A Tragically Beautiful Event

By lovelylittlefangirl

1.8K 115 40

[COMPLETED] "You may think I'm psycho for this but someone once told me that crazy people need love too" ~Mar... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
A/N new book
A/N new book

Chapter Three

78 3 0
By lovelylittlefangirl

--Previously: I squeezed my eyes shut and brought down the knife. no! What have I done! --

Marks hand shot up, grabbing my wrist tightly, I opened my eyes to see him staring at me; Anger, hurt, sadness, rage, tiredness all came across his face, "Mar-" , "SHUT UP!" Mark yelled at me, pushing me to the floor and landing on top of me, "You were going to kill me" He whispered, tears falling from his eyes, "Mark I-" , "I said to shut up!" He snapped, "I'm sorry, I don't want to do this but I have to, you have to learn" He said softly as he pressed his lips against mine, I couldn't move due to being pinned to a floor, he kissed me softly then pulled away, "I'm so sorry Y/n, I love you, please forgive me for this" He whispered, tears streaming down his tired face, he lifted me up by my arm roughly and shoved me back into the chair, un-cuffing his wrist, slipping the cuff onto mine and tying me up.

I watched as he looked over the table carefully, "Mark I wasn't-" I started but once again got cut off, "Listen, it'll be better and quicker if you just keep your mouth shut, got it? You can explain after you've been punished!" He said through gritted teeth, I looked down, and let my hot tears stream down my face, "Remember I will always protect you Y/n and if you do bad things I'll be forced to punish you, just be good and I'll be nice" He promised, kissing my forehead softly.

Mark sighed and grabbed a whip, he looked at me hurt, I looked at him with pleading eyes "I'm sorry I wasn't going to do it, I couldn't, I felt awful to, please Mark!" I begged, letting all my words escape quickly, "You're a lair, I had to stop you" He spat, "No Mark, I wasn't going to kill you" I cried, I honestly wasn't I was going to stop.

*Whip crack*

*Fade to black*

I shot up in bed and Mark got up and looked at me, "What? What's wrong?" He asked quickly, "I-I you, b-but then and I" I sobbed loudly, not able to speak, Mark wrapped his arms around me, I winced at the cuffs, "Oh sorry" He said taking them off, he pulled me back into a hug and I was to weak to fight it, I sobbed hard as he held me close, "What happened?" He asked softly, "I-I tried to kill you an-and you whipped m-me a-as punishment" I sobbed, "Shh shh sweetie, hey look at me" I pulled away and looked at him, "What made you have that dream? If you tell me now I won't do anything to harm you, and I'll forgive you" He promised wiping my tears, "I don't believe you" I replied, "You have my word" He said holding up a hand.

I pulled the knife from my sneaker and handed it to him, he looked shocked but nodded and took it, "I'm sorry, I wasn't going to be able to do it I swear I-I..." Mark cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth, "I told you I wouldn't be upset and I'm not, you told me so you won't be punished" He smiled softly, he threw the knife aside and wiped my tears away, removing his hand, "If your good I won't punish you I'll only protect you from anything and everything" He pushed my hair behind my ear as I cried.

"Look I have to do... Stuff today and I uh... Probably won't be back for a little while so to keep you safe I'm gonna lock up these weapons and double lock the door, trust me it'll be best" He kissed my cheek and I winced, I watched him grab a chest and fill all the weapons in it except for one, it was a large survival knife; a small leather case held the nine inch blade, a dark wood and metal hilt with leather wrapped around it, rested outside the pouch.
He hooked it through his belt loop and locked the rest of the weapons in the dark oak wood chest, he gave me a weary smile, "Please be safe my love" He looked worried but went up stairs,

Lock one.
Lock two.

He wasn't kidding I guess, I sat there looking around mindlessly, I found a small pocket watch and decided to slip it into my jeans pocket, how can I get out of here? I pulled on the door but it didn't budge.

After about three hours I found a small brick, I threw it at the door attempting to break it but nothing happened, I kept trying but it wouldn't budge.


Well at least he's back and I won't be totally alone I guess, I watched as two men walked in.... Wait, that's not Mark, a tall, slender man with blond hair stood in front of me, an average height, thicker man stood slightly behind him with dark brown hair, "Wh-Who are you?" I asked, the tall man put a gun to my forehead, "Stay quite" He commanded, I nodded and waited for what was to come.
He roughly grabbed my arm and pushed me into the chair, "Tie her up" The blond man commanded still holding the cold, black pistol to my head, I watched as the smaller man tied me up, "Where is he? And why are you here?" He asked, "I don't know, he said he had stuff to do an-and he-he kidnapped me" I stuttered in fear, "Bullshit" The short man spat, "If he kidnapped you then you'd already be tied up" He continued.

I just cried, "It's true he did I swear!" I pleaded, "should I just kill her? she isn't any help" The taller man said, I watched silently, "Matt... I don't know I mean like-" the short man said, "Ryan who cares it'll piss Mark off and then maybe he'll give us what he owes us!" He replied sternly, I watched as the man who was apparently named Ryan nodded, Matt cocked the gun putting a bullet in the chamber and took off safety, I trembled in fear as he put his finger on the trigger, squeezing my eyes shut.


~Kawaii Unicorn

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