Knocked Out

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Chapter 4:Knocked out


"You have to go!"Savannah said.



I sighed.Taten hasn't talked to me since my mom's trip ended.

I would go outside whenever he was out purposely and he'd go inside..but slowly so it wouldn't seem suspicious.
Like I didn't notice though.

I was so confused goddamnit!

I was hurt.He's freaking avoiding me.

"Screw that bastard."I huffed.

"You LIKE him Seren!Stop acting like you don't."Savannah responded.

I grew annoyed.She says this all the time,but how could I develop feelings for someone I've known for like a month?

"What time are you picking me up?"I finally gave up.

"Yay!Nineish!Dress hot."

She hung up before I could change my mind.

I rolled my eyes and slowly got out of bed..I was in it all day watching Netflix.


When I was done getting ready,I admired myself in my mirror.

I had my thick hair curled slightly and a beanie over it because it was a little chilly and I refused to do any more to my hair.

I put on my lokai bracelet that pretty much goes with everything and straightened out my outfit.

I was wearing a white sleeveless tank top,black jean shorts,and a tan-ish colored cardigan.

"Shoes!"I said.How can you forget shoes?

I slipped on my pair of black low top chuck taylors.

Grabbing my keys,I descended the stairs,kissed my mom on her cheek,and went out the door.


When we arrived to the party I was overwhelmed.Even though I was a little nerdy,I've gone to parties before,but there was a lot more people than usual!

Me and Savannah pushed through people making out,people grinding against each other,etc.

We just wanted a drink,like move.

Okay okay.Maybe I wasn't the average nerd because I do drink,but rarely.I got a shot of vodka and downed it since I needed to get my mind off of him.

I heard a cheer and looked over at the door.

It was him.After he greeted his friends,he started to scan the room.I hurriedly turned around before he could notice me.

"You're pathetic."Savannah said,beckoning Evan over.

She kissed his lips and he responded turned into a make out session so I grabbed a beer from the cooler and went outside.

I drank and drank.Trying to get his image out of my head.I can handle my liquor,but something told me to keep going..maybe to pass my limit.When I finally decided I was done,I drank at least 9 bottles.

"Hey."A familiar voice said.

I didn't respond knowing who it was and kept my gaze to the front of me.

He pushed my beer bottles away from my side and sat next to me,somewhat angrily.

"Why the hell do you have nine bottle of beer-"

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