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Ava took lunch and Mila kept asking her to go out more.  Even for just for lunch.  Ava really liked hanging with Mila, they had fun together and Mila looked out for Ava.  Ava had a hard time making friends, especially since she didn't trust anyone.  She got to the restaurant and quickly was taken to the table Mila was already at.  Mila saw her and quickly got up.  Ava walked over and they hugged.  They restaurant was not very busy which Ava was happy about.  Mila said, "Thank god we are able to hang outside of the group.  They are cool and all but I rarely have time to breath with that show."

Ava smiled as they sat down.  "Well, I know you have been wanting to but it is hard with work and all.  Plus, I had to go car shopping."

"Why is that?"  Mila asked.

"I got tired of Seth's cars.  They are too small.  So, I wanted to car that is more fitting for Sam and I."  Ava explained.

Mila nodded.  "I understand.  I have to upgrade when I had Wyatt.  My other car would have not been suited for a baby."

"Yeah, but I hate the car buying process.  It is a pain and Seth insisted on going.  So, he was being a pain cause I guess he forgot what the process is like if you are financing.  He whined the whole time.  It was like I had another child.  I swear.  He was so impatient.  He even kept insisting to buy it out but I refused.  He is impossible at times."

Mila slightly chuckled.  "Rachael can choke on her words.  If that doesn't show you are not a gold digger, I don't know what will."

Ava shook her head as she smiled.  "Be nice, Mila.  She is being nicer now."

"I don't care, Ava.  She really pissed me off that night."  Mila said, almost angry.

Ava just smiled.  The Mila said, hesitantly, "So, I have to ask you something."

"What?"  Ava was a little nervous.

"A couple weeks ago, at Seth's party, why did you freak on Sam?"  Mila asked.

It went around the party quick that a woman yelled at a child.  Even got out to the media.  Even though Seth ended the party quickly due to the everything, it still got around quick.  But as quick as it went around, it died down, since they had no clue who this girl was.  It was rumored that she was with Seth, but never proven, so Ava felt safe still that it wasn't out.  Ava sighed at Mila's question.  "Mila, I was just freaked out.  I didn't see Sam in his room and couldn't find him so I worried."

"But way I heard it, you went off on Sam.  Mike happened to see it and told us about it."  Mila told her.

"Shit."  Ava muttered.  She was hoping the group didn't know who it was.

Mila added, "Look, I am just saying, you have bodyguards and security was heightened at the party, which is unusual.  And they had a strict no phone and camera rule, which is unusual as well.  Then the freak out.  I feel like there is something you are not telling us.  I though we were friends, Ava.  At least, you and I."

Ava exhaled as she looked down.  "I have a hard time trusting people, Mila.  Not easy to open my self up like that."

"You can trust me."  Mila told her sincerely.

Ava knew she could.  But still scared her.  Ava slowly said, "If I tell you, you cannot tell anyone.  I mean, not anyone, not even Ashton.  Do you understand me?"

"Yeah."  Mila quickly nodded.

Ava slowly told her everything from when she was pregnant.  The beatings, Mark, Will, the stabbing.  Mila was shocked by it all.  "Jesus, Ava.  It is a blessing you and Sam are still alive."

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