The Final Showdown

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A week and a half went by, life seemly returned to normal for the family as they hadn't heard a peep from Will.  But Seth refused to drop security down as he knew it was only a matter of time.  He wouldn't allow his family to be in danger.

Ava came home and saw Mills' car.  She looked at Robert and said, "Go home."

"Yes, ma'am." He said and left.  It was a late night.  Ava was tired and knew her family would be in bed.  She walked up the stairs and noticed Franco or Mills weren't at their at their post.  She thought it was off.  She walked down the hall to check on Sam, she got to his door and then noticed a spare bedroom door across the hall was cracked open.  It was odd considering the whole time she was there, that door was rarely opened since no one stayed in there, except when Brenda stayed there.  She walked over to the door and gently pushed it open.  She looked around and her eyes widened as they fell upon a horrifying sight.  She saw Mills and Franco, dead, on the floor.  She quickly backed up as she was terrified at the sight.  She covered her mouth as she hit the wall as she trembled and then her mind raced to Sam.  She rushed to his room and opened the door.  He wasn't there.  She became more terrified as she feared the worse.  She looked down the hall towards her bedroom as she prayed Seth had him and safe.  She began to move towards their room when she got to Seth's office.  She stopped as she thought about the gun.  She knew there was threat and needed to be ready.  She walked into Seth's office and over to his bookshelf.  She quickly removed the books to get to the safe and punched in the code as Seth gave it to her just in case.  She opened the safe door and quickly grabbed the gun.  She grabbed the magazine and quickly loaded the weapon.  She cocked the gun and moved it to her back and placed it on the hem of her jeans as she moved her jacket over it to hid it.  She moved out of the office and slowly walked down the hall to her bedroom.  She finally got to the door and slowly turned the door knob then gently pushed it open.  What was revealed was her worst nightmare.  Will sitting on the bed with as he held a knife in his hands and Seth tied up and gagged next to the bed on a chair.  Will said with a sinister smile, "Mommy's home."

She quickly went to move towards Sam and Will moved the knife towards Sam.  "Not so fast."  He warned her.

She stopped and then begged.  "Please, Will.  Don't do this."

He just smiled.  "Come sit down, join us.  We have been waiting for you."

He motioned to an empty chair across from Seth.  She slowly walked over to the chair as she watched him and sat down.  She looked at Seth as he was looking at her.  She noticed Seth looked as he was beat severally as he fought hard with Will.  Will had a couple brusies himself.  "No, I was telling Sam here how we plan on being one big happy family as soon as I take care of some other business"

"Will, please."  She begged.

"Shut up!"  He yelled and Sam jumped next to him, he had tears flowing down his face and looked terrified.

Tears formed in Ava's eyes as she feared for her son.  Then he said, calmly, "Now, I need to have an understanding with Sam."  He looked at the boy and said, "I'm your daddy, Sam.  Not him."  He pointed to Seth with his knife.  "I am.  I have always been your dad.  I know, I haven't been there but that will change now."

"Just leave him alone, Will!  You're scaring him!"  She almost yelled out at him.

He stood up and walked over to her.  He got to her and hit her.  Sam yelled in tears, "Mommy!"

Ava looked back at them as the tears began to flow as this was exactly what she didn't want her son to see.  "It's okay, baby."  She said calmly to him.

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