By HaruTrishaXX

48.3K 2K 576

She's an immaterial part of a human being which can only be seen with a person who has a third eye and she's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15(SPG Mature content)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 3

1.5K 75 18
By HaruTrishaXX

Tzuyu put her hand under chin then sigh spinning the arrow. "Seriously... You're unfair.. I helped you find Chaeyoung and now you succeeded and just earned a lot of money.. But why can't you help me now too?!"

He didn't payed attention to her but continue writing on his files. She glared at him, "You won't like what Im going to do... I swear to god.. You won't like it..." looking him. Jungkook looked at her, "I could just go to the hospital and find your body then kill you.."

She dropped her jaw, "That is---You have no mercy in your soul! You just think about yourself don't you?" creasing her forehead. He rolled his eyes, "Get out of the office now.."

Tzuyu looked at the door then to the window, "Which way? Window or door?" then smirked. He point to the window, "Now you use asked that I suggest To the window... Get out there.." he commanded. Tzuyu rolled her eyes the walked to the door then hit the vase and it cracked. Her eyes slowly looked at him then gulped, "I-I can change that when Im alive again.."

He took a deep breath, "Is this what you do in your living? Bother people?! Annoy people? You don't have any job?! Cause right now you're pissing me off!" resting his arm on his desk while looking at her. She nod her head, "Im a surgeon.. A famous surgeon actually... And No! In reality I don't talk to people that much.. So shut up!"

"You're telling me to shut up? How about you leave my room and you won't hear any complain from me?" he told her. Tzuyu looked at him, "Look.. We had a deal.. You'll help me when I help you.."

"You never helped me.."

"WHAT?! Are you fucking serious? I lead you to that house and all your---" She stopped and look at the girl again entering to his office. Jungkook leaned on his desk then wiped his face with his hands, "What now?!"

"Your mom.. told me to come here and bring this to you.." She said and hand him the lunch box. Tzuyu looked at the food, "Is it good? what is it? Yahhhh... She's really has a pretty attitude for you.. You're mean to her..."

She smiled at him then open the box, "Your mom cooked it but I arranged it.. She said you like those... And I also brought bread.."

Tzuyu gulped and drool at the same time, "I want the bread.." She said then point at the platic, "Tell her I want the bread.. It looks good.."

He didn't listen to her, "Tsk.. Im not hungry.. Give it back to her.."

"What? yah.. Just keep it.. I'll eat it! I can eat all that trust me!" She raised her right hand. He creased his forehead then looked away and spin to the other side. "Your mom was asking if you're coming home to their house..."

"Yeah... I will.." He nod his head then spin the swivel chair again. Tzuyu heated her palm and look at the foods in the lunch box. "Damn... Your mom reminds me of someone... She cook like this!"

His fiance walked to the door then bow to him and leave. Tzuyu grabbed the kimbap and shove it to her mouth and eat. He made a weird face, "How the hell does a ghost eat?!"

"Cause Im not dead yet.. duh... Im alive.. It's just that.. My soul lurks around.." She bite the bread then look at him, "Thanks though.."

"I never told you to eat the food!" He yelled. She dropped the bread, "Well damn... Don't be mad.. Im just thanking though... Sorry too.. If you want apologize.." Shrugged her shoulder then continue eating. Jungkook put his hand on his forehead and massage it, "Can you just please leave me the fuck alone?!!!"

"I am... Im eating right but you keep complaining... You don't wanna eat.. I'll eat.." She shrugged again. He leaned onto his chair and sigh, "Oh my godddd!" glaring at her, "Why can't you just leave me alone? Like seriously!? Im a detective not a shaman okay?! Go somewhere else where they are willing to help you cause I can't!"

Tzuyu blinked her eyes, "You're a detective... That's even good.. Cause Im looking for someone.." she gave him a thumbs up. He creased his forehead, "Who the fuck is it?"

"Okay... In order for me.. To go back to my life.. I need to make someone cry in front of my body.." She said, "Like.. In front front... And it can't be relatives, parents, and friends.."

He just looked at her, "Well... That's fucked up... no one probably will cry.." Flipping the paper. Tzuyu threw him the bread, "You know what? You're really disrespectful!"

"Then you're asking a wrong person for help.." He rolled his eyes then stand up to get the printings and stop to the wall then pin the paper. She glared at him, "Why are you so rude? I mean.. How bad can you more be? Can you murder? cause you have no heart.. Im a freakin soul that needs help to get back in life.."

He type to his computer and not being bothered by her. Tzuyu pressed her hand to the table, "If you were me... I swear you'll feel my desperation to be alive again.." pointing a finger to him. His face lift up
and smirked, "Do I care about stranger's life?"

"Then why the hell do you work
as a detective then? if you don't care about other peoples lives?" She raised her eyebrow. Then take the pen and point it to his face with a glare on her eyes, "That's what I thought.."

"My job is to find evidence... Not find a solution how to bring back a dead person to life...Not a scientist lil girl..." He rolled his eyes and stand up walking towards the door then open it. "The door is open you may leave... You have nothing to do here but to bother a human.."

"Can you atleast be nice? Like just help me once... You like finding evidence right? Then find the person who I can make to cry in front of me.." She begged. Jungkook didn't glance at her but stay still
holding the door open. He tapped the floor two times with his foot then gave her a sign to leave.

Tzuyu gave him a disgusted look, "You'll regret it..." she spit on his floor. He didn't listened to her and only shut the door then went back sitting to his swivel chair. "I swear you're gonna regret it..." Pointing at him as she enter back inside then leave again, "I'm not that bad... But when Im in need I am bad!" she yelled.

He only shooked his head then flipped the paper while reading to his phone. Tzuyu looked at the guys then to the guy who's currently sitting down. "Hmm.. Jackpot.." She looked back then grin.

Then she walked to the man, who's currently reading a newspaper. Upper cut hair with a mustache on then look, and possessed him with her spirit, "Hayysss..." She run her hands through his hair then walk to Jungkook's office, "SUP FUCKER?!"

He looked at the man weirdly and looked around, "What the hell did you do?! Get out of his body now!"

"Why? didn't I told you're going to regret it?" She crossed his arm then smirk. "Well.. He's nice enough to let me borrow his body... Sooooo.."

Jungkook throw something to her and she immediately was kicked out of his body. "Yah! what did you throw to me?!"

The man looked at Jungkook then bow, "Sorry.. I have no Idea why I bothered coming into your office detective jeon..." Then walked out. Tzuyu looked at him then pout, "Damnit.... You're so cruel... Just help me! One time.. Look I helped you succeed your job.. Now help my job.."

"I don't make a deal with a dead person.." He told her. She took a deep breath and sit on the chair, "How many times do I have to tell you? I am not a dead person yet!"

He close his folder and look at her, "You don't know me.. I don't know you...
So let's leave each other alone okay? Just because I can see spirits doesn't mean I can help them... You can find other people who has a third eye okay?"

"Yes I know you.... You're detective Jeon Jungkook..." She pointed to his name on the desk. He tilt his head, "I don't know you so leave.." continue writing onto his paper. Tzuyu sigh, "Okay.. I'll introduce myself and you'll help me okay?"

"Not at all..." He grabbed a pen and sign on the paper. She shooked her head and put her hand to her chest, "Im Chou Tzuyu... Surgeon in a hospital okay? Now you know me.. Help me.."

He was stuck staring at the paper then turn his head to her, "What's your name again?" creasing his forehead. Tzuyu nod her head, "Tzuyu.. Chou Tzuyu... So what? Are you going to help me or what?"

She waved her hands to his face, "Yah! What happened to you? I said are you going to help me or what?!" tapping his shoulder. Jungkook took a deep breath and shook his head, "Leave.."



"Well damn.. Chill.." She backed away.

Tzuyu's POV.

Aishh, I knew he's going to be a jerk and bipolar. This is the type of guy you don't fuck with. I picked up the last kimbap and eat it then grabbed the bread. I pointed my finger to him, "You know... Your face doesn't really suit in your attitude.. You're arrogant, jerk, bitch.."

His face was really angry while looking at me, so it gave me a little bit goosebumps. I mean yeah why would I call a person bitch, jerk, and arrogant? I don't even know him so I bowed and apologize. "I know my mouth is filty.. I need to watch out sorry.." covering my own mouth.

He closed another file and grabbed his jacket. Look at this bitch, he's leaving again, what does the detective do other than investigate? geez. This guy gets to investigate and help the victims while me, as a victim too gets to stay in the hospital sleeping as my soul lurks around begging for help.

"Where are you going?" I asked while covering his lunch box, "I wanna come.." then I followed him. He scratched his head, "Im going home.. So.. You go to your home too..." then he left holding his car key. I looked at the office then shrugged and followed him, "Not until you help me.."

In my peripheral vision I can see him gritting his teeth. Hah! You hate me that much? "Why won't you help me? I mean.. Please Im begging you? I only have few days left.."

He turn around and face me, "I. Don't. Want. To. Help. A. Spirit... Get lost!" then pushed me to the side. "Hayysss..." I sigh and disappear waiting inside of his car, "You're really a jerk.." I added. He creased his forehead, "You're really not going to stay away from don't you?"

"How many feet?" I asked. He take out his calculator, "30 feet.."

"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I yelled. Who the hell makes a distance 30ft apart? Damn he thinks Im that stupid? I didn't graduate college to be that dumb. "What do you want me to do to help you?! And after this you better stay away from me!" pointing his finger to me. I shut my mouth and nod my head.

"What do you need help for? ohh right.. A person that will cry in front of your body..." He start the car then mumbled, "If anyone even loves you.."

This bitch is too rude he doesn't know how many people loves me okay? Many people likes even either guys or girls, this beauty of mine is no joke and he's there talking shit about my love life? I hit his head, "You're being too much about my life.. I am loved by a lot of people.."

"How am I even going to help you when I don't freakin know each people that loves you?!"

I pointed to a direction, "Can you turn to that side?" Pointing to a house. He stopped the car and sigh, "Get out now.."

"Wait you need to help me still.." What the fuck is he telling me to get out for? This biiitttccchh I swear. I saw him groan and rolled his eyes, yap he's really cruel to people and arrogant but I need to bare with it. His nasty ass salty attitude I can handle it until I live! "You gotta talk to the person and say what I'm going to tell you.."

"Im not Siri.." He told me. That made me creased my forehead, for what I know is that siri answers questions not repeat question. "The hell did I mentioned siri? I---"

"Just tell me what to say!" He rang the door bell. The gate opened and the guy back in my college life who likes me deathly opened the door. He look at him up and down then sniff, "Can I help you?"

I snap my finger, "Okay tell him... Tzuyu needs you.."

"Tzuyu needs you.." He repeated. I nod my head, "Tell him she's in comatose in the hospital.." sliding myself next to him cause the freakin dog maybe pitbull or german sheperd is barking at me, shit. He repeated what I told him and look at the guy, honestly I forgot his name but Im pretty sure he's the one who's obsessed with me long time ago.

"Who? Tzuyu? I never liked her.... I mean yeah she's gorgeous... But yow.. I'm married now.." He respond. Honestly I dropped my jaw, and he looked at me madly. I gritted my teeth then gave him a peace sign. However this boy left me in front of the gate standing and he took off with his car after apologizing to the guy. "Hayyyssss..." I sighed.

"Yah.. Let's go to the Plan B---" I appeared to his car. "How embarrassing you made me in front of that guy? can you just leave me alone?!! Like seriously?! You're so annoying!" He stopped the car, "Get out of my car now!"

"Wait... I apologized already... Look.. Let's go to the other one.." I pointed to a direction. I can see him clenching his fist, damn his really not nice a person, "GET. THE. HELL. OUT!"

"Tsk! Why are you so mea--" I stopped when his phone rang. He picked up and glared at me while answering the phone, "What?.....Hah?! Again?! Fine!" then hang up. I creased my forehead, "Who's that?"

"Why do you need to know?! Leave me alone now!" He yelled at me. That made me actually jumped a little bit because I got shocked. Tsk, he's really a jerk. I got out of his car and walk to the sidewalk again and this lady appeared again, "What are you chasing me again for? I didn't create a trouble! promise!"

"What are you bothering a person for?" She asked. I shrugged, "Trying to get help?"

"You think a human will help you? Who told you about that? Tzuyu human cannot help you.." She handed me a necklace. I creased my forehead, "What's that?"

"It's a necklace.... It'll bring your soul back to your body but only for 40 days... Im giving you this so you could find the person... don't waste it in stupid things.. If you want to live then use your time... By the time your 40 days is over... You have 10 days to have the person cried in front of your body... Or else.." Then she disappeared again. I looked at the necklace then gulped. "Hayyss.. You're so difficult to understand girl but whatever!"

The necklace lighted up after I put it around my neck and I immediately felt like being dragged to another dimension.

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