Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

By heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Originals and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots. hear... More

characters & trailer
main character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - For the Next Millennium
chapter 2 - You Hung the Moon
chapter 3 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
chapter 4 - A Walk on the Wild Side
chapter 5 - The Axeman's Letter
chapter 6 - Beautiful Mistake
chapter 7 - Out of the Easy
chapter 8 - The Other Girls in New Orleans
chapter 9 - Savior
chapter 10 - A Ghost Along the Mississippi
chapter 11 - Wild At Heart
chapter 12 - Dead Angels
chapter 13 - Heart Shaped Box
chapter 14 - Streetcar Named Desire
chapter 15 - An Old Friend Calls
chapter 16 - Alone With Everybody
chapter 17 - Behind the Black Horizon
chapter 19 - No More Heartbreaks
chapter 20 - Where Nothing Stays Buried
chapter 21 - Give 'Em Hell, Kid
chapter 22 - The Bloody Crown

chapter 18 - The Devil Comes Here and Sighs

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By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the courtyard, Freya had seen the vision, relaying the information to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Freya: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she had been shown. She sounded very grim. "If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, one by foreigner, and one... by family."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the courtyard, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Kaylin were talking.

Klaus turned to Kaylin. "Aurora has set a trap for us before."

Kaylin nodded. "Just give that bitch a fate worse than death."

Klaus smirked. "As you wish."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the tomb, Aurora was trapped with a boundary spell and bricks.

Aurora was now near-hysterical when she realized that he was going to leave her trapped forever, beginning to plead with him. "Please, Nik. Just kill me!"

"Behind walls is where you belong," Klaus told her. "Just know it was I who took everything from you."

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in Cami's Apartment, Davina, Noah and Cami were talking.

Noah scoffed, turning to face Davina. "Anything to say about the suggestion that your boyfriend and my girlfriend/your best friend being hexed?"

"There could have been a chance that the Ancestors would retaliate by hexing them," Davina told him. "Caitlin had human feelings for you before she turned, and since it's your blood that turned her..."

Noah sighed, knowing where she was going with this. "She's sired."

"Which means that even if she's hexed, she still wants to listen to you, even if the Ancestors don't," Davina told him.

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in the hallway of the apartment building, Caitlin was sitting down on the steps, sighing, closing her eyes, putting her hands over her ears to try to block out every little noise that made her even more uncomfortable than before.

Davina: (voice over from 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon) "The sire bond could be the only thing that is keeping Caitlin together right now."

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in Cami's Apartment, Caitlin tackled Cami through the door to her apartment, making them fall to the floor on top of the door, with Cami underneath her. She gripped her throat, furiously enraged, transforming.

Caitlin: (voice over from 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon) "Why do I only feel normal when I'm at home, or when I'm at St. James, but when I'm everywhere else in this damn city, I feel like I can tear everything to shreds?"

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in Noah/Caitlin's loft, they were talking.

Noah realized what the two places had in common. "Because magic doesn't work in either place."

Caitlin realized where he was going with this. "Where the Ancestors can't reach me." She quickly lost her relief when she remembered what happened. "But that's not a permanent solution, since I have to leave here and, if I leave here, then I'm gonna be risking in killing my friends."

Caitlin was completely overwhelmed, starting to cry, putting a hand to her head.

Noah stood, walking toward her worriedly. "I'm not gonna let you fall apart."

Caitlin was only slightly relieved, but still overcome with sadness, anger and horror at what she had almost done, starting to cry.

Noah walked closer, pulling Caitlin into his arms, holding her comfortingly.

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in the clearing in Mystic Falls, Lucien was leading Freya and Auria through the woods.

Auria: (voice over from 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon) "The Ancestors are forcing me to help Lucien Castle."

"So, all of this, all of your feelings and proclamations of love for Kassandra?" Freya asked. "Was that all just lies?"

Lucien smiled. "Quite the opposite. It's because of my love for Kassandra that I'm doing this."

Auria scoffed in defeat, giving Lucien a knowing look. "You want to become an Original."

"I intend to be an upgrade," Lucien told them. "I want to make it where if Kassandra does in fact fall, she will rise as being better, just like me."

Freya looked at Lucien, stunned. "You are mad. Klaus' compulsion broke you."

Later, Auria was casting the spell. The contents inside the bowl were set ablaze, causing a burst of flames so tall and powerful that Auria was forced to arch her back away from it as it turned into what resembled a tornado made of fire.

Freya: (voice over from 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon) "You can't stand the thought of losing Kassandra again, which is why you're going through all of this."

Later, Finn, Kassandra, Klaus, Kaylin, Nicola, Elijah and Marcel ran into the clearing. Nicola was holding a stake gun in case they couldn't get close and had to take him out from afar.

Lucien spun at vampire speed, holding Freya in front of him. He drank the serum, sighing in triumph. 

Elijah rushed toward Nicola, putting his hands over Nicola's, so that instead of Nicola taking the shot, Elijah took the shot to shoot a stake at Lucien.

Lucien awakened as the beast. 

Later, Tory and Lindsey had put up a barrier spell to keep Lucien away from the others.

Lucien looked at Kassandra, facing her from the other side of the barrier. "I have waited five hundred years. I can wait for you a tad longer."

Later in the woods, Elijah and Nicola were talking. 

"Kaylin is coming with us, Nicola," Elijah told her. "So can you. You don't have to ask for my help. I'm offering it."

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in the lab of Kingmaker Land Development, Hayley, Mikayla, Kacie, Luke, Lindsey, Tory and Ryan were talking.

"What did he want with you, Tory?" Lindsey asked. 

"He needed their venom, and mine," Tory answered. "He also took a lot of my blood to create this serum thing."

"Why your blood?" Mikayla asked.

Ryan nodded. "She's born from a Doppelganger witch bloodline from her mother's side, and a werewolf bloodline from her father's side. Who were all these wolves?"

"From the seven original packs, werewolf royalty," Tory answered. "He used my blood to complete the transition into the beast."

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in the compound, Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Freya and Kol stood with Finn as he died from Lucien's bite.

Nicola: (voice over from 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon) "And added with Tory's blood, it gives him a bite that not even Klaus can cure."

From 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon", in the courtyard, Hayley, Mikayla, Kaylin, Nicola and the Mikaelson siblings were talking.

Freya looked at Kassandra sadly. "Lucien said that he was doing it for you to be the same, for all eternity, Kassandra."

Kassandra looked at them expressionlessly, emotionlessly. "He wants me to be what he is."


Kassandra's Dream

Night - Park 

(Song:) One Way Or Another - Until the Ribbon Breaks 

Lucien and Kassandra were in a gazebo that was decorated with twinkling lights wrapped around the pillars.

Lucien fed on a girl until she died, letting her fall to the ground, sighing in pleasure. "Enjoying yourself, my love?"

Kassandra was sitting at a table, drinking wine and feeding from a man. "Depends on how you define 'enjoying myself'."

Lucien smiled. "This setting reminds me of the time we were in Paris. 1403? Peace, prosperity. Hope."

Kassandra looked around in confusion. "How did we get here?" She looked at him suspiciously. "We're in my head, aren't we?" Lucien smiled, shrugging. "How? My home's under Freya's name, meaning invitation only, and you haven't been invited into the house, let alone my room. How can you do this from a distance?"

"I'm stronger, darling," Lucien answered. "Stronger than anything you'd ever dream."

Lucien gestured for a waiter to give Kassandra more wine and blood.

"Oh, so is this your intention?" Kassandra asked. "Ply me with champagne and blood, entice me with nostalgia and then make me an offer that I cannot refuse?"

Lucien smiled, walking closer. "I simply desired an auspicious location for us to begin a new adventure. Perhaps, centuries from now, you and I will look back at this bucolic scene as the beginning of our new chapter."

"New chapter?" Kassandra asked skeptically. "You mean the one we start after you killed my brother Finn?"

Lucien sat across from Kassandra at the table. "You don't understand, love. When I came to New Orleans, learning that you were in danger, I wanted to do anything to prevent your final death. So, I went to the Ancestors, and struck a deal with them. They said that they would grant the two of us freedom as a new species that is better than anything this world has ever seen, only if I finished your brothers."

"And you thought that this was something that I could easily forgive?" Kassandra asked incredulously.

"Not easily, no," Lucien answered. "But once you're like me, we will have centuries to work out our differences. Sooner or later, we will be as we were. Everyone's better. Quite the item together. The only people in the world that no one can stand a chance against. You will never again have to fear for your life."

"Just my sanity," Kassandra told him. "Considering that you're chipping away at it by visiting me in my dreams in a way that would scare even the toughest of girls with their stalkers. I'm not so easily afraid."

"Your wit is as sharp as ever," Lucien told her.

Kassandra smirked barely, looking away. "What is the offer you plan to make?"

"Power, domination," Lucien answered. "I will not be the fool who let you slip away again. As I'm sure Finn's punishment enough, if you join me, we can leave here, without harming any more of your family."

"So you would break the deal that you made with the Ancestors if I chose to become like you?" Kassandra asked skeptically, suspiciously.

Lucien smirked. "Deals were made to be broken." He took out the vial with the serum. "Blood of a Luna/Doppelganger and Mikaelson witch, imbued with dark magic. This has transformed me into something new with a power unlike anything the world has ever seen. Take this, Sandra, join me, become my equal, and nothing shall stand in our way, ever again. Not even the prophecy. Not even the Ancestors." He stood. "I've been waiting a long time to make you this offer." He took a knee to the ground, holding the serum toward Kassandra as if he was proposing a marriage. "My proposal is simple." Kassandra became very overwhelmed, trying her best to hide just how she felt. "Join me, Kassandra. Drink this, become what I am, and let us spend the rest of our immortal lives together. In exchange, you will have my undying love. No more losing family. We will put this stupid prophecy to rest. And we will stand together and fight together. And we will win."

Kassandra swallowed, looking down, overwhelmed, raising her gaze to glare at Lucien. "No. If you want me, you're gonna have to come and get me."

Lucien wasn't surprised or even the least bit offended, having expected this as the first response after Finn, standing. "If you want retribution or revenge for Finn, what are you waiting for? Come take out your anger and frustration on me. Because this anger that you're feeling is not really directed at me, is it, Kassandra? It's directed at yourself, because you couldn't have seen this coming, and because Finn was saving you, angering me in the process and getting in my way. I'm sorry I lost control. But you don't blame me, do you? You blame yourself. I'll be visiting you every night in your sleep until you come out to play, giving you the same offer, the same ultimatum, and saying the same things about us, and about your brother, until you inevitably come to find me. I'll be waiting, Sandra."

Kassandra glared at him furiously, hurt and betrayed, trying not to be upset. "Get out of my head." Lucien smirked slightly at her reaction, raising his eyebrows. "Get... out." 

Lucien was sad to cause her pain but willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted. 



Day One

Night - Abattoir Compound - Kassandra's Room 

Kassandra woke up in her bedroom after Lucien had left her mind. She sat up, gasping slightly. She realized that she was awake, looking around, knowing that Lucien had to be close, standing, rushing toward the window, looking outside to the street.

Lucien was standing in the street below, looking up at Kassandra, smirking, winking, blowing a little kiss, rushing away, leaving.

Kassandra breathed heavily, catching her breath, calming down, knowing that he was never going to stop.

(Song Ends)  


Worlds Colliding (The Originals)


Day Two

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Upstairs Living Room 

Freya was sketching a rough draft of a spell in an empty grimoire.

Klaus was pacing behind her anxiously. Elijah was standing next to him.

Freya sighed. "You're hovering."

"We're supervising," Klaus told her. "How else to speed up your endeavors? Let's see. Perhaps I should bring Auria here. Force her to aid you by removing her legs."

"Auria doesn't know how to kill Lucien, either," Freya told them. "Besides, if Auria leaves the St. James, who knows what the Ancestors will make her do next."

"The Ancestors are thoroughly occupied, according to Noah, terrorizing Kol and Caitlin," Elijah told them.

"What a surprise," Klaus told them sarcastically. "Another witch-inspired vendetta."

"Well, Noah and Davina can take care of Caitlin and Kol for now," Elijah told them. "Let us focus our energies on Lucien. How do we demolish that rodent? Preferably before he gets to--"

They heard Kassandra's voice. "Me?" Klaus, Freya and Elijah looked up to see Kassandra standing in the doorway, surprised and worried. "Before he gets to me? Well, you're a little late."

"What happened?" Elijah asked worriedly.

"He's been paying me visits in my dreams," Kassandra answered. "Standing right outside this compound, able to enter my mind when I'm sleeping."

"Are you all right?" Freya asked.

Kassandra sighed, exhausted, uncomfortable and overwhelmed. "I will be once this ends and we find a way to stop him."

Freya sighed worriedly. "I'm working on it."

Kassandra nodded. "Yes. Well, we all have our roles to play. Klaus and Elijah can stay here and oversee whatever it is Freya's doing. I'm going to actually accomplish something."

Kassandra turned to leave.

"Kassandra, accomplishing something--" Elijah started.

Kassandra turned to face them, completely overwhelmed. "The time for talking is done!"

"We put the entire compound under Freya's name, making it a fortress, to keep you safe from becoming whatever Lucien is," Klaus told her. "What is the point of creating a fortress if you intend on leaving it?"

"What is the point of protecting me from becoming whatever Lucien is when we may very well need another to defeat him?" Kassandra replied. "I can see him everywhere, taunting me, trying to draw me out. I'm not going to be your Rapunzel in the tower. I'm not going to let him win. I'm going to stop him, even if it means becoming what he is."

Kassandra rushed out, leaving before they could stop her.

Freya stood worriedly, but they all knew she was long gone. "Kassandra!"


St. James Infirmary

(Song:) My Dear - Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics 

Davina and a strung-out-looking Kol had just arrived hand-in-hand at the club, where a jazzy blues band was playing on the stage.

Kol was overwhelmed by the heartbeats and blood of everyone inside, stopping before they could enter. "Oh, I can't be here. This is a bad idea."

"Magic won't affect you in here," Davina told him. "We know that for a fact, because Caitlin is here, and look at her." They looked toward where Noah and Caitlin were dancing to the song. Kol was surprised that Caitlin was happy and having a good time instead of being terrorized by the Ancestors with anger and urges to kill everyone. Davina smiled. "So step inside..." She pulled him over the threshold. It was clear by the look on Kol's face and the way that the heartbeats immediately lowered in volume and intensity that the spell on the club was blocking the Ancestors' hex from Kol also. "And take your mind off of it." Kol looked at her in relief. Davina smiled in satisfaction. "Feeling better?"

Davina took off her jacket, laying it on a chair at a nearby table.

Kol smiled, walking closer, chuckling. "Seems I owe you again. You must be growing tired of saving my ass."

Davina chuckled. "Mm, actually, I kind of like it. And what if I told you I had a way to fix all of our problems?"

"What do you have in mind, darling?" Kol asked.

Davina and Kol looked across the club toward where Noah and Caitlin had just met up with Auria. 

Auria saw Davina and Kol, raising her glass toward them in greeting, taking a drink.

(Song Ends)


The French Quarter

(Song:) Pork Rind - Blackfoot Gypsies 

The NOLA Music Days festival was happening in the French Quarter.

Kaylin was in the crowd, not really doing much with the festivities.

Klaus walked toward Kaylin. "Kaylin Salvatore still in New Orleans at a music festival, and she's not dancing in the streets. I'm astounded."

"Yeah, well, for once in my life, I'm not in the party mood," Kaylin told him. Klaus nodded in understanding. "I know all the reasons why you're not."

Klaus looked down. "Why are you not in the dancing mood?"

Kaylin sighed. "I can't return home thanks to Matt exiling any and all vampires from Mystic Falls, and Stefan is traveling the world with Alex in attempt to find a way to get Rayna Cruz's scars off of Nicola and Cristian, and Damon is desiccating in a box instead of dealing with his mistakes..." Klaus frowned in confusion. Kaylin sighed, shaking her head. "It's a long story."

"Something that I would be otherwise excited to hear, if it wasn't for current circumstances," Klaus told her. Kaylin nodded in understanding. "We will deal with Rayna. I only came to see that you were safe. Kassandra has disappeared in an attempt to face Lucien alone, and I need to find her before something happens."

Klaus managed a small smile, turning to leave.

Kaylin hesitated, reaching out to stop him. "Klaus?" Klaus turned back. "I haven't had the chance to tell you how sorry I am... about Finn. Losing a sibling is awful. I've lost both of mine... repeatedly. And Nikki may not be my sibling, but she feels like a sister, and I've lost her repeatedly, too, so..."

Klaus was clearly still grieving about Finn but was mostly angry about his death, and extremely worried about Kassandra, smiling weakly. "Yes. Well, I'll find solace when Lucien is dead."

"I could help you," Kaylin told him. "You and Kassandra shouldn't have to do this alone."

"I'd rather do this alone than put anyone else in danger," Klaus told her.

Kaylin was surprised by the different side of Klaus she had seen ever since coming to New Orleans the first time. "You've changed... so much."

Klaus nodded in agreement. "As have you."

Klaus hesitated, walking away, leaving.

Kaylin was left stunned, not knowing what to do, sighing deeply.

(Song Ends)



(Song:) Somebody's Watching Me - Hidden Citizens

Kassandra walked through the Quarter, the people and the tents and booths full of games for the festival. She stopped walking, sighing, taking a deep breath. She frowned in confusion, sensing that someone was watching her, turning to see Lucien in the crowd several yards away.

Lucien smirked.

Kassandra glared at him for a moment.

A man past Lucien by. When he was out of eyeline, it revealed that Lucien had disappeared.



Kassandra followed after Lucien into an alley, drawing Papa Tunde's blade from her jacket. She seemed to be alone. She looked around in confusion, turning around.

Lucien was standing there, smiling. "Hello, Sandra." 

Everything was in vampire speed. Kassandra slashed the blade toward him. Lucien backed away enough to make her miss. Kassandra tried to stab him. Lucien ducked. Kassandra spun around to try and slash into him. Lucien raised an arm to block the move. 


The French Quarter 

Nicola could hear the fighting from nearby the alley, frowning in concern.



Kassandra punched Lucien in the face, spinning around to try and stab him, her back to him. 

Lucien caught Kassandra by wrist with one arm, wrapping his arm around her neck from behind with the other to restrain her without hurting her. "Do you see now, Sandra? You cannot beat me."

"Is that stable boy lost to his hubris?" Kassandra asked.

Lucien smirked in amusement. "We'll have our moment. Do you wish to stop the prophecy, Kassandra? You know the only way you can is being stronger than them. By protecting them. And to do that, you have to be remade." He tightened the hold over Kassandra's neck. Kassandra struggled to get free, but he held tighter. "Shh. Shh."

Lucien tightened the hold until he could snap Kassandra's neck, making her fall unconscious into his arms, holding her unconscious form for a moment, smiling at how peaceful she looked, gently brushing a piece of hair out of her face. He smirked, lifting her up, carrying her away.

Nicola was standing around the corner of the alley, having seen this, turning to hide from sight, horrified, looking as if she wanted to help to try and stop Lucien from taking Kassandra, but she knew that Lucien would be able to kill her without even trying. She knew that she needed help.

(Song Ends)


St. James Infirmary

(Song:) The Man Says - Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics 

The live band was still playing.

Davina, Kol, Noah, Caitlin and Auria were sitting at a table.

Auria looked at Kol. "Try to remember. Your spirit was trapped with the Ancestors. Did they say anything?"

"Yeah, well, it's hard to recall what anyone is saying when there's a boot in your face," Kol told them.

Caitlin sighed impatiently in annoyance.

Auria looked at Kol. "Imagine when Davina brought you back. Did you hear voices, spells, chants?"

"I don't know," Kol told them.

"A threat?" Auria asked.

"There wasn't any talk," Kol told them. "All right? They hate me because I'm a Mikaelson."

Auria looked at Caitlin, sighing. "What about you, Caitlin? The curse had to have happened during the ritual that broke the link between you and Marcel. When you died, and crossed over whatever there is left, while your body was healing enough to bring you back. I know that you wouldn't remember any voices because the transition's not like that. But when's the first point that you knew something was wrong with you? Before you found out about the hex?"

Caitlin shook her head in frustrated annoyance. "I don't know, Auria. Really. I don't."

"What's the point of these questions?" Davina asked.

"The Ancestors made a deal with Lucien," Auria told them. Davina, Kol, Noah and Caitlin were surprised and frustrated. "That's an act of war. Now, they're coming for Kol and Caitlin. If I knew why, then maybe I could convince them that there's a better way. Maybe I could talk some sense into them."

"You make them sound like they're a committee," Noah told her. "Reasonable people."

"The dead were once the living," Auria told them. "All the living really want to do is avoid trouble and protect their own. I remember coming to Music Days when I was a kid. I--I remember all the covens gathering together. And no matter what your beef was with somebody else... Well, that one day it was all good." Davina smiled in remembrance. "And you could feel the presence of all those that came before. You could fell them watching. Peaceful. Now, ever since vampires took over this city..." Noah rolled his eyes, looking away. "Those same spirits have been restless. And the covens will never know peace with the Mikaelsons living here. Now, my guess is the Ancestors see Lucien as a weapon. Use him on vampires, right? Use him on the family that begot them. And if he turns Kassandra into someone like him, then they can get to her because it's their magic that created Lucien, and the same magic that can turn her, and they can curse her like they're cursing Kol and Caitlin. If we're gonna stop that, somebody's gotta convince the Ancestors there's a better way. Noah, we know that the Ancestors cursed Kol because he's from the Original family. We think that the Ancestors cursed Caitlin because we finally found a way to break the link, and they didn't like it."

Davina sighed. "Remember when we told you that every time we tried to break the link ourselves, they would start to kill us?"

Caitlin nodded. "They wanted me to stay linked to Marcel so that his enemy had an easy way to take him out. So, now, they're pissed that I got free of the link, so they're hexing the hell out of me in return, but since Noah's blood turned me into a vampire, I'm sired to him because I had human feelings for him before I turned, and being sired to him is the only reason I didn't kill Cami last night. I'm hexed, and I'm sired. That's great."

"Cait, I'm so sorry," Noah told her.

"It's not your fault," Caitlin told him.

"Exactly," Auria told them. "Now, I'm gonna go try and convince the Ancestors that there are different ways. Better ways than cursing a teenage girl and a newly brought back from the dead Original vampire."

Auria stood.

Kol stood to face Auria. "You have helped my family a lot in the past, Auria. Why continue to help us if it only makes your Ancestors even more angry with you?"

"This isn't about you," Auria told him. "It's about Davina and Caitlin." She sighed. "I look after them like my own daughters, and I will help them with anything, including Caitlin's hex and sirebond, and including Davina's Original vampire boyfriend, even if it means going against the Ancestors and making them turn against me, if that's what saves Caitlin, and if that's what makes Davina happy."

Kol and Noah were impressed with her devotion to Caitlin and Davina, but not surprised.

Caitlin and Davina were touched, looking at Auria, smiling.

Auria smiled a small smile, walking out, leaving.

(Song Ends)


Abattoir Compound - Upstairs Living Room 

Hayley, Mikayla and Freya were talking.

Freya was still sketching with a piece of charcoal. Her rough drafts were covering the coffee table. "Hayley. Mikayla. Some space please."

Hayley and Mikayla were looking at the sketches, but stepping back to give Freya the space she asked for.

"Freya, we are out of time," Hayley told her.

"Is this some way to stop Lucien from getting to Kassandra?" Mikayla asked.

Freya sighed anxiously. "A sigil is a complicated magical symbol, weaponized and condensed to its most potent form. If I combine the right elements, we'll have a chance at stopping Lucien, and if I don't, then Kassandra..."

Freya didn't finish, looking at them worriedly.

Hayley and Mikayla became more worried.


The French Quarter

(Song:) Alone - The Howling Tongues 

Elijah was searching the Quarter.

Nicola ran up to him worriedly. "Elijah!"

Elijah heard the urgency in her voice, turning to her worriedly. "What's wrong, Nicola?"

"It's Kassandra," Nicola answered. "Lucien got to her. I saw it."

Elijah sighed worriedly. "Tell me what happened."

"Kassandra went after him, and she tried to stab him with a bone blade," Nicola explained.

Elijah nodded in understanding. "Papa Tunde's Blade. It's mystical, delivers unending, unspeakable torment to whoever it's used against."

"But it was like Kassandra couldn't even touch him, and he wasn't trying to hurt her, up to the point that he snapped her neck to get her to stop trying to stab him," Nicola told him. "I followed them. Lucien took Kassandra back to the penthouse. Why would she even think of going after him alone like that?"

"Because he has been taunting her in her dreams since the night that Finn died," Elijah answered. "Trying to draw her out. She's not thinking clearly, especially after the death of our brother, after Lucien's betrayal."

Elijah turned around, walking away.

Nicola started to follow him. "Elijah, what are you gonna do?"

"I'm going to save my sister," Elijah answered.

"Let me come with you," Nicola told him.

Elijah turned to face her. "No. Nicola, I need you Salvatore girls to stay away from this as much as possible. Both Auria and Freya have stated that Lucien is completely mad. Niklaus and I have both killed him, and we kept Kassandra daggered for 500 years while he was compelled to believe that he was Niklaus Mikaelson. Lucien is madly in love with Kassandra to do all of this, but he hates Nikaus and I, and he may want revenge. He may attack our family, including Hayley and Mikayla or even Hope, in revenge for our part in their suffering. And the best way to get to me or Niklaus outside of our family... is you and Kaylin."

Nicola knew he was right, sighing. "Elijah, you can't go after him alone."

"I won't," Elijah told her. "I'm going home to ask the help of my family. Thank you for telling me."

Nicola nodded. "At least let me come with you to the compound. I need to find Kaylin, and I've been looking for her but haven't been able to find her, and she's not answering her phone. Maybe Klaus knows where she is."

Elijah nodded.

They walked away down the street together.

(Song Ends)


Lucien's Penthouse 

(Song:) Crazy - Madilyn Bailey & Leroy Sanchez

Lucien had brought Kassandra into the living room, sitting on the couch, having her laying down next to him, unconscious after snapping her neck, having her head in his lap, stroking his fingers through her hair, waiting for her to wake up, smiling at how peaceful she looked. He looked toward the alcohol table, getting an idea, moving Kassandra gently fully onto the couch so he could get up without disturbing her, walking toward the table to pour them both a drink. 

Kassandra was slowly waking up, looking around in confusion, realizing where she was, sitting up. She saw Lucien with his back to her, glaring.

Lucien knew she was up without looking at her, smiling. "Rise and shine, my love." Kassandra glared at him, rushing toward the door, trying to leave, blocked by an invisible barrier. Lucien turned to face her. "Aw. Boundary spell." Kassandra took a deep breath, angry and overwhelmed, turning to face him. "What a shame." Lucien walked toward her with their drinks, offering her one. "Care for a drink? Might make accepting my offer a little easier."

Kassandra angrily grabbed the glass Lucien offered her, using vampire strength and speed to throw it across the penthouse into the wall, making it shatter, looking at him in furious betrayal.

Lucien was not surprised in the least, more amused than anything, smirking, taking a drink.

"I think your upgrade has infected your head, made you as delusional as Rosalita, and you know how delusional and insane Rosalita could be," Kassandra told him.

Lucien smirked. "Hmm, yes. Another thing Rosalita and I share in common is being virtually indestructible in our immortal forms."

Kassandra scoffed. "We'll see about that."

Kassandra walked toward Lucien angrily, intending on fighting once again. She felt weak suddenly, holding her head, dizzy and woozy.

Lucien smiled. "Yes." He placed down his drink, picking up what looked like an plant. "An olive branch symbol of peace created by the Ancient Egyptians that didn't believe in war. With the right spell, provided by all of the Ancestors so it is even powerful enough for you, it allows no fighting in the room that it's in. And get this. It's indestructible. So, no matter what you do, you can't get rid of it, and therefore, you can't muster up the strength to fight." Kassandra glared at him tiredly. Lucien took out the vial of serum, walking closer. "All you have to do... is take this, and then you shall be my equal. Have you any idea what torment you and I will deliver then, to the weak, to your enemies, and to mine? You have no idea how it feels, Sandra. The feeling of power... the feeling of being everyone's better... It's almost as exquisite as you."

Kassandra slowly shook her head. "If you think that I would ever do something for you...."

Lucien smirked, shaking his head. "Oh, no, of course not. Not after what I did to Finn. You wouldn't want to give me the satisfaction. And then, you wouldn't do it for yourself, because you're not that selfish." He circled around Kassandra, looking at her with every step her took around her. "So, would you do it for your family? For the prophecy?"

Kassandra turned to face Lucien, beyond annoyed and angry. "Enough about the bloody prophecy!"

"No, darling, it's not just about that," Lucien told her. "Right now, I have the means to turn you." He held up the serum. "And to kill you to finish the transition." He pulled out the white oak bullet that he had taken from Freya and Auria. "And the means to convince you to take the leap."

"Your words are not as convincing, nor as compelling as you want them to be," Kassandra told him.

Lucien chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no, no. I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about... the fact that I let Aurora loose from the tomb where Klaus sealed her away." Kassandra looked at him in shock. "And she should be on her merry way to Kaylin."

"No," Kassandra told him.

"Imagine how angry and devastated your brother Klaus will be when he finds Kaylin with her heart ripped from her chest," Lucien told her.

Kassandra shook her head, starting to get angrier. "No."

"Then how about hurting Nicola to get to Elijah?" Lucien asked. "You wouldn't want that either, would you? Even though Nicola was going to shoot me in the heart before Elijah finished the deed himself, and made me into what I am now, all so that Nicola didn't have to turn into a Huntress by killing me. The Salvatore girls are very important to your brothers, just as your friend Eliza Forbes was important to Kol, and the damage that it could do to your brothers if they were to parish... by the hands of Rayna Cruz or not..."

Kassandra became very angry, trying to keep Kaylin and Nicola both safe because of them being her friends and their ties to her brothers, but knowing she couldn't protect them from the penthouse. "No."

"I have Aurora under my compulsion," Lucien told her. "I can tell her to stop anytime that I want to, Kassandra, as long as you accept my proposal."

Kassandra glared at him murderously.

(Song Ends)


Lafayette Cemetery - Lycee 

Auria was trying to contact the Ancestors. "All right. I know you're listening to me. You wanted me to be the Regent of the nine covens. You believed that I could lead our people. But how am I supposed to be a leader when you keep jerking me around like I'm a damn puppet or something? I need you to talk to me."

A teenage boy witch walked in. "They won't answer you."

Auria sighed. "Van Nguyen. All grown up, I see. Not that it matters, man. This doesn't have anything to do with you."

"Actually, it does," Van told her. "The Ancestors want you out."

Auria scoffed. "Oh, so you speak for the Ancestors now? Why don't you ask the Ancestors why they trust Lucien Castle, a vampire who's done nothing but lie and kill ever since he stepped foot in New Orleans?"

"He killed a Mikaelson, which is more than you ever did," Van told her.

"Oh, come on, Van," Auria told him in frustration. "I'm trying to keep the peace. And what the Ancestors want to do is start a war."

"A war that the covens are gonna win, thanks to me," Van told her, using magic from the Ancestors to throw Auria into the wall, making her fall to the floor and groan in pain. "Your time as Regent is over. The witches are gonna take back the city. Step one? New management."

Auria glared at Van in annoyance, raising her hand to cast a spell. "Passus doulé trèt..."

The Ancestors wouldn't even let Auria use her magic against Van.

Van smiled at the failed attempt and the fact that the Ancestors were protecting him from her. "So... Starting now, I'm the Regent."

Van used magic to make Auria fall unconscious.


Lucien's Penthouse 

(Song:) Toxic - 2WEI

Kassandra was trying to fight, but the olive branch spell was making her weaker every time she tried to fight.

Lucien was smiling. "Don't bother, love. The olive branch will keep you from fighting for a good, long time."

"If you think one little tiny herb can hold me off forever, you're sadly mistaken," Kassandra told him.

Lucien turned to face her. "Oh, but it's not just one herb. There's olive branch in the walls, all around. I made some precautions since your brothers attacked me the night Mikayla and Hayley went missing, and since the night that Alexis had been taken from this very suite. And like I said, all of the power of the Ancestors went into those herbs to make sure that you, and whoever comes in through that door, can put up a fair fight, just so I could have all day to speak to you without a fight, to give you a choice. Now no one that steps foot inside can make a move against me. I mean, they can try, but you've seen how that plays out."

Kassandra looked defeated and devastated, exhausted but still overcome with anger. "If you want to hurt me, then hurt me. Don't involve them. Just kill me... for all I care."

Lucien looked sad by this response, stepping closer to Kassandra, reaching toward her, causing her to tense reflexively out of instinct, though all he did was caress her cheek and brush back her hair gently. "Not yet, my love. Not until you take the serum." Kassandra closed her eyes, looking down. "I don't want to deliver you to actual death, Kassandra. I want to remake you to save you. I wish that I could spare you pain. I don't want to hurt you. I just know that I need to find a way for you to agree, and you're not exactly easy to convince. I'm doing this for you. For us."

Kassandra opened her eyes, seeming to shut down her devastation to replace it with anger instead, looking at Lucien. "Your affections for me must run deep, indeed, if you did all of this for us. Tell me, if I were to kiss you now, would you feel those affections stir?" She leaned closer as if to kiss Lucien, stopping just centimeters away, speaking against his lips hatefully. "Because I would feel nothing."

Kassandra stepped back.

Lucien stepped closer. "Are you so certain? We are flames in the darkness of each other's worlds. We burn brighter together than we ever did alone. And I would give you everything if you would only forgive me, my love."

Kassandra backed away, turning away from him, starting to laugh. She stopped at the doors to the penthouse, putting a hand up to the barrier spell, knowing that she couldn't get out, turning to Lucien. "Wow. You really are quite desperate, aren't you?" She laughed. "I mean, it's quite pathetic, seeing you resort to this clever, diabolical, mastermind plan of yours to lure me away from my family so that I could be yours, always and forever. I mean, it's comical, even." She stepped closer. "Your brazen advances all fueled by the love you have for one Mikaelson, the girl that you can never lose again after what happened to the both of us. Me sleeping 500 years away. You spending 500 years compelled to think that you were my brother. Niklaus' compulsion must have broke something inside of you, because the old Lucien I know would never be capable of this. Whatever feelings I may have for you, Lucien, do not matter in this case, because you are too far gone to save."

Lucien rushed to stand right in front of Kassandra, looking threatening until he let the show fade, smiling a small smile. "You're wrong."

"Prove it," Kassandra told him. "Call Aurora off. Let Kaylin and Nicola Salvatore live. Don't bring Eliza Forbes into this. Rayna will not harm them, and I'm asking you not to. Leave my family alone. And let me go."

Lucien realized what she was up to, starting to laugh in amusement, smiling, almost awed and proud of her manipulation. "So, that's what your entire speech was about. Trying to tear me down enough that I would do anything that you asked of me, including stopping all of the plans that I have made. I'm sorry, darling. That won't work this time. The only way for you to get what you want is to give me what I want." He stood within inches of Kassandra, holding the vial of the serum between them. "Take this, and I'll give you whatever you want, Sandra. You can become a creature of pure and unbridled power that you can kill even the strongest of your enemies." Kassandra glared at him angrily. "Whatever has passed between us, whatever hatred you're holding on to, in me you see the kindred you have always longed for. To spend an eternity without you... it would be a curse my frail heart could not endure. This is really the only option you have to stop Aurora from destroying Kaylin and your brother. And if Kaylin's death is not enough to convince you, then how about adding Nicola's if need be, not only destroying Klaus, but damaging Elijah as well?" Kassandra looked completely overwhelmed, trying not to be angry and upset. "It will be war. And it won't be something that your brothers could come back from. The Ancestors want you and your family dead. I'm giving you the chance to save all of them, and yourself. Take it."

Kassandra glared at him angrily, trying not to show how tempting the offer really was.

(Song Ends)


The French Quarter 

(Song:) Turns to Gold - Jimi Charles Moody 

Kaylin was still participating in the NOLA Music Days Festival because Klaus had told her to stay out of the drama that day, even though she looked worried and wanting to help still, trying to focus on the music to take her mind off of things, finally giving up in that attempt to walk down the sidewalk toward the compound. As she passed by an alley, she was pulled inside.

(Song Ends)



Kaylin turned to see who had pulled her into an alley, seeing that it was Aurora, freezing out of surprise and shock. "Aurora?"

Aurora smirked. "Hello, Kaylin."

Aurora rushed to backhand punch Kaylin in the face with vampire speed and so much strength that she sent her flying across the alley, making her fall to the ground. 

Kaylin groaned in pain, rolling across the cement into a standing position, getting defensive. "Not bad. Maybe I'll return the favor." She rushed to punch Aurora in the face twice, spinning to kick her in the chest, trying to punch her again. Aurora ducked, spinning to punch Kaylin in the face, grabbing her arm, turning around, throwing Kaylin onto the hood of a car, making the windshield break underneath her. Aurora jumped up onto the hood of the car next to her. Kaylin glared at her. "Who the hell was stupid enough to let you out of your eternal hell?"

"Lucien Castle," Aurora answered. "He didn't do it for me. He compelled me to go after you, so that he has leverage against Kassandra to take his deal."

Kaylin was horrified at this news. "So that she doesn't really have a choice."

Aurora shook her head, smirking. "You're a clever girl to figure that out. No, she doesn't. Not if she wants to save you and save her brother from the pain that it'll endure on him to lose you. I get let out of a tomb, and I get to come after you. This day just gets better and better."

Kaylin glared at Aurora, rushing to kick her legs out from underneath her, making her fall off of the hood of the car to the ground, rushing to jump off of the car, ripping off the car door, spinning to throw it into Aurora, making her fall and the car door crash to the ground. Aurora rushed to stand, ripping a leg of the fire escape ladder from above her head off to hit Kaylin in the head with, rushing toward her, pushing her against the alley wall behind her, trying to stab Kaylin in the chest with the leg of the ladder.

Kaylin rushed both hands to try to push the leg ladder away, though Aurora was obviously stronger. "I'm not gonna let you and Lucien do this to Kassandra."

"Sadly, you don't have any more choice than Kassandra or I do," Aurora told her, driving the leg ladder into Kaylin's chest, making her groan in pain.

Kaylin pushed Aurora off of her, pulling the leg ladder out of her chest. Aurora rushed closer. Kaylin held the leg ladder out so that Aurora would have to rush onto the sharp end, making her impale herself, making her groan in pain. Aurora looked impressed, snapping Kaylin's neck, letting her fall to the ground, taking the leg ladder out of her chest, groaning in pain. She looked at Kaylin's unconscious body below her, smirking.


St. James Infirmary

(Song:) Looking for a Better Thing - Ruby Velle & The Soulphonics 

The live band was still playing the music.

Davina and Kol were dancing together.

Caitlin and Noah were dancing together. Noah spun Caitlin around, pulling her closer.

Caitlin smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm surprised that you're not up there playing with them, music man. You love playing."

"I love being with my hexed, sired girlfriend who needs me now more than ever more," Noah told her. "We're gonna be okay. We've already made it through so much."

Caitlin and Noah smiled, kissing sweetly but passionately.

(Song Ends)

Caitlin felt the hex start to take affect on her again. She stopped dancing, hearing the heartbeats beating all around her. She started to get hungry, looking around the crowd, overwhelmed, trying to fight off the feeling that told her to feed on and kill everyone in the club. 

Noah looked at her in concern. "Caitlin?"

Davina and Kol noticed, walking closer in concern.

Kol seemed to feel his curse start to work again in the same manner.

Caitlin saw a man nearby her, looking at his carotid hungrily, transforming involuntarily.

Kol was breathing heavily, leaning forward against the table next to him for support, to keep himself from going after anyone.

Caitlin leaned against a nearby beam, holding onto it to stop herself, looking at Davina and Noah. "What's happening?"

"The Ancestors are breaking through the no-magic spell," Davina answered. "We don't have much time."

Marcel rushed closer, snapping Kol's neck, letting him fall.

Caitlin looked at Marcel in confusion.

"Sorry, C," Marcel told her, using vampire speed to snap Caitlin's neck, letting her fall to the floor, unconscious.

"What are you doing?" Davina asked.

"I'm preventing a bloodbath in the middle of my city, and I'm freeing you up to help Auria," Marcel answered. "She's in trouble at the cemetery. Go. Noah, get Caitlin home. Magic doesn't work at your loft, either. It'll be easier to control a hexed Original and a hexed vampire badass if they're not in the same place. Go. I'll clear this place out."


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Hayley, Mikayla and Nicola were walking toward the front door.

"Are you seriously going out there?" Nicola asked.

"We're seriously going out there," Klaus answered.

"The whole point of putting the deed to the compound in Freya's name was to make this place impenetrable," Hayley told them. "Freya invited Nicola in, yes. But Kassandra made the mistake of leaving, and she got taken by Lucien, and now you're planning on making the same mistake and pick a fight with a guy who can kill you if you get the way of him getting what he want, just like he killed Finn for getting in his way?"

"Yes, when you put it that way, it does sound a little reckless," Elijah told them.

"We don't have a choice," Freya told them. "Auria and I realized that if Kassandra takes that serum and dies with it in her system, she will be granting the Ancestors a way to get to her like they got to Kol and Caitlin, when they were dead. They would be able to hex Kassandra like they hexed Kol and Caitlin, like they hexed Lucien after he was already insane. Who knows what they could do to Kassandra."

"It's just, with all of this talk about the stupid prophecy, it has me starting to believe it," Mikayla told them. "I've already lost Jackson. I can't lose any of you, either."

"Mikayla," Elijah told her. "No one is dying today. I know that you're scared about this prophecy coming true. The thing about being afraid of losing someone you love, if you let that fear control you, you will lose."

"Either turn it into anger or leave it at the door," Klaus told them. "But either way, you control your emotions."

"Fine," Mikayla told them. "But Hayley, Nicola and I are going with you to save Kassandra from her lunatic ex."

"No, you're not," Klaus told them.

Aurora dragged Kaylin up to the doorway of the compound. "You have another lunatic ex to worry about here, Nik."

Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Hayley, Mikayla and Nicola looked worried and shocked at the sight of Aurora and Kaylin.

"Kaylin?" Nicola asked worriedly.

Kaylin was annoyed with being dragged here.


St. James Infirmary 

Kol was now just waking up, finding himself slumped over the table. He looked around at the now-empty club. The effects of the hex began to kick him, making him start to breathe heavily.

Marcel tossed a blood bag onto the table, giving Kol an unimpressed look. "I suggest you drink up before you do something you'll regret."

Kol wasted no time in drinking the contents of the bag as quickly as he could.


Noah/Caitlin's Loft - Living Room 

Caitlin woke up on the couch, sitting up.

Noah was standing in front of her. "Hey." He handed her a blood bag. "Here. That should help. Drink up."

Caitlin took the blood bag, drinking, feeding hungrily, reveling the taste of blood until it was all gone, looking up at Noah. "I can still feel the hex. The Ancestors are forcing their magic into this place, too. I need more blood."

"No," Noah told her. "The more you get, the more angrier and out of control you get."

Caitlin stood, breathing heavily. "I need to get out of here."

Caitlin walked toward the door.

Noah rushed in her way to stop her. "No, you're not going anywhere. Not like this."


Lafayette Cemetery 

Davina was walking down the aisle of tombs that lead to the lycee, stopping in front of the altar, where she found six candles forming a six-pointed star on the stone tabletop. Inside the star was a matchbook from the St. James Infirmary and Noah's guitar, which was presumably being used to break down the protections on the club and their loft. Two of the candles were already lit, and when Davina got near the altar, a third candle flared brightly as a flame burst out. She was just about to grab the matchbook.

Auria walked toward her instantly. "Davina, no. Don't touch that."

Davina looked at Auria in confusion. "What is it?"

"That is a very dangerous spell, courtesy of Van Nguyen," Auria answered. "The Ancestors made him Regent. And they're about to make their move. They're coming after Kol and Caitlin next. Once all six candles are lit, we can kiss our neutral zones goodbye, and the sirebond between Noah and Caitlin will be gone. Normal witches can't break a sirebond like theirs, but I'm willing to bet that the Ancestors who forced me to create the beast can."

"If they get to Kol and Caitlin, they won't be able to control themselves," Davina told her. "We need to stop this now. But, Auria, I don't have access to the Ancestors' power anymore."

"Neither do I, but we can channel each other," Auria told her. Davina nodded. Auria sighed, holding her hands toward Davina. Davina sighed, taking Auria's hands in her own so they could cast a counter-spell together. Auria started to chant to tell Davina what to say. "Anprae kata sispann dife. Anprae kata sispann dife."

Davina and Auria started to chant together. "Anprae kata sispann dife. Anprae kata sispann dife."


St. James Infirmary 

Kol was becoming more aggressive by the moment, having blood smeared on his face, finishing another blood bag, adding the empty plastic to a pile on the bar, looking at Marcel. "Thanks for the appetizer, mate. Now I best be on my way."

Marcel quickly moved to block Kol's path to the door. "Oh, I can't let you do that."

"My family is under attack," Kol told him angrily. "Kassandra is under threat because of another lunatic Mikaelson ex, and Davina might be in trouble. I need to be able to protect them both."

"I'm not letting you anywhere near Davina, all right?" Marcel asked. "Not while you're like this. And your siblings got Kassandra for now."

Kol furiously grabbed Marcel by the throat, pinning him against the bar.


Noah/Caitlin's Loft - Living Room 

Noah was trying to calm Caitlin down.

Caitlin suddenly had to hold her head in pain as the Ancestors attacked her to break the sirebond between the two so that Noah couldn't use it to keep her sane anymore, screaming in agony.

Noah looked at her worriedly in concern, horrified. "Caitlin? Cait, hey. Cait. C!"


Lafayette Cemetery 

Davina and Auria were still working on breaking Van's spell, just as a fourth candle had just lit itself. "Anprae kata sispann dife. Anprae kata sispann dife."


St. James Infirmary 

Kol still had Marcel pinned against the bar, transformed, enraged.

Marcel was trying to reason with him. "Listen to me, Kol! All right? I never much liked you on a good day, but you are clearly not yourself. Tell me you can't feel that."

Kol growled menacingly, putting his other hand around Marcel's throat.


Noah/Caitlin's Loft - Living Room 

Caitlin lost control, fighting with Noah with vampire speed. She punched Noah in the face, trying to punch him again. Noah blocked the move. Caitlin kicked him in the stomach, spinning around to backhand punch him in the face, trying to punch him again. 

Noah caught her arm, twisting it behind her back, making her face away from him, trying to restrain her. "Listen to me. This is not you."


Lafayette Cemetery 

Davina and Auria continued the spell, holding their hands over the six candles, just as a fifth one had been lit by Van and the Ancestors. "Anprae kata sispann dife. Anprae kata sispann dife."


St. James Infirmary 

Kol still had Marcel pinned at the bar, transformed, strangling him with both hands in rage.

"The Ancestors are doing this to you, and they're not gonna stop, all right?" Marcel asked. "You have to get out of this city, somewhere where they can't reach you. The longer you stay, the more dangerous you are to everyone, including Davina."

Kol growled at Marcel again, so loud it was almost a roar.


Noah/Caitlin's Loft - Living Room 

Noah still had Caitlin in a restraint from behind.

Caitlin spun out of the grip, turning to face Noah, kicking him in the face, making him back away.

"They're not gonna stop, Cait," Noah told her. "All right, you have got to get a handle on yourself, please."


Lafayette Cemetery 

Davina and Auria continued the spell. "Anprae kata sispann dife. Anprae kata sispann dife. Anprae kata sispann dife."

Just then, all of the candles on the altar extinguished themselves at once.


St. James Infirmary 

The effects of the spell being lifted were immediate.

Kol instantly let go of Marcel, backing away far away.

Marcel pushed himself off the bar, trying to catch his breath.


Lafayette Cemetery 

Davina and Auria were shocked that their spell had actually worked.


Noah/Caitlin's Loft - Living Room 

Caitlin was starting to relax after the spell had been lifted, breathing heavily.

Noah slowly stepped closer, slowly and carefully, careful not to set her off again. "There you go. That's it."

Caitlin started to breathe shakily and heavily, horrified. "Noah..."

Noah stepped closer. "I'm right here. Okay? Whatever you're going through, whatever happens, you're not going through it alone."

Caitlin looked as if she was going to break, terrified and horrified. "What's going to happen to me?"

Noah looked at her worriedly in sympathy. "I don't know." Caitlin started to cry. "But, hey. We're gonna find a cure. I promise you, Cait."

Caitlin shook her head, looking down. She took a deep breath, looking up. "But what can I do until we do? What am I capable of doing, Noah? I can hurt you. I could hurt everything." She cried harder, but she didn't dare make a sound. "I'm scared, Noah. I'm scared about what's gonna happen to me. I'm scared about what I could do. I'm terrified."

Caitlin continued to cry, overwhelmed and not knowing what to do.

Noah pulled Caitlin into his arms, comfortingly and protectively. "It's okay. I know. It's okay."


St. James Infirmary 

Kol looked horrified about what he had just tried to do, about what the hex had been making him do against his own feelings and interests. "Marcel, you have to believe me. I would never, never hurt Davina."

Marcel sighed, looking at Kol sadly, though he was clearly impressed by his change in attitude since he had fell in love with Davina. "If that's true, then do the right thing. Go. And don't come back."


Abattoir Compound - Outside 

Aurora still held Kaylin outside of the compound for Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Hayley, Mikayla and Nicola to see, chuckling. "Nik, what a conundrum. I have the woman of your dreams right here. What do you think about this situation, Kaylin?"

"I think you're bored and being a lapdog to Lucien after he compelled you to kill me if Kassandra doesn't take the serum to get to Klaus, someone I care about," Kaylin answered, sending a signal to the family and Nicola inside about what was going on, who all looked horrified.

Aurora smiled, looking at Kaylin. "Ooh, you cheeky little minx. You actually admit that you care about our ex. That is so sweet. How long have you been denying that you're still in love with our ex?" Klaus rushed closer in an attempt to get out of the compound, but he was blocked, trapped inside. Aurora laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry, darling. While Lucien had his new witch friend Van Nguyen trap Kassandra at the penthouse, he also had him trap the lot of you inside, here, so you wouldn't be able to stop me from killing your precious Kaylin." 

"Freya," Elijah told her.

Once Freya knew about the boundary spell, she started on a spell to counter act it. 

"Let her go, Aurora," Klaus told her angrily.

"Shut up, Nik," Aurora told him. "This is between us girls. Though I suppose I will let you listen to her cries as I tear off her limbs like the wings of a pretty little butterfly."

"Tough talk from a psychotic bitch," Kaylin told her tauntingly. "But I'm right here, ready and waiting."

Aurora chuckled. "You really fancy yourself the hero, don't you, Kaylin?"

"Oh, I know I'm no good as the hero," Kaylin told her. "I'm better at being the rogue."

Kaylin broke free from Aurora's restraint, picking up a flower vase from outside the compound, smashing it against Aurora's head, making it shatter. Aurora grew angry, trying to punch her. Kaylin backed away enough to make her miss, trying to punch her. Aurora ducked, trying to kick her. Kaylin spun out of the way to make her miss, spinning in the opposite direction to fake her out enough to punch her in the face, trying to punch her again. Aurora raised an arm to block the move. Kaylin punched her in the face, spinning to elbow her in the chest with her back to Aurora. 

Aurora caught Kaylin by the arm, breaking it, making her groan in pain, kicking her in the knee, breaking her leg, making her kneel to the ground. "You are quite the feisty one, Kaylin Salvatore, and you fight well. But you don't have the strength to defeat someone of a thousand years old."

"I guess I'll die trying," Kaylin told her.

"Be careful what you wish for," Aurora told her. "Kaylin, do you know what happens when a vampire goes into a home without being invited?"

Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Mikayla and Nicola looked horrified by the thought of what was to come, but Freya was busy with the spell to take down the boundary.

Aurora pushed Kaylin across the threshold, making her yell in pain. 

Nicola rushed closer, but was unable to get past the boundary. "No."

"Aurora!" Mikayla told her.

"Don't do this," Hayley told her.

"You know, I think that we should take advantage of the sunlight rays outside," Aurora told them. "How about some rays of sunshine to go along with it?"

Aurora ripped Kaylin's daylight bracelet off, pushing her into the threshold again, holding her restrained by her broken arm behind her back.

Kaylin continued to burn, and the threshold spell continued to try and push her out, causing her great agony, struggling not to make a sound to keep Aurora from gaining pleasure at her pain, but the agony became too much, making her groan a scream.

Nicola was horrified, looking at Aurora angrily. "Please."

Aurora pulled Kaylin out of the threshold, but continued to make her burn in the sunlight.

Klaus watched in angry horror. "Let her go!"

Aurora enjoyed the look of terror on both Klaus' face and Nicola's, pushing Kaylin into the threshold again, making her burn in the light and endure the agony of the threshold spell, causing excruciating, agonizing pain, making her scream.


Lucien's Penthouse 

(Song:) Hit Me Baby One More Time - J2 feat. Blu Holiday

Lucien and Kassandra could hear the music from the Quarter festival in the penthouse.

Lucien was swaying to it, dancing seductively, watching Kassandra's angry and pouty attitude nearby in amusement, though she kept her distance from him in annoyance. "Such a treat, being in New Orleans this time of year. But, alas, for all today's talent, nothing quite compares with watching Ella and Louis perform live."

"I have no bloody idea what you're talking about," Kassandra told him.

"Of course you wouldn't," Lucien told her. "They were 1950's artists, and you didn't come out of that box until 2010. Wasn't it?" Kassandra didn't answer, looking away. "Yes, what a wonderful world that was."

"Give me what I want before your world becomes significantly less wonderful," Kassandra told him.

Lucien smirked. "Mm, I'm afraid I need you to do something for me, first." He showed Kassandra the vial with the serum. "Ring any bells?"

"How are you so sure that once I become like you, that I won't find a way to kill you?" Kassandra asked in frustration.

Lucien smiled. "Because you and I will be indestructible, even to each other, no matter how hard we try to get to the other in one way or another." He gave Kassandra a significant look as if he was talking about more than just one way of harm, smirking and winking suggestively. Kassandra glared at him angrily, trying to punch him. Lucien dodged gracefully as if in a dance to the music that was still playing. The olive branch was making Kassandra weak from trying to fight, but she pushed through anyway, trying to punch Lucien. Lucien caught her hand, twirling Kassandra around in a circle. Every move Kassandra tried to make, the olive branch would make her weaker and slower, and Lucien would turn it into a dance instead of fighting, grabbing her by the waist, lifting her off the floor, twirling around, turning her to face the dresser with security cameras, pointing at the one that said Mikaelson Abattoir Compound. "What do you see there?"

Kassandra saw Aurora pushing Kaylin into the entrance of their home, but having been uninvited in, Kaylin was in excruciating pain, bleeding from her eyes, burning in the sunlight, and nearly dying.

Lucien was still holding Kassandra from behind, with his arm wrapped around her arms, pinning them lightly to her waist. 

Kassandra tried to make a move as if to get there to help Kaylin. "No."

Lucien smiled, holding Kassandra tighter with one arm. "Yes." 


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Aurora still had Kaylin on her knees in the sunlight and the threshold, making her burn and be caused agony as blood dripped from her eyes and nose, making her scream. 

Kaylin's arm caught on fire.

Nicola slammed her hands on the other side of the boundary in front of them desperately, glaring at Aurora furiously. "Let her go!"

"Hush, Nicola!" Aurora told her. "Don't make Kaylin's final moments any worse than they need to be."

Kaylin pressed her lips together to suppress a scream as she continued to burn and as she was caused more agony by the threshold spell. More and more parts of her skin started to catch fire.

Nicola was horrified and in denial, looking on the verge of being devastated because Kaylin was more like a sister to her than an ancestor, and was unable to do anything to help save her. 

Freya continued her spell to break down the boundary spell. "Delphin eoten cor. Delphin eoten cor. Delphin eoten cor."


Lucien's Penthouse 

Lucien was still holding Kassandra in front of the security cameras from behind with one arm around her, having her leaning mostly back into him. He held up the vial with the serum with his other hand. "You know there's only one way to stop it. What to do, Kassandra? I know you want this. I can see it in your eyes. You long for power. You long not to live in the shadows. And as horrible and you think it makes you, you don't want to be alone any longer, but you've lost the ability to fall for another. So you're left with being in love with me. Being with me is better than being alone, Sandra. You know this. You want this." Kassandra looked at the serum, drawn to it like she would have been drawn to blood, having it so close to her. "Take what you want." Lucien tilted the vial a little to open the serum to Kassandra, having it so close to her lips. "It's the only way to save your family, Kaylin, Nicola, and yourself." Kassandra couldn't resist any longer, finally giving in to save Kaylin and save Klaus from that pain, starting to drink slowly, reaching up one hand to hold the vial so she could drink. Lucien smiled in triumph, letting go of the vial while she held it so he could stroke her hair as she continued to drink. "There's a good girl." Kassandra continued to drink. Lucien continued to stroke her hair and cheek, whispering in her ear calmly and lovingly. "Cheers, my darling, to an eternity together."

(Song Ends)


Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Freya nearly disabled the boundary spell while Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Mikayla and Nicola watched helplessly.

Aurora still had Kaylin in the sunlight and the threshold.

Kaylin was continuing to suffer through the agony of the threshold spell and burning in the sun, still trying not to scream, closing her eyes.

"Kaylin, I almost feel sorry for you," Aurora told her. "Blinded by love as I once was, ready to give everything, even your life, for one who is and always will be unworthy. Just as the family MIkaelsons are unworthy of that kind of loyalty and devotion."

Aurora had her attention focused on Klaus's pain at watching Kaylin's agony. She suddenly felt the compulsion lift from the distance, confused, faltering in holding Kaylin in her restraint. Because of it, Kaylin was able to break free, turning to punch Aurora in the face with all of the strength she had to make her back away, standing, stepping out of the sunlight, breathing heavily in relief as she started to heal, putting out the fire on her skin.

Freya took down the barrier. "Now."

Aurora gripped Kaylin by the throat, pushing her back over the edge of the sunshine and the threshold.

Klaus, Nicola, Hayley and Mikayla were able to rush past the threshold now that the boundary spell was down.

Nicola, Hayley and Mikayla tackled Aurora away from Kaylin, slamming her onto the ground.

Klaus pulled Kaylin into the shadows, picking her up as she was too weak to stand on her own anymore. "Freya, invite her in."

"Come in, Kaylin," Freya told her. "You're invited."

Klaus carried Kaylin inside into the dark of the compound.

Aurora turned to punch both Hayley and Mikayla, making them let her go, slamming them onto the ground. Nicola punched Aurora in the face, making her spit out blood. Aurora laughed, trying to punch Nicola. Nicola ducked, spinning to backhand punch Aurora. Aurora caught her arm, breaking it, pushing Nicola to her knees. Elijah rushed up behind Aurora, snapping her neck, letting her fall unconscious.

"Goodnight, sunshine," Hayley told her.

Nicola looked inside toward Kaylin in relief. She looked up at Elijah, smiling a small smile.

Elijah nodded in understanding.

Kaylin relaxed in Klaus' arms, breathing heavily.

Klaus was relieved that she was safe, chuckling softly, quietly, holding Kaylin close. Kaylin leaned her head against his chest in relief, catching her breath.


Lucien's Penthouse 

(Song:) You Give Love a Bad Name - Holly Henry

Kassandra put the empty vial on the table.

Lucien was loading his revolver with the white oak bullet. "And sadly, here comes the final stage. I have to shoot the woman I love in the heart with the one thing that can kill her. Irony. Shot through the heart. And you're to blame."

Lucien hesitantly aimed the gun at Kassandra's heart.

"Darling, you give love a bad name," Kassandra finished.

Lucien smiled. "At least you're not completely clueless to the modern music."

"Technically, that's not modern," Kassandra told him.

Lucien tilted his head. "Point taken. It's a classic passe. I like the symmetry between us, though. I die of being shot in the heart. As do you."

Lucien hesitated, preparing to shoot Kassandra in the heart.

"Wait," Kassandra told him. Lucien stopped. "Call off Aurora."

"Already done, my love," Lucien told her. They looked toward the security footage where Nicola, Hayley and Mikayla were carrying the unconscious Aurora into the compound. "Well, there's a twist. Goodbye, Aurora."

"This is what Alexis saw, isn't it?" Kassandra asked. "She said that she saw me die, and everyone I've turned died along with me."

Lucien smirked. "Except for me. I'm my own bloodline now."

Lucien was suddenly in pain, gasping.

Kassandra looked at him in confusion, alarmed.

Lucien started to scream.

A sigil appeared on the floor underneath Lucien. It seemed to cause him so much agonizing pain that he fell to his knees with his arms raised at his side, dropping his gun.

Klaus, Elijah and Freya walked closer from outside the threshold.

Kassandra looked at them in relief.

Elijah looked at Lucien smugly. "Oh. That looks like it hurts. That's what I was hoping for."

Lucien breathed heavily in pain. "What did you do to me?"

"The sigil will bind you, weaken you," Freya told him. "The boiling blood I added myself. Maybe I can't kill you, but I can make you wish you were dead." Lucien was still writhing in pain on the floor within the sigil, screaming. Kassandra showed Freya the olive branch that Lucien had showed her earlier. Realizing what the plant was and how to destroy it, Freya nodded, holding her hand on the door frame of the threshold to undo the boundary spell and destroy the olive branch in the penthouse where they could fight without being weakened. The piece of olive branch in Kassandra's hand caught fire, so Kassandra dropped it to the floor. "Destruccive glas stav enfala. Destruccive glas stav enfala."

Kassandra knelt to the floor to pick up the gun with the white oak bullet, walking away toward the table that Lucien had placed Papa Tunde's Blade, picking it up.

Lucien slowly regained the strength to stand from within the sigil.

Kassandra looked at Lucien warily in shock.

Lucien laughed. "Well, I admit, Freya, this is a truly valiant effort. Inspired, I assume, by your grief over Finn's demise and your desire to protect Kassandra from me?" Freya thrust her hand toward Lucien, casting a heavy pain infliction spell that caused him to scream in agony. "Pop goes the weasel! Oh!" Kassandra backed away toward the door. Lucien chuckled. "A rather potent aneurysm spell. You never fail to impress."

"Oh, I have all kinds of tricks," Freya told him, raising her arms slightly in a Mikaelson arm raise like all her siblings had done at least once during a confrontation like this.

"Oh, come now, ladies and gentlemen," Lucien told them. "Don't tell me you're not enjoying the show."

"You are the show, Lucien," Elijah told him. "This is the first act."

Klaus stalked closer. "Act two, you're buried beneath 1,000 tons of cement. Act three, spoiler alert, you're a parking lot."

Lucien smirked. "Oh, even after 1,000 years, you've never managed to curb your hubris. You still wander through a smog of your own self-importance. I can kill anything. Even you. And since the Ancestors have made me their champion..." He chuckled. "They will not allow me to be detained."

They heard the indistinct whispering of the Ancestors around them.

The sigil surrounding Lucien faded away.

Lucien stepped toward Kassandra. Klaus rushed toward Lucien, pushing him away from his sister. Lucien grabbed Klaus, throwing him across the penthouse into the wall, making him fall and roll into another wall. Klaus stood, rushing back. Elijah rushed closer, trying to punch Lucien. Lucien caught Elijah's arm, using it to spin himself around Elijah so he could kick Klaus as he was advancing from behind Elijah, making him fall, and once Lucien finished the spin around Elijah, he flipped him to the floor as well, slamming an arm over Elijah's back to temporarily break his spine to render him unable to fight until he could heal. Klaus rushed closer, trying to kick Lucien. Lucien raised an arm to block the move, grabbing Klaus by the leg that was still in the air, lifting him up, throwing him down.

Lucien laughed, turning to face the siblings, raising his arms in a shrug, unimpressed. "Is that the best you got?"

Freya pointed at Lucien, frowning angrily, casting a spell. "Delfan eoten cor. Delfan eoten cor." The spell started to rip out Lucien's heart. "Delfan eoten cor. Delfan eoten cor."

Lucien was healing as if nothing happened, his arms still raised on either side of him, watching as his wound healed smugly, smirking.

Now healed from the broken spine, Elijah rushed toward Lucien, grabbing him while he had been distracted, throwing him across the penthouse, making him shatter through the windows and fall toward the ground outside, all the way down. He rushed toward Kassandra, grabbing her, rushing away. Klaus stood, rushing toward Freya, grabbing her, rushing after Elijah and Kassandra as the siblings made their escape.



Lucien landed on the ground outside, pushing himself up, healing as if nothing happened. He knew that the three siblings had saved Kassandra, taken her away from him once again, yelling in anger.

(Song Ends)


Night - St. James Infirmary 

Noah and Caitlin were sitting at the bar, drinking.

Caitlin was still in shock, but the magic couldn't effect her here.

Marcel stood nearby.

Auria and Davina walked in.

"Caitlin, are you okay?" Auria asked.

"I think the Ancestors broke the sirebond," Caitlin told them. "They did it so Noah couldn't talk me down anymore. But, for now, yeah, I'm fine."

"Where's Kol?" Auria asked. "Is he okay?"

Noah sighed. "He's gone, Auria."

"What?" Davina asked. "Why? We--we stopped Van's spell. It's safe for him here now."

Marcel turned to them. "But it's not a permanent solution. You'll find one. I know you will. But, until then, Kol had to leave to keep you safe."

Davina looked devastated. "No."

"Listen, I have known the guy for almost two centuries, and this is the first time that he has ever done the right thing," Marcel told them.

Davina started to cry. Caitlin was just as devastated because of everything was going on.

Auria pulled Davina and Caitlin into her arms comfortingly in regret. "It's okay, Davina. I know, Caitlin."

Marcel embraced them sadly in regret.

Noah watched them sullenly and sadly.


On the Road - Kol's Car 

Kol was in his car on his way out of town, speeding through the backroads. He was anxious and clearly on edge, growling in anger when he realized he had drank through all of his blood bag. His phone rang, and when he saw it was Davina, he shook his head, trying to ignore it, biting the knuckles on his left hand in an attempt to keep himself in check. The phone rang again just as he approached a sign that read:


Kol crossed over the city limit, where he thought that the Ancestral magic couldn't get to him, sighing in relief, but his relief suddenly turned to agony as his skin started to turn gray and desiccated, starting with his fingertips and making its way down his arms toward his torso, groaning in pain, screeching to a halt.



Kol got out of the car, leaning against the hood, trying to figure out what was going on. He saw the sign, rushing back over the city border, which stopped the desiccation, but returned the increased anger and bloodlust from the hex, indicating that they had been desiccating him in an attempt to keep him in the city. As the powerful feelings rushed back, he roared furiously.


Abattoir Compound - Dining Room 

Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra, Freya, Hayley and Mikayla were talking.

Kassandra still had the gun in her hands, looking at them teasingly. "Mission accomplished. And it only took you the better part of the bloody day."

Klaus chuckled. "Do you want to be locked away in a dungeon again, Rapunzel?"

Elijah looked at Kassandra, shaking his head. "And after the speech you gave to us this morning about how you weren't going to be locked away, that's how it ended up, locked away in a penthouse of a hotel, which could very well be your tower. You just might be the fairy tale reincarnation."

Freya and Mikayla smiled.

Kassandra couldn't help a small, sad smile at their attempts to cheer her up and make her see that this was not her fault, when she believed with everything she had that it was her fault.

Hayley walked toward them. "Aurora's still out cold. What are the chances of keeping her that way?"

"Oh, my spell will keep her down long enough for Klaus and Kaylin to enact their vengeance on her," Freya answered.

Mikayla looked at Kassandra. "You drank the serum." Kassandra nodded barely, looking down at the gun in her hands. "Kassandra, you have the means to kill yourself and become Lucien's equal."

Kassandra nodded barely.

Elijah looked at Kassandra in concern. "After Freya finds the way to kill Lucien from the serum in your blood... will you turn to kill him yourself?"

Kassandra swallowed, taking a deep breath, sighing. "I'm the only one who can."

"But can you do it?" Klaus asked.

(Song:) War of Hearts - Ruelle 

Kassandra looked at them, sighing, nodding, seeming not to know the answer herself, but saying what they wanted to hear. "Yes. Yes, I can do it."


Elijah's Study 

Nicola was sitting down, having a drink.

Elijah walked in. "How is Kaylin?"

"Oh, she's fine," Nicola answered. "Still sore after everything today, but who wouldn't be?" Elijah smiled a small smile in agreement. "How's Kassandra?"

"Not as well as she would like us to believe," Elijah answered. "She is still deeply affected by what's happening with Lucien... what he did to Finn. What he did to Aurora and Kaylin today."

"Anyone would be," Nicola told him.

"I think it's more difficult for Kassandra, because of how long she had closed herself off to everyone," Elijah explained. "She finally let someone into her heart after all these years, and now..."

"It's more difficult to bear," Nicola finished. "I get it. Is she gonna be okay?"

Elijah sighed, somber, sitting down. "I don't know, Nicola."

"Will you?" Nicola asked. Elijah looked surprised that she was asking about his mental well being and state of emotion. "Elijah, I know that your family has its moments of anger and violence, just like mine, but in the end, you would die for each other. And I'm sorry about Finn. It couldn't have been easy."

Elijah shook his head. "It wasn't. It's made worse by the fact... that he had every reason to hate us, and we him... but we somehow found a way to forgive each other... just before he died."

Nicola was truly sad by this description, sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Elijah. And you worrying about Kassandra because of Lucien, and Kol because of the hex... I can imagine, since I've been hexed myself. And if I knew how to make it better, I would."

Elijah managed a small smile. "You're here."

They looked at each other, chuckling despite themselves.



Kaylin was healed but still tired and in pain from the day, having taken a shower and fixed her daylight bracelet, standing on the balcony above the courtyard, wearing a night robe over her sleepwear, gazing off.

Klaus slowly walked closer. "Aurora's still unconscious. Freya will use the serum in Kassandra's blood to figure out how to kill Lucien."

"I have to say, I'm rather looking forward to it," Kaylin told him. "As long as I get to kill Aurora."

"After what she did to you today, it would only be fair," Klaus told her. They chuckled. "I'm sorry, Kaylin." Kaylin looked at him. "For what you went through today. Lucien only compelled Aurora to go after you to force Kassandra to drink the serum. And once she did, he lifted the compulsion, which is why she let you go. If this new chapter of Mikaelson family drama is enough for you to turn around and leave, I'd understand. If what you went through today made you hate me..."

"I don't hate you, Klaus, and as much as I want to, I don't hate your family," Kaylin told him. "And I'm not gonna walk away. Because trying to convince everyone that I'm not still in love with you is just too damn exhausting." Klaus looked at her in surprise. Kaylin smiled a small smile, teasingly. "Something I said?"

Klaus had known that Kaylin had still felt the same way about him as he did about her, but he was surprised that she had admitted it. He placed a hand on either of her cheeks, kissing her deeply, passionately. Kaylin pulled him closer, deepening the kiss longingly. After a few moments, they pulled away, breathing deeply, remaining close, leaving their eyes closed, both of them tired but content with the moment that they were in.

(Song Ends)


Cami's Apartment - Living Room 

Cami had just answered a knock on the door, but her smile fell when she opened the door, finding that it was Lucien standing on the doorstep. "You can't come in."

Lucien shook his head. "No, of course not. You're a vampire now. The lease would be in someone else's name."

Cami smirked smugly. "Goodnight, Lucien."

Cami started to close the door, but stopped when she heard what Lucien had to say next.

"Of course, you'd want that person close-by, in case... a friend popped by for tea," Lucien told her. "Neighbors are close-by. Of course, it couldn't just be any neighbor. It'd have to be someone whose presence was reliable. Perhaps someone who worked from home? Not Gregory on the fourth floor. He's moving out next month. Or Letitia, 7B, she's agoraphobic. But Stephanie, just down the hall...?"

"You leave her alone," Cami told him angrily. 

"Well, that's going to be difficult, seeing as I've already killed her," Lucien told her. "So, you see, I can come in."

Cami unwisely attempted to slam the door, but Lucien easily broke through it, walking inside, pushing Cami back into a bookshelf, nearly making it and her fall over. Cami backed away from him. Lucien walked toward her, transforming. Cami tried to punch him twice. Lucien raised both arms to block the moves, grabbing Cami by the arm, still transformed, biting her on the arm as hard as he could, making Cami scream in agony.


3.19 "No More Heartbreaks" Trailer 

From 3.19 "No More Heartbreaks", in Cami's apartment, Cami was unconscious on the floor.

Lucien walked closer with a cup of coffee. "All the makings of a lovely day."

Later, Cami was awake, holding her arm, in shock and horrified. "You bit me. I'm gonna die."

Lucien winced. "Yeah, apologies."

From 3.19 "No More Heartbreaks", in the compound, Cami had arrived to the courtyard.

Kassandra looked at the bite mark on her arm.

"He bit me to lure you to him," Cami told her. "Kassandra, you can't go."

From 3.19 "No More Heartbreaks", in the compound, Cami and Kassandra were sitting on the couch while Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, Mikayla, Freya, Kaylin and Auria stood in front of them.

Kassandra put a hand to her head, overwhelmed.

Cami knew what she was thinking, shaking her head. "This is not your fault, Kassandra."

Kassandra sighed deeply. "Yes. It is."

Kassandra stood, walking out, leaving.

From 3.19 "No More Heartbreaks", in the courtyard, Kassandra tried to cross the threshold to leave the compound, only to be stopped by an invisible barrier. "Freya!"

Freya walked onto the balcony above the courtyard. "You can't leave. He's doing all of this to lure you out so he can kill you and turn you into a beast."

Later, Kaylin, Nicola, Klaus and Elijah had joined Freya on the balcony, looking at Kassandra below them.

Kassandra turned to look up at them. "You are all so bent on protecting me that everyone we know and love will perish."


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