I Missed You (George Weasley...

By janewilsonpotterfan

109K 3.7K 633

The last bit of summer before Kat was meant to return from her internship in Bulgaria, working with magical b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 49 (Bonus-Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 26

2K 74 23
By janewilsonpotterfan

Kat's POV:

I had given up on holding back my screams by the third day with Bellatrix, which only seemed to please her more really. I can't remember a time when I was vamped out 24/7, as I am now. I can't remember a time when my body hurt with each breath I took. Even after Thorfinn carries me back down to the cell, I find my body screaming out in pain as I breath. The half-moon came and went without my notice. The bloodlust that I usually have is always present now, but it's blocked out by the pain most of the time.

Today was to be my twelfth day with Bellatrix, and the day of the full moon. I don't know why she hasn't just killed me yet. I think she's under instructions not to for a few more days, to see if I'll change my mind about Voldemort's offer. I know I won't though, so it's pointless keeping me alive as her plaything. I still daily get messages from Fred and George on my tattoo, but I've having more trouble responding to them.

Bellatrix has done everything from the cruciatus curse to using her knife to carve into my skin. She wanted to carve the word bloodsucker into my arm or leg, but she changed her mind and carved it on my back instead. I can't see it unless she shows me, but I know how far it stretches, from one shoulder blade to the other. She had two Death Eaters hold me down when she did it. She's made plenty of other cuts on my arms and legs for added pleasure for her entertainment.

I've also learned that she isn't against non-magical torture, and more than just her knife. I've been kicked in the stomach so many times it's amazing I haven't died from internal damage yet. Though as many cuts that I have on my skin that are still bleeding, I wouldn't be surprised if I bleed out sooner rather than later.

I hear footsteps coming towards me, interrupting my thoughts, and I force my eyes open to see Thorfinn opening the cell door and walking in. He looks down at me with a look that resembles regret but I can't be sure anymore. He picks me up in his arms and I can't help the hisses that escape from my mouth as my body protests in pain. I know I'm baring my fangs at him, but if it frightens him he's never said or shown it in any way.

I feel him hold me as gently as he can as my body adjusts to the position in his arms instead of being on the floor. I gasp for breath for a few moments before I can open my eyes and look back at Thorfinn. He looks at me with blue eyes filled with sadness and maybe even remorse as he speaks to me.

"It's a full moon tonight. Will you be ok?" (T)

"If we're lucky I'll die tonight." (K)

"I am sorry for this Katherine." (T)

"It's not entirely your fault Thorfinn. I wasn't instructed to become as close to you as I did, it's mostly my fault I'm here now." (K)

I watch as my lies seem to take a further hold of him and his eyes grow mournful. He carries me gently out of the cell and up into the dreaded parlor where Bellatrix is waiting, but today she has a few friends over to watch I suppose. Lucky me. I notice three people out of the corner of my eye as I look ahead of me and stare at the wall rather than that evil excuse of a human.

"Just drop it anywhere Rowle." (B)

I feel Thorfinn tighten his grip on me for just a second as he's given his orders by Bellatrix. Then I'm dropped to the floor, with Thorfinn's expression having returned to stone, earning a laugh from the others as I hiss out in pain. Though her laugh always seems to stand out as the craziest and loudest of the bunch.

"Awww is the vittle vampire urt?" (B)

"Bite me bitch." (K)

"She does have spirit doesn't she Bellatrix hahaha." (D.E)

"All do until I break them. CRUCIO!" (B)

I feel my body start twisting and contorting, leaving me to scream and hiss out in pain as the others all laugh. She stops after a while and stands there laughing at me, but as she does I notice my tattoo changing colors. The only words I make out are 'where' before Bellatrix grabs my wrist and looks at the tattoo on my hand.

"Looks like the little dear has been communicating with people from the outside with her tattoo here. Let's remedy that shall we?" (B)

I struggle to pull my hand out of her grasp as she pulls her knife from her dress. She smiles at me before digging the star out of my skin with the point of the blade, laughing at my screams. After cutting the star off she throws my hand back down on the ground as I watch the blood seep out onto the hardwood floor.

I feel the pain fade a bit as the bloodlust grows, and I realize that the moon just rose outside. Whether I can see it matters very little, because I can feel the effects it has on me as it climbs higher into the sky. I know that licking my own blood would only cause insanity, it's a well-known fact for vampires and even half-vamps. But as I watch the blood start to soak into the wood-grain I wonder how bad insanity at this point would really be. Couldn't be worse than this could it?

"Have you given her blood to drink at all tonight? It's quite amusing to watch a dhampir in a blood rage." (Aleric)

At the sound of the voice I force myself to look up from the blood on the ground, and I find myself looking at Aleric. I try to say something to him, not believing he's on their side, but he sends me the smallest nod no and I know I shouldn't move or make any notion that I know who he is. Or at least who he is to me.

"We thought it would be dangerous to give her blood. It would make her stronger wouldn't it Master Talan?" (D.E.)

"Only dangerous if you can't control her, which by the looks of it you certainly can." (A)

"It might be fun to watch her lose her mind a bit. Draco, run along and fetch a rabbit!" (B)

I watch as a pale Draco moves from his place in the corner, leaving the room as he goes to get a rabbit. I glance back at Aleric and see him watching me closely. I can only imagine how bad I look right now. I have wounds littered across my body that haven't quite stopped bleeding the last few days. Bellatrix though must have grown bored waiting for Draco to return, because she starts to torture me again, alternating between using crucio and her knife against my skin.

I feel my pain return as I scream out at her and shout curses on her again and again, all while she and the others laugh. She soon grows bored using her knife and grips my neck in her hands as she cuts off my airway. I hear her laugh as I start gasping for breath and I see small bright lights appear in my vision. I suppose this is what it means when they say seeing stars. I feel her loosen her grip and let go, just to hit me with crucio again.

I feel a sigh of relief almost as soon as Draco walks back into the room. I watch as he hands Bellatrix the rabbit and excuses himself, casting another mournful look at me before shutting the door. I watch as the rabbit is held in Bellatrix's arms, and her grin only seems to grow as she uses her knife and slashes its throat.

I smell the blood as it starts to flow and hits the floor in little red droplets. I feel my lip start quivering as I crave it more and more, and I feel my more vampiric instincts start to take control before I can stop them. The red haze of bloodlust coming into my view makes everything I look at appear red with blood, and I'm licking my lips as she dangles the dead rabbit a few feet in front of me.

"Aww come on now vittle vampire. Jump for it, jump. Hahahahaha." (B)

I lunge for the rabbit and grab, draining it in seconds, before I realize my other hand is around her throat, and her wand is on the ground. I watch through the red haze as Thorfinn obliviate's the other two's memories before Aleric knocks them out. I barely see Thorfinn and Aleric rush to my side as I tighten my grip on Bellatrix's neck. I want to drain her dry, but I will not touch a drop of her disgusting blood. I smile as her laugh suddenly dies away and she passes out in my grip.

"My child now is not the time for revenge. Let go of her, we must away from this place." (A)

"NO! I will have my revenge!" (K)

"Katherine, the Dark Lord is on his way back. You must listen to Talan. I have your wand. Please, just go." (T)

I look away from Bellatrix and towards Thorfinn, who has my wand in his outstretched hand, and Aleric is looking at me with the grandfatherly concerned face of his. I feel the red haze of my bloodlust slowly fade away from my vision. Aleric grabs my shoulder and gently squeezes it and I slowly let go of Bellatrix. I watch as she falls motionless onto the floor but before I step away from her I kick her in the stomach as hard as I'm able, before turning towards Thorfinn and taking my wand from him.

"Can you ever forgive me for this Katherine?" (T)

"Maybe one day. Obliviate." (K)

I watch as his eyes glide over as he forgets the events of today, before Aleric places his arms around me and scoops me up bridal style and runs from the house. A few houses down, in an alleyway lit only by the moonlight, he sits me down on the soft snow. I look up to him in question and then I realize that he is planning on going back.

"You must get to safety Katherine. Can you do that my child?" (A)

"Yes, but what about you? You don't need to go back." (K)

"After what the twins said you've been up to, I had no choice but to join this war and make sure that your side wins. You are family my child, besides they think I am Talan. Now go!"

I stand up with his help, and after one last look, I apparate to the only place that my mind would go these past few days. I apparate to the last place where I saw George smile, to the last place I was happiest with him. I apparate to the Burrow.

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