The One Who Got Away

By NadineSchadt

5.5K 92 14

Ava Miller ran from every man she got close to. She meets Seth and find it not as easy to run. As she final... More

First Meeting
Dinner and A Show
Streets of New York
Just Fun
New Job
First Fight
Let Go
New Friends
Seth's Birthday Pt. 1
Seth's Birthday Pt. 2
The Ultimate Betrayal
Back to Normal
The Calm Before the Storm

The Final Showdown

208 4 2
By NadineSchadt

A week and a half went by, life seemly returned to normal for the family as they hadn't heard a peep from Will.  But Seth refused to drop security down as he knew it was only a matter of time.  He wouldn't allow his family to be in danger.

Ava came home and saw Mills' car.  She looked at Robert and said, "Go home."

"Yes, ma'am." He said and left.  It was a late night.  Ava was tired and knew her family would be in bed.  She walked up the stairs and noticed Franco or Mills weren't at their at their post.  She thought it was off.  She walked down the hall to check on Sam, she got to his door and then noticed a spare bedroom door across the hall was cracked open.  It was odd considering the whole time she was there, that door was rarely opened since no one stayed in there, except when Brenda stayed there.  She walked over to the door and gently pushed it open.  She looked around and her eyes widened as they fell upon a horrifying sight.  She saw Mills and Franco, dead, on the floor.  She quickly backed up as she was terrified at the sight.  She covered her mouth as she hit the wall as she trembled and then her mind raced to Sam.  She rushed to his room and opened the door.  He wasn't there.  She became more terrified as she feared the worse.  She looked down the hall towards her bedroom as she prayed Seth had him and safe.  She began to move towards their room when she got to Seth's office.  She stopped as she thought about the gun.  She knew there was threat and needed to be ready.  She walked into Seth's office and over to his bookshelf.  She quickly removed the books to get to the safe and punched in the code as Seth gave it to her just in case.  She opened the safe door and quickly grabbed the gun.  She grabbed the magazine and quickly loaded the weapon.  She cocked the gun and moved it to her back and placed it on the hem of her jeans as she moved her jacket over it to hid it.  She moved out of the office and slowly walked down the hall to her bedroom.  She finally got to the door and slowly turned the door knob then gently pushed it open.  What was revealed was her worst nightmare.  Will sitting on the bed with as he held a knife in his hands and Seth tied up and gagged next to the bed on a chair.  Will said with a sinister smile, "Mommy's home."

She quickly went to move towards Sam and Will moved the knife towards Sam.  "Not so fast."  He warned her.

She stopped and then begged.  "Please, Will.  Don't do this."

He just smiled.  "Come sit down, join us.  We have been waiting for you."

He motioned to an empty chair across from Seth.  She slowly walked over to the chair as she watched him and sat down.  She looked at Seth as he was looking at her.  She noticed Seth looked as he was beat severally as he fought hard with Will.  Will had a couple brusies himself.  "No, I was telling Sam here how we plan on being one big happy family as soon as I take care of some other business"

"Will, please."  She begged.

"Shut up!"  He yelled and Sam jumped next to him, he had tears flowing down his face and looked terrified.

Tears formed in Ava's eyes as she feared for her son.  Then he said, calmly, "Now, I need to have an understanding with Sam."  He looked at the boy and said, "I'm your daddy, Sam.  Not him."  He pointed to Seth with his knife.  "I am.  I have always been your dad.  I know, I haven't been there but that will change now."

"Just leave him alone, Will!  You're scaring him!"  She almost yelled out at him.

He stood up and walked over to her.  He got to her and hit her.  Sam yelled in tears, "Mommy!"

Ava looked back at them as the tears began to flow as this was exactly what she didn't want her son to see.  "It's okay, baby."  She said calmly to him.

She hated the fact that her son saw this and was scared what Will would do to him.  He grabbed her harshly by her chin and forced her to look at him.  "I will have my family.  Do you understand me?"  Then he moved his knife gently over her body as he eyes filled with lust.  He licked his lips and said, "God, I have missed you, Ava.  Every inch of you."

Ava closed her eyes as tears kept coming.  She hated the way he looked at her.  He kept looking over her body as he kept moving the knife over her body till he got to the hem of her pants.  She slowly opened her eyes and begged, "Please, not in front of Sam.  Please."

Will looked over at the boy who was crying on the bed and looked back at Ava.  He nodded as in permission.  Ava quickly looked at Sam and said to him, "Baby, go to your room and turn on the tv.  I want you to turn it up really loud.  Okay?"

He spoke softly, "Yes, mommy."

He looked at Will in fear and Will said to him, harshly, "Go!"

Quickly, Sam ran off to his room and did as his mother instructed.  Will turned back to Ava and grabbed her by the arm.  He pulled her up as she stood up from the chair.  He moved her in front of Seth as he moved behind her and put an arm around her waist.  He said into her ear, "I'm going to make him watch as I take you as my own."

Ava began to cry harder, "Please, don't."

Seth's eye widened.  He felt helpless to it all.  Will was about to force Seth watch him rape Ava.  It was overbearing.  Seth began to work on the knot that tied his arms together, behind him.  He noticed it wasn't tied as tight as Will thought he did.  He quickly went to work as he know he had to stop Will.  Will nuzzled her cheek with her nose and asked Ava, softly, "Is that the bed you two share?  Where he fucks you?"

Ava only cried.  He quickly turned her to him him and pushed her on it as she landed on it on her back.  Will walked over to her as he undid his belt.  He moved over on top of her and said, "Now, I"ll fuck you on the same bed, he does as he watches."

He began to move his hands on her body as he kissed her neck.  Seth kept at the knot as he desperately wanted to stop him.  He looked over as Ava seemed to be more focused.  Like she had her own plan  Ava moved a hand to her back as Will was focused on her body.  He put the knife down on the bed as his hands moved over her body.  Ava slowly removed the gun from the hem of her pants and put it against Will's head as he stop once he felt the piece.  He went to reach for his knife and she said, angrily, as she pushed the knife harder against his head, "Don't fucking think about it, asshole.  I'll blow your fucking brains out."

He stopped and slowly raised his hands up.  "Get off of me, nice and easy."

He slowly moved off of her.  Seth looked to be relieved.  He almost had the knot undone.  Will stood up as did Ava.  She moved the gun off of his head but pointed it at him.  Will smiled.  "I didn't know you had it in you, Ava.  But you don't have the balls to pull that trigger."

"You wanna bet.  After everything you did to me, to Sam.  You think I won't.  We will be finally free of you.  All I have to do is pull this trigger and you will never bother us again.  And I would get off with self-defense.  You have stabbed me twice, raped me, almost killed my son.  Cops will see I had no choose."  Ava said, angrily.

"Then do it, Ava.  Kill me."  He dared her with a smile.

She began to squeeze the trigger but deep down she couldn't.  She wasn't a killer.  She wasn't a monster.  She took the pressure off of it and Will noticed.  He quickly grabbed her and fought the gun out of her hands.  He took it out of her hands and pointed it at her.  She became terrified.  "See, you can't do it, Ava.  You are soft.  But me."  He pointed the gun at Seth and shot as Ava screamed out.  Seth was hit in the shoulder.  Seth yelled out in pain as the bullet pierced through this body.  The gagged suppressed his yell.  Seth hunched over in his chair as the pain tore through his body.  "I'm not."  Will finished.

Ava cried as she looked at Seth.  Seth looked up at her as he saw her crying.  Ava looked back at Will and he smacked her across the face and hard.  She fell to the ground on all fours.  She looked over to see Seth.  She crawled to him and knelt in front of him.  She looked at his face as she could see he was in pain.  She removed the duct tape from his mouth and said to him in tears, "I'm so sorry.  For everything."

He shook his head.  "Don't, don't be.  I told you, I would do whatever I had to.  I love you, Ava."

"I love you too, Seth."  She cried.

"Oh, how fucking sweet."  Will said, coldly, as he grabbed Ava by the collar of her jacket and pulled her away from Seth as she kicked.

Seth tried to take the focus off the pain as he tried to get back to undoing his knot.  Will harshly dropped Ava and said, "I tried and tried to make this work for us.  But you, you just don't seem to care.  All you want is your little boyfriend.  So, you are useless to me.  I guess, it just be me and Sam then.  Such a shame, a boy has to live without his mother."

He pointed the gun at her as Seth fiercely finished untying the knot.  He got it undone and ran out of his seat.  He tackled Will and they landed on the bed as the gun fell.  Seth was on top of him and punched him.  Will tried to fight him but Seth was pissed.  Seth overpowered him.  Will reached across the bed and felt his knife.  He quickly brought it up and pushed the metal through his lower stomach  Seth stopped as he felt the blade pierce him.  He looked down and Will sat up.  He got Seth to stand as he did too as he held the knife that was in Seth's stomach.  He harshly pushed Seth as he moved off the blade and fell against the wall.  He slid down as he put his hands on his wound as he was dazed by it all.  Ava screamed, "No, Seth!"

Will picked up the gun and pointed it to Seth.  Ava quickly looked around to find a way to stop Will.  She saw the chair and quickly picked it up.  She swung and hit Will in the back.  He fell as he dropped the gun and his knife.  The gun slid over to Seth.  Will slowly got up and breathed, "God, you two are relentless."

He grabbed his knife and stood up.  He turned to Ava and grabbed her.  He pushed her to the ground.  He quickly straddled her as she tried to fight him off.  He raised his knife and three shots quickly rang out.  Will stopped as he looked down at his chest and saw himself bleed out from the bullet wound.  He looked at Ava and choked out, "Well, fuck."

He fell off Ava as she quickly moved away.  She knew he was dead.  She looked over at Seth, who was holding the gun up.  He dropped it as he began to feel weak.  She got up and rushed over to him.  She knelt down in front of him and said, as her voice shook, "Seth, hang on, baby.  I'm going to get help."

Before she could leave, he grabbed her hand and smiled.  "I told you, I'd protect you, until my last breath."

She quickly grabbed his face and said, sternly as tears fell, "No!  No talking like that.  You're going to be okay."

He just looked and said, sweetly, "I love you, Ava."

"I love you too."  She said as she cried.

Seth smiled at her and then closed his eyes.  "No, no, no!  Don't Seth!"  She yelled as she cried harder.  "Please, don't leave me." 

She cried uncontrollable as she moved her face into his neck.  She felt like her world shattered as she clung onto his body.  Just then, Sam walked in.  Ava pulled away from Seth as she looked at him.  She moved away from Seth as he slowly walked over and called out, "Dad?"

When Seth didn't respond to Sam, Sam face fell and began to run to Seth as he yelled out as he began to cry, "Daddy!"

Before he could get to Seth, Ava grabbed him and pulled him into her as he cried in his mother's arms as did Ava.  Sam choked out, "I want my daddy."

Ava held onto her son as she said in her tears, "I do too, baby, I do too."

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