A Tragically Beautiful Event

By lovelylittlefangirl

1.8K 115 40

[COMPLETED] "You may think I'm psycho for this but someone once told me that crazy people need love too" ~Mar... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
A/N new book
A/N new book

Chapter Ten

55 3 0
By lovelylittlefangirl

--Previously: *Chains rattling*.--

I felt a searing pain go through my shoulder as the bullet hit me, I fell back but was caught and slowly brought to the ground, I slowly blinked and looked to who was holding me, Mark sat there with me in his lap, his cuffs around his wrists were broken, pieces of chain hung from them as tears streamed down his face, "No, no, no!" He cried holding me tightly, a hand wrapped around my waist, the other carefully caressing my head, I rested against him and breathed softly, "What are you doing? Call an ambulance already! Get them! Do anything she just got shot!" Mark yelled, Tyler ran over and tried to push Mark away, "No, Tyler it's okay" I breathed resting against Marks chest.

Tyler held my hand tightly as I slowly passed out in Marks arms.

I woke up feeling numb, I squinted my eyes as a bright white light was on me, "Y/n" Tyler breathed hugging me, I hugged him back tightly, "I thought you were dead" He sighed, "W-where's Mark?" I asked, he looked shocked, "Excuse me?" He asked, "Where is he!" I panicked, "Um... Prison, he kidnapped you and hurt you remember, and he obviously tried other things according to those hickeys on your neck" He motioned towards the red and purple bruises on my neck in the shape of Marks perfect lips,
"No" I breathed out, "He didn't do anything, I mean yeah in the beginning he hurt me but he felt so bad and-and he loves me, he was so sweet and protective, he was alone and needed someone, my sister tried to kill him" I cried in panic, Tyler just stared at me confused.

After a few minutes of me calming myself down a doctor came in, after some small talk he explained that I was here for two days, I went into shock and Tyler stayed here with me till I woke up, he told me I would be fine and I could go home, I shooed Tyler away and got dressed, I felt the small box in my jeans pocket and pulled it out, opening the box I saw the small charm bracelet there, I clasped it on and Slowly closed the box, slipping it in my pocket, "Ready?" Tyler asked walking in and offering an arm for support, I nodded and took hold of his arm as we walked out.

I rested my head against the window of the car, I felt exhausted, "Y/n..." Tyler started, grabbing my attention, "Yeah?" I responded, "Why are you okay with Mark? After everything he's done to you" He questioned, "I-.. I don't know okay, just yeah he did bad things and made a lot of mistakes but.... After I heard about why he did it and what happened, after he apologized and stopped hurting me, he's so... He's very..." I sighed trying to explain my feelings, "I think I might love him too"
I said quietly.

The rest of the car ride was awkward, we got home and Tyler turned to me, "You can't, you can't love someone who did something like that to you, you can't be okay with somebody being a psycho kidnapper, he's in prison and that's that!" He said sternly, I felt my eyes water slightly and I quickly went inside, "Y/n wait..." Tyler sighed, I ran up our stairs to my room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me.

I felt a hand go over my mouth, no, it can't be them? Can it? I panicked when suddenly I heard a voice.

~Kawaii Unicorn

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