chapter 14 - Streetcar Named Desire

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From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the courtyard, Freya had seen the vision, relaying the information to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Noah: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals) and Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she had been shown. She sounded very grim. "If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, one by foreigner, and one... by family."

From 3.09 "Savior", in the alley, Rebekah reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out a white oak ash dagger, handing it to a horrified Elijah. "When I am buried, the family part of the prophecy will be over." She forced the dagger into her brother's hands angrily. "Elijah, do it!"

Elijah finally did as he was told, driving the dagger into Rebekah's heart, making her gasp in pain.

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the bayou, All of the wolves had gathered in the bayou outside.

Everyone watched mournfully as Jackson drifted across the water.

Mikayla could barely speak above a whisper. "Till death do us part."

From Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 7.14 "Moonlight on the Bayou", in St. James Infirmary, Klaus, Kaylin, Nicola and Elijah were sitting at the bar.

"Kaylin, I knew you would keep your promise to return," Klaus told her. "What I did not expect was for you to bring Nicola, the other Salvatore girl, Original ex." He looked toward the table where Stefan, Alex, Liv and Cristian were sitting. "Or your brother Stefan, his girlfriend Alex Gilbert, her sister Liv and your best friend Cristian Hunter."

From Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 7.14 "Moonlight on the Bayou", in the Infirmary, Klaus, Kaylin, Elijah, Nicola, Stefan, Alex, Liv and Cristian were sitting at the biggest table in the club.

Nicola sighed, pulling down the edge of her shirt to show them the mark on her shoulder.

Cristian pulled his hands out from underneath the table, pulling of the bandages to show them the marks on his hands.

Elijah looked worried. "Those are the marks of the Phoenix Sword."

Stefan frowned. "You've seen this before?"

"Tell me you have no been careless enough to make an enemy of Rayna Cruz," Elijah told them.

Klaus looked at Nicola. "I'm sure that if Rayna doesn't want to kill you, she'll want you to become the Huntress that the sword wants you to be."

Later, Nicola and Elijah were dancing.

"Is my fear and paranoia really that easy to see through?" Nicola asked.

"The real question is, 'Are you scared of losing to Rayna, or are you scared of losing to yourself?'" Elijah told her.

Elsewhere, Klaus and Kaylin were dancing.

"I'm just trying to save Nikki and Cris," Kaylin told him. 

Klaus sighed heavily, considering for a long moment. "Nicola and Cristian will be fine, Kaylin."

"How do you know that?" Kaylin asked.

"Because Elijah and I will ensure it," Klaus answered.

From Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 7.14 "Moonlight on the Bayou", in the bayou, Tory was in the middle of transforming, and while her bones were breaking and reforming into the body of a wolf, she was screaming and her magic was lashing out. The nearby lake of the bayou was reverberating from the magic. Trees were being forced to fall to the ground from the strong magical winds whipping around. The ground was shaking. Tory put all of her remaining focus to stop before she could rip Stefan and Luke's hearts out, knowing that Alex wouldn't die from that because of the link to Klaus, but doing everything she could not to kill the boys, instead focusing the magic that lashed out onto herself, causing her a great deal more of agony, screaming, causing an eruption of magic to burst out of her and throw Stefan, Alex and Luke a great distance back, making them fall on their stomachs. They were breathing heavily, forcing themselves to stand.

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