Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

By heartofice97

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All rights go the creators of The Originals and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots. hear... More

characters & trailer
main character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - For the Next Millennium
chapter 2 - You Hung the Moon
chapter 3 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
chapter 4 - A Walk on the Wild Side
chapter 5 - The Axeman's Letter
chapter 6 - Beautiful Mistake
chapter 7 - Out of the Easy
chapter 8 - The Other Girls in New Orleans
chapter 9 - Savior
chapter 10 - A Ghost Along the Mississippi
chapter 11 - Wild At Heart
chapter 12 - Dead Angels
chapter 14 - Streetcar Named Desire
chapter 15 - An Old Friend Calls
chapter 16 - Alone With Everybody
chapter 17 - Behind the Black Horizon
chapter 18 - The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
chapter 19 - No More Heartbreaks
chapter 20 - Where Nothing Stays Buried
chapter 21 - Give 'Em Hell, Kid
chapter 22 - The Bloody Crown

chapter 13 - Heart Shaped Box

637 19 13
By heartofice97

Outfits in the external link

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the courtyard, Freya had seen the vision, relaying the information to Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah.

Davina: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Originals)"

Freya was visibly shaken by the visions she had been shown. She sounded very grim. "If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall. One by friend, one by foe, one by foreigner, and one... by family."

From 3.10 "A Ghost Along the Mississippi", in the bayou, All of the wolves had gathered in the bayou outside.

Everyone watched mournfully as Jackson drifted across the water.

Mikayla could barely speak above a whisper. "Till death do us part."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the Davilla Estate, the Strix, Caitlin and Elijah were meeting.

Aya looked at Elijah. "I challenge you to a duel."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the church, Elijah and Aya were fighting in the cage.

Aya: (voice over from 3.12 Dead Angels) "Whomever holds the charter at the stroke of midnight shall be the new leader of the Strix."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the French Quarter, the Strix, Elijah and Caitlin were gathered.

"Oh, I may not have it, but someone here does," Marcel told them. "She's the one that just took all of us on and won."

Caitlin took out the charter to show them, smirking. "Guess that makes me the winner. I'm obviously not the strongest one here, but I won the game.If this prophecy that you're all afraid of is gonna happen, we all die. And you can either continue fighting each other, or we can all work together to make sure that we all survive.It's up to all of us."

Noah smirked proudly. "To the new leader of the Strix. Caitlin Harris."

From 3.11 "Wild At Heart", in the pool room, Caitlin, Davina and Aya were talking.

Caitlin was surprised. "So, the Strix have their own personal coven?"

Aya handed one scroll to Davina, the other to Caitlin. "The spell to raise the dead, and the spell to break the link between Marcel Gerard and Caitlin Harris. We need two witches from New Orleans who has had experience with trying to break the link to do it." She looked at Davina. "Like you, and Auria Rayvnne. We can give you the spells and the power. In exchange, you will become one of my sisters."

From 3.11 "Wild At Heart", in the Quarter, Cami was walking down the sidewalk expressionlessly, holding the white oak.

Aya: (voice over from 3.12 Dead Angels) "Find the weapon that can kill an Original."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in St. James Infirmary, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Aya were talking.

"With the right witches, the correct spell, the precise binding agent, there is a means to eradicate our link to our sires," Aya told them. "Davina and Auria are... obstinate, but they will listen to the three of you."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the Rayvnne Tomb, Madison looked at Cami. "You know what I've come for. Hand it over."

Madison flicked her wrist, using magic to break Cami's arms and wrists until the knight fell out of her hand, allowing Madison to summon it toward her, picking it up from the ground.

Davina: (voice over from 3.12 Dead Angels) "She's not working for the Strix."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the Quarter alley, Madison had just met Aurora in the alley of one of the French Quarter streets.

Aurora transformed, biting Madison on the neck, feeding deeply until she died, letting her fall, blood staining her lips, looking at the white oak, smiling happily.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.12 Dead Angels) "With the weapon in Aurora's hands..."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the compound, Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were talking

"I do wonder which one of us she'll try to kill first," Kassandra told them. "I suppose we all share the sin of Tristan's unceremonious burial at sea."

From 3.12 "Dead Angels", in the carpenter's shop, the carpenter was using several large machines to turn the small wooden knight into nearly a dozen wooden bullets, which had been given metallic caps and were arranged on a small platform. "What animal do you aim to hunt with bullets made of wood?"

Aurora smirked, continuing to examine her new, Original-killing bullets. "A monster. An entire family of them."


Day One

Morning - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Klaus was on the balcony overlooking the courtyard, holding a man in a police uniform in a choke hold off of the balcony with one hand while he drank coffee with the other. "The taxpayers of New Orleans deserve a skilled Chief of Police." The police chief squirmed, gasping for breath, terrified. "How inept are you if not a single one of your men can locate the woman I seek?"

The police chief dangled over the courtyard floor, pleading. "We're trying. She's a ghost."

Klaus sighed. "Aurora de Martel is rather petite and may indeed may be able to slip through the cracks like a wicked little cricket, but she is not a ghost." He smirked devilishly. "Not yet." He leaned forward so he could look the police chief's gaze. "I think this city's finest could try a little bit harder, hmm?"

Freya, Elijah and Kassandra walked toward them.

Freya and Elijah looked at Klaus in exasperation.

Kassandra was entertained. "I see we're in for another normal Mikaelson breakfast."

Elijah rolled his eyes, giving Klaus an incredulous look. "Niklaus, for heaven's sakes. Release the poor creature." The police chief whimpered, shaking his head frantically. Klaus simply shrugged, dropping him, allowing him to fall onto the floor of the courtyard. Freya and Elijah gave Klaus hilariously exasperated looks. Klaus smirked smugly. Kassandra tried to resist the urge to smile. "That's not what I meant."

The way Elijah had just said the last statement made Kassandra smile completely.

Klaus smirked. "He'll live. And he'll remember to do better."


Upstairs Living Room 

Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Freya walked in.

"Is all this torture necessary?" Freya asked.

Klaus ignored her, calling out into the hallway. "Where have you been?"

Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Auria walked in, looking annoyed with Klaus' tactless behavior.

Noah smirked, responding with a sarcastic comment. "Auria was doing a locator spell, and we were making sure that the Strix and their witches are out trying to find your loony ex-girlfriend. Is that okay with you?"

Elijah sighed, trying to stop a fight before it could stop. "Noah, please."

Marcel sighed in annoyance. "All of our heads are on the chopping block because he lost the one thing that can kill an Original."

Klaus gave Marcel an unamused look.

Freya looked at Marcel, defending Klaus. "It's not his fault that Cami was waving the white oak around like a kite, or that Aurora made a deal with one of your witches, or that your girlfriend Auria went along with Cami's plan."

"Hey, I was just trying to protect Cami," Auria told them. "I tried to talk her out of the rest, but she used the fact that Tristan turned her into a vampire because of me to manipulate me."

Klaus walked between them to break up their argument. "Be that as it may, I'm quite capable of defending myself, thank you, Freya. What I cannot do is cast a spell to find Aurora." He looked from Freya to Auria, giving them a smile that said he was not pleased with their progress, or lack thereof. "In that respect, we're all alike."

Caitlin rolled her eyes at Klaus' comment.

Auria looked at him in frustration. "Aurora is cloaked. Most likely by the very witch she killed. Freya and I have been working nonstop every day."

"Well, you've both stopped working now, haven't you?" Klaus asked petulantly. Freya pursed her lips angrily. "Well, go on. On your way."

Freya gave Klaus a look. "Do you talk to your two other sisters like this?"

Klaus blanched, clearly guilty.

Kassandra gave Klaus a look, speaking to Freya. "Yes, he does, and sometimes worse."

Freya looked at Kassandra, turning around, walking out, leaving.

Elijah tried to stop her, trying to reach out to her. "Freya..."

Freya had already gone.

Kassandra turned to look at Klaus in annoyance, giving him a look. "Really?"

Elijah changed the subject. "What do we know about this traitor in the Strix coven?"

Marcel sighed. "Nothing. No one knows how Aurora got to her. No one knows where Aurora is. Our coven hit the same cloaking spell as Freya and Auria."

Klaus gave them a look. "Our coven? Making yourselves quite comfortable with the Strix, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Caitlin answered in annoyance. "Yeah, to help you."

Caitlin walked toward the door.

Klaus grabbed Caitlin roughly by the arm, turning her to face him. "Any other news from your new BFFs you'd like to make us aware of, Caitlin?"

Caitlin glared at him.

Noah pulled Klaus' hand off of Caitlin's arm. "Klaus, why don't you reserve any malevolent intentions for your and Elijah's ex-girlfriends, and not my current girlfriend? Not meaning Kaylin or Nicola Salvatore, either."

Marcel and Caitlin continued to scowl at Klaus, walking out, leaving.

Auria and Noah gave them a look, turning around, following them. 


St. Louis Cathedral - Bell Tower 

Freya had set up a large map on the table surrounded by candles. 

Above the map was a spindle hanging on a wire.

Freya leaned against the table, preparing herself. "Let's see if the 9,000th time is the charm." She rubbed her hands together, grabbing the spindle, spinning it. She watched it sway back and forth upon the map, backing away a pace, raising her arms to her sides, beginning the spell. "Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi. Cherko ils serachi."

The map just burst into flames, turning to ash.

Freya lowered her arms, sighing in annoyance, realizing the spell did not work. 

After a moment, the spindle was yanked off the wire by an invisible force, flying across the room, embedding itself in the far wall where Freya had pinned a "Greetings from New Orleans" postcard. 

Freya slowly walked over to it, looking at the spindle for a moment, processing what this meant.

Aurora appeared in the doorway, looking bored. "Are you looking for me?"

Freya turned around, shocked to see Aurora standing there.

Aurora smirked in amusement.

Freya glared at her coldly.


Worlds Colliding (The Originals)


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Davina was standing alone, looking at all of her notes from her sireline de-linking spell, which had been pinned up on clotheslines that stretched from wall to wall.

Aya led Caitlin, Auria, Marcel and Noah inside.

Davina was surprised to see who was there. "Auria. What are you doing here?"

"They told me about the resurrection and the link breaking spells," Auria told her. "You need more than one New Orleans witch to cast the damn things, and I am desperate to break the link so that no one else have to come after Caitlin."

"I knew that we could agree on those terms, Miss Rayvnne," Aya told her.

"Don't mistake that for me trusting you," Auria told her.

"I'll look forward to earning your trust, then," Aya told her.

Caitlin walked toward Davina. "Where are the other girls?"

"They just slow me down," Davina told them. Aya gave her a skeptical look. "Look, I've done this before. Last year, I had Esther's grimoire. I studied it cover to cover. Now I know more about breaking the sire link than any other witch."

Aya smiled fakely. "How lovely. But, as it is my life that depends on the completion of that spell, it will be my coven that verifies your work."

"Fine," Caitlin told her in annoyance. "Have them verify it."

They looked from Auria to Davina expectantly.

Auria didn't respond, looking away, clearly not liking having to work with the Strix in order to save Kol, Marcel and Caitlin.

"So, then, have you finished?" Aya asked.

"All we need is the binding agent," Auria told them.

"And what will that require?" Marcel asked.

Davina was clearly angling for something, trying her best to look natural and unafraid. "My spell is based off of the one that the Mikaelsons' mother used to make them vampires in the first place." She turned to look at all of the notes on parchment hanging from the clothesline. "She was an artist. She had her own unique way of doing things. If I'm gonna finish this spell, I need someone who knew her techniques..."

Noah immediately realized what Davina was implying, smirking in amusement. "Let me guess. Someone like... Kol Mikaelson?"

Davina turned to look at them, smirking in satisfaction, shrugging. "If you want the spells..."

"Tread carefully," Aya told them. "Every negotiation has a moment where the lesser party must submit. You are very quickly approaching yours."

"Let the sisters help us resurrect Kol," Davina told her. "He'll give us the missing ingredient, I promise. If not, you may never find it."

Aya sighed, glaring at them for a moment, walking over to a chest across the room, opening it, digging around inside for a moment, pulling out a magical artifact, walking toward them with it. 

It was what looked like a waxy severed hand clutching a tall black candle.

Auria looked at the magical object in surprise and recognition.

Aya smirked. "I assume you know what this is?"

"It's a Hand of Glory, a mystic candle," Auria explained. "When lit, it will let a witch open any window. Even one to the after world."

Caitlin realized what Aya was trying to do, frowning. "So, we can only see Kol until that creepy thing burns down to nothing, and then he's gone?"

"If you want Kol to remain permanently, make sure he gives us the information we need," Aya told them.

Marcel and Noah exchanged a look.

Auria took the Hand of Glory from Aya, glaring at her, turning to put it on the table next to Davina. They looked at each other, nodding.

Aya walked away, leaving.

Caitlin glared after her.


Jackson Square Market

(Song:) My Hotsy-Totsy Baby - The City of Los Angeles All Stars & Richard Geere feat. Corey Gemme 

Mikayla was sitting on a park bench, watching children play with mournfully, still deeply in grief.

Hayley appeared, sitting down next to Mikayla.

"Come to pay your respects?" Mikayla asked.

Hayley looked at Mikayla, smiling a small smile. "It's easy to speak well of Jackson. He was a good man." She looked at a baby tree sapling several feet in front of them. "Though it is a bit macabre, isn't it? Burying his heart under a sapling?"

Mikayla sighed. "At least I will have a place to visit him. I don't want to ever forget how much he loved me. How much I loved him."

Mikayla couldn't meet her eyes.

Hayley looked at Mikayla sympathetically. "I am so sorry."

Mikayla nodded. "Mm. Everybody's sorry. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference, does it?"

Hayley sighed. "Maybe not. I've heard time heals all wounds, but that's not my own experience. I wonder if keeping busy might help distract you from your grief."

Mikayla looked at Hayley, only a little curious. "You have something in mind?"

Hayley sighed. "Aurora's still at large, Mikayla. No doubt plotting her revenge. Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Freya, with the help of Marcel, Noah, Caitlin and Auria, are doing all they can to find her and take her down before she can use the white oak against them. I want to take you somewhere to work out your anger and grief for the day."

Mikayla looked at Hayley.

Hayley raised her eyebrows expectantly.

Mikayla thought for a moment, finally sighing reluctantly. "Fine."

Hayley seemed pleased. "Come on."

Hayley stood, turning to face Mikayla, offering her sister her hand.

Mikayla took it, standing.

Hayley walked along down the park path to leave.

Mikayla hesitated, taking one last look at the sapling where Jackson's heart was buried, reluctantly following Hayley.

(Song Ends)


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Davina and Auria were using a Hand of Glory to contact Kol. Caitlin stood next to them.

Marcel and Noah walked closer.

Davina sighed. "Let me guess. Aya needs something else done."

"Actually, we came to let you know we're on your side," Noah told them. "We always have been, and we always will be."

"Then maybe you can tell Aya to let me bring back Kol permanently," Davina told them.

Marcel sighed. "D, I hear you, but we need to talk priorities. Kol has been dead. He can stay dead a little while longer. But my life? Noah's life? Caitlin's, and Josh's lives? They could end at any minute."

Davina frowned, knowing that they were right, eventually nodding in agreement. "I know. Just please tell me you don't trust her."

"Of course we don't," Caitlin answered. "Neither do they. We had to talk about this a lot, before."

"Before you won on the game that made you queen of the Strix?" Auria asked.

"Says the queen of the witches," Caitlin replied.

Auria smiled. She looked at Davina. "I may not trust these vampires, but I do trust you, and I need you to trust me, okay? Aya's always gonna be playing her own game, just like everybody else in this town. But now, more than ever, we got to stick together. And when this is over, I will help you raise your pain in the ass boyfriend from the dead."

Davina smiled happily, excitedly.

Caitlin and Auria smiled at her reaction.

Davina wrapped her arms around Caitlin and Auria. Caitlin and Auria smiled, returning the embrace.

Marcel and Noah smiled at their interaction.


St. Louis Cathedral - Bell Tower 

Kassandra was here to find that Freya wasn't.

Klaus and Elijah walked in.

Kassandra handed the message that she had found from Aurora to Klaus.

Klaus read it in a mocking tone. "'A forest of pine, and a box made so fine. Come quickly. If not, then Freya will rot, buried for all time'."

Klaus slammed the letter down on the table.

"The woman is insane," Kassandra told them.

Elijah scoffed. "Does she have to punish us with the world's most unfortunate limerick?" He started to pace. "Is it not enough that we're forced to play her wretched games?"

"Freya saw a vision of herself buried alive," Kassandra told them.

"Aurora will do everything in her power to brig about this miserable prophecy," Elijah told them.

Klaus looked at them determinedly. "Let's go stop her, shall we?"

Kassandra grabbed a compass from the table.

Klaus, Elijah and Kassandra walked out together angrily.


Carpenter's Workshop 

Freya woke up on the couch of the shop, looking groggy and weak, and her vision was blurry, though she was able to see that Aurora was standing in front of her with her arms crossed over her chest. She shakily sat up, glaring at Aurora. "What did you do to me?"

"I used the same concoction on you that my brother crafted for my... episodes," Aurora answered. "It's rather effective, wouldn't you say?"

Freya stood, wobbling on her feet, holding up her hands to cast a spell. "A cierta--"

Nothing happened. Freya looked horrified as she collapsed back onto the couch.

Aurora giggled in amusement at her suffering. "Oh... Poor dear. To think, Freya, we could've been sisters. Unfortunately, I've spent enough time with witches to know that casting spells requires focus, and focus requires clarity of mind, something you don't currently have."

Freya stood, glaring at Aurora furiously, but she was not in condition to fight. "My brothers and sister will come for me."

"That's good," Aurora told her. "'Cause that's precisely what I'm counting on." She walked over to the table, picking up a shiny silver revolver pistol, aiming it at Freya. "The only question is... Will you still be alive when they get here?"

Freya scowled at Aurora.

Aurora pulled the trigger, shooting Freya in the stomach.

Freya gasped in pain and shock, falling to the floor.

Aurora smiled in satisfaction.


Bayou - Woods 

Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were in the woods of the bayou, making their way through.

Elijah was holding the compass in his hand.

Klaus was using his hybrid super senses to track Freya by scent.

They came upon the carpenter's workshop.

Elijah and Kassandra turned to face Klaus to see what he could sense.

"Freya's not in there," Klaus told them. "She was. I can smell her blood. But the stronger scent it due west."

Elijah paused to consider this for a moment. "You follow the trail. I'll track the cabin."

They prepared to split up.

Kassandra hesitated, turning to Klaus. "Nik... whatever happens, you promise me..."

Klaus nodded in understanding. "Aurora dies today."

Elijah walked into the cabin.

Klaus and Kassandra walked west to try to find Freya.


Carpenter's Workshop 

Elijah walked through the front door, looking around the room for any sign of Aurora or Freya. 

On the carpenter's table was one single white-oak bullet laying on top of the carpenter's sketches and diagrams of the wooden knight, which he had used to ensure he could create as many bullets as possible from the small amount of white oak.



It was slightly foggy in the morning air.

Klaus and Kassandra stopped walking, looking at many freshly dug graves in front of them.

In the dug-up earth were several fresh lavender plants.

Klaus and Kassandra were horrified with this, not knowing which one she was in.



Freya was in her grave. She gasped awake. The blue stone pendant on the soul catcher around her neck glowed brightly. She grabbed it to use to look around where she was. She had been buried in a wooden coffin, and her black tank top had ridden up her stomach to reveal the bleeding gunshot wound ha Aurora inflicted on her earlier. She touched her wound, whimpering in pain, pulling her hand away to see that it had been covered in blood.


Carpenter's Workshop 

Elijah was still looking at all of the sketches on the table.

Aurora walked out from the backroom, aiming her revolver at his head. 

Elijah sensed her presence, sighing. "Aurora."

Elijah turned to face her.

Aurora smirked smugly. "Modern weaponry for the modern woman. With a little bit of flair, of course. I couldn't help myself. It's pretty, no?"

Elijah sneered at her with a disgusted expression. "Pretty vulgar. Theatrical and tasteless as ever. Where's Freya?"

Aurora rolled her eyes, keeping her gun aimed at him. "Oh, Elijah... You remain a stick in the mud. And it seems your darling sister takes after you. She's stuck in the mud, too. Somewhere out there, busy as a little bee, dying. If not already dead."



Klaus and Kassandra were digging up separate graves to not waste time.

Each wrong grave they had dug up, with pine boxes with "guess again" on the inside lids.


Freya's Grave 

Freya was trying her best to slow her breathing, trying to figure out how t save herself. She clutched onto the soul catcher, whispering under her breath. "Finn... I need your help."

The stone in the soul catcher glowed even brighter. Blood from Freya's gunshot wound raised in droplets above Freya, pushing itself through the lid of the coffin and into the soil above her.



The blood was straining the lavender flowers planted above Freya's grave so that Klaus and Kassandra could more easily track her.

Kassandra looked around, furiously worried and horrified, desperate to find Freya in time. She caught sight of the blood staining the lavender flowers over her grave. "Freya." Klaus looked at Kassandra in confusion. Kassandra rushed toward the correct grave. "Freya!"

Klaus rushed closer. "Are you sure?"

They looked at the blood staining the lavender flowers planted above the grave, looking at each other hopefully.

"Positive," Kassandra answered. 

Both of them started to dig up Freya's grave.


Carpenter's Workshop 

Elijah and Aurora were facing off.

Elijah walked toward her.

Aurora used her free hand to steady her aim so that the gun was aimed at his heart.

Elijah gave her a patronizing look. "Legions of deadly enemies have fallen by my family's hand. What makes you think you stand a chance?"

Aurora chuckled softly. "You actually believe in your own myth you and your siblings created. Nothing lasts always and forever, and certainly not you."

"So what are we waiting for?" Elijah asked, thinking for a moment, realizing her plan. Aurora saw that he figured it out, smirking nervously, keeping her aim steady. "Niklaus and Kassandra."

"I'm not here to kill them," Aurora told him. "I'm only waiting for them to arrive..." She cocked the gun in preparation to shoot Elijah. "So they can watch you die."

Elijah sneered at Aurora angrily.


St. Anne's Church 

Hayley led Mikayla into St. Anne's Church, that now was the gym, taking off her jacket, tossing it onto the nearby bench press.

"So this is your distraction?" Mikayla asked skeptically.

"There is a fight coming, Mikayla," Hayley told her. "That's what the prophecy says. And the Mikaelsons aren't the only ones in danger. I am, too, and so are you. So is Hope. And I know that you need some more time to grieve and try to find a way to move on with your life. But that's what multitasking is for. I'm going to be there for you, wherever and whenever you need me. But I need you to be there for me, too. And not just me. Hope. Kassandra. Elijah. Freya. Hell, even Klaus."

Mikayla sighed heavily, nodding in understanding agreement. "I know. And I'm sorry that I haven't been up to my best self here recently."

"You have every right not to be," Hayley told her. "But I'm just trying to help you get started on being yourself again. The hybrid Alpha, the caring queen of the wolves and the amazing aunt you are to Hope. And even if you are a widow now, that doesn't change how much you care. It just goes to show how much you really do. I care about you, Mikayla. And that's why I hate seeing you in so much pain. I'm just hoping that this will help you through it, even if it's just for a few hours."

Mikayla slowly started to nod. "Okay. Hayley, what's first on the agenda?"

"I know that Jackson brought you here after we were just getting used to not being wolves," Hayley told her. "And I know that it hurts to be here again, but I also know that this is probably the only place you can start being yourself again. So, we're gonna get in that ring, and you're gonna fight me."

Hayley walked over to where the equipment was held.

Mikayla watched Hayley for a moment, knowing that she was right, taking off her jacket, putting it on the bench press next to Hayley's.


Bayou - Woods 

Klaus and Kassandra had finished digging up Freya's grave, pulling out her coffin out of the ground carefully, opening the lid. 

Freya was inside with the gunshot in her stomach. 

Kassandra sighed in relief. "Freya!" Freya looked at them in relief, in pain, coughing up blood. Kassandra wrapped an arm around Freya's shoulders, helping her sit up. "Shh. It's okay. We found you."

Klaus lifted Freya out of the coffin carefully as to not hurt her worse. "You're going to be okay."

Freya looked at them in relief and surprise, trying to catch her breath.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Davina, Auria, Marcel, Noah and Caitlin were still in the pool room.

Davina and Auria had lit all of the white candles, standing next to a large stone basin, in which the Hand of Glory was resting, surrounded by other spell ingredients. They raised their hands to cast the spell to light the Hand of Glory. "Le me te ti kli calore. Le me te ti kli calore. Le me te ti kli calore." 

Marcel, Noah and Caitlin watched in curiosity. 

The wick of the Hand of Glory burst into flames. 

Kol could be heard groaning in pain as he materialized inside the magic circle. 

They frowned in confusion. 

Davina looked worried, walking quickly toward Kol to greet him. "Are you okay?"

Kol smiled in relief at the sight of her. "Well, it seems I'm not as popular in the afterlife as I am with you." He looked around the room, looking at Davina in concern. "And as happy as I am to see you, Davina Claire, I... I truly wish you didn't join this particular coven."

"They're a means to an end," Davina told him.

"You can say that again," Auria told her.

Davina looked at Auria, smiling.

"Hello, again, Auria, Marcel, Noah," Kol told them. "And if it isn't Caitlin Harris. Saw the show when you took the Strix for yourself. Quite amazing, for a human such as yourself." 

Caitlin smirked, shaking her head. "I'm only doing this because if Davina wants out of the coven, then I'm letting her out, instead of their do or die policy, and to help your family."

Kol nodded. "Understandable, but a lot of bad can happen even with the best of intentions."

"You barely know me, but you sound worried," Caitlin told him.

"Perhaps I'm just worried about Davina losing her best friend to the very organization she pledged her allegiance to," Kol told her.

Marcel and Noah rolled their eyes.

Caitlin, Davina and Auria weren't completely convinced, amused. "Right."

Aya walked in, looking at Marcel, Noah, Auria and Caitlin. "I didn't know you and Kol Mikaelson were friends." 

"Oh, believe me, we're not," Marcel told her.

"More like frenemies," Noah told them.

Caitlin smiled.

Aya looked at Davina. "And he's a bit old for you, isn't he? By a good millennium, I'd say." She looked at Kol. "Nevertheless, we're in a bit of a hurry."

Kol looked at Aya in annoyance, smiling coldly. "Aya. I thought someone would've killed you by now."

Caitlin nodded.

Noah saw, smiling at her reaction.

Aya hadn't noticed, still looking at Kol, smirking. "Some of us are more durable than others." Auria rolled her eyes. "Speaking of, you're very welcome to remain a ghost, unless you prove useful to my cause."

Kol was surprised by this remark, looking at the others worriedly.

"The de-siring and the de-linking spell Davina was working on last year," Auria explained. Kol looked worried and horrified when he realized what was really going on. "Your mother told you to kill it or to kill Davina. If she was worried, then she must have been close, and you must have known how close. Which means you know how to finish it."

Kol was stunned by what they were asking of him.

Davina gave him a pleading, apologetic look.

Auria gave him a look to communicate that this wasn't something they were happy about, either.

Aya looked at Kol. "In other words, you will provide the missing ingredient. The binding agent. Now."

"I'd forgotten how cuddly you are," Kol told her sarcastically. "If you want me to talk, fine." He pointed at Davina and Auria. "But I'm only talking to them." Davina couldn't help but smile at his stubbornness. Marcel, Noah and Caitlin smirked. Aya glared at Kol. Kol shrugged. "I can wait."

Aya didn't make a move to leave, glaring at Kol.

Auria looked at Caitlin for help.

Caitlin looked at Aya. "It's only fair, being that he's the only one who knows the binding agent, and that this is the reason why he's been summoned to the living world. Kol trusts Davina and Auria. He does not trust you." Aya looked at Caitlin coldly, obviously not liking been told what to do. "He's not gonna talk with you here, and you can either leave with us or stay here and waste time until that candle on the Hand of Glory goes out, by which time Kol will be gone. And then you won't have the answer that you so desperately need. So, what's it gonna be?"

Aya was clearly not amused and not liking this, sighing, giving in, walking out, leaving.

Davina and Kol were smug.

Marcel, Noah and Auria looked at Caitlin in surprise, impressed.

Caitlin smirked smugly, turning to leave.


Carpenter's Workshop 

Aurora still had Elijah at gunpoint, but the angry look on her face told Elijah everything he needed to know about her motivations.

Elijah smirked. "You do realize that you're utterly insane? Niklaus can be resilient, but there's only so much madness even he can take." Aurora's confident smile fell. She was visibly hurt by his words, so much that the gun in her hand lowered slightly, pointing at Elijah's legs rather than his chest. "I suppose, eventually, he was able to distinguish between real love and some... petty desire. Once he'd discarded you, the veil was lifted and all that remained was something quite pathetic."

Elijah bared his teeth, lunging for Aurora to take the gun.

Aurora held the barrel of the gun right against his heart to keep him back, turning furious. "The veil is lifted, all right. Love is nothing but a trap. The one truth you speak, the one thing that I agree with entirely. Only the love of family is unbreakable." Her voice started to waver when she thought of Tristan. "It is the only love worth fighting for. And my beloved brother, Tristan, suffers in a box, drowning over and over again, unable to die." She walked closer to Elijah with the gun pointed at his chest, making him back away until his back was against the wall. "So I will end his suffering by ending you." She pushed the gun against his chest even harder. "His sire. And the look on Niklaus and Kassandra's faces as a white oak bullet pierces your heart and takes your life... will be the salve for my own broken heart."

Klaus and Kassandra burst into the workshop, having Freya's arms over their shoulders, helping her walk in.

Aurora was so startled by the entrance she spun so that her gun was still aimed at Elijah's chest, but Elijah was now standing between Aurora and the other three siblings. She backed away from Elijah, still aiming her gun at him.

Kassandra glared at Aurora furiously. "Stop this."

"Why?" Aurora asked. "One brother's life to end another brother's torment. It's almost poetic."

"The bullets..." Elijah trailed off. "They're white oak."

Klaus and Kassandra looked at Aurora furiously.

Freya looked at them in concern.

Klaus let go of Freya.

Kassandra kept Freya standing with her, holding her protectively.

Klaus walked toward Aurora in an attempt to talk her down. "We both know you're not going to pull the trigger."

"Yet again, you're wrong," Aurora told him, going to pull the trigger of her gun.

Freya managed to flick her wrist, using her telekinesis to force her to miss Elijah.

However, the bullet ricocheted off the wall, hitting Freya in the stomach, making her groan a scream of pain.

Kassandra held Freya from falling.

Aurora rushed out of the cabin.

Klaus looked at Kassandra. "Tend to Freya. I have to murder my ex."

Klaus rushed out to chase Aurora down.

Kassandra looked at Elijah. "Go. He needs help." Elijah hesitated, looking at the worse state for Freya. "Elijah, go. I got her."

Elijah nodded, rushing out of the cabin.

Freya and Kassandra looked at each other in concern.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Davina, Kol and Auria were alone.

Auria walked over to the Hand of Glory, which had burned down slightly in the time since it had been been lit. She looked up at the notes hanging from the wall, pulling down a page, thinking it may have been important. 

Kol was kneeling inside the magic circle, watching Davina and Auria. "Esther Mikaelson was two things, a genius witch and an overprotective matriarch. The sire link is a facet of her most powerful spell used to protect those she loved most. The link between Marcel Gerard and Caitlin Harris was forged by twelve dead witches from a singular bloodline that is now extinct. And, as such..." He sighed, standing, looking at them in concern. "They're impossible to break."

Davina turned to face Kol, giving him a frustrated and knowing look. "You know, I can tell when you're lying to me, no matter what face you wear." Kol didn't respond. Davina looked at him in confusion. "Don't you get it? If we break the link between the sirelines, and the link between Marcel and Caitlin, we can use the power of the sisters to bring you back. And we can finally be together. Why won't you just tell us?"

Kol sighed. "Because, darling, I guarantee you won't like the answers."

"Fine," Auria told him. "At least we know it's not impossible."

Davina and Auria turned to examine their notes.

Kol looked at them pleadingly. "Please don't do this."


Meeting Room 

Caitlin, Marcel, Noah and Aya were now downstairs with Marcel and the sisters.

The sisters were sitting around a table, preparing for a spell. Aya stood next to them.

Caitlin, Marcel and Noah watched from a little distance away.

"Kol's linked to that candle," Aya told them. "So, whatever our three obstinate witches say, our loyal witches will be able to hear it. They had better finish it."

One of the sisters looked as if she had entered a trance, starting to write on a piece of paper with a pen what she was hearing from Kol, Auria and Davina.

Caitlin and Noah leaned closer to watch while she wrote so they could see what they were hearing.


Pool Room 

Davina, Auria and Kol were talking.

Davina and Auria were brainstorming aloud to try to figure out what Kol wasn't telling them, much to his chagrin.

"Esther cast the spell," Davina told him. "You died with vampire blood in your system, came back, fed. Then you were vampires." 

Auria sighed in frustration. "Davina, there had been no vampires before them, okay? They didn't die with vampire blood in their system, they died with the Doppelganger Luna's blood in their system which turned them. And if I'm not mistaken, Luna was a Doppelganger of Rosalita."

"Thank you very much for correcting that, Auria," Kol told her. "And yes, you're right, Luna was Rosalita's Doppelganger. One of them, at least."

Auria sighed. "So... the core of the sire link has to be blood. If there's a loophole, it's blood-related. There's always a loophole."

Kol bit his lip nervously, continuing to try to convince her to give up on this plan. "Not just blood-related. For it to work, someone has to die. So please, stop."

Auria was getting nervous, not wanting to play along to this plan. "Stop. He's right."

Davina ignored them, still brainstorming. "The spell centers around blood, but just taking someone's blood wouldn't kill them. You need their heart."

Kol sighed. "Look, I understand you want to bring me back, and that you want to save Marcel and Caitlin for Auria and Noah and because the four of you are like family, but this is a devil's bargain."

Davina went on as if he hadn't spoken. "It has to be more complicated than that. It can't just be any old vampire, the heart has to be special. Do you need a heart outside the link?" Auria looked horrified when she realized who needed to die. "An unsired heart."

"Damn it, Davina," Auria told her in frustration, starting to pace.

Davina worked out the rest of the details. "In one thousand years, there hasn't been a vampire born outside a line. Un... til..."

Davina realized who needed to die, just like Auria, horrified.

Kol gave them a significant look.


Meeting Room 

The witches and the others were still gathered.

Caitlin and Noah had been reading the entire conversation, realizing what Davina and Auria had, horrified, backing away.

Aya saw their reaction, rushing to grab the piece of paper to read before they could stop her.

Marcel was confused and concerned about their reaction. "What do they say?"

"The missing ingredient is the heart of an unsired vampire," Aya answered. Marcel looked horrified when he realized who they were talking about. Aya seemed to put the puzzle piece together at the same time. "Hayley Marshall and her sister Mikayla Labonair-Kenner were turned by the magic infused in Hope Mikaelson's blood."

Noah scoffed. "Oh, hell no."

"Not by another vampire," Aya told them. "If we go after Hayley and kill the mother of Klaus Mikaelson's child, he'll kill us all."

"And he'll kill us all if you kill the aunt of his child, too," Noah told her. "If you go after Mikayla, Kassandra Mikaelson will tear you apart."

"Look, you're not going after Hayley or Mikayla," Caitlin told her, taking out a dark object.

The sisters used magic to take the dark object away from Caitlin.

Aya rushed toward Caitlin, hitting her head against the table hard enough to make her fall unconscious, therefore, Marcel fell unconscious with her, rushing toward Noah to snap his neck and let him fall unconscious. She looked at the sisters. "Locate the Labonair sisters. Now."


Carpenter's Workshop 

Kassandra placed Freya on the couch.

Freya was groaning in agony.

"It's okay," Kassandra told her. "It's okay."

Freya gasped for breath. "Kassandra... the bullets... they're still..."

Kassandra knew what she meant, looking at Freya regretfully. "This is going to hurt like hell."

Kassandra reached into Freya's gunshot wounds, making her scream, flinching at the sound, feeling around inside until she found the two white oak bullets, pulling them out of her stomach.

Freya gasped in pain relief.

Kassandra put the two bloodstained bullets on the table next to them, biting her wrist, propping Freya up against her shoulder to help her sit up, offering her her bleeding wrist.

Freya took Kassandra's wrist in her hands, feeding on her blood to allow herself to heal.

Kassandra sighed in relief, holding Freya close.


Bayou - Woods 

Klaus had just rushed into the woods of the bayou, calling out to Aurora, who seemed to be hiding nearby. "You were right to run. What I'm going to do to you will redefine the word 'sadistic'."

Aurora rushed closer from several yards behind him.

Klaus turned to face her.

Aurora aimed her gun at Klaus, pulling the trigger, shooting him in the shoulder.

Klaus groaned in pain, angry.

Aurora walked closer, still aiming her gun at Klaus. "It was such a beautifully carved little knight. I could tell the effort you put into it. Since you have such an appreciation for chess... Queen takes King."

Klaus pulled a NO TRESPASSING sign off of the nearby barbed wire fence, throwing it at Aurora with vampire speed, where it stabbed her in the side.

Aurora doubled over, screaming in pain.

Klaus rushed away.

Aurora pulled the sign out of her torso, tossing it down, turning around to look for Klaus, but he was nowhere to be seen.


St. Anne's Church 

Hayley and Mikayla were in the cage, fighting. Hayley tried to punch her. Mikayla blocked the move. Hayley tried to punch her again. Mikayla blocked the move. Hayley kicked her in the stomach. Mikayla spun around to backhand punch Hayley in the face, trying to punch her again. Hayley caught her arm, twisting it around, spinning around underneath it to flip her to the floor. Mikayla rushed to stand, kicking Hayley in the face, making her fall into the cage wall. Hayley rushed toward her, trying to punch her. Mikayla blocked the both, spinning around to backhand punch her in the face. Hayley tried to punch her. Mikayla ducked, leg sweeping her legs out from under her, making her fall to the floor. They both stood. Mikayla tried to punch Hayley. Hayley ducked, spinning to kick her back into the cage wall.

They looked at each other for a moment, thinking about sparring some more, but didn't, smiling small smiles.

Hayley chuckled. "Come here." She pulled Mikayla into her arms. Mikayla wrapped her arms around her. "I told you that this is what you needed." They pulled away. Mikayla smiled a little more convincingly. Hayley gasped teasingly, smiling. "It's been a while since I've seen that smile. Almost forgot what it looked like."

As she had planned, that got an actual smile out of Mikayla. "Shut up." Hayley and Mikayla chuckled. Mikayla's phone rang. She walked toward it, picking it up, seeing that it was Caitlin calling, answering it. "Caitlin?"

Caitlin had just woken up in the Davilla Estate, alone, walking through the hallway toward the pool room. "Mikayla, you have to listen to me. Aya's witches are coming to kill you."

"What?" Mikayla asked.

The doors to the gym opened.

The Strix's witches walked in in a single-file line.

Hayley and Mikayla looked at them in shock.

"Mikayla, what's going on?" Hayley asked.

Witch 1 thrust her hands out in front of her, using magic to push Hayley and Mikayla backward so hard that the back wall of the ring was completely torn down, both of them landing on what used to be the sacristy, groaning in pain. Witch 1 repeated the movement, using magic to throw the sisters against the back wall of the church until they bounced off onto the floor.

Hayley and Mikayla looked up angrily, transforming, trying to stand.

Witch 1 pushed her palms downward to magically pin Hayley and Mikayla face down to the floor.

Mikayla looked at the broken wood that Hayley and she had broken during their fall, grabbing a piece of it, using vampire speed and strength to throw toward Witch 1, hitting her in the stomach hard enough to make her fall to the floor, distracting her enough to make her spell release them.

Hayley and Mikayla both stood.

The other witches ran closer.

Mikayla kicked Witch 2 in the stomach hard, making her fall.

Hayley grabbed some jump ropes from the wall, using to strangle Witch 3, pulling on them hard enough to snap her neck, letting her body fall.

Hayley and Mikayla looked at each other, facing the two other witches, rushing toward them.

The witches used magic to cast a pain infliction spell on both Hayley and Mikayla, making them stop, hold their heads in pain and scream. They started to use magic to break their bones one at a time, making them scream even louder. They started to use their magic to try to rip their hearts out, making blood gather in the front of their shirts, making them fall to their knees and scream in agony.


Bayou - Woods 

Aurora was still slowly walking around with her gun aimed in front of her, trying to find Klaus. She heard the sound of twigs breaking underfoot, turning just in time for Klaus to rush toward her. Klaus broke Aurora's wrist, making her drop her revolver. Aurora kicked and punched Klaus in the stomach, spinning to try to find the gun, only to see nothing but dirt and fallen leaves around her. She looked toward Klaus.

Klaus was holding the gun, aiming it at Aurora, cocking the gun, giving her a smug look. "Looking for this? White oak seems wasted on you." Aurora slowly rose so that she was kneeling upright on the ground with her hands in the air. "But it will kill you, just the same."

Aurora looked at him pleadingly. "Nik, please."

Klaus walked closer angrily. "You never should've come back."

"You never should've left me," Aurora told him, pushing the gun out of his hand at vampire speed, karate-chopping him in the leg so hard that his knee nearly buckled, making him lose balance. Klaus recovered, rushing toward Aurora. Aurora once again had the gun, aiming it at him, making him stop. "I'm sorry."

Elijah appeared behind Klaus, joining his brother in glaring at Aurora. "Put it down."

Aurora quickly raised the gun so it was aimed at Elijah, pulling the trigger, hitting him in the lower part of his chest. The white oak barely pierced his heart, making him fall to the ground.

Klaus turned toward Elijah in horror and shock.

Aurora realized that she would surely be killed if she stuck around, rushing away before Klaus could retaliate.

Klaus had no choice but rush toward Elijah to save him.

Elijah looked at his chest in horror, seeing the large amount of blood soaking his shirt from where he had been hit.


St. Anne's Church 

The two remaining witches held their hands toward Hayley and Mikayla, using magic to break their bones and trying to tear their hearts out, making them scream in agony.

Mikayla pushed through it, using all of her energy and strength to stand and step toward them.

They simply increased the potency of their spell.

Mikayla fell to her knees again, screaming in agony.

Hayley screamed in agony as they caused her more pain as well.

Mikayla looked at the witches, furious at their attempt to kill both of them. "You want a heart? Use mine. Not Hayley's. Mine! Come and get it!"

Hayley looked at Mikayla in concern.

The witches continued to break their bones and try to tear their hearts out to cause them debilitating pain, making them scream in agony.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Kol, Auria and Davina were still here.

Caitlin ran inside.

Auria looked at Caitlin worriedly. "What's happening?"

"The sisters already found Hayley and Mikayla, and Aya's with them," Caitlin answered. "We have to help them."

"We'll never make it there in time," Auria told them.

"I know," Caitlin told them. "Marcel and Noah already took off to stop Aya, but you and I have to stop the sisters."

"How can we stop them from here?" Davina asked.

"The same way Aya took out Marcel and me," Caitlin answered.

Kol realized what Caitlin meant, looking at Davina. "For better or worse, you're linked to this nasty little coven."

"Which means if I take you down..." Caitlin trailed off.

Davina nodded in understanding, walking toward Caitlin. "The sisters go down, too. Do it."

Caitlin looked at Kol sadly. "I'm sorry. I know that you don't have much time left here until that candle goes out, and I know that you want to spend it with Davina..."

"But you have to stop them from killing Hayley and Mikayla one way or another," Kol finished. "She'll make it up to me. Won't you?"

Davina nodded sadly.

Caitlin sighed, turning to Davina, taking out the powder that she had used to take out three of the Strix at the same time that night she had gotten the charter in 3.12 Dead Angels, blowing it over Davina.

The magical powder made Davina fall unconscious instantly.

Auria caught Davina before she fell, slowly lowering her to the floor in front of the magic circle that held Kol, looking up at Kol and Caitlin sadly.

Kol managed a small smile. "Definitely the worst date ever." 

Auria barely chuckled.


St. Anne's Church 

The final two witches were forced to stop their spell when they were suddenly affected by the link to Davina, collapsing to the floor, unconscious.

Hayley and Mikayla gasped in relief, trying to catch their breath. 


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Auria and Kol were kneeling next to Davina, on either side of the barrier created by the Hand of Glory.

Caitlin sighed, turning to leave. 

"Where are you going?" Auria asked.

Caitlin turned back. "To make sure that when Marcel and Noah stop Aya, they won't go after Hayley or Mikayla again. There's another way, even if it's gonna kill Mikayla and me to do this."

Auria frowned in concern.

Caitlin turned around, walking out, leaving.


Bayou - Woods 

Klaus had just plunged his hand into Elijah's chest to determine where the bullet had hit him, making him groan in agony. "The bullet didn't puncture your heart."

Elijah desperately gasped for breath, trying to speak to his brother through the pain. "Leave... me... and finish her."

"It gets closer with every beat," Klaus told him, pulling his hand out of Elijah's chest. Elijah gasped in minute relief. "I have to stop it."

Elijah frantically grabbed Klaus by the arm. "No. No! We made a promise, to each other and to Kassandra. Don't do this."

"I am not going to leave you," Klaus told him.

Elijah groaned in pain as the bullet traveled closer to his heart.

Klaus was at a loss for options, snapping Elijah's neck to stop his heart and therefore the bullet as well. He pushed his hand into Elijah's chest to retrieve the bullet without risking his life. He finally got the bullet out, sighing in relief when he heard Elijah's heartbeat return.


St. Anne's Church 

Hayley and Mikayla were still recovering from the witches' attack, standing, looking at the two witches that had fainted in confusion, but not caring what had happened to them during the spell because they had failed to kill them.

Aya walked in.

Mikayla rolled her eyes. "I thought I smelled arrogance."

Aya smiled smugly. "I think you meat confidence. But I can understand how the uneducated are apt to confused the two."

"Yeah?" Hayley asked. "You want to tell us what your dead-eyed drones want with our hearts?"

"We only need one, really," Aya told them. "It's just that we know one of you will retaliate if we kill the other, so we need to kill both of you to stop the revenge. It's nothing personal. I just value my life above both of yours."

Aya rolled up her sleeves, lunging toward Hayley to rip her heart out. Hayley spun away from her and dodge her attack just in time. Aya spun after her, grabbing Hayley's neck, snapping it, letting her fall.

Mikayla picked up a metal hand weight, backhand punching Aya across the face twice with it, trying to hit her again. Aya caught it, using it to spin Mikayla around, managing to grab her throat, turning to slam her against the wall, punching her hand into her chest, gripping her heart, making her gasp in pain.

Marcel and Noah rushed toward them, both of them gripping Aya's wrist so hard they broke it, making her let go of Mikayla's heart before she could rip it out, pushing Aya away from Mikayla, standing between them in a defensive position.

Noah smirked sarcastically. "Aya, you take her heart, you start a war."

Aya got into a defensive position. "Don't let your association with werewolf trash cloud the opportunity before you."

Aya rushed toward Mikayla, trying to punch her. Mikayla ducked, rushing around behind her. Noah grabbed a nearby bench press bar, slamming it against the middle of Aya's back with all the strength he had, breaking her back and making her fall to the floor, away from Mikayla.

Marcel rushed toward Aya, pushing her against the wall.

"The Mikaelsons will kill us before you can even light the candles on that spell," Noah told her.

Aya was unable to fight back at the moment because the way Noah had broken her back would have paralyzed her until she would heal. "There is no alternative."

"You're wrong," Marcel told her. "Give us a few hours to set this thing straight."

"Or push us out of the way and condemn yourself and everyone else in the Strix a slow and painful death," Noah told her. "Kassandra will tear us all apart if you even touch Mikayla again."

Marcel sighed. "We want to be de-linked just as much as you do. Give us the chance to do it the right way."

Aya was clearly not pleased by Noah and Marcel's argument, but knowing they were right, eventually stopped fighting, pushing Marcel away from her once she was healed enough to stand on her own.

Noah used the bench press bar to point at Aya to keep her away from Mikayla.

Aya didn't make a move to fight, looking between Noah and Marcel. "Bring me a solution by midnight, or I will rip out your hearts right before I come back and take hers."

Aya looked at Mikayla to clarify who she was talking about.

Mikayla glared at Aya angrily.

Aya rushed out, leaving.

Noah tossed the bench press bar to the floor.

Mikayla caught the bar before it landed on the floor, using it to point at Marcel and Noah. "You want to tell me what the hell is going on here?"

Noah nodded. "Lower the bar, and we'll tell you everything we know."

Mikayla sighed, hesitating, lowering the bar, sighing heavily, trying to catch her breath from nearly being killed.


Night - Abattoir Compound - Courtyard 

Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah, Hayley and Mikayla were talking.

Mikayla was telling them what Noah and Marcel had told her. "The attack was about breaking the sire link. Noah and Marcel told me that Aya's witches already have a spell to do it."

"And how does either of your hearts play into all of this?" Kassandra asked.

"Hayley and I are the only un-sired vampires in history," Mikayla answered. "Apparently, that's the key to making it work."

"And yet, Auria, Caitlin, Noah and Marcel neglected to mention it this morning," Klaus told them.

"That's because they didn't know about that until right before all of this happened today," Mikayla explained.

Hayley gave Klaus a look. "Hey. Ease up. They saved Mikayla."

Elijah looked at Hayley and Mikayla worriedly. "But the Strix might yet come for one or both of you."

"Let them," Hayley told them. "We're not easy targets. They'd be better off trying to find some witchy workaround."

Elijah looked at Klaus and Kassandra.

Kassandra realized another way that they could do the spell without killing Hayley or Mikayla, looking at Mikayla in concern. "Unless they already have."

Mikayla realized what she meant. "They need Hayley's heart, or mine. Or one that's identical to mine."

Elijah realized what they already had. "Jackson."

Mikayla closed her eyes, sighing deeply. "The Unification Ceremony didn't just marry us. It also made his heart a mirror image of mine."

Kassandra, Klaus and Elijah exchanged a significant look.

Klaus was the one that made the tactless suggestion. "We need to dig it up."

Klaus stood.

Mikayla gave him an exasperated look. "Klaus."

"Aurora's bullet very nearly killed Elijah," Klaus told them. "When she returns, and she will, I would prefer the vampires of New Orleans be obligated to protect us. They'll be more likely to do so if our lives remain linked to theirs."

Klaus walked away.

Kassandra, Elijah and Hayley looked at Mikayla sympathetically, not fond of the idea, but knowing that it had to be done.

"Niklaus is right, Mikayla," Elijah told her. "The sire-link has to remain unbroken. We have to go."

Mikayla sighed unhappily in defeat.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room

(Song:) I Will Love You - Gin Wigmore 

Davina had just awakened on the floor of the pool room to find Kol sitting inside the magic circle, watching her. She sat up, glancing over at the Hand of Glory, which had burned down nearly to the very end. Davina looked devastated when she realized that their reunion was about to end. "We've wasted so much time."

"Hardly," Kol told her. "Now, watching you sleep has been the most fun I've had in months."

"I'll bring you back soon, and I'll be able to break the link between Caitlin and Marcel," Davina told him. "She promised."

Kol smiled sadly. "I appreciate you trying. But Aya never keeps her promises. And when she does, she doesn't tell you the full story. Like, to break the link between your friends, Caitlin has to die." Davina looked horrified and fearful. "She has to turn into a vampire, and they both might die in the process, without the option to come back. Seriously, darling. Losing them both is not worth the risk. And you have to let me go. The longer you stay in this coven, the more dangerous it becomes for you."

"Then I'll bring you back and we'll take them on together," Davina told him. "We can do anything, can't we? Please? I love you, Kol Mikaelson."

Kol looked at the candle sadly, looking at Davina, smiling somberly. "In that case... you best kiss me before I go."

Davina smiled weakly, kissing Kol softly, just as the candle blew out, and Kol was transported back to the Ancestral Limbo. She realized that Kol was gone for now, tears in her eyes.


Jackson Square Park 

Mikayla took Klaus, Kassandra, Elijah and Hayley to Jackson Square Park to where she had buried Jackson's heart underneath the sapling, kneeling in front of the tree, but Jackson's heart had already been stolen by someone else. She was devastated. "Who would steal his heart?" She stood, her voice thick with grief and emotion. "It was the only piece of Jackson that I had left."

Hayley slowly walked toward Mikayla to comfort her, gently rubbing her back.

"We'll find who did this," Kassandra told her.

"And return the favor tenfold," Klaus told her.

"You have our word, Mikayla," Elijah told her.

Mikayla sighed, looking at Klaus, Elijah, Kassandra and Hayley sadly.

Hayley and Mikayla looked at the dug up hole where Jackson's heart had used to be.

(Song Ends)


Davilla Estate - Meeting Room 

Marcel, Noah, Caitlin, Auria and Davina were meeting with Aya at the table.

Caitlin slid a wooden back with a tree carved into it across the table toward Aya.

Aya opened it, scoffing, looking up at Caitlin. "This is your solution, Caitlin? The heart of a dead werewolf?"

"Well, not just any werewolf," Caitlin told her. "Mikayla's husband." Aya shook her head as if to say, and your point is? Caitlin rolled her eyes. "I was at her wedding. His heart became one with hers. Ask Auria."

Caitlin gestured Auria.

Auria nodded seriously. "She's right."

"I wouldn't be here if it wasn't gonna work," Davina told her.

Aya looked at Caitlin. "I assume the grieving widow didn't just hand it over. Pray tell, how did you procure this little gem?"

"This is Noah and Marcel's city," Caitlin told her. "Nothing happens in it without them knowing. And since Marcel is the overprotective daddy figure that I'm linked to, and Noah is the overprotective boyfriend that taught me most of what I know, I attend all of their vampire meetings so that they can keep an eye on me. I learn everything about this city that they do." Aya stood, picking up the wooden box, walking toward Auria to hand it to her, but she didn't look very impressed. "You're welcome."

"You did prove yourself quite the creative leader today," Marcel told her. 

Noah looked at Aya significantly. "Considering that Caitlin just found a way to keep everyone in this organization alive, including you and your witches."

Aya looked at Caitlin, sighing reluctantly, nodding in agreement.

"I want to be free of the Mikaelsons just as much as you do," Caitlin told her. "Just to be clear, I hate doing what I had to do to Mikayla, and the pain that this will cause her, because she's my friend, and she's helped me in ways that you haven't. It'll give me a few sleepless nights knowing that she's in pain that I can't even imagine. But I'm making the hard decision to get this done. And I know that getting this spell done is the only way you'll let your witches help Auria and Davina with the spell that unlinks me from Marcel once and for all. Get in the way of that again, and I will be just as creative in finding a way to kill you."

Marcel, Noah, Auria and Davina were surprised and impressed.

Aya smiled. "Don't be cross, Caitlin Harris. You're finally starting to learn. Commitment to a common goal is as strong as a bond as family."

Aya gave Caitlin an almost appreciative look, turning around, walking away, leaving.

Caitlin sighed, turning to face Marcel, Noah, Auria and Davina, unhappy and guilty for what she did and because whatever Mikayla was feeling after she found out that her husband's heart wasn't where she had left it was because of her.


Abattoir Compound - Klaus' Study 

Freya and Klaus were speaking in Klaus' study.

Klaus was sitting at his desk, whittling a new chess piece out of a soft piece of wood.

"Practicing your torture techniques, Niklaus?" Freya asked curiously.

"Clearing my mind," Klaus answered. "Some children cuddle with a blanket. Mine loves her chess piece."

Klaus held up the piece of wood to show her the new wooden knight he had been carving.

Freya smiled. "Aren't you full of surprises?"

Klaus set the wood and chisel on the table, looking at Freya knowingly. "You're surprised I came for you." Freya looked slightly embarrassed. Klaus stood, holding her shoulders, meeting her gaze seriously. "You are my sister, Freya. And you are part of this family. Always and forever."

Freya smiled in relief.

Elijah and Kassandra walked in, smiling affectionately.

Kassandra chuckled. "Do you know... I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I wholeheartedly agree with Nik."

Elijah walked over to the bar to pour all of them a drink.

Freya looked at Kassandra. "Thank you. For staying behind and healing me. For taking care of me. I know how much you hate Aurora, Kassandra, and how much you want to kill her, but you stayed with me."

Kassandra walked closer. "The hate I feel for Aurora is outweighed by the love I have for you, sister."

Freya and Kassandra embraced for a long moment, pulling away.

Freya sighed. "So... what's going to be our next move? Aurora has more white oak, and she's not gonna stay quiet for long."

"Aurora's not the only problem," Elijah told them, walking toward his siblings, handing them each a drink, returning for his own.

"Yes, it seems there's no shortage of those who would stand against our family," Klaus told them.

Kassandra raised her glass in a toast. "Let's kill them all."

Klaus, Elijah and Freya raised their own glasses. They and Kassandra clinked their glasses together, drinking deeply.


Bayou - Aurora's Car 

Aurora was sitting in her car in the middle of the woods in the bayou, looking at the revolver in her hand. She heard footsteps approaching, looking into her side mirror to find the reflection showing Aya walking toward her.



Aurora rushed out of the car, slamming the door, aiming the revolver at Aya. "You've been following me for miles, Aya, and I'm really not in the mood for a chat."

Aya slowly waked toward Aurora with her hands raised in a non-threatening manner. "Then I'll be brief. I've come to make a proposal. To offer you my assistance in your future endeavors."

Aurora sighed, lowering her gun, seeming irritated by her appearance. "I know who I want to kill and how exactly I intend to do it. So, what good are you to me?"

"Having a clear target and hitting the bull's-eye are two very different things," Aya told her. "Much easier when you have the help of a determined ally. Assuming, of course, we can find common ground." She smirked devilishly. "I suspect our worlds can change with a bang."

Aurora was intrigued with Aya's proposition for an alliance to kill the Mikaelsons, smiling.


Davilla Estate - Pool Room 

Caitlin, Auria and Davina were talking.

Auria put the box with Jackson's heart on the table.

Davina was looking at Caitlin guiltily. "Caitlin..."

"What?" Caitlin asked.

"Kol told me more about the spell that breaks the link between you and Marcel," Davina told her hesitantly.

"Okay," Auria told her. "And?"

"And, the link is too strong for a single spell to break," Davina answered.

Caitlin looked at her in confusion. "So, Aya lied to us about the spell, and I'm stuck with the link for the rest of my life?"

"Not necessarily," Davina answered. Auria and Caitlin looked at her in confusion. "The link would only break if Caitlin or Marcel die, Auria."

Auria slowly shook her head. "But if Marcel dies, Caitlin dies. And if Caitlin dies, Marcel dies. Where is the solution in that?"

"It's the same idea that Caitlin and Josh had before, Auria," Davina told her. "To find a spell to protect Marcel from death, and have Caitlin..."

Auria realized where she was going with this. "Turn into a vampire."

Davina nodded in agreement, looking at Caitlin. "A regular protection spell wouldn't work because of the link. But this spell that Aya has? It would, like, freeze Marcel so he wouldn't die when you did. And you would wake up in transition, but it's a lot more complicated than I'm making it out to be. There's a deal with your blood and going under water." 

Davina gestured to the pool next to them to try and make them understand.

 Caitlin was only more confused. 

Auria walked closer. "Aya and the sisters will walk you and Marcel through the process, but only if you want it to happen. I know that you didn't want to turn into a vampire before, Caitlin, but maybe now that's your only chance to stay alive. For you, for Noah. You said that you didn't want anyone to use you to get to Marcel anymore, but that you still want to live. This is the only way for that to happen. I just want to know if you want to do this before you don't have a choice anymore."

Caitlin was in shock, processing everything Davina and Auria had just told her, not knowing how to react. 


3.14 "A Streetcar Named Desire" Trailer 

From 3.14 "A Streetcar Named Desire", in the compound, Klaus and Elijah had brought Kaylin, Nicola and Stefan Salvatore, Alex and Liv Gilbert, Cristian Hunter, Tory Donovan and Luke Thompson to talk to Kassandra and meet Freya.

Freya looked over all of them suspiciously. "You're old 'friends', are you?"

"Well, that kind of depends on your definition," Stefan told them. 

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the pool room of the Davilla Estate, Davina, Auria and the sisters were surrounding the pool.

Caitlin was in a white dress for the ritual. She laid down in the water, allowing herself to float to the surface.

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", outside Saint Charles Place, Kassandra, Klaus and Elijah found Aya and two Strix with Aurora.

Aya turned to them, not at all surprised by the sight of them, walking toward them. "Hello."

A witch appeared, starting to cast a spell, holding her hands toward Kassandra, Klaus, and Elijah. 

Kassandra, Klaus and Elijah couldn't move. 

Aya: (voice over from 3.14 Streetcar Named Desire) "All of us..."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the pool room of the Davilla Estate, Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were floating unconscious in the water. Davina and the sisters surrounded them.

Aya: (voice over from 3.14 Streetcar Named Desire) "Have waited long enough..."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the pool room of the Davilla Estate, Caitlin was underwater, breaking out from under the water, gasping for breath.

Aya: (voice over from 3.14 Streetcar Named Desire) "For this."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the Davilla Estate, Marcel, Noah, Caitlin, Auria and Davina were talking.

"You deserve to be free," Davina told them. "We all do."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in a chambre de chasse, Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah woke up.

Aurora: (voice over from 3.14 Streetcar Named Desire) "As your bodies remain helpless..."

Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were facing off with Aurora and Tristan.

"And your minds remain here..." Aurora trailed off.

"Today, you die," Tristan told them. 

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the compound, Freya, Auria and Tory were casting a spell that involved Alex, Cami and Lucien.

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the pool room, Davina and the sisters were casting the spell to break the sirelinks. Hayley, Mikayla, Noah, Caitlin, Marcel, Stefan, Kaylin, Nicola, Cristian, Liv and Luke were fighting with the Strix, witches and vampires alike.

Tristan: (voice over from 3.14 Streetcar Named Desire) "And with your sirelines torn from you..."

From 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire", in the chambre de chasse, Klaus, Kassandra and Elijah were facing off with Aurora and Tristan. 

"You die alone," Tristan told them.

The three Mikaelson siblings glared at the two de Martel siblings.


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