I Missed You (George Weasley...

By janewilsonpotterfan

109K 3.7K 633

The last bit of summer before Kat was meant to return from her internship in Bulgaria, working with magical b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 49 (Bonus-Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 24

2.1K 73 12
By janewilsonpotterfan

Kat's POV:

I finished getting ready for the party at Death's Pub tonight. I hadn't heard word from George yet, though I sent Fred a brief message on the coin he has that I would be working tonight, and would drop by around 3 am. He sent back an ok. So at least he can tell George where I am, if he cares at all I suppose. I'm beginning to wonder if I self-sabotage our relationship, but I don't mean to if I am.

I check my smile in the mirror to make sure that my fangs aren't trying to come through. Half-moon on New Year's Day, just what I wanted. I test my accent out a few times, making sure I cast it correctly, before giving a final spin in the black dress I picked out. I won't lie, it's a lovely dress, but it reminds me of something that Bellatrix might wear to a formal killing or something.

I would also prefer blue or silver, but those colors look too 'good' for a Death Eater's party. Though I might have gotten away with silver since it would match Veritys' grey eyes, will kind of I suppose. I give a final shrug, knowing that this was as good as it's going to get after today's events. I grab a cloak off the wall before covering my head with the hood and apparating just outside Death's Pub.

A Death Eater checks my name at the door and says that they've been waiting for me, which isn't terrifying at all. I expected him to lead me to Thorfinn somewhere in the main pub, but instead I'm led into the hidden room. I feel my heart stop for a few moments as I look at the people in the room. Standing around a small table is Narcissa Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Bellatrix, Agatha, and Thorfinn.

"That's the girl who isn't who she says she is." (Agatha)

I watch as Agatha grins a crazy old smile as Bellatrix hands her a small bag of coins, with a smile that's just as crazy as Agatha's and ten times as evil. I look at Thorfinn and see that the usual look of adoration he has for me has been replaced by stony version of indifference or maybe even disgust.

"Thorfinn, what's going on?" (K)

"Aparecium!" (T)

Before I had time to cast a non-verbal shield spell my disguises as Verity are gone, and I'm standing in front of some of my worst enemies as myself. I watch as Draco seems to pale even more than usual, and his mum pulls him closer to her side gripping her wand tightly. Bellatrix begins to laugh, but Thorfinn's reaction is the surprising one. He looks hurt by the reveal, and I realize that he had real feelings for Verity. Before I have time to step toward the door or even apparate out I'm I'm stunned a few times by Bellatrix between her laughing fits.


I woke up in a dimly lit cell, on the cold hard ground, still in my black dress but missing my heels. Great. I noticed that for some reason I still had my wand, which can only mean that I can't get out of this room with magic. That's just fantastic, or as Ron would say 'bloody brilliant.' I hear someone breathing next to me and I look to my right and see Thorfinn watching me with his guarded blue eyes carefully. I make sure my voice sounds as gentle as possible before I start speaking to him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, you must know that." (K)

"You are an exceptional actress. Dumbledore picks his spies wisely." (T)

"I wouldn't have let you kiss me if it was just a spy job to me, you should know that." (K)

I watch as he goes to respond, hoping that my lies seem like the truth to him, but as he opens his mouth another man comes done the stairs wearing a mask. He motions to bring me upstairs and Thorfinn opens the cell, taking my wand back and putting it in his pocket as he pulls me up to my feet and shoves me ahead of him. I walk calmly up the stairs and begin to tune in my senses to determine where I am. I'm pushed into a living room and the stench of death hits my nose sooner than I would have liked it to, as I'm brought face to face with Voldemort.

I watch as the evil smile on his face grows as I'm pushed through the door, with the door being locked behind me. I put my hands behind my back and start tapping my tattoo, hoping that Fred has the stupid coin with him and is paying attention to the amount it's lighting up. Though at this point I'm as good as dead. Voldemort looks me over as if he's buying a new guard dog or lap dog rather, before smiling again and giving a little bow towards me.

Knowing that now is not the time to be stupid I return the gesture, but bow lower than he did. I look up to find him smiling at me even wider, and it chills my body to bone. He makes a sweeping gesture with his hand for me to sit down at a chair across from him, which I do while glancing at who else is in the room. It appears to be the same crowd that met me at Death Pub the other night. Oh goodie.

"Katherine Harrison I believe, we meet at last. I have desired for some time to meet the dhampir who helped put two of my best Death Eaters in Azkaban after a quick bite. Your reputation proceeds your bloodlust." (V)

"May I say the same about you my lord." (K)

"Ahaha, yes I would imagine it does. Now I've heard from young Draco that you were as much a part of Dumbledore's crowd as Harry Potter. I have no doubt that you're in the Order. So I'm going to give you a chance to live." (V)

"What chance might that be?" (K)

"Join me. Join me and I will make you respected, feared, loved even by all those that we rule over. You will become a person of great importance and power under me. Never again will you be cast as a weak creature. No, you will become the strong powerful creature of the night that you are meant to be. The creature that Bellatrix told me was present at the ministry the night of my return to the public eye. Join me in your rightful place of power, beside me. Join me Katherine Harrison." (V)

"And if I refuse your generous offer my lord." (K)

"Ahahaha. Then I'm afraid I will let Bellatrix have her way with you until she gets bored." (V)

I try to refrain from showing any emotion on my face as I stare back at the near soulless creature before me. I must not have been successful from keeping my surprise at his decision from my face because his smile only seems to grow more sinister.

"You must have expected blackmail, or threats to your family or friends, or perhaps even the Imperius curse rather than making you a gift for Bellatrix. But you see Draco tells me you have little contact with your so-called friends at Hogwarts, and that your family sent you here to be away from them. And Severus has informed me that you can easily fight off the Imperius curse, so you are of little use to me unless willingly. So, what is your decision?" (V)

"Bellatrix, ready to have a good time?" (K)

"You may change what's left of your mind in a few days time. Bellatrix has a nasty temper that I quite adore. Bellatrix, she's all yours. Have Thorfinn put her back in her cage when you're done. Merry Christmas." (V)

"Oh thank you Master. Thank you my Lord." (B)

I watch as Voldemort leaves the room followed by the two Malfoys, but as he leaves I watch Draco cast a mournful look my way. He may be on the wrong side of this fight, but as least he lied for the sake of my friends and family. Not many would do that. I turn back towards Bellatrix who is smiling and cackling just as crazily as she was the night that she killed Sirius. I stand from the chair and walk to the center of the room, a few feet away from her preparing to make her work a bit for her target. It is Christmas after all.

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