chapter 7 - Out of the Easy

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From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the courtyard, Freya had seen the vision, relaying the information to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Elijah: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she had been shown. She sounded very grim. "If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, one by foreigner, and one... by family."

From 3.05 "The Axeman's Letter", in the locked room of the Davilla Estate, Kaylin was chained up.

Aya was standing in front of her.

"They're not gonna let their guard down," Kaylin told her.

"We don't expect them to," Aya told her. "There is a weapon in play. A dangerous, cursed device called the Serratura. It is capable of producing an unbreakable boundary. We want to use it to lock the Mikaelsons away forever so that no one may harm them."

From 3.05 "The Axeman's Letter", in the courtyard, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Freya were talking.

Kassandra looked at them suspiciously. "What exactly did you two do?"

"I compelled Lucien to believe that he was myself," Klaus told them. "Rebekah compelled Aurora to believe that she was her. Elijah compelled Tristan that he was him."

Elijah looked at Klaus. "Then, we were inconveniently daggered." Klaus smirked sheepishly. Elijah looked at Freya and Kassandra. "The compulsion was broken."

"But that would've meant that Aurora and Tristan's compulsion would've been broken," Kassandra told them. She gave Klaus a look. "Nik, please do not tell me that Lucien's compulsion ended only after you were daggered six months ago."

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the Quarter, Cami and Auria were walking together.

"Even if we figure out how killed this guy, then what?" Cami asked. "It's a vampire."

From 3.06 "Beautiful Mistake", in the locked room of the Davilla Estate, Kaylin was chained up, being vervained.

Tristan brought Cami and Will inside. "Camille O'Connell, meet Kaylin Salvatore."

"I've heard about you, from Klaus," Cami told her. "He talks about you, a lot. What did they do to you?"

"Starved me, vervained me, tortured me for, like, two weeks now," Kaylin answered. "They took off with my daylight necklace, and, uh..." 

Kaylin looked at the skylight above her. 

From 3.05 "The Axeman's Letter", in the locked room of the Davilla Estate, Aya rushed toward Kaylin angrily, grabbing her by the hair, pulling her into the sunlight, making her skin burn and making her groan in pain until she finally let her go.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.06 Beautiful Mistake) "When the sun gets to a certain point in the sky, it shines right through that right onto me, so I have to struggle to keep out of the sunlight, which forces more vervain into my system."

From 3.06 "Beautiful Mistake", in the locked room of the Davilla Estate, Kaylin was chained up, talking to Cami and Will.

"We're all walking out of this," Cami told them.

From 3.06 "Beautiful Mistake", in Kassandra's room, Kassandra and Lucien were talking.

"Loving someone, anyone again, and risk losing them, the way I've lost everyone, terrified me," Kassandra told him. "It still does. But I can't live in the dark anymore, Lucien. Maybe I should learn to live in the light again."

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