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A few weeks went by and Ava and Sam settled into their new lives in LA.  She quickly got Sam enrolled into a new school.  Seth also got bodyguards as he said he would for Sam and her.  She tried to fight it but he insisted.  It felt weird having someone following her around.  They were determined to do their job well, that even when she asked them to back off, they would but only slightly where she was still not comfortable. One would stay with Sam, outside of his class as he was in school.  When she approached Seth about it, he would just remind her what she went through and how real the threat was.  She tried but she couldn't argue with him.  She hated when he did that.  But she wanted to get a job but knew no one would hire her if a bodyguard was following her around.  But Seth wouldn't hear it and, of course, first interview she had, bombed cause there was a big guy on her tail.  But she had to admit, she didn't think it was the only reason. She was 28 and go after positions most people didn't go after till their mid thirties.  She came into the home as her bodyguard followed.  She walked into the living room and her bodyguard stood in there as she plopped herself on the couch, frustrated.  She noticed he was still there and said, annoyed, "You can go, Robert, I am home."

"I have strict orders to not leave your side unless Mr. MacFarlance is present."  He responded.

"Fucking Christ."  She moaned.

"It's okay, Robert  I am here."  Seth said with a smile as he walked in the living room.

"Yes, sir."  Robert said as he walked off.

Once he was gone, she laid her head on the back of the couch. "Seth, I cannot do this.  I feel like I have a shadow."

"That is the point, baby.  He is here to protect you."  He pointed out as he walked over to a cabinet that was up against the wall and grabbed his Jack out of it.  He took a glass sitting on top of the the cabinet.  She said, flustered, "He cost me this potential job."

He was pouring the Jack into the glass and he eyed her as he knew she was over exaggerating a little.  "Ava."

"Fine, but I don't think it help that a big dude was following me around."  She exhaled.

He finished pouring his drink and walked over to her with his glass.  He sat next to her and took her hand.  "What happened, love?"  He asked, sincerely.

She sighed and shrugged. "No body wants to take me seriously, Seth.  They look at how young I am and tell me, well, we have his position open or this one.  And I am way overqualified for those damn jobs.  This is just pissing me off."

He rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb.  He then offered, "I could make a few phone calls, get you in with the right people."

"No!"  She quickly answered.  "I want to do this on my own.  I got the job in New York on my own.  I always did everything on my own.  Even Mark tried to help and I refused.  It means more to me if I can do it on my own.  Besides, you have already done so much for Sam and me."

"It's no problem, baby."  He said, sweetly, and took a drink from his glass.  Then he leaned over and gently took her lips.

She smiled when he pulled away.  She then looked down at their hands.  She said, "I just need a job.  Then Sam and I can get our own place."

He let got of her hand and asked, frustrated, "Why do you keep saying that?  This is your home now."

This was a constant battle between them.  "I do not want Sam and I to be a burden."  She replied.

"Who said you were?"  He asked, confused and frustrated all at the same time.

She looked at him and said, "Look, Seth, we only dated two months and now we live together.  You went from being a single man to having a woman and a kid in your home.  That is a lot for anyone to take on."

The One Who Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now