
By Tinaturtles

176K 4.5K 506

Born with a gun in hand More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chater 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 9

4.9K 130 9
By Tinaturtles


Ash's POV

Shaking those memories away me, Lexi, and Chris walk up the steps that lead to the huge mansion booming the loud music out.

Ok Ash, stay focused! No distractions!! Don't play around like what you did at the parking lot. That wasn't professional at all.

Dang it, I sound like mom.

"Well I'm gonna go fin-" I get cut off by seeing Dash make out with some girl in the back of the living room when I enter the house.

What's this feeling in my heart?! It feels like the day I saw my dad that day. Why am I feeling this way? What is making me feel this way?

Next thing I know I'm rushing over to him in my heels trying to trip over.

I clutch my hands into fists ready to do something I'll probably regret later. I'm about to swing when two sets of arms grab me and pull me into a closet.

"LET GO OF ME!!!" I scream kicking away.

"What is wrong with you!"

"Nothing Lexi,"

"You looked like you were going to punch out that girl Dash was with," says Chris.

"Yeah, well I was," I snap. Chris's facial expression saddens. I take a deep breathe in and out. "I'm sorry Chris. I-it's just..."

"Just what Ash?" Lexi asks. Yeah, why did I act like that?

"It's just.. I guess I thought she was going to ruin my assignment." They both look at me as if they don't believe me. To be honest I don't either. I can't figure out this feeling in my stomach.

We get out of the closet and the gang that Chris is assigned to walks by and he has to go with them.

I just keep my eyes on that girl and Dash. Ugh why is she with him and not me?

"Maybe you just need a drink?" Lexi suggests. "Maybe dance a little?"

"We're under aged though."

"Get one of those red plastic cups and fill it up with water. Act like its vodka. We have to blend in." She whispers into my ear.

I do as told and Lexi does the same.


After a while Lexi and I just pretended to be drunk. In the corner of my eye I see Dash walking towards us.

I don't know if I'm glad that he's not making out with other girls or mad that he's finally here after two hours.

"Hey Ash," Dash comes over and kisses my forehead interrupting the conversation me, Lexi, and to drunk guys were having. I seriously have no idea what the drunk guys were talking about. All that came out of their mouths were "boobs" and "fuck".

"Heeeeeeyyy!!!" I try to act drunk Lexi playing along with me.

"It's almost midnight, meaning it's almost New Years." Lexi get the hint that I need to do my assignment right now so she walks away and pretends to flirt with other drunk guys.

"10 more seconds," I answer looking at Dash's flat screen T.V turned to the news where the ball thingy is going down.

"That means I'm going to be your last kiss in 2013 and first kiss in 2014." He crouches down to my height and whispers flirtatiously into my ear bring shivers down my spine.

"3!!!" Everyone in the room shouts.

"2!!!" Dash cups my face with his large hands.

"1!!!!" His arms wrap around my waist pulling us both as close as possible.

When he's about to lean in someone pushes him as side. I can't tell who it is because I kept my eyes closed.

Lips pressed against mine. They weren't Dash's because these were softer, warmer, and a strong taste of alcohol.

(Really late to do a New Years update but ugh I just wanted to because I'm awesome.)

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