I Missed You (George Weasley...

By janewilsonpotterfan

109K 3.7K 633

The last bit of summer before Kat was meant to return from her internship in Bulgaria, working with magical b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 (Bonus Chapter)
Chapter 49 (Bonus-Bonus Chapter)

Chapter 2

2.4K 78 29
By janewilsonpotterfan

Kat's POV:

Dear Katherine,
How are you dear? I hope you're doing well in your internship and that you're keeping safe. We think about you often here at the Burrow. Ginny asks how you are doing and whether you will still be teaching at Hogwarts next term. I've been telling her we'll all have to wait and see. I hope you've been eating well and taking care of yourself dear. You see dear, whether you will ever be an actual part of the Weasley family, you need to know that Arthur and I care for you a great deal. You are as much a daughter to us as Harry is a son to us, and we hope that you will visit us at the Burrow one day. You are always welcome here.
Much love,
Molly Weasley & Family

I smile despite the twinge in my heart as I read her letter. I know she wanted to write more, but with the threat of letters being intercepted nowadays she kept it short. I do miss the Weasley clan, and I mean more than just him. Living in the same dorm room with Ginny the past two years resulted in us becoming close with one another. I just don't know if I can visit when the possibility of him popping in to say hello, while I'm visiting, exists.

I suppose the fear of that happening, compared to all the things I should be fearing instead just makes me a 'ruddy coward' as Hagrid would say. But I don't know if my heart can take it if he's moved on, while I'm still dying on the inside for him. In fact I'm certain that if anyone could hear how my heart screams and cries for him, they would think I was dying for sure. I let out a tired sigh as I think of that, with the thought dwindling a bit as I see Scar's letter next on the pile.


                I hope you're doing better this week than last. Donovan and I are having an amazing time back home in Louisiana. I swear my parents love him more now than they did during the holidays last term and I didn't even think that was possible. Though I wish you could have come with us. Your family sends their love and their warnings to be safe. Don't worry I haven't told them a thing, and I will not be the one to do so. I happen to like living, thank you very much.             
Oh I almost forgot to tell you our news that we received yesterday. You'll never believe it but Donovan and I both got the jobs that we applied for at the ministry. He's been placed into the Office of International Affairs, and I've been selected to be an entrance worker for the Dept. of Mysteries in the prophecy division. Though y'all did make quite a job of it, destroying as many prophecies as y'all did. Not that I blame y'all I guess.
We're supposed to be home in another week or two to report for work. I hope I get to see you before though, and more often than at O meetings you know ;) I do have a bit of a favor to possibly ask you when I get back. It has to do with living arrangements for me and Don. Think there's any way we could stay at your place in London when you start your new job? I was going to wait and ask you in person, but Don said to ask you now so you'd have time to think it over. If the answer's no, we understand I swear. Just let me know next time I see you.
Don and I both send our love and threats that if you're not taking care of yourself I'll kick your ass when I get back to England. You know I'll do it too. Love you girly, and take care of yourself.
-Scarlett Roxanne Beals ;)

I finish her letter with a slight smile on my face and find myself jumping in my seat as Moonlight surprises me by climbing into my lap. I laugh a bit as I stroke her behind the ears and think over Scar and Don living in my London house. If I'm still taking the job at Hogwarts in the fall then I'm fine with them both staying there. Even if I don't take the job then I'll still be fine with them living there. Vik told me once that Don is one of the few people he trusts, including me of course.

I open Harry's letter next and find that Harry is doing about as good as I have been doing this summer honestly. He says he's been spending a lot of time walking to keep his mind off things. I almost had a Hermione moment when I wrote to him last, wanting him to stay inside. But I know that there is almost always an Order member nearby and that everyone has to deal with loss, no matter the type, in their own way.

He does sound a bit more cheerful in this letter than the last. I suppose he's becoming excited to get back to Hogwarts despite things never being the same again thanks to Voldemort. I know that Dumbledore made plans to personally escort Harry to the Burrow for the end of his holidays, so that should keep him cheerful I would say. I put Harry's letter away, making a note to reply in another few days to check on him again, before I open Fred's letter.

Ello Kat,

       Well the time has come the twin has said to talk of many things. Of pranks and shops, and Pygmy Puffs, of exploding snaps, and things. And why the dungbombs all smell like rot, and whether a candy sweet you dare eat.
       Haha I based this off an old Muggle Nursery rhyme I found the other day. Good right? The point being Kat that we've been open at our shop now for a little over two months and I have yet to see you walk through our beloved joke shop. The very presence in our shop is lacking because you have yet to shine your brightness through it. And I'm being bloody serious about you know, after all I thought you liked me a bit more than that.
       I know it's been hard for you since, well you know. But Kat you can't hide away forever, and if you're hurting anything like he's hurting then maybe you two need to see each other again. I miss you, we both miss you even if he refuses to talk about you. You know he won't even say your name unless he has too. Are you the same way? If so, maybe you two being apart was more of a mistake than either of you thought.
      Sorry if I'm overstepping. I know it's none of my business on your end, it is on my end with him but not with you. But you have to know that I care about you too, as if I had another sister, even if my twin is an stupid git right now. I really do hope you're doing well, and you're taking better care of yourself than he is of himself. I hope to see you soon, and in the joke shop preferably. We're a bit too busy for me to just leave the shop, so you'll have to come see it if you want to see me. ;) Seriously though Kat, take care of yourself.
                            Your brother by heart,
                                                        Fred Weasley

I sigh a bit as I put his letter down on the table. His letter rings with the echo of Remus's who told me a few weeks ago that I needed to see George, or at least write to him for closure's sake. Fred seems to think that we could work things out and that George is missing me just as much, but I can't help but think he's wrong on that front. The memory of the words that George threw at me, even though they were said in anger, still linger in my mind because there are times that I can't help by agree with him.

I pick up Dumbledore's letter last, even though it could be the most important letter I get all week. I open it, reading it a glance, and I feel my stomach grow heavy with nerves as I read it. I was hoping not to get one of these until I was back in London, but I suppose that luck isn't my side right now.

Tonight, fireplace. Ten o'clock.

I look at the clock on the wall and see that it's already 9:50. I grab a cloak, scribbling a short note for Vik and sticking it to the fridge where he'll be sure to see it after practice, before I head into the living room. I check my watch and at exactly 10 I step into the flames and throw down a handful of floo powder.

Without having to say a word I'm whisked away only to have a rough landing on my knees in....Dumbledore's office. Should have known he would be meeting me here I suppose. I cough a bit as I stand up and start brushing soot off my knees and the rest of my robes.

"Welcome my dear. Tell me, how's Rolf doing?" (D)

"Fine I suppose. I'll tell him you say hello, when I see him tomorrow. How is everyone here?" (K)

"I think you'll be happy to hear that most everyone is fine here." (Remus)

I turn to the voice, knowing instantly who it belongs to and I smile a bit as Remus walks out of the fireplace, brushing soot off his cloak. I know he's lying a bit though, I saw where Amelia Bones was killed the other week. I can only imagine how Susan is doing right now. I remember that her aunt and her were fairly close with one another, with her aunt never having any kids of her own. I force my mind away from the troubling thoughts of those that we've already lost as I look back at Remus.

I walk over to Remus after he brushes the remaining soot off and give him a brief hug that he returns before he takes a step back and looks at me with an intense stare. No doubt remembering the last time we saw each other in Dumbledore's office, or the breakdown I had outside the hospital wing. Neither time exactly screams confidence in my mental state. A few minutes later Mrs. Weasley steps out of the fireplace, while Snape walks into the office from the staircase followed by Mad-Eye.

"Ah yes, this is everyone for tonight. Good, good. Well how about a nice spot of tea first shall we?" (D)

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