I Don't Like Bad Boys

By ThatChickCanWrite

77.3K 2.3K 239

Her name is Serenity Renolds and she screams nerd. She's also captain of her school's volleyball team and...b... More

I Don't Like Bad Boys
Meet Your House Buddy
Rough Week
Knocked Out
Back To School
Win The Championships!
New York City
I Shopped Alittle Too Much
Ma'am Please Let Go Of Her Weave!
Named After Him
Many Things Scare Me
Wedding Day
Boys and Body Heat
The End.
I Don't Like Bad Boys~TATEN'S POV~
Long Time No See!
Hate to bother you again BUT..
If you're still here...

The Pain Unbearable

4.6K 141 19
By ThatChickCanWrite

Serenity Renolds

~2 years ago~

“Todd..I wanna be more than friends.But we can’t.”I looked up into his eyes and they weren’t filled with sorrow..I believe it was more anger.

“All these years!I waited all these years,all these fucking years for you to just reject me!”He finished and stamped off..into the fog..into the distance.

And then I woke up.

Sweat was hugging my skin and dry tears streaked my face.

 I don’t want to ruin everything I had with Todd.

That’s why I firmly decided I was never going to be able to ruin our friendship like that..plus it’s not like I was capable of spitting out the words, “I like you.” anyways.

I was very relieved however,that it was a Saturday and I wouldn’t look like some crazy girl walking into school,especially since I could tell I cried. 

~Present time~

“Wake up sweetheart IT’S FRIDAY!!”My mom sang,bursting through the door.

A second later I heard that Rebecca Black song and groaned.

Wtf mom!That song is so old!And It’s horrible.”I grumbled from under my pillow.

My mom yanked my pillow from my grip and a burst of sunshine made my eyes sting.

“It’s such a beautiful day!”She chirped,”Now get up.Someone’s waiting for you at the door..and it’s not Savannah.”With that,she closed the door.

Who could it be?

I got ready.My outfit consisted of skinny jeans with rips over the knee,a forever 21 crop top(with a tank under),and my combat boots,who for one,are second behind my converse.My hair was already straight so I just brushed it and did my normal makeup routine.

“Hey mom who’s at th-“I was walking down the stairs and saw…him.

Leaning against the door frame of my front door was none other,than mister bad boy.

“Hey I thought you’d like a ride to school?”He flashed a fake smile.

“Uh…sure..”I answered looking over at my mom who was enjoying this.

“I’ll be in the car.”He said.

“Grab an oatmeal cookie sandwich thing and go ahead.”My mom said breaking the silence.

I wasn’t paying attention,just staring at the door in..shock?

Momentarily,I was in his car,eating an oatmeal cookie with creme in the middle.When I looked out the window and turned around Taten was chewing something.He was smirking so I looked at my oatmeal cookie and it had a bite in it,a bite I didn’t take.

“Taten!”I yelled.

“What?” He said in between chewing,not a very good actor.

“If we weren’t in a car I’d smack you silly,but since that’d put my life in danger,I’m not.When this car stops,I am getting out of here.And DO NOT touch MY food ever again.”

He laughed.HE LAUGHED AT ME.I kind of blushed and then we pulled into the school parking lot.I ate the rest of my oatmeal cookie and waited for him to find a parking spot.There seemed to be a crowd,like a crowd waiting for Taten to arrive.I opened the car door and immediately everyone got silent until Taten flashed his stupid ass smile.I rolled my eyes and starting walking away.I suddenly felt hurt.I saw HIM.Not Tate…I saw Todd.His arm secured around Lacey and her followers among the crowd as well.I turned around to look at Taten and he saw exactly what I saw.By now,I’ve told him everything,I needed to pour out my heart to another person..and I felt like Savannah wasn’t enough,so I told him.He put his arm around me and I looked at Todd automatically.Our eyes met for a split second and he finally abated his gaze as did I.

“Taten.You didn’t hav-“

“He did things to you.He’s haunted you in your dreams.And he was your best friend.He turned on you so he doesn’t deserve you.”

I closed my mouth and noticed his arm was still wrapped around me as we walked the halls to get to class.

I was also getting glares and faces of shock.

“Tate..you can let go..”

“K…”He said hesitantly and he took his arm away.When he did,I realized I lost his warmth and protection.

We headed to class,our first class is together and so is our second.

After school had finished and I met Savannah in the courtyard,I was getting stared at and heard people whisper about me.

“Hey Savan.”I smiled.

“Don’t Savan me.I heard you rode to school with Taten.”She wiggled her eyebrows.

“Agh my god.”I slapped my forehead with my hand.Girls had come up to me crying for talking about me behind my back and said Taten and I looked cute together,but we’re not even together..it’s not even close.

“And he put his arm around you.Didn’t let go until ya got to class….so I’ve heard.”She teased again.

“Oh would you quit?”I pushed her playfully.


“Don’t drink Seren.This party is gonna be drama free!”Savannah declared.

It’s Friday,we know and there’s a party to celebrate going back to school,well being on the attendance list and not attending for some people.Okay,let’s say a party to celebrate the weekend and forget about school completely.

“I know!Gosh.”I snarled.

“Don’t give me attitude.Now go pick an outfit and I’ll see if it’s good enough.”She snapped back,and then we laughed,”No really.”And she put her serious face back on.

When I came out,I had my Maddengirl combat boots(with a slight heel)tights,black skirt from Forever 21,a long sleeve aztec shirt,and a leather jacket.

“It’s…perfect.”She said,her eyes glowing.


“H-h-hayyy there.Yaa-ya want a drinK?”A guy said who approached me as soon as I walked through the door.His clothes were wrinkled and he stumbled to even walk two steps.Before I responded,Savannah smacked him very hard,making him drop his cup and cup his cheek,after that she yanked me towards the kitchen.

“Thats Jackson.He’s a party hard guy and a cheater.Don’t even keep eye contact with him,but since he already saw you he’s not gonna leave a hot girl alone.Therefore I’m not leaving you alone.Taten is gonna be here soon so if I’m not hanging with you,don’t expect him not to.”

I replayed every word she said to me,trying to remember everything since she said everything in fast motion.I nodded and smiled sheepishly,acting like I understood everything.

“AY TATEN MY MANNNN!”I heard someone cheer.

A large sound rang in my ears,Oh wait thats how people greet Tate like he’s some god.

A short messy-haired blonde with a short skirt,shirt that went just below her boobs,with fishnet stockings,and high boots walked over to him.She was quite pretty,but just by looking at her,I knew she was a whore,slut..along those lines..if she was sober enough to walk them or she could be naturally drunk-looking.She chould be beautiful,but she has not respect for herself obviously by the way she dresses.

“Hey Tate.”She smiled obviously trying to look hot…Oh there’s her butt.But no one calls him Tate but me!

I looked around me and everyone was paralyzed,well the boys with drool and the girls with anger.I looked at Savannah and she rolled her eyes.

“Uh Hey..”He said awkwardly.

She handed him a drink. 

“Beer.Drink up!”She said with an evil look in her eye.(although no one could tell but me)

Suddenly everyone yelled, “CHUG CHUG CHUG!”And Taten listened to the crowd.

And another red cup appeared so he chugged it again like nothing. 

“Alright I’ve had enough.”I pushed through the crowd and slip through the backdoor.The backyard was plain and was only decorated with plants and a trampoline.I crawled into the trampoline and sat in the breezy night.

After getting too cold for my liking I went back inside and grabbed a beer.

Should I really?Why am I jealous?This is bullshit.I thought as I starting opening the cold can.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Taten on the couch with that..blonde.

I rolled my eyes and chugged down a beer.

“Want a second?”Someone asked.

I weaved around and found the same guy who greeted me as I walked into this party.

He held my gaze and raised his eyebrows.I wasn’t thinking and the next thing I knew was chugging down another beer after another,after another.After becoming drunk and Jackson was well aware of the fact because he gave me a kiss on the cheek that sent butterflies to my drunk brain.The next thing I knew I was in a hallway,making out with him with every other couple in that hallway who were quite comfortable despite the fact they were in front of other people.

Look everyone!FREE STD's!

“Serenity what are you doing?!”I heard someone yell.Soon,Jackson was on the floor,cupping his…you know..and I saw Savannah.Her face was completely mortified.

“I told you to stay away from him!Taten hates him!And where is Taten!That asshole!”

She spun around and gripped my wrist.She dragged me with her,her eyes scanning the room for Taten.And when she saw him,he immediately saw me,but that blonde bimbo saw me too,and she whispered something to Taten and kissed his cheek.Taten was stunned by her kiss,but he saw me and looked angry.

“Something…tells me.. she tollddd him I liikkeee him and kissed him?”I asked,slurring my words.

Taten walked towards us,his eyes resembling flames.

“I told you to watch her!”He said,obviously oblivious to the fact that he was supposed to,too.

“You ignorant asshole!You were too!But instead you’re too busy hanging out with that blonde slut,”She paused and I heard the blonde bimbo gasp,”Get out of my way.We’re leaving.”Her grip around my wrist tightened.

“Fine!Tell her,if she’s too plain drunk to comprehend that I don’t wanna see her.”He yelled back.This makes Savannah turn back around,but before she said anything,I stepped in,

“I-I thought you loved me.Taten I liked you.But what you’re saying doesn’t sound polite.”Being drunk makes your emotions pour out and I was on the verge of tears.

“You’re pathetic.Getting drunk every party you’re at.You’re supposed to be a nerd.A nerd Serenity,not some nerd one day and a slut the next.”He replied,his words harsh.A part of my brain that wasn’t drunk was hurt and his words struck hard,like a knife stabbing my heart in and out repeatedly,the pain unbearable.

“How fucking DARE YOU!”Savannah said,her words getting intense by the second.I felt her grip around my wrist loosen as her body became tense.I stood there,my eyes droopy and everyone was watching this play out,like a movie,a very dramatic almost unreal movie.Suddenly,I heard a smack and my eyes diverted to the sound.Savannah stood angrily,watching Taten grasp his cheek the one the blonde kissed.Everyone’s eyes were filled with shock and the blonde ran over to Taten.

“We’re leaving.”Savannah stated.

Before we could leave,I looked at the blonde and smacked her too.

I needed to get my anger out so with full force,I slapped her..just like that.

Amongst the crowd,I was the only one not filled with sorrow for Taten,or shock from Savannah,I was filled with hurt and I wanted this night to end.My mom told me to come home before 2 in the morning and I managed to do so.Savannah stayed over,as planned and crashed on the floor too pissed to say a word.

My head hit my pillow and I was out like a light.


Ahah!A sort of cliffhanger I seeeee.What's gonna happen next?

You're gonna have to wait :(
Im sorry to all you Seten shippers.What if they never talk to eachother again.

You're probably thinking I'd never do that,but once I start typing,it's no mercy.

And before I go I want to give a shoutout to my friend in RL who is reading dis. :)

My ONLY friend in RL who actually knows about DIS.

So,I lubb her.She knows who she is! :p


P.S Picture of Serenity -->

I'll post another picture in the next chapter.It's not WHO she really intends to be,it's just what you can imagine her to look like,or ya kno the cover.

Plus the glasses were edited on this pic cuz I COULDNT FIND ONE THAT WAS GORGG ENOUGH TO RESSEMBLE SERENITY.

JK.You have to go to my twitter,follow me and THEN will we reveal my lovely main character.

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