldn't cheat. Of all the girls to it had to be Camryn, the school slut. I've only been at this school for a week (A/N: it's Friday in the story) and I already know she has slept with every guy in the school, probably even some teachers.

My phone vibrated in the middle of my thoughts

From: Louis
Aly. Please answer me!

I roll my eyes and put my phone away. It vibrates again.

From: Louis
Babe. Please. It's not what it looked like

I laugh slightly, that's what the cheater always says. My phone went off again.

From: Louis
Babe I hate this. Your mad at me and you won't talk to me.

I give up and answer him.

To: Louis
I'm sorry Aly can't get to you now leave a message after the beep.

From: Louis
Haha very funny.

I lock my screen.

From: Louis
I can see you read my message, please answer me.

I read the message and shut my phone off, continuing my work. With five minutes left off class Mrs. Mathews gave us the rest of the period to ourselves. I stayed put and Kenna walks over to my desk. "Have you talked to him?" I shake my head not trusting my voice. "No, but he keeps texting me and I'm ignoring him."

"Do you want to come over today? Or is it to risky?"

"No I'm coming, just not talking to him."

"Well. I feel the love!"

"You should I love you and the girls, I'll probably come over for a little while then leave." She nods. The bell rang telling us to go to 5th period which was history with Niall. Hey he's cool! And I don't have to see Louis so that's a plus.

*In history
Niall came up to me and the first thing he says is, "What's wrong with Louis?" I roll my eyes. "He's mad I won't talk to him."

"How come?" He asks

"Why don't you ask him, or I don't know maybe Camryn!" I spat. "I'm sorry Niall. Can we not talk about him right now? We are exactly on good terms." He nods. "So I take it your not sitting with us at lunch?"

"Sorry Niall, but no, I think I'll sit with Kenna, Hannah, Millie, Summer, Perrie and her friends." He nods. "Wow. Your becoming popular. Your making friends all over the place." I smile. "Thank you Niall."

"For what?"

"Just being you, taking my mind of him." He chuckled "Anytime."

The teacher came in and made us watch some boring video. I ended up falling asleep during it. I may be a good student, but history videos always put me to sleep. Luckily Niall woke me up before the bell was going to ring so I didn't get in trouble.

"Alright, bye Niall." I say giving him a hug walking away from him and heading to my table. "Hey still not talking to him?" I heard Perrie say. "Yea, how did you find out?"

"Well I was a little curious when you walked in with Niall, so I asked Zayn and all he said was that Lou is mad you won't talk to him. I don't know about what, but it must've been pretty bad." I nod. "Do you want to talk about it? I mean you don't have to." I explain what happened and once the others sat down she got up saying she'd be right back.

*Louis' P.O.V.
"She won't even give me the time of day to talk to me!" I say angrily. "OW!" I say as Perrie walks over to me. "That's what you get for being a prick." She says. She went over to Zayn whispered something in his ear than left. "Mate calm down, she'll come around eventually." Harry said. I roll my eyes and see her sitting at a table with Perrie's friends, MaKenna's friends and some guy. I got really mad when I saw her talking to this guy. "Hey guys, do you know who that guy at Aly's table is?" I asked three of them said no. "Well?" I asked Zayn. "I do actually. His name is Lucas, he's Perrie's best guy friend."

"And your cool with her hanging out with him?" He nods. "I've met him, he's a nice guy." He says. "I don't care. He over there flirting up a storm with her!" I spat. I get up and walk over to her table and sit down beside her wrapping my arm around her. "Aly. Babe, please talk to me."

"I'm sorry girls did you hear something." She says pushing my arm off her shoulder. "Please. I'm really sorry. Can we just talk?" I ask hoping she'll say yes. I doubt it though. "What is there to talk about!" She spat. I sigh. "Please."

"Louis Tomlinson, just leave me alone." She says walking up an leaving. I groan. "Ugh! Why is it this so hard." I walk back over to the boys and sit. "How'd it go?"

"Well, she talked to me. Just not how I wanted her to." I sigh. "Why am I such a screw up?" Then I got an idea. I know that Kenna is usually done with lunch by now. I walk over to talk to her. "Kenna. Please don't hate me. I just need to talk to you."

"Aw Lou! I'll always be here. Just I'll hate you afterwards deal?" I laugh. "Deal."

"So what do you need to talk about?"

"Who do you think?" I spat bitterly. "Right, that. What about it?"

"Is she coming over this afternoon?" I ask awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Yea she's coming over to see the girls, she just said she's not going to talk to you."

"She's not even giving me a chance to explain what happened Kenna!" I say slightly raising my voice. "It bugs me to know that I'm causing her pain and she doesn't know the whole truth."

"Just give her sometime, I think that's all you can do." I nod giving her a hug. "Thanks." I whisper in her ear. "Your welcome Lou. Now I love you, but I have to go back to hating you." She says. "Alright." I kiss the top of her head and she runs off with her friends. Aly in the group.

*Skip to end of school day*
*Alyssa's P.O.V.
"Alright so I'll stay till 8 then I have to go home okay?" MaKenna nods. "So are you making dinner tonight?" She asks with hope in her eyes. "Depends. What do you want?"

"Hmmm.... Chicken nuggets and Mac-N-Cheese."

"Then sure I'll make you guys dinner today." I say. "Yes!" I take it she loves my cooking.
"Hey girls" Louis says. I'm still not talking to him. "Kenna, I think I'll sit in the back with you today." I say walking to the back but Louis grabs my wrist. "Please sit in the front." He says with pleading eyes. "MaKenna!" I shout to her. That's the only way I will communicate with him. Is through her. "Louis, let the poor girl sit where she wants." He growls and harshly throws my wrist down as I climb in next to MaKenna. It was a long and silent ride to his house. "I'll be back when after I pick the girls up okay?" I roll my eyes walking into his house.

"Wanna get our homework done before they come back? I don't have much just math that's all." I say and she nods. "Yeah I have math and history."

"We watch another one of those boring history videos that the teachers play when they are to lazy to teach us, I feel asleep during it." I say. She looked at me surprised. "Wow. Never thought you'd fall asleep in class." I laugh "Oh please those movies could put an insomniac to sleep." She laugh uncontrollably now. "What did you did for number 10?"

"Um... Y=3x+7" I say. "Alright, since you're rarely wrong in math I'll go with your answer." I smile. "Alright. Well I'm done, you can copy mine if you want. I'm going to start dinner." I say getting up. "Oh, do you guys have chicken nuggets? Or does your brother have to pick them up?" She gets up and walks to the freezer. "Um... We should should let me check." She says digging through the freezer. "Guess we don't. Can I barrow your phone so I can call Lou? Mines dead." I nod handing it to her. "Yeah just turn it on, Louis was annoying me with his messages so I turned it off."

*Louis' P.O.V.
My phone rang and I looked at the name. I became really happy, she finally wanted to talk to me.

"Hello?" I say trying not to sound excited.

"Woah. Calm down boy. It's just me." I frown a little. Not who I thought it was.

"Aly says to bring home some chicken nuggets. The ones from the store she making my favorite tonight." I mumble an 'alright' and hang up. Looks like I'm off to the store.

*Alyssa's P.O.V.
Since there wasn't anything for me to cook yet I just helped MaKenna with her homework, until I heard a car door open. The four girls walked in hugging me, then running to their rooms. Louis came in handing me the chicken nuggets. I grabbed them then whispered in Kenna's ear I said thank you, he slightly smiled and walked off with his hands in his pockets.

I walk in the kitchen and put the chicken nuggets on a pan and put them in the oven for 20 minutes. (A/N: I'm not sure if that's how long they go in for... But oh well.) Then I started the macaroni. MaKenna walk in. "Would you at least talk to him? He hasn't looked this upset since Emma left him." I sigh deeply. "I'm not sure I'm ready to yet. What he did really hurt me." She nods. "I understand, but right now I'm having to pick between you and him and I hate it." The timer went off telling me the food was ready. "GIRLS! It's time to eat!" I yell for them. "Kenna can you let you brother know it's ready if he wants to eat?" She nods walking to him in the living room.

*MaKenna's P.O.V.
There's nothing worse in the world than your big brother and your best friend fighting. Sure they aren't exactly fighting, but I just want things back to normal. I know Lou and he wouldn't do that. I walk to the living room to see him on his phone. "Hey Lou, dinners ready."

"I'm not hungry." He mumbled. "Please. Just go sit out there. Aly can't ignore you forever." I say giving him the puppy eyes he falls for all the time. "Fine. But if it goes bad I'm blaming you." I say getting up and getting my plate together. Louis following behind

*Alyssa's P.O.V.
The girls were talking about how there day was. When Louis walked in. "Hey girls. How are you?"

"Just talking to Aly here about our day. How was yours big brother?" Daisy says. "It wasn't the best, but I hope it gets better." He says looking at me. I roll my eyes. "So was Louis a gentleman today?" Lottie asks. "Um.. Something like that." I say not wanting to tell them what was happening. "Why are you two being so quiet? Are you fighting? I hate it when you guys fight." Fizzy says. Louis and I glance at each other real fast before he speaks. "We aren't exactly fighting. She's just not happy with me. And she's not talking to me."

"Uh oh! What did you do Lou?" Lottie asked. "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" He says rubbing his head. "Girls go upstairs, I don't want you to be down here." I say and they nod running upstairs. "You wanna talk, fine talk!" I yell at him. "You I wanna talk but not with you yelling at me!" He yells back.

"Would you rather me not talk to you? Cause I can go back to silence!"


"We weren't making out." He says. "Really? Because from my view you two were having the time of your lives!"

"Aly please! Just shut your mouth for two seconds and let me explain!" He yells back.

"You want me to talk to you! Then you tell me to shut up! Make up your mind Louis because I'm done!"

"Aly. Please no. I didn't mean it like that."

"Really! Because it sure sounds like you did!" I fight back.

"YOU KNOW WHAT! I'm tired of this! I didn't kiss her!" He yells. I roll my eyes. "It takes two people to kiss, FOUR LIPS LOUIS!" I say starting to cry.

"Can you guys stop fighting for one minute and go check on Kenna!?" Lottie says. "What's wrong with her?" I ask worriedly. "I-I don't know. I went in for her to help me with homework and she was in the bathroom crying. I heard even heard he drop something. She's really scaring me, she's even blaming herself for something." She says tearing up.

"Lottie you stay with the other girls, we're going to go check on her alright? Don't come out until we say so okay?" She nods and goes in the girls room.

"Kenna! Kenna! Please open up!" We both said banging on the bathroom door. "Aly, do you have a Bobbi pin or something?" I roll my eyes and take one out handing it to him. He picked the lock and walked in. We were both shocked at the scene infront of us.

(A/N: No she's not dead, what kind of author would I be to kill off my best friend 😂. Anyways, what do you think of this chapter!? What do you think will happen?? Let me know in the comment section! I love you so much! Also sorry for the short chapter.

Until next time penguins

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