I should have kissed you (1D...

By Seeledwithakiss

115K 644 89

"He was a couple of inches taller than me with blonde hair and bright crystal blue eyes. They were like large... More

CHAPTER 21 (last chapter)


4.6K 24 2
By Seeledwithakiss



I headed the door click open and I turned to find him right next to me.

"It seems like a perfect say to go shipping." he winked as he slipped his hand around my waist.

"Well if you insist." I laughed.

* * * * *

As we walked through the little shops he slipped his hand into mine and we walked the rest of the way, hand in hand. I smiled to myself.

He left into another shop and I noticed a little shop with bracelets and necklaces nearby. I picked up a small love heart necklace with swirls engraved onto it, and it opened up with the inside saying, "Love lasts forever." It was really cute!!

I sighed after a while this would just be another 'souvenir' that would get broken or lost. I put it down and wandered back over to him.

He was looking at shops shirts with different sayings. I picked up a light blue top which said, "Free hugs!"

I laughed. "You should get this one!!"

"Yeah I was thinking this one too!!" he grinned and payed.

When we left the shop I slipped my hand back into his and we walked to the shore nearby. We sat down on the wooden ledge and watched the waves as we ate our hot dogs.

"I'll be back." he whispered and walked off.


I caught her looking at a little necklace while I was examining the shirts. Maybe I could get that for her. Maybe it could replace the broken cup. She sighed and put it down and walked over to me.

I bought the shirt she liked and as we left the shop she slipped her hand into mine. I was glad she felt the same.

I ran back to the little store. I found the necklace and I paid. I changed into my new shirt and ran back to her.

I got her to stand up and I pulled the necklace from my pocket and slipped it around her neck. She gasped in delight.

"Thank you." she breathed and smiled. I pulled her close and wrapped my arms around her waist. She crossed her arms around my neck and smiled.

"You're welcome." I whispered to her. "You know you look really pretty today."

She blushed and looked away.

I leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

She hugged me really tight and started to cry a little.

"I don't want to leave tomorrow. I don't want to leave you." her voice was soft.

I just hugged her tighter and kissed her head lightly.

"It'll be ok." I reassured her. And the truth was I didn't know if it was going to be ok.

"You're the nicest guy I've ever met and.... I really like you. I don't want to leave, I really don't." she cried as she spoke and I always got a upset when others cried too. But I had to stay strong for her.

Did she just admit she really like me? My heart skipped a beat. Maybe after all she did still like me.

She pulled away and wiped away her tears, but new ones always seem to appear again.

"Hey, come on don't cry. It'll be ok.... I promise." I lifted her chin to face me and I gave her a reassuring smile but behind that I didn't know if we really were going to be ok.

She took out a tissue and wiped away her tears. I looked around to find a little store with some candy and sweets.

"Hey can you see that store over there?" I asked as I pointed to it.

"Yeah.... Why?"

"You feel like some thing sweet?"


"Well the last one there has to pay." I grinned and yelled, "GO."

She laughed as she ran after me trying to catch up. I waltzed into the store and to my delight I found so many different lollies all for show through the glass cabinet.

When she rushed through the door I teased, "What took you so long? I wasn't getter any younger!!"

She laughed and poked her tongue at me. She came over and I slipped my hand around her waist and we tried all different flavours and in the end we decided to take home 40 lollies with 20 different flavours among them.

She pulled out her wallet and I stopped her. "What are you doing?"

"Paying?" she looked puzzled, "U got here first remember?"

I laughed at her. "Girls never pay for anything on the dates." I whispered as I pulled her close to me.

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