Every Second [COMPLETED]

By joymoment

2.5M 136K 35.9K

"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson... More

Dang! Check out that cast!
OH NO! 😱 Author's Note! Run for it!
Chapter 1 - "Well, it's about time!"
Chapter 2 - "The last album failed."
Chapter 3 - "Is this even real?"
Chapter 4 - "I would look terrible with facial hair."
Chapter 5 - "I'm a cat lady!"
Chapter 6 - "Your parents must be really proud."
Chapter 7 - "Hey troublemaker."
Chapter 8 - "Sebastian is not here."
Chapter 9 - "Who is this fool?"
Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."
Chapter 11 - "I believe in you and I'll wear ear plugs."
Chapter 12 - "Can I ask you a question?"
Chapter 13 - "He still has a girlfriend."
Chapter 14 - "You two are a bit too dramatic."
Chapter 15 - "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lennon Kayhill."
Chapter 16 - "What happened?"
Chapter 17 - "Do you want to throw on a shirt and we can get working?"
Chapter 18 - "You done?"
Chapter 19 - "Sebastian-"
Chapter 20 - "It's a long story."
Chapter 21 - "Would it help if I ran at you?"
Chapter 22 - "I've decided my only option is to go mad."
Chapter 23 - "How'd you escape?"
Chapter 24 - "I don't know why. Maybe it was my fault."
Chapter 25 - "You're forcing our friendship?"
Chapter 26 - "Hey Farewell!"
Chapter 27 - "And welcome home, I guess."
Chapter 28 - "How many girlfriends have you had?"
Chapter 29 - "Aims, I'll take your company in whatever form I can have it."
Chapter 30 - "I just forgot that, he's Sebastian Colfax."
Chapter 31 - "I didn't want to look too eager."
Chapter 32 - "Show offs."
Chapter 33 - "Say something."
Chapter 34 - "I did the right thing?"
Chapter 35 - "Dance with me."
Chapter 36 - "Smooth. I give it a ten out of ten for tact."
Chapter 37 - "Aims, I don't want you to get hurt."
Chapter 38 - "I never wanted this!"
Chapter 39 - "I can't! You don't understand. I can't do this!"
Chapter 40 - "I wouldn't bail."
Chapter 41 - "What are you doing here?"
Chapter 42 - "Five months isn't that long."
Chapter 43 - "Priorities change."
Chapter 44 - "I miss you, Aims."
Chapter 45 - "I actually don't believe you."
Chapter 46 - "Don't forget me."
Chapter 47 - "Only forty days left until I see you again."
Chapter 48 - "Was it worth waiting five months?"
Chapter 49 - "Aims. I have a confession to make."
An Honest Thank You!
When Amelia Met Will (Deleted Scene)
Amelia meeting Charlie in D.C. over tour (Deleted Scene)

Amelia's Final Work Day with Sebastian (Deleted Scene)

21.6K 1.1K 45
By joymoment

This takes place the day after Amelia's birthday party.


Forehead bent over her folded arms, Amelia was making an attempt to block out the world around her. A smattering of conversations kept interrupting her lunch time doze and she pulled her head up, deciding it wasn't worth it. Running her hands through her hair, she glanced at her watch, checking the time. Poppy plopped down in the seat beside Amelia, face showcasing a light of excitement. Amelia blinked at the expression, unable to determine the meaning behind it and knew the answer would be forth coming shortly.

"Have you seen it?" Poppy asked, her voice mirroring her face.

"What is it that I am suppose to have seen?"

"Sebastian's latest video of course."

Eyes widening in mock understanding, Amelia slapped her temples.

"Oh goodness me how could I have forgotten all about it," she said.

The glare Poppy fixed her with was completely overshadowed by Amelia's complete delight in Poppy's annoyance.

"Pops, I haven't ever watched one of his videos. You know this, so why you ask me if I've seen them is beyond me," she said.

True to her nature, Poppy's glare melted as she pulled out her phone.

"Then I guess I will just have to show you." Poppy said.

Amelia groaned, but Poppy made no sign of caring, her screen already sitting between them. Amelia silently let the video play.

It opened with a wide shot of a beach covered in chairs, camera equipment, and people clad in jackets. The video cut to another sweeping shot, this time catching Sebastian as he stood ankle deep in the sea water. A man with wild black hair was holding a camera to his face and snapping pictures of Sebastian.    

He was dressed in a tux, the bow tie undone, top buttons lose, his sleeves and pants rolled up, his shoes and jacket held in one hand, the other tucked away in his pocket. His hair was a styled mess, his smile was closed lipped, and mischievous. The scene changed and Sebastian was standing in front of the video camera wrapped in a heavy jacket, his smile easy and his blue eyes alight with enthusiasm.

"Hey everyone," he said. "I am currently on the set of my latest photo shot for my next album, called Waiting For You. I am extremely excited for this one. It's different than any other album and I'm looking forward to sharing it with you. I am working with Clayton Davis, a favorite photographer of mine, and so far I'm liking what he's doing."

There was another jump to some shots of Sebastian posing again, being told to shift his position or to change his expression. An assistant ran up and took the jacket and shoes from his hands, allowing Sebastian to relax into a more comfortable stance, one hand running through his hair, the other hidden away in his pocket, once again. The video changed and Sebastian was talking.

"What happens next? Well, I get to have the pleasure of going completely into that freezing cold water. Clayton wisely as put that off until the very end and I have people standing by with towels and maybe a defibrillator," Sebastian joked, his laugh joining the spark in his eyes.

Another cut and Sebastian was seen walking further into the ocean, throwing a hesitant glance to the camera before complete submerging himself below the waves. He came up laughing the effect softening his features, added with the lack of intensity in his blue eyes, he looked almost boyish. He shook his head, water droplets flying everywhere, this clothes sticking to his body.

Amelia glanced sideways at Poppy watching with an amused smile as Poppy wore an idiotic grin.

Clayton moved in closer, calling out directions to Sebastian while continually snapping pictures. The video cut to Sebastian wrapped in towels, his hair a wet, disheveled mess.

"I hope you guys enjoyed this behind the scenes as much I as I enjoyed making it. Look out for the announcement of the release date of my single and I'll see you later."

There was another wide, panning shot and the screen went to a black backdrop with multiple things to click on.

Poppy lowered her phone to the table, a contented sigh slipping out of her lips.

"He's perfect," Poppy mused, her eyes glazed over.

Amelia's laugh broke her from whatever reverie was taking place in her mind. Poppy jerked up, staring at Amelia confused.

"What's the laugh for? You don't agree with me, even after watching that video?" Poppy asked, skeptically.

Amelia's expression was one a mother wore when talking to a dim child.

"Pops, you know that's not real. The Sebastian in that video doesn't exist in this world," she said, gently.

"Aims how can you say that, you know him."

"It's because I know him I can say that. That smiley Sebastian isn't real. I've seen Sebastian scowl more than I've ever seen him smile. And the rest of the time he looks like he is perpetually worried about the fate of he world as if it's up to him to fix it."

"I don't believe you."

Amelia raised her hands in surrender, catching the time on her watch. She stood slinging the strap of her satchel over her head.

"Okay, but I know the scowl behind the smile, so I'm going to leave you with the fake Sebastian, while I go work with the real one," Amelia said, teasingly.

Poppy swiveled around to watch as Amelia started to walk away.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asked, hurriedly.

Readjusting her coat, Amelia stopped and looked at Poppy.

"I'm going to work with Keith, Bash's drummer, on the songs. Bash texted this morning to see if I was free. Bye Pops. See you later," Amelia said, already heading out of the food court, leaving Poppy's questions stuck in her throat.


The elevator breeze upward, the gentle hum if it's gears working overshadowed by the classic piece that floated from the speakers. Sebastian pulled the door open after Amelia's second knock, his smile friendly. His eyes darted down to the satchel and the smile widened, pleased.

"Hey, I'm glad you could make it today," he said, stepping aside.

"No problem." She glanced at her watch, "I have to be back at school for rehearsals by three, so I'm all yours for the next two hours," Amelia said, stopping to face him in the small hallway.

Sebastian paused while closing the door, his eyebrows raising imperceptibly, a tugging at the corner of his mouth voicing his thoughts. Flushing, Amelia fixed a frown into place, trying to cover up the color in her face.

"You know what I mean," she said, turning her back on him, the teasing spark in his eyes too much.

She hung up her coat before looking at him again. His features had schooled themselves back to a calm demeanor though his eyes still fought it.

"Nice shirt," Sebastian said, his eyes running over the concert t for Two Destinations.

As if forgetting what she was wearing, Amelia glanced down, a fond smiling coming to perch on her lips.

"It was Will's birthday present, they're a British band we both like."

"Turn around."

Narrowing her eyes at him, she did so hesitantly. His fingers gently rested on her shoulders, pulling the ends of the shirt taut.

"He got them to sign it. Cool," Sebastian said, his hands dropped away.

"Yup. I watched your video by the way," Amelia said, turned back around.

His eyebrows raised in puzzlement.

"The behind the scenes of your photo shot," she said.

"Didn't know you were such a devoted fan. That water was freezing cold in case you were curious," he said, playfully.

"Don't flatter yourself. I only come here because the pay is good," she said, her tone bored.

Sebastian's laugh tugged at the corners of her mouth. He leaned back against the wall, arms crossed.

"I figured. How'd you end up watching the video?" he asked.

"Poppy. She thinks you're perfect, said so too after watching it. I told her I wasn't sure I'd ever met that Sebastian. She thought I was lying."

The laugh that came from Sebastian was embarrassed and slightly shaky. He rubbed the back of his neck, staring down at the floor.

"Yeah, it's just another side of the same dice. I've been told my intensity doesn't come across well on camera," he said, with a sheepish grin.

"I guess your scowl doesn't come across well either."


Amelia shifted uncomfortably and looked around the apartment briefly before meeting his gaze. She shrugged.

"Yeah. I now know it as you concentrating or processing out something in your head, but yes, you scowl."

He studied her, the edge of his lips curling up.

"Good to know. I wasn't aware I scowled."

"It's okay. It's only when your thinking."

He laughed.

"Where's Keith?" Amelia asked, breaking away from Sebastian's look and spinning on her heels, gazing quickly around for any evidence of the drummer.

The lack of sound coming from any other part of the apartment gave her the feeling he wasn't there at all. The silence grew and Amelia frowned.

"Where's Danny for that matter?" she asked, looking back at Sebastian.

"Keith is actually running late and will be here in about 20 minutes. Danny is in another meeting with his manager, more summer tour plans. I believe they are deciding on who will open for him, if I heard him correctly. Are you hungry? I was up by your apartment this morning and picked up some sandwiches," he asked.

"Sure. When is Danny planning on finding his own apartment?"

A brown paper bag in hand, Sebastian emerged from the refrigerator, bumping the door shut with his foot.

"Not sure. I told him he could stay until I get back from tour. I leave in a little over two months so it's fine with me. Besides, even if he had his own apartment, it's not like he wouldn't be over here constantly anyways." Sebastian shrugged carelessly. "Also these next two months are going to be intense so I won't actually see him that much."

Amelia nodded in understanding and took the sandwich he offered her, peeling away the wrapping. In sync they moved around the counter and took up resident on the bar stools, the casualness of the setting fitting both their moods.

"I definitely understand the intense next two months," Amelia said. "I have rehearsals for the showcase booked every single day and more rehearsals when I start working with Danny and his band. What about you? What's the great Sebastian Colfax up to?"

He gave her a withering glare at the title but it didn't last.

"I'm finishing up the album this week and the next, releasing a single the following week. Shooting a music video for that single. Meeting with Chuck everyday to go over tour details. Finalizing the openers. Finalizing wardrobe for the tour. Rehearsing with the band and backup dancers. Practicing on the new stage. Another photo shoot for posters. Merchandise finalized. Radio and tv tour to promote the new album. CD release parties and last minute decisions to take care of," Sebastian finished.

He looked over at Amelia, his lips curved into a smirk at her open mouthed expression. Quickly, she clamped her jaw shut, her eyes still wide.

"I'm never going to try to compete with you again," she muttered.

His laugh was warm with a hint of smugness.

"Probably best," he said.

They sat silently eating, their thoughts lost in the other's world.

Sebastian dusted his hands off over his empty wrapping, then leaned his arms on the cold granite, his eyes floating back to Amelia. He cleared his throat, pulling Amelia's blank stare over to him.

"Since you now know what my life will be like for the next couple of months, I want to ask you, what are you doing Saturday?" he asked, his tone serious.

"I'm meeting Danny's band. We're playing through a couple songs to get the feel for each other, and when I say we, I mean me. And then lunch with them so we can bond properly and home, why?"

"I thought it would be a good time for our rain checked celebration, unless you don't want to, then that's okay too," Sebastian said, his nervous expression betraying his casual tone.

"Saturday works for me. You want to do around Six?"

Sebastian shoulders relaxed pushing out a grin that he caught hold of before it could get out of control.     He nodded. "Six works. You want to just come here and we decide what to do next?"

Amelia agreed.


Hello lovely chum!

So it's a cute section, I think. You can clearly see how much I could picture this whole world with the beginning and the photo shoot. 😄 But it didn't really move the story along so I cut it.

Tell me your thoughts on it all? Could you picture how hot Sebastian looked coming out of the water as well? Gosh I think I'm starting to drool its thinking about it! 🤤😉

Vote, comment, follow!

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