
By AaliyahSione

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Andree Valdez is a Honduran bound gang member, of the most popular Latin gang in the world: The Esses. He als... More

Forty-Six. (Finale)


210 7 0
By AaliyahSione


I had no clue where I was. The only thing I knew was that I got kidnapped by the KKK. They had put tape over my mouth, and around my legs and hands. Then, they threw me in the back of their truck, and some man held me at gunpoint so I wouldn't get out.

After hours and hours of being held at gunpoint in a truck, we finally stopped, and I was dragged into a small, dim building. Now, I was sitting near a long table by myself. That was, until some boy walked inside of the room.

He was a white boy, with black hair and Green eyes. He was wearing overalls and had on dirty sneakers.

"Umm... Are you okay?" He asked.

I looked at him, and his eyes widened and he laughed.

"Oh, yeah." He walked over towards me and slowly took the duct tape off of my mouth. "My bad."

"....Where are we going?" I asked in a low tone.

"I've been trying to convince my dad to bring you back..." He shook his head. "But the deal is sealed."

"Deal?" I raised an eyebrow. "What deal?"

"I can't say anymore." He sighed. "But, I gotta let you know... I'm not like my father. I promise you, I will try to get you out of here."

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"Because it's not right." He shook his head. "None of this.. I mean, I don't believe that this should happen to you or anybody else just because of the color of their skin."

"Then why are you here?"

"I'm helping you, remember?" He said. "Listen, when you leave, watch who you hang out with. Some of your 'friends' can be real snakes."

He got up and left me in the room by myself again. His advice sounded so familiar to Andreson's.

"Rebecca is a snake, and I don't think you should be around her."

Was Andreson telling the truth about everything? Maybe she did use him.... But, why would she use me?

"So, I heard you were friends with Andreson Valdez." Rebecca winked.

"Yes, he is so multa." Rosa fanned herself.

"Yeah, we're cool." I said.

"So, Rebecca and I were wondering if you could give him our numbers?"

"Sure." I shrugged.

Maybe, Rebecca did use Andreson. Maybe.... She used me, too.

Rebecca nor Rosa never said anything to me that whole year, and when they did, both of them asked me to give Andreson their numbers. Why would both of them try to get at him, but only Rebecca ended up dating him?

How did they even get in contact? Andreson never had any interest in either one of them... Well, that's what I thought. Then, all of a sudden they got together? And, Rosa was okay with it?

Something happened that I don't know about.



I stood in the driveway of my parent's mansion, with my hands in my pockets just looking at the over-sized home. As much as I didn't want to be here, I needed answers and I didn't know where to look.

I sighed, then closed my car door. I walked then walked towards the front door and stopped. I was hesitant, but I opened the door and walked inside.

The place was barely lit, but the hallway light was on. I shut the door and looked around, nobody was downstairs. I walked upstairs and looked around.


"Andreson?" She responded. "I'm in my bedroom.."

I walked down the hall and stepped inside of her room. She was wearing a pink robe and was just sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Your father went out of town, again." She said in a low tone. "What are you doing here?"

"I just came to ask you a question." I said.

"Okay, what is it?"

"Why... Why are you prejudice?"

"What are you talking about, Andreson?" She asked, as if she was totally clueless.

"Don't act stupid." I growled. "You're racist. You don't like black people... What have they even done to you? Do you think your fans would be happy with that fact?"

She shook her head.

"Lola Valdez, many women's inspiration in life." I said. "A lot of people want to be you..."

"That's right." She said. "And, I'm sure a lot of women in the world agree with my beliefs."

"Which is true." I nodded. "But, why do you think you're a special white person? You and dad. Lola, you wouldn't be a shit without all the money you got. You would be working like the slaves you have right now if you were broke."

"Well, I don't have to think about that, honey." She smiled. "And, neither do you."

"What did you do with Isamariá?" I asked. "I know you had something to do with her-"

"Andreson, what the hell are you talking about?"

"The Ku Klux Klan, Lola!" I barked. "They took her!"

"Do you think I'm that evil?" Her eyes widened. "Nobody in this house has nothing to do with those fools. Get out of my room."

"What's your problem?" I asked. "You're lying?"

"Obviously, I do not care about that stupid girl you seem to like." She growled at me. "I have nothing to do with whatever you're talking about."

"You're lying!" I yelled. "You and dad got them to kidnap her and she's probably dead, now!"

"God damn it, Andreson!" She snapped as tears shot out of her eyes. "I don't have anything to do with those Klansmen!"

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because......" She said in a low tone. "When I was growing up in Honduras, it was bad... Real bad."

There were two groups in my neighborhood. If you were darker, we called you 'Negro Sucia' which meant dirty black. As for us, we were normal.. But, I had a negro friend... She was my best friend... My only friend.

And my mom and dad always loved the neighborhood kids. Mom always made cookies or took us out to the water. But, they never liked the negro sucia. Not my friend, either. But, one day, my dad came back to Honduras from America. He said there were men with white pointy hats, and they killed negro men, women, and children. He told all the neighborhood kids. The neighborhood kids wanted to be like that. They thought it was cool, they thought it was right..

So, all the neighborhood kids got their mothers to make white pointy hats, and they had swords, and they had rocks, and they had little weapons. And, they... They terrorized the negro sucia. And one day, my friend told me, she said "I don't like you because you allow this to happen. This is your fault. You let them do this to my family... Our family. We are all the same, but you don't see that. They don't see that, and they brainwashed you into thinking you were better because you're a shade lighter than me!" but I never meant for her to think of it that way. I never wanted to be around that, until she said what she said to me.

So that night I went to talk to my dad and I told him what happened. He said to me, "Lola, that's what happens when you associate with anyone from the negro sucia. Their names are literal. You are not meant to be friends with them. You are better than them." And I believed him. I always believed him, because he was never wrong.

The next day, my friend was killed. And, that's when I met Robert. He taught me everything I knew about that stuff. And, I almost got into it until one day. One day that I'll never forget. I came home one day and my dad was dead. He was on the floor with blood all over him and no heartbeat. When the neighborhood kids found out, they were angry. They confronted everyone until someone from the negro sucia confessed that they had killed him as payback for terroizing them. And since that day, I never liked them.

"So, you mean to tell me that a Honduran teenager killed your father, and now you don't like black people?"

"Yes." She growled. "That's exactly what I'm saying."

"What the fuck?" I whispered. "Okay, mom. Can I tell you something?"


"Did you know, that they're a lot of dark Honduran people who live in Honduras? Did you know that they're not black, they're Honduran?" I asked. "Did you know there is a difference between African/African-American and Honduran?"

"Get out if my room, Andreson."

That was the most pitiful excuse that I've ever heard. The story didn't even sound believable. Negro Sucia? What the fuck.

Anyways, I left her room and walked back downstairs. I knew that my moms was lying and that she had something to do with this. I walked down into the third floor and made my way towards my dad's office. I grabbed his key out of the plant and I unlocked the door.

I turned the light on and looked around. It smelled like cigars and mom in here, so I already knew what they did. Yuck. Anyways, I walked over to his desk and started looking through his folders for anything. I searched in all the drawers, folders and spaces I could find, but I came up with nothing.

Then, I looked over at a big, leather box sitting behind his machete by the bookshelf. I grabbed the box and set it down on the table, then opened it. There were a million papers, and I believed I was right where I needed to be.

I picked up one newspaper article and read the headline.


He had another one.



"I knew it." I hissed.

I put the news articles down and continued searching the box. There were more articles about the Klansmen, he also had numbers with names written beside them. But, I grew livid when I saw Rebecca's number, and a picture of Isamariá inside.

I threw the box down and yelled out in anger. I walked out of the room and walked back upstairs. I rushed to the front door, and when I opened it, Rebecca was standing there.

"Hey baby." She smiled.

I pulled my pistol out of my pocket and pointed it in her face.

"So you used my dad, too?"

"No, we made a deal." She winked. "That's why he likes me so much."

"You're a dirty whore." I growled. "What the hell did you do with Isamariá?"

"She was kidnapped by the KKK, wasn't she?" She walked inside. "That's too bad."

"Tell me what the hell you did, or I'll kill you right now." I said. "I'm not playing with you."

"Maybe Robert paid my family to get at her..." She shrugged. "Maybe he didn't."

"I knew you were a snake." I hissed. "Get the fuck out of my home."

"Call me, later." She winked.

"Don't count on that." I snarled.

She dropped a piece of paper and left the house. I shook my head and picked up the small piece of paper, and read it.

1900 Montgomery street, Alabama.

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