New Friends

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Back in New York, Brenda thought about Ava and Sam a lot.  They disappeared without even so much as a goodbye.  Ava's attack was brutal but she didn't think it would cause her to leave.  She went by Ava's house when she saw she left the hospital.  Doctors and nurses seemed in distressed that she just left.  So, she went to see if she was at home.  But found Ava and Sam gone without a word with only their clothes.  Brenda knew something more happened then she was told.  She went over to The Tonight Show to see if they heard anything.  Jimmy personally talk to her when he found out she was searching for Ava.  told her that Ava suddenly quit, saying she had to leave town immediately, that she didn't feel it was safe for her and her son.  Which Jimmy understood as he, too, heard about the attack as it happened in the parking lot of the studio.  But he assured Brenda that he would update her if he heard anything as he knew how close they were.  Then a few weeks later, Jimmy called her out of the blue.  He told her he had news, that he didn't hear from her personally but heard from Conan asking about her as she was trying to get a job there.  Brenda wondered why the hell she would move across the country.

She headed home one night and got to her door.  As she unlocked it and opened it, she felt someone grab her and push her inside.  She instantly became terrified.  The figure turned her around and pushed her against the wall.  It was dark so she had a hard time making the person out, but they were strong and tall.  She knew it was a man.  He lean into her as he moved a knife to her throat and said, with a cold tone, "Now, if you tell me the truth, you will walk out of this alive, do you understand me?"

She nodded as she was to fearful to speak.  "Now, I know you are Ava's best friend.  I havee seen you two spend a lot of time together.  So, tell me, where is she?"  He almost hissed.

"I...I don't know."  She stammered as she shook.

"Don't fucking lie to me, bitch.  A husband has a right to know where his wife is.  So, where is my wife?"  He said, angrily.

"Will."  She breathed.

"She told you about me.  How sweet?"  He smiled, menacingly.  "Now, I will ask you again, where is my wife?"

"I swear, I don't know."  Brenda lied as her fear took over.  "She just left when she got out of the hospital with no word.  I haven't heard from her since."

"Now, Brenda."  Her eyes widen as he said her name.  "Do not lie to me, that will only get you killed."

He moved the knife on her skin of her throat and her lips began to quiver in fear as tears streamed down her face.  She begged, "Please, don't hurt me."

"Then tell me where Ava and my son are."  He repeated.

She cried out as he pushed the knife harder against her throat.  She feared for her life.  She didn't want to put Ava in danger but she knew he would kill her.  She finally stammered, "All...all I know that she went to LA.  That is all, I promise.  I haven't heard from her at all since she left.  I didn't even know she left till she was gone.  I swear, that is all I know."

He looked at her and removed the knife from her throat as he stepped back.  He smiled at her, "Now, that wasn't so hard, now was it?  Now if you hear from her, tell her I am coming for her and my son.  Also, no cops, Brenda, or I will come back and I will kill you."

She nodded and he walked out.  she slid down the wall as she shook and cried.  Now she understood why Ava fled without telling anyone, cause the attack wasn't random.  She knew at that moment, Will attacked her.  She felt guilt ridden as she just told Will where to look.  Now he would find her and Sam.  She only wished she knew a way to reach her, to warn her.  But now, all she could think about was she might have possible killed Ava and Sam.

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