Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El

By HisPrincess6996

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*BEING REWRITTEN- DO NOT READ IT WON'T MAKE ANY SENSE* The girls are going on the first tour, and are super e... More

Brave ~ Sequel to Jay Cee El
Chapter One ~ Ha, The Zit Fairy Came Last Night.
Chapter Two ~ But at what cost?
Chapter Three ~ I can't believe I just did that.
Chapter Four ~ You're an idiot.
Chapter Five ~ Come Out Of The Bathroom
Chapter Six ~ Better Than I Thought.
Chapter Seven ~ Can't Even Look At A Picture Of Him
Chapter Eight ~ And That Scares Me The Most
Chapter Nine ~ The Four Girls
Chapter Ten ~ The Music Video
Chapter Eleven ~ I'm Going To Regret This
Chapter Twelve ~ Fuck You Styles, fuck you.
Chapter Thirteen ~ How Could I Ever Learn To Trust Him Again?
Chapter Fourteen ~ Psh, I Know I'm Right
Chapter Fifteen ~ Okay Caitlin, Don't Drool
Chapter Sixteen ~ You're Too Pretty To Cry
Chapter Seventeen ~ Who is Cindy Rose?
Chapter Eighteen ~ Guess What? Chicken Butt
Chapter Nineteen ~ Opening Act
Chapter Twenty ~ Maybe Niall's Making A Choice
Chapter Twenty One ~ What? It Was Just A Question!
Chapter Twenty Two ~ The Life Drained From Me
Chapter Twenty Three ~ I Am Jealous
Chapter Twenty Four ~ Just... Leave
Chapter Twenty Five ~ You Could Be My Motivation
Chapter Twenty Six ~ I Love You Too, Liz
Chapter Twenty Seven ~ I Promise, You Won't Regret This
Chapter Twenty Eight ~ She Looks Happy
Chapter Twenty Nine ~ I Don't Want To Get Up
Chapter Thirty ~ Make Their Day
Chapter Thirty One ~ Lucky Butts
Chapter Thirty Two ~ You
Chapter Thirty Three ~ It's Got To Suck
Chapter Thirty Four ~ How Hard Is It To Send One Text?
Chapter Thirty Five ~ What Year Do They Think This Is?
Chapter Thirty Six ~ All Nice And Wet
Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Hell Yeah
Chapter Thirty Nine ~ What Are You Doing?
Chapter Forty ~ Do I?
Chapter Forty One ~ Sing Me A Song
Chapter Forty Two ~ Tattoo
Chapter Forty Three ~ That's Different
Chapter Forty Four ~ What Do You Want To Do
Chapter Forty Five ~ For Real
Chapter Forty Six ~ Say Cheese
Chapter Forty Seven ~ I Really Am
Chapter Forty Eight ~ I Am Super Hungry
Chapter Forty Nine ~ You're The Worst
Chapter Fifty ~ Red As A Tomato
Chapter Fifty One ~ I'm The Better Twin
Chapter Fifty Two ~ Just Thinking
Chapter Fifty Three ~ Argue Him On That
Chapter Fifty Four ~ Photos Niall Sent To Me
Chapter Fifty Five ~ Love You, Baby
Chapter Fifty Six ~ Blueberry Pancakes
Chapter Fifty Seven ~ Blogs and Best Days
Chapter Fifty Eight ~ Stop Being So Whipped
Chapter Fifty Nine ~ Credit Cards and Worries
Chapter Sixty ~ Got To Keep It A Secret
Chapter Sixty One ~ They Are Amazing
Chapter Sixty Two ~ I'm In Fricken Love
Chapter Sixty Three ~ Thank You And I Love You All
Chapter Sixty Four ~ Ready Or Not
Chapter Sixty Five ~ Crowds and Men Old Men
Chapter Sixty Six ~ Why Don't We Go Have Some Fun
Chapter Sixty Seven ~ Keep Yourselves Grounded
Chapter Sixty Eight ~ Johnny Parkenson
Chapter Sixty Nine ~ One Word. Two Syllables.
Chapter Seventy ~ For Caitlin's Sake
Chapter Seventy One ~ It Would Mean A Lot To Us
Chapter Seventy Two ~ The Interview Type Show
Chapter Seventy Three ~ Two Things
Chapter Seventy Four ~ I Hope It's All Good
Chapter Seventy Five ~ You All Suck
Chapter Seventy Six ~ Get The Door
Chapter Seventy Seven ~ Once And For All
Chapter Seventy Eight ~ Tension
Chapter Seventy Nine ~ Consider It
Chapter Eighty ~ Melt Your Guy Into A Puddle
Chapter Eighty One ~ Stop Thinking About Harry
Chapter Eighty Two ~ Roll Right Out
Chapter Eighty Three ~ Go Fuck Off, I'm Tired
Chapter Eighty Four ~ Sisterly Love
Chapter Eighty Five ~ Monkey's Ass
Chapter Eighty Six ~ A Surprise For You All
Chapter Eighty Seven ~ Who Cares?
Chapter Eighty Eight ~ Damn, Did It Feel Great
Chapter Eighty Nine ~ Does It Fit
Chapter Ninety ~ The Last Chapter :'(

Chapter Turdy Seven ~ I Can't Wait

986 20 11
By HisPrincess6996

Here is the Turdy Seventh chapter. Haha, get it? Haha I’m hilarious.



Caitlin’s P.O.V

                I laughed and grabbed Marty’s hand. It’s almost midnight and we are just getting back to the hotel. The movie was pretty funny, and I’m defiantly going to be buying the movie when it comes out on DVD. We were recognized by quite a few fans, but it was really cool seeing them. I signed so many autographs and my hand was cramping. So was Marty’s but he won’t complain.

“Alright, I better get back to the room. I have an radio interview to do tomorrow. I need to get some sleep.” Marty said as we got to my hotel room.

“Yeah, I should probably hit the hay too. I’ll see you later.” I said, leaning up to kiss him.

                After a few seconds I pulled away and said goodbye once more. I used my key card to let me into the hotel room. Julie was lying across the couch with a bag of chips on her stomach and an empty can of soda on the floor next to her. I couldn’t help but laugh at her. She looked up and smiled, sitting up.

“Hi, how was your date?” Julie asked as I walked over to the dresser. I started to take off my clothes as I answered her.

“Fun. The movie was great and I met so many cool fans.” I said, tossing my crop top into the open suitcase on the floor. I need to fold anything but if I wait for Liz to get back she’ll probably end up doing it for me.

“Sounds like fun. Hey I found this movie, wanna watch it?” Julie asked. I looked at the screen and saw that the movie Paul was playing. I cheered and put on my pajamas before joining her on the couch. I love this movie.


“What do you want?” I asked, opening up the hotel room door.

                It was Dylan. He was holding a container of coffee cups from McDonalds and I felt my mouth water at the sight of it. Plus the smell… I’m really thirsty. I let him in and he walked over to the couch, setting the coffee on the coffee table. Ha! There’s coffee on the coffee table. Liz would get a kick out of that.

                Julie woke up from the noise Dylan was making and looked around confused. I laughed at her before taking the coffee that Dylan handed me. I sat down on the couch as Dylan began to speak.

“I have great news! Because of popular demand, your tour has been expanded to Australia! Can you believe it?” Dylan said. I nearly dropped my coffee.

                Australia? That’s so amazing! I can’t believe it. We went there on the Take Me Home and it was amazing. But we only opened up for them. Having our own tour was so a lot different than being the opening act for another. It’s a lot better though. We have about two hours to sing our songs and what not. It’s amazing and having the opportunity to do that an Australia is unbelievable. Australia was something I dreamed about and now it’s coming true on my own tour. Well Jay Cee El’s tour, but it’s amazing.

“I have to call Liz and let her know. Enjoy your coffee!” Dylan said. Before Julie and I could get a word in he ran out of the room.

                That’s so Dylan though. He’d be here for two minutes, not even, and then run off to wherever he’s got to go. He’s a busy man. But Australia! This is going to be so much fun! I’m so excited and I’ll be able to see everything there.

“This is going to be the best.” I said, looking over at Julie. She was chugging her coffee and I couldn’t help but laugh. Once she finally finished drinking she nodded and said,

“I can’t wait.”


Okay! There’s the chapter. It’s kind of a filler, sorry about that. It’s just a small part that tells how they get to Australia. Haha, I’ve been planning it since the beginning of this book.

Anyway… not much else to say… haha I have midterms next week… so I’m not happy about that. Oh and because I don’t have any midterms today I got to stay home from school. Yay!

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!


--The picture on the side is Caitlin’s outfit for her date with Marty. I know that I never said anything about it… but I figured why not? Besides… I like making outfits. Haha. Byeeee!!

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