Highschool Relations (Human A...

By Heliodor-Official

31.6K 1.4K 1.1K

Multi-shipping. Contains eventual Amedot, Pearlnet, one-sided Jaspidot, Jaspis, Past pearlmethyst, some Rupph... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter... fuck it who am i trying to impress?
Chapter 45 at long last
Chapter 46
Yo, Update
Chapter 47

Chapter 38

391 22 17
By Heliodor-Official

All hell seemed to have broke loose in the waiting area. Lapis was crying, Amethyst and Yelona were at each others throats, with only Rose to keep the fight from going physical, Jasper and Garnet were trying to intervene and calm Amethyst down but failing miserably, Pearl was close to crying... it was terrible
"C'mon lemme at her! If she wants to talk shit, the lady's gonna get hit!" Amethyst growled struggling against the combined forces of Jasper and Garnet as Rose stood between Amethyst and the other adult in the room.
"Yeah! C'mon let the child assault me! I'll get the lawsuit ready!" The other hollered
Jasper received an elbow to the face and grunted out a "For fucks sakes Sis, calm the fuck down before the doctor admits you to a mental facility or something! Like seriously!"
Garnet's foot was stomped on by the angry snow-haired teen and she too made a remark "at the very least don't make it so the police have to be called..."
"People please! We are in a hospital! Let's be respectful of the patients!" Rose pleaded "Can we cease the fighting until another time?!"
Pearl scooted next to Lapis, eyes wet "I can't believe this is flipping happening?! I'm scared!" Lapis sobbed "I know! Me too! I want my dad!" They hugged each other closely for comfort.

Dr.Maheshwaren stepped into the room and stood shocked at the scene for a moment. Unknowing of what to do she just stared until her brain clicked. "IS AMETHYST HERE?" She yelled to be heard over the noise. All the commotion came to a halt as everyone stopped and turned to look at the woman in the entranceway. All was silent until the doctor cleared her throat. "I'm looking for an Amethyst?"
The girl in question raised an arm and greeted the newcomer with a casual "Yo... sup doc?"
Doctor Maheshwaren continued "Peridot has awoken again and wishes to speak with you."
"Oh.... um.... okay... which room she in again?" Was the teens confused reply.
"404. Second door on the right in the emergency response hall."
"Kay. Thanks." Amethyst was released by her friends and excused herself from the room.
"I'm also looking for a Lapis?" The doctor announced.
Lapis looked up "Y-yes?" She questioned.
"Your father is also awake and would like to see you... I suggest you go soon."
Lapis stood, wiping her tears away and nodding "Alright. Thank you" she too left the waiting area.

Amethyst entered Peridots room and awkwardly made her way to her bedside. "Hey Per... how ya feeling."
The blonde let out a groan "wow, you got here a lot faster than I thought...." she took a moment to try and clear her head from the jumble of words and questions that now circled around in her brain to focus on one thing at a time. She didn't look at the other, instead just focusing straight on ahead at the ceiling. "So, Amethyst.... from what I've overheard.... you're the reason I'm here. What happened after 'you're getting tears on my controller'?"
"A depressing homosexual make-up." Amethyst summed up with a shrug. "I continued crying, my crying turned into embarrassing self-hate confessions, that upset you, you announced that you were playing baseball completely wrong, gave me another shot not to fuck up... we started making out and I may have accidentally drove your head into the floorboards and gave you a concussion..." she bit her lip, also avoiding making eye contact with the other.
"Oh." Peridot hummed as she attempted to remember the situation Amethyst had just explained. Her face blank of emotion as she finally remembered something, and that being probably the stupidest thing from that whole situation.

"Don't cry because of me. Because I'm playing the game all wrong Amethyst."

"G-Game?... Ha- what game d-do you mean Peri? W-was that all it ever was to you? Some kind of game?"

"What?! O-of course not?! That's not what I meant at all by game!.... I meant baseball Amethyst... the rules are 3 strikes, you're out. I pushed you off with only 2... it wasn't fair."

"Baseball? When did we ever play baseba- OH! Haha.... D-do you mean what I think you mean?"

"Maybe... What do you think I mean?"

"I think you're saying you're giving me another chance?"

"Yes... smart observation... you get one more try.... But if you strike out a third time you're benched. For good"

Peridot sighed and Amethyst waited sort of impatiently for the other to respond. At long last the wounded spoke. "In that case. 3 strikes. Yer out."
"Uh....What?!" The other said utterly confused.
Peridot casted her an emotionless sideways glance "Baseball Amethyst. Take a seat on the bench."

-----meanwhile down the hall with Lapis----

Lapis walked past her mother on her way down the hall. She was crying, absolutely miserable. "Mom? What's going on... how is he?"
Her mother shook her head and wiped at her eyes "They say they can't help him... Just go. I've already said my last words to him and vice versa. It's your turn."
"So what?! Are they just gonna pull the plug once I leave?! What's his condition?! Why do they say they can't help?!" Lapis questioned
"He'd be a v-vegetable otherwise. His body is severely mutilated he'll need several amputations... he's lost so much blood... a-and they don't think they're able to replace it... they say within a few hours it'll start to affect his brain activity... he'll become basically brain-dead.... h-he's in so much pain... it's just not worth it! He has the final decision and he told me he'd rather just- just-" she started crying again. "Just go talk with him! Get it over with... just don't make him suffer any longer!"
Lapis nodded "A-alright... Go to the waiting room Mom. Peridot's Mother's there... why don't who speak with her and try to cheer up?" She patted her mother on the shoulder sympathetically and watched as her mother also nodded and started to slowly make her way down the hall.
Lapis took a deep breath, convincing herself to be strong, dad doesn't want to see her cry. She opened the door and stepped inside. Glancing at the bed of bloodied sheets she knew that being strong was going to be very difficult.

----------The waiting room-------

They all sat silently. Pearl and Garnet sharing headphones as they listened to music, Jasper sat, head resting in her hands as she worried about Lapis. Rose was quietly knitting a reddish-pink winter hat for her son, Steven, and Yelona was just sitting there judgmentally observing them all.
Suddenly soft weeping could be heard coming up the hall towards the room. They all silently looked towards the entrance expectantly as Lapis's Mother came sniffling in.
Yelona's features softened as she spotted her friend in such despair. "Blue..." she called softly and silently standing shortly afterwards. The one mentioned looked up to meet the other adults eyes. She quickly stepped forward to hug her, crying softly into her shoulder. Yelona gently rubbed her friends back and didn't say anything. At last 'Blue' spoke "He asked they... let him go..."
For a moment the only response was a sigh, before. "I know how it feels, Blue. I'm sorry."

--------Back to Peri and Ames baseball thing--

"What the heck? What? How?! Why?" Amethyst asked very confused.
"You hospitalized me. I would consider that 'fucking up' and striking out." The other replied
"C'mon Peri! That's not fair! It was an accident and you know it!" She tugged at her white locks, slightly stressing over the situation. "You can't do this shit to me! Not all in one day!"
Peridot rolled her eyes with a smirk as she muttered something under her breath.
"What?! What now?" Amethyst asked hurt in her voice. " Am I expelled from the team? Am I being traded?! What-"
Peridot cut her off with "My mistake. Foul throw. Try again." A smile on her face. "I almost got you didn't I?"
"Oh my god- Fuck off!" Amethyst nearly shouted. "Get outta here! Like seriously, that was not cool!"
Peridot shrugged "I would love to get out of here. Unfortunately though, I'm kinda bed-ridden." She paused "And it's all your fault. I will never forgive you for this. Ever. I hate you. Leave." She said the second part with a look of mock-seriousness.
Moments later they were both just laughing alone in the hospital room together. Amethyst wiped a happy tear from her eye and looked down towards her once again girlfriend. "I want to kiss you so bad right now. You don't even know."
Peridot shrugged a little against "Alright. Just try not to knock me out again."
Amethyst let out another laugh "Stop! Oh my god!" She leant down and pecked Peri's lips briefly. "I so glad you're okay..."
"Same here. I'd probably die if I wasn't." The blonde joked again.
Amethyst just stared "Okay, seriously, stop. That one wasn't funny."

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