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After everything, the men convinced Ava to stay one more night as they couldn't get a plane till the next day.  But she didn't want to be in her house, so they left and Seth got a suite.  They walked in and Sam looked around, "Wow, this is cool."

Seth smiled as the boy took off to explored the suite.  Mark helped bring their luggage in room.  Mark looked at Ava and saw her worry and went to ease her worry.  He walked over and gently touched her arm.  "Just one more night, Ava.  Then we are gone.  We will get away from him."

"What if he followed us?  What if he knows we are here?  What if he saw us with Seth?"  She almost panic. 

Mark reassured her, "That is why we took two separate vehicles.  That is why Seth left before us.  So, he wouldn't think that.  I always made sure no one followed us.  You and Sam are safe.  I will be next door and Seth will be with you two.  It will be okay.  We will make sure nothing happens to you both."

She looked unsure.  She nodded as she knew they did take precautions but felt scared.  Seth walked to her and put his arms around her gently.  "It will be okay, Ava.  I promise I will not let anyone hurt you.  I told the front desk no visitors and no one is to bother us while we are here.  So, it is okay.  I promise."

She leaned into Seth slightly as she tried to calm herself.  Sam walked up to her and asked, "Mommy, why are we leaving?"

She looked at Mark and then to Seth, unsure what to tell her son.  Then she put an arm on his shoulder and guided him to the couch.  She sat down with him and said, softly, "Well, I just don't feel it is safe here."

"Is it because what happened to you?"  He asked.

She nodded sadly.  "I just want to keep you safe."

"Why did they hurt you, mommy?"  He asked.

She looked at him, sadly, as tears formed in her eyes.  She gently moved her hand to his cheek and caressed it as she said, "I don't know, baby."

Then he asked, "Where are we going?"

"Well, we are going to move in with Seth in LA." she said sweetly as she looked over to Seth as well as Sam did and Seth smiled at them.

Mark then added, "And I will live there, so you can see me all the time."

Sam looked back at his mother.  "But mom, I don't want to leave.  My school is here.  My friends."

"You will go to a new school and meet new friends.  I promise, Sam, this is for the best.  It is so we stay safe, okay?"  She reassured him.

He nodded and she kissed the top of his head.  She said, sweetly, "Okay, we need to get you ready for bed."

He stood up and she went to get up but she felt pain rush through her back.  She winced.  Mark quickly said, "Let me get him to bed.  You need to relax.  You are still healing."

She nodded and gave Sam a kiss on his cheek.  Sam and Mark left the room.  Seth walked over to her and sat next to her as he was worried about her.  He said, concerned, "When we get to LA, I am having my doctor come to the house to check on you."

"I am fine, Seth."  She said, being stubborned.

He shook his head. "You are not, I am worried about you, Ava.  You shouldn't have left the hospital when you did.  But at least let me have someone look at you, to make sure you are okay."

She sighed and then nodded.  He smiled as she gave in to him.  She then put her face in her hands, as she rubbed her face, exhausted.  "Baby, you need to get more sleep.  Your body is taking on a lot right now.  You are clearly tired."   Seth told her.

The One Who Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now