Honey {Completed}

By jaeeeebaeeeee

28.7K 881 118

Can Jaden forget what happened and move on?? Her whole life she felt was so sour, that was until she found a... More

Epilogue - Before The Honey


339 13 3
By jaeeeebaeeeee

Bey's POV
Here I am, in a meeting with my team and Jaden. Before we got here we got in an argument because of what she was wearing, I mean.... my woman has curves and we're in a room full of men. She kept complaining, saying that if I claimed her more we wouldn't have this problem. She said that she doesn't feel pretty enough to be mine, but her beauty is just the cherry on top.

She's sitting across from me but won't make eye contact. Now I'm mad and horny, she looks too good in those leggings. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a producer, Rob, look her up and down before licking his lips.

I was so infuriated that my cheeks got hot and my fists wouldn't unclench. I didn't have control over myself.
"Don't you dare look at her." I gritted through my teeth.
"Ms. Knowles?" Asked Wayne.
"Yes?" I huffed. I thought about flirting with him but I'm too angry to do anything.
"Are you okay?" He asked.

I just stared at Jaden as she furrowed her eyebrows together. As Wayne kept talking Rob leaned into Jaden's ear and whispered something, making her giggle. I could tell by her giggle that she was faking but for what reason?
"Excuse me." Was all I said before walking out of the room.

Jaden's POV
"Excuse me." Bey said before she stomped out of the room.

"What the fuck did ya do, Jaden?" Wayne asked after her footsteps became faint.
"I didn't do anything!" I semi- yelled, raising my hands up in defense.
"Well ya need ta fix whatever it is, and now." He said, raising an eyebrow at the door.
"Okay." I sighed as I grabbed Bey and I's things.
"Catch me up later." I told him before walking down the hall.

As I approached Bey's office door I heard her talking to someone.
"I even told her not to wear it because someone was gonna look. I swear, I wanna rip out his throat for looking at her." She sounded like she was pacing.
"Well she's a lesbian, she's scared of real penises and men.... so, what's the problem here? She doesn't even eat hotdogs Bey! That's how gay ya girl is!!" I heard someone else say. I opened the door to see Kehlani sitting on the couch and Bey standing in front of her desk.

"And she looks like she's about to handle the problem..." Lani said before hugging me and leaving.

"What is your problem?" I asked, putting our stuff down on her desk. She rolled her eyes before laughing bitterly.
"What's my problem!? Well my fiancée obviously doesn't know when someone is flirting with her, and she wears outfits that are a bit too revealing and shows what only I should see!" She yelled the last part.

I tried not to yell at her as well, as much as I wanted to. I slowly walked over to her and I was scared.... scared she would slap me, punch me, kick me.

"I'm sorry, but no one would look at me if they saw how protective you really are." I slowly grabbed her fingers.
"Well I don't feel the need to claim you, you're mine and you know it. I don't understand what more that you want." She sighed as there was a knock on the door.

I was shocked at first before nodding my head and holding back the tears. There's only one thing I want, and all she has to do is show a bit more affection in public, make it known to the office that we're together and that's all. In the beginning she told almost everyone we were together and now it's iffy.

They knocked again....

"What!?" She yelled, pissed.
"Ma'am, Zendaya is here, she seems scared." The lady from the lobby said.
"Send her up, now!" I yelled as I ran to grab my phone.

'5 missed calls from Z👯💖'
'10 text messages from Z👯💖'
"Something happened." I mumbled to myself as Bey handed me her phone.
'5 missed calls from Z kid😛💰'
'10 text messages from Z kid😛💰'
As I stared at her phone in fear she rubbed my shoulders. Soon Z came running into the room with Ky not too far behind.

"She!.... Bey she.... she left!!" Z cried, tears falling from her eyes.
"Babe!" I cried, running up and taking her into my arms.
"J, Keke!" She cried, trying to get from my grasp.
"Shhh." I whispered.
"No!" She cried.
Her breaths were staggered and she was shaking her head in denial.

"What happened to Keke?" I asked as I brushed her hair with my fingers, she was finally calm.
"She was robbed. T-they hurt her so bad J." She hiccuped.
"Where was she?" I asked as she wiped her face.
"Her studio, no one heard her. They believe she was followed." She sighed as she stood up.
"You found her?" Bey asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes.... everyone I love fucking dies. I'm deadly, I should've-" GCO.
"Z, don't sa-" GCO
"ITS TRUE!" She yelled back at Bey.

I could tell they were shocked by my sudden outburst but I couldn't let her say that.... I didn't even like that she thought of it.

"Y-you tried to....?" Z trailed off.
"We will have this conversation later, you need to get to Keke." I said as I grabbed my keys, purse and Ky. They followed me out of the building to the car. Julius was walking us to the car as paps screamed and fans cried.

"Jaden! Jaden do you really love Beyoncé!?"
"Is this all for publicity!?"
"Is that the little girl!?"
"Z! You gonna go sleep with Keke now!? Didn't know you were infected by Jaden and Beyoncé!"

I saw someone try and grab Z so I
snatched her by the crook of her arm.
"Hurry and go with Julius. Don't let them touch either of you." I said in her ear before giving her Ky.
I turned to grab Bey but was pulled into the crowd by my waist and arm.

"Julius!" I cried. My heart was beating so fast and I was already crying. Some people grabbed my ass, others grabbed my boobs and some just tried to hug me. One man in particular grabbed my 'aura' as he laughed.

"Jules!! Bey!! Z!! Someone help!!" I cried as I kicked him away. Soon I heard a very familiar voice yell.
People began to push me until I collided into a firm body. I looked up to see Julius through my blurry vision. He held his arms out around me as he showed me to the car.

As I stepped forward I felt the pain from the blows I took to the stomach and my ass hurt from everyone slapping and gripping it. I got in the car as fast as I could and sat far from both Bey and Z. But Ky didn't let me get that far from her.

They whined, cried, told and almost yelled at me to tell them what happened and why I was sitting so far from them.
Ky simply sat in my lap and played with my ears like I do to Bey.

"Please Jaden!" Z whined.
"No Z, let's just get you there." I said without looking away from the window. Ky held my hand and fell asleep not long after we took off.

I was lost in my thoughts....
What if Julius wasn't with us today?
What if someone grabbed Z? Ky? Bey? What would I have done if it was one of them? What if I wasn't able to get out of the crowd? Or Ciara was in the crowd?

Bey scared me out of my thoughts when she put her hand on my knee. I jumped and held Ky's hand a little tighter before realizing who it was.

"Sorry babe. You're just so far." She whispered since Ky fell asleep. I just nodded and slowly leaned back into my seat.

"I know something happened..." she started off. 'Well a lot happened...'
I thought.
"But I'm not gonna force you. Just don't shut me out, please?"

I looked into her eyes and saw so much, fear mostly. "Don't be scared love. I could never shut you out." I told her as she grabbed my arms, pulling me to her chest. She held me until we pulled up to the hospital.

Z ran to the front desk, like she was gonna be able to see her. And I got Ky out of the car with Bey, and Julius was behind us.

"Mama?" Ky asked as she rubbed her eyes.
"Mhm?" I hummed as she lifted her head to see me.
"I wove you." She mumbled, putting her head back on my shoulder.
"I love you too baby." I told her before hearing Bey behind me. l
"I didn't say I love you though." She asked, confused.
"She was talking to me mommy!" Ky laughed.
"Oh, well then..." Bey said, fake pouting.
"Ky, you made mommy sad. Now give her a kiss." I said, leaning Ky up to Bey's lips. The cameras flashed as paparazzi and fans went crazy over the cuteness.

"Thank you baby." Bey smiled, but it soon turned into a smirk.
"But I want one from mama." I knew something was going through her head.
"Babe, the paps." I blushed.
"Come on mama! You'll make mommy sad." Ky egged on as my face became hot. Bey lifted my chin so we made eye contact as she licked her lips.

I felt as if everything was going in slow motion before finally feeling her lips on mine. She gave me a sweet, loving, passionate kiss as paparazzi and fans screamed. As she pulled away I bit her bottom lip.

"You're mine, I'm claiming you." She said before walking us into the hospital with an arm around my waist and grin on her face.

Honestly their relationship makes me feel the need to go get a life😭💀

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