Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

By heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Originals and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots. hear... More

characters & trailer
main character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - For the Next Millennium
chapter 2 - You Hung the Moon
chapter 3 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
chapter 4 - A Walk on the Wild Side
chapter 5 - The Axeman's Letter
chapter 6 - Beautiful Mistake
chapter 7 - Out of the Easy
chapter 8 - The Other Girls in New Orleans
chapter 9 - Savior
chapter 10 - A Ghost Along the Mississippi
chapter 11 - Wild At Heart
chapter 12 - Dead Angels
chapter 13 - Heart Shaped Box
chapter 14 - Streetcar Named Desire
chapter 15 - An Old Friend Calls
chapter 16 - Alone With Everybody
chapter 17 - Behind the Black Horizon
chapter 18 - The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
chapter 19 - No More Heartbreaks
chapter 20 - Where Nothing Stays Buried
chapter 21 - Give 'Em Hell, Kid

chapter 22 - The Bloody Crown

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By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the courtyard, Freya had seen the vision, relaying the information to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Kassandra: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she had been shown. She sounded very grim. "If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, one by foreigner, and one... by family."

From 3.09 "Savior", in the courtyard, Kassandra, Rebekah and Freya were sitting on the couch, while Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Kaylin, Mikayla and Jackson stood around them.

Freya examined Rebekah's wound. "As this mark grows, you'll go mad."

From 3.09 "Savior", in the compound, there were flashes of Rebekah attacking Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Hayley and Mikayla.

Freya: (voice over from 3.09 Savior) "You'll become a relentless Ripper."

From 3.09 "Savior", in the alley, Rebekah forced the dagger into Elijah's hands. "Elijah, do it!"

Elijah drove the dagger into Rebekah's chest.

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in the compound, Hayley, Mikayla, Freya, Nicola and Kaylin were able to see the vision, including seeing the Ancestors mentally attack Kassandra on the bridge, seeing Hayley holding Hope, and Nicola, Kaylin and Mikayla covered in blood later in 3.22 "The Bloody Crown", and seeing Kassandra's transformed reflection in Lucien's penthouse, while she was actually not transformed in 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid".

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in Kassandra's room, Kassandra and Freya were talking.

"You mean the Ancestors," Freya told her. 

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", on the road, Kassandra tried to rush out of the city limits, but she was forced to stop next to the sign as if a boundary spell had been put up to keep her inside the town. 

Freya: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "It's getting worse."

Kassandra knew that the Ancestors weren't letting her leave, breathing heavily in pain, falling to her knees in defeat, screaming in anger and frustration.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "Which is why I need to leave."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in Lucien's penthouse, Kassandra's hallucination.

The sketches burst into flames. The doors to the penthouse slammed closed. The chandeliers started to shake and rattle. The glass windows and mirrors started to shatter.

Kassandra looked into a nearby mirror in confusion. Her eyes were glowing red. Veins trailed all the way down her cheeks. Her reflection was transformed, but she was not.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "They can do more now than just make me hear them."

Lucien leaned closer to kiss Kassandra. A knife slice appeared across her lips, blood trickling down her face.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "They can make me see things like Lucien."

Later, Kassandra realized that the hallucination was because of the Ancestors, holding her head in her hands. "Get out of my head!"

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in the courtyard, Kaylin, Nicola, Hayley, Mikayla and Freya were talking.

"Kassandra is spiraling," Freya told them. "If this keeps going at this rate, we won't be able to save her or stop her."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", on the bridge, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Freya were talking.

Freya walked closer. "Kassandra, I know that you don't want to hurt us. But I also know that the Ancestors are digging deep into you."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in the Ancestral Plane, Auria and Kol were using Caitlin as an anchor to stay alive, waking up in the lycee.

Freya: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "Kol is with Auria, Marcel, Caitlin and Noah right now, trying to pass into the Ancestral Plane to contact Davina..."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in the Ancestral Plane's lycee, Davina continued to hold the glowing depot d'agente, doing the spell. The tomb continued to shake around Davina. She looked ahead, finishing her spell. She was engulfed by a beautiful, blinding bright white light.

Freya: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "So that they can destroy them from the inside. As a way to help us save you."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in the cemetery, bursts of fire exploded from the tombs. Marcel, Auria, Noah, Caitlin and Kol continued to run as the tombs exploded behind them.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "Kol, Marcel, Noah Caitlin and Auria are going to find a way to send all of those witches running back to hell."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", on the bridge, Kassandra could feel them trying to claw into her head to make her attack her brothers and sister, holding her head, groaning in pain, trying her best to resist.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "They're trying to make me as mad as Lucien had been. So that I'll attack and kill my own family."

Freya, Elijah and Klaus stepped closer.

Kassandra backed away, looking up, transforming involuntarily, being forced to, slowly becoming hysterical from the power that the Ancestors were using to drive her insane enough to lose control and attack them.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "You will never be safe, not as long as I am alive, and I can never die."

Kassandra turned away, climbing up onto railing of the bridge, standing tall. "So, to stop me from taking the lives of my family, I'll let myself fall into the river..." She turned to face them. "And let the current take me away."

Kassandra smirked through the tears, raising her arms on either side of her, letting herself fall toward the river below.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "She is falling apart, Kaylin."

Freya, Elijah and Klaus ran over to the edge of the railing to look below worriedly in horror.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "It's amazing that she has held out this long, amazing that she didn't try to kill us tonight."

Kassandra fell into the water, submerging completely, letting the current take her away.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "Were she anyone else, she would have succumbed to the influence of the Ancestors and killed us all by now."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", on the outside balcony of the compound, Klaus and Kaylin were standing together.

"She still might," Klaus told her. He was clearly more emotional than he was letting on, despaired. "If the Ancestors win and she'll come for us. No one is ready for that."

Kaylin looked at Klaus worriedly in concern, wrapping an arm around him, knowing that if she couldn't reassure him, she could at least comfort and be there for him. "We can fix it, Nik."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in Elijah's study, Elijah and Nicola were talking.

"Everything Kassandra said to us tonight... even if it was coming from the Ancestors hexing her mind..." Elijah trailed off. "It was true. Niklaus, Freya and me... we did all of this. Kassandra may have turned Lucien into a vampire, but Niklaus is the one that turned him into a monster. We both killed him. And what Freya and I did to kill Lucien after Kassandra was turned... sacrificing Davina and losing Marcel, Noah, Caitlin, Auria and Kol in the process..."

Nicola sighed, walking closer. "Kol and Caitlin's hexes should be gone, and they should be able to think straight. And you know as well as I do that if Kassandra was still herself, before she turned into the beast, before the Ancestors got to her, she wouldn't have been this devastated. She wouldn't have gone through all of this."

Elijah placed a hand on her cheek, kissing her passionately. Nicola was surprised, but kissed him back just as passionately. 

Nicola: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "You have to forgive yourself."

From 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid", in the lake, Kassandra was still floating along the river peacefully for a long moment.

Nicola: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "Or you can't expect Kassandra, Kol, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin or Auria to."


Same Night - Day One

Night - River 

(Song:) Dreams - Bastille feat. Gabrielle Aplin

Kassandra was still floating along the river, looking expressionless, emotionless, free of pain, remorse and sympathy.

What remaining time that the Ancestors had left, they were using to continue to bend Kassandra to her will, though they didn't have a lot of time left.


Flashback - 3.01 "For the Next Millennium"

Night - Lucien's Penthouse

Kassandra and Lucien walked into the penthouse, which was full of loud music and fancily-dressed people partying together. They watched the party for a moment, smiling despite themselves.


Flashback - 3.03 "I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans"

Day - Police Precinct - Outside

Kassandra turned around, seeing how close Lucien was to her.

Lucien picked a flower from the nearby bush, putting the flower in her hair.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.03 I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans) "All I can do is wait while you decide..."


Flashback - 3.06 "Beautiful Mistake"

Day - Abattoir Compound - Kassandra's Room

Lucien and Kassandra looked at each other for a long moment, meeting the other's gaze. Lucien placed a hand on either of her cheeks, kissing her passionately.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.03 I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans) "Whether I'm your greatest weakness..."


Flashback - 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire"

Day - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard

Kassandra stood in front of Lucien, slowly starting to smile. Lucien placed a hand on her cheek, kissing her deeply.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.03 I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans) "Or our greatest strength."


Flashback - 3.16 "Alone With Everybody"

Day - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard

Lucien took out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back to show them to Kassandra.

Kassandra couldn't help a smile, taking the bouquet, smelling the flowers.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.06 Beautiful Mistake) "I can't live in the dark anymore, Lucien."


Flashback - 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid"

1403 Paris - Night - Gazebo 

Lucien and Kassandra were dancing in the gazebo that was decorate with twinkling lights.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.06 Beautiful Mistake) "Maybe I should learn to live in the light again."


Flashback - 3.03 "I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans"

Court of Marseilles - 1002 AD

Day - Castle - Kassandra's Room

Kassandra and Lucien were in a small alcove by the door. Lucien approached her from behind, taking her shoulder, turning her to face him. Kassandra smiled, putting a hand on his cheek.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.09 Savior) "It's impossible to fall in with someone that you've already been in love with for centuries, isn't it?"


Flashback - 3.21 "Give 'Em Hell, Kid"

Night - River

Kassandra was laying in the water of the river, looking to her right.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "I don't want to hurt them."

Lucien was laying in the water next to Kassandra, looking at her.

Lucien: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "Yes, you do. You want to make them pay. For what they did to us."

They were both standing in the water now, facing each other.

Lucien brushed a lock of soaked hair behind Kassandra's ear, caressing her cheek. "Turn it off."

Kassandra put a hand on his cheek, kissing him for a long moment passionately, knowing that this was the last time that she would be able to, because if the Ancestors were being cut off, then the hallucination of Lucien would fade soon, turning off her humanity.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.21 Give 'Em Hell, Kid) "I'll do it."

Lucien smiled. "Give 'em hell, Kassandra Mikaelson."



Night - River

Kassandra was still laying in the water, rising up to stand, letting her watery hair fall down around her shoulders. She smirked, already wondering what she could do to with her revenge.

(Song Ends)


Worlds Colliding (The Originals) 


Day Two

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Klaus' Room 

Klaus and Kaylin were laying in bed together, only covered by their blanket. Klaus was watching her, still thinking about everything that was going wrong, worried but content that she was there with him, caressing her skin.

Kaylin slowly woke, turning to look at Klaus. "Mm. Were you watching me sleep?"

"Hmm, possibly, a little," Klaus answered, a little sheepish, taking Kaylin by the hand, kissing it gently.

Kaylin smiled a small smile, knowing what was on his mind. "Despite everything that we've done... all those we have lost... we're still here. You're not alone."

Kaylin leaned closer to kiss Klaus slowly but passionately, holding a hand to his cheek, while he caressed hers.


Upstairs Living Room 

Freya was working on a spell.

Mikayla walked toward her. "What's the worry?"

"I didn't sleep last night, Mikayla," Freya told her. "I just had this feeling of dread. I don't know if it's my own guilt or maybe, it's my intuition telling me something's wrong."

"And what's this?" Mikayla asked. "Your early warning system?"

"This map is spelled to trace Niklaus' enemies," Freya told her. "Let's just hope I'm being paranoid." She sighed, reciting an incantation. "Calaste piso tal tras es tros." The blood on the map dripped to NOLA from all directions. "Calaste piso tal tras es tros."

Freya and Mikayla looked at the map worriedly.

"I guess you're not being paranoid," Mikayla told her. "When there is, in fact, a hoard of killers there to get you."


Lafayette Cemetery 

Caitlin, Noah, Auria and Marcel were standing by Davina's gravestone.

Kassandra walked toward them. "All this was you?"

Caitlin, Noah, Auria and Marcel were nervous and surprised to see her.

"No," Auria answered. "We had help. Your brother Kol, and Davina Claire. She's the one that made sure The Ancestors were gone for good. It's the last thing she did. Your brother helped us."

"Don't try to salvage my broken family, Auria," Kassandra told her. "It's long past repair. I only came to ask Marcel, Noah and Caitlin a favor, to attend a show with me to my home."

"What kind of show?" Caitlin asked skeptically.

"The one where I bring down my entire family," Kassandra answered.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Noah asked.

"I'm talking about the fact that I've been calling vampires from all over the world, from my brother Niklaus' broken sireline, to come to this city to witness the downfall of my family," Kassandra answered.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" Marcel asked.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to anymore, Kassandra," Noah told her. "The Ancestors are gone."

"Yes, but they did manage to force me to turn my humanity off at the last second before they were sent back to hell," Kassandra told them.

Caitlin looked at her in shock. "What?"

Kassandra nodded. "Mm-hmm. If you thought that a spiraling beast was bad, you should see a spiraling beast without humanity. Oh, right, you will be able to, because you're coming with me."

"Why would you want us to go with you?" Marcel asked.

"Because I want to see the look on Niklaus' face when I show him that everything that used to be his is mine," Kassandra answered. 

"Kassandra, there's a big difference between having the power and actually using the power to kill somebody," Noah told her. "And these people are your family."

"They were my family," Kassandra told them. "Now they're nothing to me. And if you make me ask you to come with me one more time..." She transformed threateningly. "Then you will be nothing to me, as well." Caitlin, Noah and Marcel were nervous, nodding in agreement. "My family is getting what they deserve today."

"Did the people of New Orleans earn it, too?" Auria asked. "'Cause I've been hearing the rumors about vampires, just flocking into town, and it looks to me you're dead set on starting a war. And I need to know what happens to the innocent people, when they get caught in the crossfire of that."

Kassandra smirked in amusement. "What happens to them happens to them. I don't care. And if you're smart, you won't get in the way of anything."

Auria was even nervous about this, conceding for the time being.

Kassandra beckoned for Marcel, Noah and Caitlin to follow her, turning around, smirking, inhaling deeply, walking away, determined to finish what had been started. Marcel, Noah and Caitlin hesitated for a moment before following.


Abattoir Compound - Downstairs Living Room 

Kol was readying weapons, picking up a crossbow, pretending to take aim.

Klaus and Elijah walked in.

Kol looked at Klaus. "Freya's tracking your former sirelings now, so it won't be long. Which works for me. I could use a good fight."

"Well, we do have an advantage," Elijah told them. "No vampire may enter this stronghold as long as the deed remains in Freya's name."

"So what?" Kol asked. "We hide in here while the enemies mass at the front gate?"

Klaus sighed. "Well, if they are so determined to die at our hands, let them come."

They heard a clattering from in their home, confused.

Klaus, Kol and Elijah exchanged a look, walking toward the door in determination.


Upstairs Living Room 

Freya was performing another spell, pouring blood over a map, seeing that the blood was spreading as if to indicate all of the vampires coming were already there, shaking her head in worried denial. "No."

A female vampire rushed closer, cutting Freya on the neck with a poisoned ring, rushing to stand in front of her, transformed.

Freya was gasping in pain.


Ball Room 

Mikayla, Hayley, Nicola and Kaylin heard thudding and clattering from further in the compound, looking worried and concerned.

Mikayla looked at Hayley. "Go get Hope, get her out of here, now."

Hayley nodded in agreement, rushing upstairs. 

Mikayla, Nicola and Kaylin exchanged a look, walking toward the door in determination.



Kassandra led other vampires, including Marcel, Noah and Caitlin, into the compound.

Klaus, Kol and Elijah walked in.

The vampires surrounded them.

Kassandra walked toward her brothers. "Never thought it would come to this. But, as always, my family made my choice for me."

"Kassandra, how?" Klaus asked.

"How are all these vampires in our home?" Kassandra asked. "You do remember that it was me who arranged to have Freya sign the deed to the compound? I've compelled our friends who can nullify a deed, foreclose on a property like that."

"Kassandra, this is between family," Elijah told her. "So, send these fools away, and let's talk. Just us."

Kassandra smiled. "Ooh, I don't know. I wanted an audience here today to bear witness."

"Are you planning to put on a little show, Kassandra?" Kol asked.

"Damned sure I am," Kassandra answered. She held her arms on either side of her dramatically. "The fall of the Mikaelsons. And guess what? The show has already started."


Lafayette Cemetery 

Auria was in the cemetery, standing in front of a crowd of witches that she was giving a speech to.

The witch crowd was clamoring loudly.

Auria was standing on the steps of the lycee. "You're gonna have to listen to me now. You're gonna have to hear me out. Because I understand what you're going through. Our connection with the Ancestors has been severed. It's gone."

"What about the vampires?" a female witch asked. "Their number increase by the hour, while our strength has diminished."

"All right, I hear you," Auria told them. "But I need for you to hear me. Kassandra Mikaelson is a beast now, yes, and she has her humanity off, yes. But Marcel Gerard, Noah Dumaine and Caitlin Harris made a deal with her. If they went to the Mikaelson compound like she wanted them to, she would still let them run the Quarter." The crowd mumbled to themselves. "I know. Listen. Now, I'm not asking you to trust them. I'm asking you to trust me. Guys, what happens next, it's up to us."

The crowd murmured, dispersing, walking away, leaving.

Auria saw Vincent in the crowd, walking toward him.

Vincent sighed. "Nice speech."

"Thank you," Auria told him. 

"Except for the part about the vampires and the witches," Vincent told her.

"What are you doing here?" Auria asked.

"Look, I saw something," Vincent told her. "It's a bloodbath. I need you to come with me. See for yourself."

Auria looked at him in confusion, nodding. "Yeah. Okay."

Vincent turned around, walking away.

Auria sighed, hesitantly following him.


Abattoir Compound - Upstairs Living Room 

Freya was gasping and groaning in pain, falling to the floor in front of the female vampire watching her.

Nicola appeared behind the female vampire, running her sword through her back out her chest, making her gasp in agony, pulling it out, snapping her neck, letting her fall unconscious. 

A male vampire rushed toward Nicola from behind.

Mikayla rushed toward the male vampire, pushing him against the wall, transforming, biting into his neck, ripping his throat out, letting him fall dead to the floor, splattering herself in blood.

A vampire appeared behind Nicola, grabbing her, turning her to face him. Kaylin appeared behind him, swinging her arm through his neck to decapitate him and save Nicola, splattering her face with blood in the process as they watched the headless body fall to the floor.

Nicola walked toward Freya in concern. "What did they do to you?"

"Poison," Freya answered, groaning in pain.

"Mikayla, Nikki, let's get Freya out of here," Kaylin told them.

Mikayla and Nicola walked closer.

Mikayla and Nicola grabbed either of Freya's arms, lifting her up, wrapping her arms around their shoulders to help her out of the compound.

Another vampire walked in.

Nicola sighed, nodding to Kaylin.

Kaylin rushed toward the vampire. The vampire punched her in the face. Kaylin tried to punch him. The vampire ducked, picking Kaylin up, slamming her onto a nearby table. Kaylin punched into his chest, gripping his heart, pushing it out through his back. Blood fell all over her forehead, right cheek, chin, neck and chest. The vampire slumped forward, dead. Kaylin pulled her hand out of his body, pushing him off of her, sitting up, turning to Freya, Nicola and Mikayla.

"Hayley's already getting Hope out," Mikayla told them. "Kaylin, Nicola, come on. Let's get Freya out. Really need Salvatore help right now."

Kaylin stood, walking out, leaving.

Mikayla and Nicola followed, supporting Freya against them along the way.


St. Anne's Church 

Vincent led Auria inside.

Dead vampires were laying on the floor in the gym.

"Someone was screaming bloody murder," Vincent told her. "I get in here, I don't know whether to call the police or an exorcist. I mean, what the hell am I looking at, Auria?"

"These are The Strix," Auria answered. "Or what's left of them."

"Vampire organization, right?" Vincent asked.

"Yeah," Auria answered.

"The guy who did this, some kind of vampire, too?" Vincent asked.

"This is not a normal vampire, and not a guy," Auria answered. "This was Kassandra. You have a lot to catching up to do when it comes to the Mikaelsons, Vincent."

A half dead vampire hanging over the top of the cage gripped Vincent by his throat, pulling him up to bite him in the throat, feeding, making him gasp and groan in pain.

Auria used magic to cause the vampire immense pain, making him let go of Vincent, using magic to snap his neck, letting him fall unconscious.

Vincent fell to the floor, breathing heavily, holding his neck in pain.

Auria looked at Vincent. "You okay?"

Vincent nodded, breathing heavily. "Yeah. Thanks."

Auria nodded.


Mikayla's Apartment - Living Room

Kaylin, Nicola and Mikayla brought Freya into the apartment.

Hayley was already here, holding Hope.

Nicola helped Freya lay down on the sofa.

"The prophecy is coming true," Freya told them. "This is the day Lucien said would come."

Hayley held Hope close to her, looking terrified.

Kaylin, Nicola and Mikayla recognized the look on her face from the part of the prophecy that Freya had showed them, looking at each other at the blood covering their skin on their faces and necks, turning away to the mirror, seeing the reflection of the vision that Freya had showed them. Kaylin was in shock. Nicola and Mikayla were horrified.

Hayley shook her head, turning to Freya in denial. "No. There has to be another way. Especially with your magic."

Mikayla sat down in front of Freya, biting her wrist, offering it to her. "Here, drink. It won't cure you, but it will help you." Freya drank her blood. "Lucien has an antidote to the poison in his penthouse."

"Even if I was cured, the power I used to fight Lucien, it's gone," Freya told them. "There's nothing that can save or stop Kassandra now."

Kaylin thought for a moment, realizing something. "There might be one thing. Hayley, Mikayla, stay here with Freya and Hope. Nikki, come with me. We'll be back."

"Are you thinking of Rebekah?" Nicola asked. Kaylin nodded. "Good thinking, Kaylin. Rebekah's probably the only one that can calm down Kassandra now, even if it's just a little bit. Come on."

Kaylin and Nicola stood, walking out, leaving.


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Everyone was still in the courtyard.

Kassandra looked around, smiling, feeling free, spinning slightly, giggling evilly. She turned to see her hallucination of Lucien behind her, still in her mind because she was still hexed. They both smiled.

"You seem to be awfully upbeat for a girl who lost Lucien, the love of your life, who betrayed you, and who turned you into a beast with the Ancestors driving you out of you mind, Kassandra," Kol told her.

Kassandra turned to them, tilting her head. "Caitlin, Noah, would you like to explain?"

Caitlin stepped closer. "That's because the Ancestors made Kassandra turn her humanity off."

Klaus, Elijah and Kol looked at Kassandra in surprise.

"One of the perks of being reborn," Noah told them. "She was able to turn it all of when she was so angry and betrayed by her own family."

"Which means she'll do anything to get her revenge," Marcel told them.

"And what about you, Marcellus, Caitlin, Noah?" Klaus asked. "Why are you here? To watch Kassandra as she gets your revenge for you?"

"We're here because she came to us, practically threatening me, Noah and Caitlin to come, and threatening Auria to stay out of it," Marcel told them. "And we don't really feel like pissing off an Enhanced Original vampire."

Kassandra nodded, shrugging in acknowledgement.

Kol stepped closer. "Sandra, I know you're hurt. I know you're angry. But this is the Ancestors inside your head."

"The Ancestors are gone, brothers," Kassandra told them. "The last thing that they got to do was to drive me mad as a hatter so I would turn it off and kill my own family. It's something that I wouldn't mind doing."

"This is because of Lucien," Kol told her. "He was mad, but he loved you, and the Ancestors took advantage of him. Like they're taking advantage of you."

"I was only mad because your dear brother Klaus drove me out of my mind, Kassandra," Lucien told her. "Killed everyone else you've ever loved. And the entire lot of them have been controlling you since the time you could walk. Enough is enough."

Kassandra clearly didn't care about fighting her hex anymore. "Enough is enough."

Knowing that trying to talk Kassandra down was useless because of her hex and her humanity being off, Kol tried to stab Kassandra with Papa Tunde's Blade. Kassandra caught it, twisting Kol's wrist to break it, transforming, pulling him closer to bite him on the neck, making him scream in pain.

Hallucination-Lucien smiled.

Elijah and Klaus watched in horror.

"Kol," Klaus told him.

Kassandra let go of Kol, snapping his neck, throwing him across the room to the wall, making him fall. She turned to Elijah, kicking him in the chest, punching him in the face, making him turn away. Klaus rushed closer, trying to punch Kassandra. Kassandra raised an arm to block the move. Klaus tried to punch her again. Kassandra caught his wrist, kicking Elijah in the chest, pushing Klaus' wrist away from her. Klaus tried to punch her in the face. Kassandra ducked, spinning to backhand punch Klaus in the face so hard she sent him flying across the room.

Vampires rushed to get out of the way.

Klaus hit the wall, falling to the floor. 

Marcel, Noah and Caitlin were in shock, horrified.

Hallucination-Lucien laughed in amusement, proudly.

Elijah stood behind Kassandra, trying to punch her. Kassandra wasn't looking at him, raising an arm to block the move, turning to face him. Elijah tried to punch her. Kassandra caught his fist, punching him in the chest, kicking him in the knees, breaking his legs, making him fall to his knees, circling around to stand behind Elijah, gripping his hair, pulling back his head, transforming, biting him in the neck, making him scream in pain.

Klaus looked up in horror.

Kassandra pulled back, throwing Elijah across the room into the wall, making him fall.

The crowd cheered.

Kassandra had blood staining her lips, smirking, licking the blood away, beckoning Klaus forward with a wave of either hand. She smiled, rushing toward Klaus where he still was by the wall.

Rebekah appeared between Kassandra and Klaus, putting a hand on her sister's chest. "Stop!"

Everything fell into silence.

Kaylin and Nicola walked closer worriedly.

Kassandra looked at her sister in surprise. "Rebekah."

Marcel, Noah and Caitlin were just as surprised to see her there.

Nicola walked closer. "Hayley and Mikayla have Hope and Freya. We have to take Kol and Elijah and go now."

Klaus looked from Kaylin and Nicola to Rebekah worriedly.

Rebekah looked at her sister. "Kassandra will not hurt me. Not if she knows what's good for her." She looked at Klaus, Kaylin and Nicola. "Go now." Kaylin helped Klaus stand. Nicola helped Elijah stand, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Kaylin took Elijah's other arm, wrapping it around her shoulders. Klaus rushed toward Kol, helping him stand, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. Klaus, Kaylin and Nicola exchanged a look, looking at Kassandra and Rebekah, rushing out with Kol and Elijah, leaving. Rebekah turned to Kassandra, looking at the cursed skull branded on her wrist. "I've only got a short while before I go mad. So your explanation better be quick, and it better be good."

Kassandra smirked in amusement.


Lucien's Penthouse 

Hayley, Mikayla and Freya were searching for the antidote.

"It's not here," Hayley told them. "I can't find it."

"Calm down," Mikayla told them. "Think. Hayley, when Freya was poisoned before, Lucien gave Kassandra the antidote to cure you."

"Which means that Kassandra would know what that antidote was, and she would have destroyed it or hid it, Mikayla," Hayley told her.

"There's no other place to look," Freya told them. "If I can't find the cure, I will die."

Klaus, Kaylin and Nicola pulled Kol and Elijah into the penthouse, as they were very badly wounded from Kassandra's bites.

"Freya," Klaus told her.

Hayley saw Elijah and Kol's wounds. "Oh, my God."

"Don't," Elijah told them. "We'll deal with it later."

Klaus laid Kol onto the sofa.

Nicola helped Elijah sit in a chair, completely horrified and in denial.

"I am going to die," Kol told them.

Hope started to cry.

Mikayla looked at Kol. "You're not going to die."

Kol chuckled painfully. "Now, that sounds familiar. Isn't that what we said to Finn and Cami?"

"Lucien used Tory Donovan's Doppelganger blood to turn into the beast, and he engineered his venom from the seven werewolf packs, so maybe, that's the key to the cure," Nicola told them.

"Oh, great," Freya told them. "That's the first piece in a puzzle none of us will be alive to solve. I'm poisoned, Rebekah and Kassandra are hexed, Kol and Elijah are bitten. We cannot save Kassandra or stop her, and the Ancestors succeeded into turning her into a weapon against us, and without her humanity, she is ruthless and doesn't care about fighting it anymore. We need three different cures to three different ailments, each of which could take years to find, and none of us will make it through the day."

Klaus looked at them worriedly.


Abattoir Compound - Upstairs Living Room 

Rebekah had brought Kassandra, Marcel, Noah and Caitlin into the room to talk to them alone.

Rebekah looked at her brand on her wrist. "Oh, that doesn't bode well." She turned to face Kassandra. "Let's cut the niceties. I need you to cure our brothers, before something's done that can't be undone."

"Oh, there's no going back," Kassandra told her. "This is a fight to the death, and I won't lose."

"Why are you doing this?" Rebekah asked.

"You really need to ask that?" Noah asked.

Marcel scoffed. "Can you honestly defend them? After what they did to us, to Davina?"

"After what they did to me?" Kassandra asked. "To Lucien? None of this would have happened if Nikalus hadn't compelled him. And if Elijah hadn't killed him and turned him into a beast. And to defeat him, they all banded together against him and me. This isn't just about Lucien, Rebekah. This is about 1000 years of having too much. I just finally snapped."

Rebekah looked at them sadly. "I cannot defend them." She looked at Kassandra. "But they're our family, and I am begging you to cure them."

"There's no cure," Kassandra told her.

"What do you mean, there is no cure?" Rebekah asked.

"Elijah and Kol?" Kassandra asked. "They're as good as dead. Before the night's over, Niklaus will follow along with them. Freya is poisoned and she will die soon, too."

"Who is your next victim, me?" Rebekah asked.

"No, no," Kassandra answered. "You have that skull on your wrist. It will drive you mad and bring you to see my side of things. We could make quite the team. I'm not backing down. I am taking back my life. I am taking over."

"The Kassandra we knew never fancied herself judge, jury and executioner," Caitlin told her.

Kassandra became distracted by her hallucination of Lucien next to her.

Lucien chuckled. "They want justice. Well, that's a lot more than your family offered anyone, least of all you, Kassandra. But sure. Give them justice."

Kassandra looked at the hallucination of Lucien curiously, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Rebekah, Marcel, Noah and Caitlin were aware of the fact that she was being forced to see Lucien, but they didn't say anything because they didn't want to anger Kassandra anymore than she already was.


Lucien's Penthouse 

Freya was taking care of a sweating Kol on the sofa.

"You know, maybe it's fair that you and I pay for what was done to Davina," Kol told her.

"No," Freya told him. "Davina didn't want revenge, okay?"

"Just put me out of my misery," Kol told her. "At least put me to bloody sleep."

Freya suddenly started to form a plan in her head.

Mikayla was nearby the door, after a shower but in the same clothes, sitting on the steps, gazing off worriedly, feeling utterly helpless.

Hayley, Nicola and Kaylin were standing nearby.

Nicola and Kaylin had also showered but still in the same clothes.



Klaus and Elijah were talking.

"Not our finest moment, Niklaus," Elijah told him.

"No," Klaus agreed.

"Please, take care of them," Elijah told him. "Take care of Hayley, and Hope, and Mikayla. I know that you will take care of Kaylin. Please take care of Nicola. If you can help it, make sure she never triggers her Huntress curse."

"I promise you," Klaus told him. "And I will get Rebekah. What of Kassandra?"

The brothers were both saddened by what had come.

Elijah could barely bring himself to speak. "This was not... this was not Kassandra. This was not our sister, Niklaus. This was us. This was Lucien. This was the Ancestors. Someday, Kassandra will be free to turn it on, and she will realize what she has done, and it will tear her apart." He struggled to stand from his chair, clasping Klaus' arm. "You have to remember that our sister is not the villain of this story, brother. She's the victim."

Klaus was saddened and despaired, not knowing what to do. "I know, brother. I can't do this without you, Elijah."

Elijah embraced Klaus, grasping his neck to talk into his ear. "Listen to me. You have to be strong. We need you."

They pulled away.

Klaus nodded.

Elijah walked away.


Abattoir Compound - Every Room 

The vampires were destroying the compound, the family paintings, glass, furniture, everything that they could get their hands on.



Marcel, Caitlin and Noah stood on the balcony, seeing that papers littered the courtyard floor. They were nervous and worried about this entire situation, not liking it, but knew that if they pissed off Kassandra, they would be next in line to go.

Rebekah was in a change of clothes, in all black. She walked away to make a call. "Nik, it's me. There's an army of your sirelings eager for blood. Kassandra has them set to tear apart the city to find you..." Klaus was in the penthouse. "But after a brief chat that Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and I gave her, she's considered an alternative. Though, I think it might be worse. She wants you to come back here and stand trial for your sins."

"Before a jury of those who hate me the most?" Klaus asked. "Like hell I will."

"If you don't, this mob will hunt you down," Rebekah told him. "And given their current frenzy, I can't imagine they'll show any mercy to you or anyone standing in their way."

Klaus looked toward where Hayley and Mikayla were tending to Hope while Nicola and Kaylin watched the siblings suffer in panic.


Lucien's Penthouse 

Klaus, Elijah, Mikayla, Hayley, Kaylin, Nicola, Freya and Kol were talking.

"It's not a trial," Elijah told him. "This is suicide. Take Kaylin, take Nicola, take Mikayla, take Hayley, take Hope, get the hell out of the city."

"No," Hayley told them. "We won't leave you."

Kol was delirious, trapped in his own hallucinations. "No! Davina, please! No, don't leave me!"

They all walked closer quickly, holding him down.

"Shh, shh," Mikayla told him.

"There may be a way to save them," Freya told them.

"Then I will move the world to make it so," Klaus told her.

"I need time," Freya told him.

"You think I should stand trial before the death-dealing mob?" Klaus asked.

"Well, that's the easy part," Freya told him. "In order to save your family, you need to come out of that trial alive."

Klaus was worried.



Hope was in a playpen brought by Hayley and Mikayla, looking tired and oblivious.

Klaus walked toward the bag that was sitting outside the playpen, putting a letter into the bag, looking at Hope sadly. "What better life might have awaited you, were another man your father? All those who have loved me, have lived to regret it. But I do know this, my littlest wolf... I will do right by you."

Kaylin walked in to speak to him. "Klaus, it's too dangerous. Let me come with you."

"No, I think not," Klaus told her. "Besides, I am the only one they want."

"No, I'm not going to let you walk into a death trap," Kaylin told him.

Klaus looked at Kaylin knowingly, sadly. "I know. Even after all you and I have been through together, done to each other, you could never walk away when I need you the most."

"So, let me come with you," Kaylin told him.

"Kassandra has bested Elijah, Kol and I with ease," Klaus told her. "She had Freya poisoned by a foreigner. I could only imagine what she would do to you. In revenge against me for what I did to Lucien, repeatedly. I know that you think you have nothing left to fight for, with the shambles that your own family is in now. But Nicola will find a way to survive Rayna Cruz. You will make sure of that. Stefan will return to both of you. And eventually, Damon will wake from his sleep. And when they do, they will need you. Just because my family is dying doesn't mean that yours has to."

"What are you talking about?" Kaylin asked. "I don't care about what Kassandra can do to me in revenge against you for Lucien. I'm not letting you walk alone into a death trap."

(Song:) Frail Love - Cloves 

Klaus sighed painfully, walking closer. "Yes, you are. Kaylin, you had it right when you were trying to avoid your feelings for me. Whatever lies on the other end of this story will only offer you pain. I can't save my family, but I can save you. The only way for you to survive..."

Kaylin realized what he was about to do, stunned and in denial. "No."

"Is for you to move on," Klaus finished, stepping closer still.

"No," Kaylin told him, starting to back away. Klaus gently grabbed her arms. "Klaus, you can't compel me. You can't do this to me. Not again."

Klaus looked pained by her pain. "I don't want to. Some demons will not be tamed. We just do the best we can, and never give up. I refuse to let my demons haunt you." He started to compel Kaylin. "You once said that we were a toxic relationship because we are the same yet so different, but it's those relationships that tend to love more passionately, even if it is more blindly and recklessly. You were right about that." They both had tears in their eyes. "I never wanted to do this to you again."

"So don't," Kaylin told him. "Nik, please, don't do this."

"If I don't, I'll be allowing you to follow me to your death," Klaus told her. "I would rather die with you hating me... than loving me so much that you'll die."

Kaylin sighed heavily, shaking her head in denial. "Nik..."

Klaus let a few tears fall, compelling Kaylin. "You're brave and loyal to a fault. So much to follow the man that has ruined your life before into battle."

"That's how you know you love someone," Kaylin told him.

"And this is me honoring that," Klaus told her. "If you follow me to the compound, Kassandra would surely kill you in front of me, just like I had done to her loves. Especially after all of this with Lucien. At least we got to be happy for a moment. I want you to leave with Nicola, Mikayla, Hayley and Hope. Keep on living your life, the way you want. And when your brothers come to their senses about exiling you from their lives, when your niece that is more like a sister to you survives through whatever hell she is going through like she always does, I want you to reunite with your family. Be happy, alive, yourself. The ray of light in the darkness. I love you, which is why I can't let you die for me. And whatever death, whatever pain lies in wait for me, I will carry you with me, Kaylin Salvatore, to remind me that I am not alone." He kissed Kaylin on the head, holding a hand to her cheek for a moment. "But I have to go, and you need to leave."

Klaus turned to leave.

Kaylin caught his arm. "Klaus... Nik... Mikayla is going to take at least half of your pain. I can take some of that pain for myself."

"I think not," Klaus told her. "Not even to spare me. You've gone through too much pain in your life as it is, Kaylin, and I'm adding more in this moment. I will not add anymore after. And if Nicola happens to trigger her Huntress curse during the time where my siblings and I are fallen, then you need your strength to deal with that situation."

"Whatever happens, I'm going to save you, and your family," Kaylin told him. "I don't care how long it takes, I will find a cure and get you to wake up."

"To fight or forgive me?" Klaus asked.

Kaylin didn't know the answer herself, shaking her head, starting to cry. "I guess we'll see when the time comes."

Klaus hesitated, turning to face Kaylin, placing a hand on either of her cheeks, kissing her passionately and painfully, like it was the last time he was going to get the chance. Kaylin returned the kiss in kind, both devastated and in denial. After a long moment, they both pulled away, looking at each other in silence, not wanting to let go.

Klaus slowly let Kaylin go, turning around, walking out, leaving.

Kaylin wanted to follow him, but the compulsion wouldn't let her, leaving her to cry, both angry and devastated, and wondering if he was going to come back alive.

(Song Ends)


Living Room 

Klaus walked toward where Hayley and Mikayla were standing by the door. "Hayley. Mikayla. Some time ago, I refused to trust you with Hope. I took you from her. I took her mother and her aunt away. Take care of Hope, and yourselves, little wolves."

Klaus walked out, leaving.

Hayley and Mikayla were both stunned.


Abattoir Compound - Hallway 

Klaus walked through the gate silently.

Rebekah was waiting for him. "Are you ready?"

Klaus took Rebekah by the wrist, rubbing over the skull in her skin. "Are you?"

"For Freya's plan to work, I can't go mad like Kassandra, and you can't die," Rebekah told him. "What are the bloody odds of that?"

"Wasn't it you who once said I could talk my way out of hell?" Klaus asked. "We're about to test that theory, considering our sister is quite literally in hell."

Rebekah and Klaus smiled small, sad smiles, embracing, clasping hands, walking down the hallway.



The crowd was cheering. Fires were burning.

Klaus walked through the crowd. He looked around. He saw Marcel, Caitlin and Noah in the crowd, looking at them knowingly, who all gave him knowing looks in return.

Kassandra was sitting in a chair that was on the fountain, a sort of throne. "Silence." The crowd fell silent. Kassandra smirked. "The great Klaus Mikaelson has decided to grace us with his presence."

"I have nothing to hide, Kassandra," Klaus told her. "You wish to put me on trial for my many grievous sins. Well, go on, then, sister. Have at it."

The crowd cheered.

Kassandra looked at Klaus critically, tilting her head barely.


The crowd was still cheering, pulling Klaus toward a box for him to sit down.

Kassandra stood. "Klaus Mikaelson. Sired to a thousand years' worth of angry faces. How does it feel to be this hated?" She walked closer. "Go on. Look at them." Klaus didn't answer, looking at his sister. "I said, look at them! They're all yours, after all." Kassandra pointed at a vampire. "Do you remember her? 1694. His wife accused Rebekah of witchcraft. So, you turned him and then compelled him to drain his wife dry." She pointed at another vampire. "Or this man. He was a simple farmer. In 1745, he made the mistake of owning land that you wanted. You could've easily taken it. Instead, you turned him and then made him burn his entire village to the ground." She walked toward a female vampire. "Or this woman. 1891. Her mother had pneumonia. Coughed all through the night. You got annoyed. So you turned them both, and made her watch as you burned her mother alive." She stepped closer to Marcel, Noah and Caitlin. "And what of your adoptive son, Marcellus? You raised him, you turned him, you forbade him from loving our sister, and when he disobeyed you, you drove a dagger into Rebekah's heart. You poisoned his daughter-figure Davina, who was Caitlin and Noah's friend, and if it hadn't been for a spell Noah had set up, she would have died then. And our family turned against her like they turn against everything and sacrificed her to kill the monster that we made. Not to mention that you drained Caitlin and Noah of vervain to compel them to follow your command when you were working with our aunt Dahlia, which included Caitlin daggering you, unleashing Lucien from your compulsion finally after 500 years, and Noah killing our sister Freya while she had immortality repeatedly. Or the time that Auria was using her magic to hide your daughter Hope, my niece's existence from everyone, and you threatened everyone Auria cared about to make sure that she didn't say a word until the truth was found out anyway by our brother. You threatened Noah, Caitlin, Marcel and Davina just to make sure that Auria did as you said."

"Yes, yes, yes, my sins were terrible indeed," Klaus told her. "But they taught the world to fear me, and that fear protected our family."

"Don't preach to me about family," Marcel told him. "I was your family once. Or so you said. And where did that get me?"

"I could've left you nameless and alone, but I didn't," Klaus told him. "I took you in, and I made you all that you are."

"I guess you made everyone here," Marcel told him. "Made us all in your image. Angry. Paranoid. Merciless."

"Why?" Caitlin asked. "Why even bother siring us? Were you afraid to be alone when you drove daggers into your family's hearts when they disappointed you? Was that it? Did you want to make something so vile and disgusting, like you?"

Rebekah looked at the skull on her wrist to see it was getting worse. 

Noah sighed dramatically. "In the end, the reason doesn't matter. You made us, you abandoned us, and anyone who dared stand up for themselves, you took away everything that we loved. Because that is what you do."

"Not just to your sirelings, but to your family," Kassandra told him. "And for that, you must pay."

The crowd cheered.

Klaus and Rebekah looked at each other nervously.


Lucien's Penthouse 

Freya was sitting at the table, writing a spell down.

Kol was suffering in his hallucinations. "No! Don't hurt her!"

Mikayla sat next to Kol, holding him down. "Freya, it's getting worse."

Kol thrashed, delirious. "Don't hurt her!"

"Calm down," Mikayla told him. "Calm down, okay? Davina is gone. She's gone. She's at peace now. It's okay." Kol was breathing heavily, restless. "It's okay."

Hayley looked at her sister. "Mikayla? Are you okay?"

Mikayla nodded unconvincingly, looking at Kol sadly, thinking about everyone else she had already lost. "Yeah." She looked at Elijah and Freya, clearly not able to lose anyone else. "I'm fine."


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

The so-called trial continued.

The crowd was still cheering.

Rebekah walked closer to stand in front of Klaus. "Enough!" The crowd fell silent. Rebekah looked at Kassandra. "You will not condemn our brother before I have had a chance to speak on his behalf."

Caitlin chuckled. "You want to speak? All right. Go ahead."

"You accuse my brother of unjust retaliation," Rebekah told them. "Of killing your loved ones. But how is he any different from any of you? The strong fight to determine who is strongest, and my brother is strong. Yes, he fights for power, as do all of you. But his first instinct is to defend his blood, as you act to avenge yours. You say he is guilty, but I ask you, would anyone here do any less?"

"That's your argument?" Noah asked. "All's fair, in defense of the family? Hmm."

"Thing is, Rebekah, I seem to recall he punished both you and Kassandra, his sisters, for no other reason than fear that you might love someone more that him," Marcel told her.

"We have been together for a millennium," Rebekah told them. "We were bound to have a few tiffs."

"Was it a 'tiff' when he daggered you for loving Marcel Gerard and Stefan Salvatore?" Kassandra asked. She walked closer to Rebekah. "Was it justice when he killed every man that either you or I have loved? Samuel, Emil, Lucas, Alec, Nathan, James, Steven, Anthony, Alexander, Lucien? Or when he exiled you from the Quarter? From our family?"

"Kassandra, stop," Rebekah told her, looking at her wrist to see the brand burning bright red, looking dizzy.

"You hate him," Kassandra told her. "You hate him as much as anybody here, maybe even more, given how long he has made you suffer, as much as he has made me. You hate him as much as I hate him."

Rebekah seemed to change, but her eyes were still normal. "You know what, Sandra? You are right."

Klaus looked at her nervously. "Rebekah..."

"You see, I haven't been entirely honest," Rebekah told them. "Perhaps, it's time to tell the brutal truth about our dear brother Klaus Mikaelson."

Rebekah looked at Klaus, smiling evilly, giggling.

The crowd cheered.

Marcel, Noah and Caitlin looked nervous and confused.

Kassandra smiled, giggling evilly.


Kassandra was sitting on her makeshift throne once again.

The crowd was still cheering.

Rebekah raised her arms to silence them. "Yes, he is my brother, and I have loved him through the ages. But no one has felt the blunt end of his ire more than Kassandra and I. He claims that his actions are in defense of his family, but he lies."

"Rebekah, Kassandra, you're not well," Klaus told them. "The curses have poisoned your minds."

"Let her speak," Kassandra told him angrily.

"Yes, Nik, I would like to speak," Rebekah told him. "Although, when I speak out of turn, I often end up with a dagger in my chest. You see, my brother, he cannot handle the brutal truth that he destroys everything he touches. You murdered our mother, and both of your fathers. You dagger your siblings and leave us in coffins for decades, or centuries, in Finn and Kassandra's cases. You break our hearts, you forbid us from finding love, and when you do find love of your own, you compel them, push them away, betray them and hurt them." She looked at the crowd. "I am envious of all of you. You have broken free of him. But I have had no such relief. Chained to him, not because of a sirelink, but because of a foolish pact that we made to each other, when we were nothing more than children. What if he could suffer the way I have? The way that we all have!"

"Well, I think we've heard enough," Noah told them. 

"Kassandra, have you come to a decision?" Caitlin asked.

The crowd started to chant. "Kill him! Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"

Kassandra looked around the crowd, smirking. She looked at her nearby hallucination of Lucien.

Lucien smirked in amusement. "You heard the people, Kassandra. Do all of us the favor."

Kassandra tilted her head curiously, thinking it through.


Lucien's Penthouse - Bedroom 

(Song:) Don't Forget About Me - Cloves

Elijah was laying in the bed, shivering from his bite, trying to write a letter, though he could barely focus.

Nicola walked closer, confused. "Hmm. Catching up on your, uh, correspondences?"

"I was trying to write you a letter," Elijah told her.

"I'm here," Nicola told him.

"It's for when I won't be," Elijah told her.

Nicola shook her head, walking closer, sitting next to Elijah. "Don't talk like that." She picked up a cloth, blotting his forehead. "I can't think like that."

Elijah shuddered in pain. "I saw you... I had a dream of you. I was holding you. You seemed happy."

"It wasn't a dream," Nicola told him. "And I was happy. 

"I know you heard Niklaus compel Kaylin, just as I did," Elijah told her.

"You won't have to do that to me," Nicola told him. "I want to stay here with you, Elijah..."

"It's suicide," Elijah told her. "You need to leave with them."

Nicola nodded, tears in her eyes, obviously more emotionally effected by all of this than she let on. "I know." 

"Even after all you've been through, you still remain here, helping me," Elijah told her. "Promising me that you will try to save us. I can't ask you to devote yourself to years of this, Nicola."

Nicola used the words Elijah had told her in Mystic Falls in 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon. "You don't have to ask for my help. I'm offering it." Elijah managed a small smile. Nicola let a tear fall, shaking her head. "And I'm not ready to leave yet. I have a long history of hiding my true feelings, Elijah, and I can't do that anymore."

Elijah barely managed a small smile. "Once you leave this place... if we make it..."

"You'll make it," Nicola told him.

"Even if we do, I won't be awake," Elijah told her. "I won't be able to help you... with your scar, with Rayna Cruz, with your curse... But you will survive, like you survive everything. You Salvatores have a habit of surviving anything fate delivers you. In the future, if you cross paths with Rayna again, and you get hurt... you may be angry that you are in this mess because you were protecting your family. You may want to hate them, and to turn your back on them, but you won't be able to."

"You would know, right?" Nicola asked.

Elijah nodded barely. "Listen to me. You have grieved enough when it came to your family alone. Now you have to grieve mine as well." He held a hand to her cheek. "Promise me that you will get as far away from this place as you can." Nicola held the hand that he held her with. "I want you to be happy." Elijah kissed her on the cheek, whispering closely. "This... 'destiny' Rayna wants to bestow onto you... I believe you can fight it. You're strong enough to keep fighting."

Nicola was trying very hard not to cry. "Even without you to ground me to myself, like an anchor? Without you to save me?"

Elijah chuckled weakly. "If there's anything you have shown me, Nicola... it is that you don't need to be saved to survive." Nicola looked ready to break, though she was touched by what he said. "If you are awakened as the Huntress, when you need something to hold onto, and only then, I want you to read this. Only when you need it most, when you don't believe anything else can keep you centered to yourself. When you think all is lost. It will prove to you that hope is still there, just like you proved it to me."

Nicola couldn't help but start crying silently at this, taking the letter from him. "Another letter delivered from you to me. I'll keep it safe. I'll remember everything that I told you... and everything that you told me. I promise."

Nicola kissed Elijah for a long moment as if it was the last time that she could, pulling away. They were both devastated and worried about everyone else and each other, but they weren't worried about themselves. Nicola held Elijah's head to her shoulder to comfort him as much as she could, crying silently.

(Song Ends)


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

The 'trial' was still in progress.

The crowd was still cheering.

"Enough!" Klaus told them. The crowd fell into silence. Klaus looked at his sister. "I'm disappointed in you, Kassandra. You are just as poorly impaired as our dear sister to Rebekah, and yet you use her like the Ancestors used you to propagate their vitriol. It's hardly the mark of a true leader. Wouldn't you say?"

Caitlin scoffed. "Oh, please. You want the last word? Take it. Then we can finish this."

Klaus turned to Marcel, Caitlin and Noah. "Look at you three. Outraged over the loss of Davina. She who routinely betrayed my family." He jumped off the box, calmly walking toward them. "And in the end, defied even the three of  you and Auria. Perhaps... Marcel and Noah should have warned her what befalls those who cross me. Maybe... what happened to her was your fault. After all, Caitlin, you are the one who killed her, even if it was under the influence of the Ancestors." Caitlin glared at him expressionlessly. Noah gave him a look for adding more to her guilt and shame and self-loathing. Klaus walked away from them, toward the crowd, looking at Kassandra. "No matter. Davina's death did help defeat Lucien, so I suppose you could say the little witch did finally prove herself to be of some minute worth. Lucien, who was driven insane by the fact of being compelled to be me for centuries finally faded away and turned him into an even worse monster, who was so obsessed with his love for you, Kassandra, that he killed poor Finn and Camille to try and lure you to him. Maybe you can blame yourself for the things that he did." Kassandra glared at him emotionlessly. Klaus turned to the crowd. "And as for you lot... yes... I murdered your loved ones. I killed your harlot. I rid the world of your slum. And I freed you from your decrepit mother. So, what of it? Each and every one stands here today, because I willed it to be so. This mockery of a trial is allowed only because of me. And your very immortality is a gift... from me. A debt that you can never repay. One that far offsets all my supposed crimes. I... owe... you... nothing. So, go on! Kill me! I welcome the peace of death as a reprieve from this tedium. I will die suffering but a taste of the agony I have inflicted upon all of you. The scales remain in my favor. And in the end, you will all know that I won. You will remember me, Klaus Mikaelson... your maker."

Noah looked at Kassandra. "Death is too good for him. You have the means to make him suffer. Let that be his fate."

The crowd started to chant. "Torture him! Torture him! Torture him! Torture him!"

Marcel stood, walking closer. "Justice... for Klaus Mikaelson... should be a fate worse than death." He picked up Papa Tunde's blade from the floor where Kol had dropped it, walking toward Kassandra. "This blade is imbued with dark magic. It will cause unending agony. All the pain that we have felt at the hands of this man will pale in comparison to what he will soon feel as long as you decide to let him live."

Marcel held the blade toward Kassandra.

"Kassandra, just finish him off," Lucien told her. "You don't need to drag this out any longer. Kill him."

Kassandra looked at the hallucination of Lucien for a moment, thinking, deciding to ignore him and do what she wanted, taking the blade from Marcel, standing, walking toward the podium, standing on it, turning to face everyone, holding the blade up for them to see, using her other arm to beckon for vampires to bring Klaus to her.

The crowd cheered.

Many vampires restrained Klaus from behind, lifting him off the floor, carrying him toward Kassandra.

Kassandra got an idea, looking at Klaus smugly. "It wouldn't be a final punishment, not until I got to kill the love of your life in front of you as well."

"Well, that's too bad, because I figured you would go for Kaylin, and made sure she would be long gone by the time this finished so you would never go near her while you're in this state," Klaus replied.

"Kaylin wouldn't leave you to die on your own," Kassandra told him, realizing why she wasn't there. "Unless you compelled her to leave." Klaus didn't answer, just looking at his sister. "Oh, well. No matter now." Kassandra leaned closer. "For everything you've done to all of us... brother."

Kassandra lifted the blade, stabbing it into Klaus' chest with both hands, making him scream in agony.

Marcel, Caitlin, Noah and Rebekah all looked as if they felt Klaus' pain.

Rebekah walked away.

Kassandra looked at Klaus emotionlessly.


Lucien's Penthouse 

Freya and Mikayla were looking after Kol. Hayley, Nicola and Kaylin were looking after Elijah. The girls set the boys at a table.

Hayley answered her phone. "Rebekah, is it over?"

Rebekah was in Mikayla's apartment, looking across the balconies toward the compound. "Nik found a way to stay alive. Our plan worked, with the help of Marcel, Caitlin and Noah. Now it's up to you, Hayley. You, Mikayla, Kaylin and Nicola. Make his sacrifice count."

"We will," Hayley told her. "Hang tight. We'll come for you soon."

Hayley hung up.

Freya sat at the table with her brothers.

Nicola and Kaylin stood behind Elijah and Kol, holding their hands together because they were too weak to hold hands on their own.

A paper with all the names of the Mikaelson siblings in runic writing was in the middle of the table.

Freya put a dagger over Rebekah's name. "Rebekah's dagger. It has her blood. Mikayla? Are you sure about this?"

Mikayla nodded. "Of course."

(Song:) Don't Fear the Reaper - Denmark & Winter

Freya sighed, starting to chant. "Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss." The blood on the paper all seeped together. Cutting her hand, Mikayla dripped her blood over Klaus' name. Freya chanted louder. "Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss." Kol and Elijah started to shake. Freya's nose started to bleed profusely. Mikayla felt at least half of the pain of the Papa Tunde's blade in Klaus' chest. "Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss. Magi somn et immortalis. Binde oss."

Freya, Kol and Elijah fell unconscious, their spirits leaving.

Mikayla nearly fell.

Hayley, Nicola and Kaylin helped Mikayla stand. "Mikayla..."

"It's okay," Hayley told her. "It's okay."


Mikayla's Apartment - Living Room 

Rebekah was affected by the spell, falling with grace onto the couch next to her, her spirit no longer in her body.


Lucien's Penthouse 

Hayley, Nicola and Kaylin helped Mikayla steady herself. The four girls looked at Freya, Kol and Elijah's bodies sadly in despair.


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

The vampires were all gone.

Klaus was lying on the floor, his eyes open and unseeing, silently shivering from the pain of Papa Tunde's Blade.

Kassandra stood in the destroyed courtyard alone, standing over Klaus' body. She picked up a bottle, drinking. She sighed, looking toward her hallucination of Lucien nearby emotionlessly.

Caitlin, Noah and Marcel were standing nearby, watching with unreadable expressions.

Auria walked in, seeing Klaus on the floor. 

"The king is dead," Caitlin told them. They looked at her. "The king is dead, all hail the queen."

Caitlin made a mocking curtsy to Kassandra.

"Caitlin, Noah and Marcel seemed to pull me in the direction of giving him a fate worse than death rather than just killing him, Auria," Kassandra told her. She looked between the four. "Any reason as to why?"

"Maybe because after everything he did to us, we want him to be in unending torment instead of being released from this earth," Noah told her.

"That could be part of it," Kassandra told them. "I wonder if another part is so that the others can find a way to save them."

"Your entire family is dying because the Ancestors molded you into a new creature entirely," Marcel told her. "We had nothing to do with that. Now, you wanted us here, and in exchange, you would let the city be in our control. What about all of the ancient vampires still running around?"

"I won't tell them to leave," Kassandra told them. "They're your problem now, unless I decide to kill them all. I really don't care about anything that happens in this bloody city anymore."

"Fine," Auria told her. "I'll be trying to find a way to help you lift the hex so you won't have to suffer."

"Don't bother, Auria," Kassandra told her. They looked at her in confusion. "It's no secret that I deserve to suffer just as much as my family does."

"And you know that once Auria takes the hex away, you won't be able to see Lucien anymore," Caitlin told her.

Kassandra didn't answer, looking away.

Auria sighed. "I'm taking back the fight gym. I'm turning it back into a church."

"Is that so?" Noah asked.

"That is so, Noah," Auria answered. She looked at Kassandra. "I saw what you did back there, with all the bodies, the bloodshed, left for anybody to find. You were always dangerous, Kassandra Mikaelson, but now you're out of control."

"That was the point of this entire thing, Auria," Kassandra told her. "You can blame your witch Ancestors for this."

"I know that, and I'm sorry," Auria told her. "I know that this isn't you, that this isn't who you are." Kassandra scoffed, looking away. "And there will come a time, when we get that hex off of you, and when you turn your humanity back on, and you realize how badly they hurt you and used you to hurt the ones you love..."

"It's going to destroy you," Caitlin told her. "The Ancestors destroyed Kol and me, too, you know. They made me kill my best friend."

"Then maybe you're the one who needs to turn it off, Caitlin," Kassandra told her. 

"I don't want to," Caitlin told her. "I might be a vampire, but I am done with being a monster. And you might start out as the victim, Kassandra, but if you keep going down this road, you are going to turn into the monster that Lucien and the Ancestors wanted you to be."

"I don't care," Kassandra told them. "I don't care about anything anymore. Not my family, not you, not anything."

"Fine," Noah told her. "We can't convince you otherwise. And we don't want to push you, because we want to stay alive."

"Wise choice," Kassandra told them.

"But, yeah, I'm--I'm gonna take the church back, and I'm gonna make it into a sanctuary," Auria told her. "Anybody can come. I don't care if they're human, I don't care if they're witch, I don't care if they're vampire. As long as they are sick and tired of the same old, same old that you and your pathetic family are 'Always and Forever'ing about. And if you got a problem with that, Kassandra..."

Marcel sighed. "If you got a problem with how we run the church, how we run the city, then you can do whatever you want, because that is what you're going to do anyway. Consequences be damned."

Noah bowed sarcastically in mock. "Your highness."

Caitlin, Noah, Marcel and Auria walked out, leaving.

Kassandra watched them go contemplatively. 


Storage Truck 

Hayley, Mikayla, Nicola and Kaylin had put Elijah, Kol, Rebekah and Freya in coffins in the back of the storage/semi truck, looking at all of them sadly.

Nicola kissed her fingers, placing them over Elijah's lips, closing the coffin.

(Song Ends)



Hope was in her carseat in the truck.

Kaylin got into the driver's seat. Nicola got in next to her.

Mikayla and Hayley got in next to Hope.

They looked at each other in silence, sighing.

Hayley put the letter from Klaus on Hope's lap.

Kaylin started the ignition, starting to drive.

"I know what Klaus told you, Kaylin," Mikayla told her. "Did to you. I'm so sorry."

"He did what he thought he had to do," Kaylin told them.

"And was he right?" Hayley asked. "If he hadn't compelled you, would you have followed him?"

"Right to my death," Kaylin answered. "The Mikaelsons have been around for a long time. And Nicola and I've had fights and friendships with that family like you wouldn't believe. And even if they're cursed... sick... dying... We can save them. All of them." Mikayla nodded in agreement. "I would have taken some of Klaus' pain, too, because it would have been the only thing that I could do. But he..."

"He didn't let you," Nicola finished. "I know. He thought that our family would need you, and when we did, you would need to be at full strength to help us. To help me, if I triggered my Huntress curse."

"Is he right?" Mikayla asked.

"It seems that most of the time he is," Kaylin told them. "Except when he's completely wrong, which is almost always."

They managed small smiles.

Hayley looked at Hope's letter from Klaus.

(Song:) Breathe - Fleurie 

Klaus: (voice over) "My dearest Hope... I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or a woman with the world at her feet."

Kaylin continued to drive.

Hope watched the girls, seeming to feel their sadness.

Klaus: (voice over) "I write to tell you that I love you and to explain that in our family's darkest hour, I was called upon to save my siblings. I managed to save most of them. I still have one left to save."

Mikayla rested backed into her seat, closing her eyes, drifting back into her mind.


Chambre De Chasse 

Day - Garden 

Mikayla opened her eyes, finding a mental version of herself standing in a magical chambre de chasse garden. She turned around to look for the family.

Elijah, Kol, Rebekah and Freya were standing in the garden outside a large house, all in clean, white clothing, their wounds healed.

"Not exactly what I was expecting, but I guess beggers can't be choosers," Kol told them.

"So, you like it?" Freya asked. "It's what I always dreamed of. A home away from the city. Just family."

Freya saw Mikayla, walking closer.

"So, this creation, is it yours, or is it Klaus'?" Mikayla asked.

"Me and my siblings are linked to his life force by the same spell as my aunt Dahlia used to keep me alive for a thousand years," Freya told her. "I realized it was the only way, Mikayla. Put us in a deep sleep. Buy you, Kaylin, Nicola and Hayley enough time to find cures for all of us."

"Hence the chambre de chasse," Mikayla told her.

"My little addition to the spell," Freya told her. "In here, we can remain together until we wake. But your part is crucial, Mikayla. You'll be able to experience Niklaus' suffering second hand so part of him is left with the impression he's not alone. It will preserve his humanity and ground him so that he won't be going through it alone. It will also allow you to communicate with us in the chambre de chasse and in Niklaus's mind, so that we can still communicate with Nicola, Kaylin, Hope and Hayley. The price it comes at is that you deal with half of the pain of Papa Tunde's blade while trying to help Kaylin, Nicola and Hayley defend Hope and find the cures that we all need. I can't thank you and the Salvatore girls enough for helping save us Mikaelsons."

"Well, considering my history of protecting the Mikaelsons no matter the stakes, can you honestly say that you're surprised that I'd be willing to do this?" Mikayla asked.

Freya smiled a small smile. "No."

"You also can't be surprised that Kaylin wanted to be the one to take Klaus' pain, but he didn't want her to," Mikayla told them.

"I know," Elijah told her. "But Kaylin and Nicola's family need them just as much as our family needs us. If something were to happen to Nicola, Kaylin would need to be at full strength to defend any threats, or... incidents."

"You mean Nicola?" Mikayla asked. "In case she does turn into a Huntress?"

Elijah nodded. "Precisely. Nicola told me that she wants to help you find cures for all of us. If she turns into the Huntress, she won't be able to help herself... let alone us."

Elijah was obviously pained to have to leave Nicola alone with that.

Rebekah was crying. "Nik knew. He had to be the anchor to Freya's spell. He saved us. This isn't Kassandra's fault."

"We know, Bekah," Kol told her.

"Mikayla, promise me that you will find a way to save her, too," Rebekah told her. "Leave her be until she returns to her humanity so that you won't be in danger, but, when she does get her humanity back, please be there to save her. She'll never forgive herself for this once she can feel again."

"I promise you, Rebekah," Mikayla told her. She looked between Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Freya. "I promise all of you."

The siblings nodded gratefully in relief, still despaired by the way things had turned out.

Klaus: (voice over) "Please do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure, I do so in service of those I love."

Mikayla closed her eyes, willing herself to leave the chambre de chasse.



Night - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Klaus was still suffering on the floor of the courtyard.

Kassandra knelt next to Klaus, looking at her brother expressionlessly. 

Klaus: (voice over) "My soul regret is that I created this tragedy for Kassandra's story, and I couldn't save her from its fallout."


On the Road - Truck 

Kaylin was driving. Nicola was sitting next to her.

Hayley and Mikayla were sitting next to Hope.

Mikayla was just waking up from leaving the chambre, opening her eyes.

Klaus: (voice over) "Be good to your mother, your Aunt Mikayla, and Kaylin and Nicola. Kaylin and Nicola might not be around all of the time while you grow, but they will do anything to save the people they love. I draw comfort knowing the four women beside you now will protect you. And I know they will not rest until our family is united."


Lafayette Cemetery 

Kassandra took Klaus to a mausoleum in Lafayette Cemetery, having him standing.

Klaus: (voice over) "Until then, my sacrifice will allow you to grow."  

Klaus' eyes were wide open, staring without speaking or seeing anything.

Klaus: (voice over) "To become the beautiful daughter I can now only imagine."

Kassandra laid out bricks in front of him emotionlessly, without feeling or thinking anything.

Klaus: (voice over) "Please remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired. The promise we fought to protect."


On the Road - Truck 

Kaylin was driving. Nicola was sitting next to her.

Mikayla and Hayley were sitting next to Hope in her carseat.

Hope was sleeping.

Klaus: (voice over) "You are, and always will be, our Hope."

"Mikayla?" Nicola asked. "How are they?"

"They're not dying," Mikayla answered. "But they're not going to be okay until we can save them... and reunite them." 

Nicola sighed. "And we're the only ones who can."

"We can do it, right?" Hayley asked.

Kaylin nodded. "Damn right. So let's do it."

Mikayla, Hayley, Nicola and Kaylin looked at each other, nodding.

Kaylin continued to drive them out of New Orleans.

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