ALDC Transformed // Dance Mom...

By Taylor_Smiles

550K 8.9K 2.7K

When Katie Rose is given the opportunity to join ALDC LA, she jumps at the chance. However going to the studi... More

Chapter 1: School Lunch
Chapter 2: My Life Just Changed
Chapter 3: The Beginning of Something New
Chapter 4: Pyramid
Chaper 5: Friendship Cake
Chapter 6: Just a Mini Situation
Chapter 7: Practice Never Ends Perfect
Chapter 8: The Sleepover
Chapter 9: You're In
Chapter 10: Ballerinas and Ballerinos
Chapter 11: Jojo Juice
Chapter 12: Friends are your Competition
Chapter 13: We got Bowling fans
Chapter 14: Traveling in Style
Chapter 15: Vegas Fun
Chapter 16: The Competition
Chapter 17: The Evening
Chapter 18: Tiffany... Is bad
Chapter 19: Your Out and We're In...
Chapter 20: The Unexpected
Chapter 21: Learn to Act
Chapter 22: The interviews
Chapter 23: Dad...
Chapter 24: A Little bit of Fun
Chapter 25: They're Coming
Chapter 26: Good Morning America
Chapter 27: New York Opportunities
Chapter 28: Breakdowns
Chapter 29: Awards
Chapter 30: I Wont Forget You
Chapter 31: Are you Coming Back?
Chapter 32: Just Keep Dancing
Chapter 33: Times a Tickin'
Chapter 34: Stop Being a Flirt
1k?!?!? OMG THANK YOU!
Chapter 35: Gloomy Days
Chapter 36: A Trip to See the Boys
Chapter 37: The Road was Closed
Chapter 38: We're like Sisters
Chapter 39: A Unique Friendship
Chapter 40: Bringing Tears
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Chapter 41: Attention Giver
Chapter 42: A Hint of Jealousy
Chapter 43: Unhealthy Competition
Chapter 44: Everyone Wants to Leave
Chapter 45: Win or Loose
Chapter 46: Bowling or Not
Chapter 47: A Great Surprise
Chapter 48: Filling My Week
Chapter 49: Busy Bee
Chapter 50: Girl in the Parking Lot
Quick News
Chapter 51: Holiday Special
Chapter 52: Hello Again
Life Update
Chapter 53: Shop or Drop
Chapter 54: ALDC Holiday Party 2k17
Chapter 55: Traditional ALDC Holiday Sleepover
Chapter 56: Creative Thinking
Dance Moms Contest
Chapter 57: Sing it Right
Chapter 58: Mr. Grinch
Chapter 59: Perfectly Packed Day
Chapter 60: Backup Dancers and Giraffe Onesies
20k Reads Freak Out
Chapter 61: River of Tears
Congratulations @MileneLopes6
Chapter 62: Today's Going to be Better
Chapter 63: Promo Filming
Chapter 64: Where Dreams come True
Chapter 65: Have You Ever Bluebot?
Chapter 66: Or is it Not?
Chapter 67: None of Them Know
Chapter 68: Got a Leak
Chapter 69: So Much Hurt
Chapter 70: Back At It
Chapter 72: Happy Tears
Chapter 73: The Journey has just Begun
Authors Final Words
ALDC Transformed 2
New Book Link Released
ALDC Transformed 2
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Are You Interested in Joining a Roleplay?

Chapter 71: Stress

3.5K 93 30
By Taylor_Smiles

Congratulations to Livelovelife223 for getting this chapter's shoutout give back! Now Julie has been favoriting every one of my chapters for quite some time now. She also leaves lots of sweet comments which is really kind of her. Julie even has her own Dance moms fanfic you guys should go read and tell her Taylor sent you. Make to give her a follow because she deserves it. Thanks for being so awesome Julie!

Brynn's POV
"Girls this routine needs to be perfect! It's a tribute get it together we should be halfway done with the choreography by now!" Abby shouted at us over the music. We're trying to work on the group routine but Abby keeps yelling at us for the littlest things.

Even more distracting is the moms are sitting on the bleachers fighting with each other. Abby has already yelled at them once for being too loud. Everyone just seems to be in a terrible mood today which is not good considering we have a very precise group routine.

"That's it! I can't look at this anymore! I've said the same corrections over and over again and you girls just can't get it together! Send in Lilly for her solo you girls better figure this out by tomorrow." Abby gave up on us.

We all just nodded and left the room. The rest of the girls advanced to the den but my mom motioned me over to her.

"Are you guys done practicing already?" My mom asked confused.

"I guess." I shrugged unsure of what to say. "Abby just got mad at us and she told us to go."

"Well that's not fair, why'd she do that?"

"She said she's mad at giving the same corrections over and over again and we're all trying really hard to make this dance perfect, but it has really advanced choreography. I don't know if we can do it." I couldn't control the tears welling up in my eyes. We're all trying as hard as we can and I wish it was just perfect.

"Of course you guys can do it." My mom assured me.

"No we can't." I objected as tears began streaming down my face.

"Oh Brynn don't cry it's just the first day of practice you have all week."

"But it's super hard! I can't do it!"

"Brynn yes you can. Don't say that."

"Mom it's true! There's super advanced steps and Abby won't even give us a chance!"

"Brynn calm down."

"You don't understand! It has to be perfect for Katie and it's just not!" I cried then made a mad dash to the bathroom to hide from the cameras.

I sat on one of the benches pulling my knees to my chest trying to calm myself. "Brynn are you okay?" I heard my mom's voice on the other side of the door.

"I'm fine." I lied.

"No you're not. Brynn open up the door." My mom ordered as the door knob jiggled. I gave in and unlocked the door not really wanting to be scolded at the moment.

"Brynn you need to stop crying it's just the first day. You're being over dramatic."

"Mom I know it's the first day but it doesn't change the fact the choreography is really hard."

"Well then you need to go work on it but I don't want you crying. Abby's going to get mad at you and that's not good for anyone." I stayed silent not wanting to talk at the moment.

"Pull yourself together and then go practice the group by yourself." My mom said before leaving the bathroom.

Slowly I did gain enough courage to leave the room. All the studio rooms are full so there's not really a place for me to practice the dance comfortably. I just decided that I'll work on it later or something.

Maddie's POV
With all the drama going on and everything with Katie, I'm just stressing out. The group dance is really hard and it has super advanced steps. I'm not even sure if we're going to be able pull it off at competition. That thought scares me because we need to win this dance for Katie and Amanda.

Abby's already stressed how important it is for us to win this week. She's probably going to murder us if we don't win. If Katie's at the competition and we loose we're toast. Katie's been in a terrible situation so I just want her to be happy this weekend. The moms better not ruin that for her and we better not ruin it for her by loosing our dances. Which means I also have to win my solo for her this week as well. Just to make things better I'm on a second place steak. Or as Abby would call it, a loosing streak. Of course right after break the stress of being on the competition team returns.

"Maddie, Abby wants you for your solo." Lilly told me as she came into the den.

"Alright, thanks for letting me know Lil."

"Your welcome!" Lilly chirped as she grabbed her water bottle from her dance bag.

I walked down the hall and entered studio A. Sure enough Abby and Gia were waiting for me.

"Alright Maddie as a refresher your solo is entitled Half Here Half Not. I asked you to tell me what you think it's about in pyramid. What'd you come up with?" Abby asked.

"Does it have something to do with Katie?" I asked pretty sure of myself. All the moms have been talking about all the dances being about Katie all day so might as well see.

"It does actually. So basically this solo is about you missing your other half, Katie. Your struggling to keep going without your other half. Think pain, suffrage, separation, agony."

I nodded my head listening. I noticed the moms suddenly striking an intense conversation as I tried to focus on Abby.

Abby and Gia began teaching me the dance and I have to say I absolutely love the choreography. It tells an amazing story and it's definitely up there on my list of favorite solos. The emotions are just so immensely powerful and raw which I love. I've definitely been given the choreography of a winning number. Now if I can just execute it correctly come competition day, that'd be amazing. I need a win to end my loosing streak and to raise my confidence which I'm sort of lacking sines I'm so nervous.

Melissa's POV
"Melissa why were you and Amanda hiding things from us during the break?" Kira asked.

"We weren't hiding anything." I replied trying to ignore her and focus on Maddie dancing.

"Oh so that promotion video with just Katie and Maddie or that meet and greet weren't being hidden?"

"Kira we're not talking about the meet and greet." I warned not wanting to touch on the subject.

"Okay then what about that promotion video. It wasn't being hidden?"

"No it wasn't. Abby asked Maddie and Katie if they wanted to be in it so they both accepted and told them not to talk about it so they didn't."

"Don't you think that's unfair to our kids though? Only Katie and Maddie get to be in the video." Holly questioned.

"Abby would've asked the other girls to be in the video if she wanted them in it. She didn't, and I can't control that. Go talk to Abby because it's not like I decided only Maddie and Katie were going to be in the video."

"You could've at least told us what was going on." Ashley replied.

"I could've but Abby told me not to, therefore I didn't. The video may not even be released ever, so why does any of this even matter?"

"It matters because we're all supposed to have each other's back because we're a team. You should've told us whether Abby told you to or not." Jess pointed out.

"Well you're one to talk about being a team player Jess." I retorted.

"Oh sure." Jess rolled her eyes.

"I'm done sitting here being criticized. I'll be back later." I got up.

I went and told Abby I was leaving and Maddie gave me a look and rolled her eyes which she will definitely get talked to about tonight. After that I just left and headed to the nail salon. I'm going to take some me time and nobody's going to tell me I can't.

|This story is STILL updated REGULARLY! |

{This POV thing is really weird but I'll get used to it for the next couple of chapters or so. Then It'll go back to my normal writing style I promise! Anyways Thank you so much for reading and I love you guys! 😘}

Give Back Shout Outs
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Why I started Give Back Shoutouts:
I give shoutouts and a follow to show my gratitude to my amazing fantastic readers.

•Word Count 1497•

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