If you're still here...

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Hello everyone! 

It's been over a year since I've last published anything on Wattpad. It's really been over a year since I've written..er typed anything story related for Wattpad. I just wanted to say thank you guys for still reading my stories! 

Here's a confession: I was 13 when I wrote all of these stories and I know, they're so mediocre and gross. I didn't even know that you had to put a space after a comma or period! Yes I was that dumb! But now I'm 15, which isn't a huge difference I'm aware, and have a much better vocabulary and overall writing style.

 I don't know if I'll pick up writing on Wattpad again because I feel like everything you could possibly think of has already been written, but I will certainly leave my "works" up for people to enjoy or cringe at. I also don't even read on Wattpad anymore. I really should, but I started reading so many books and authors took too long to update (haha the hypocrisy). Eventually, I ended up deleting the app altogether because I had already forgotten the storyline of every story I read. Maybe one day I'll start reading on Wattpad again, but as for right now I'm pretty satisfied with that Episode app. Some stories off of Wattpad have even been turned into Episode stories which is super cool! I could never write an Episode story because those are so much harder than just regular ole' typing (trust me, I tried it). But anyway, thank you again for showing support for my terribly written stories. Maybe I'll come back one day? 

Farewell for now my friends.

Chickadee out.

P.S this chapter will be posted on all of my stories so if you read those too, don't worry bout it!

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