His Baby | Brock Lesnar

By BriFlare

46.1K 1K 25

A routine clinic visit flips Nicole's life upside down. Inseminated by a specimen meant for a patient in the... More



1.5K 32 0
By BriFlare

Oh I see all those riddles in your eyes
Makin' me so sick when I have to leave your side
Your school girl voice is the perfect place to hide
Your little sacrifices...

|2 months later|

"Kaya, for the last time sand is NOT for eating!" I yelled at the little girl who was lying face down stuffing handfuls of sand into her tiny mouth. The other mothers who were seated nearby glanced at her with a 'she-has-no-control-over-her-kid' look but I did my best to ignore them.

Finally getting tired of screaming I got up from my spot on the park bench and went over to the sandbox to get Kaya so we could go home.

"Come on, Kay, it's time to go home. I promise we'll come back to the park another time ok?" I said as I grabbed one of her arms and gently tried to pull her up to no avail. Kaya refused to stand up.

I returned to a standing position, sucked in a deep breath, and exhaled loudly through my nose. Again I tried to get Kaya to stand up but this time I used one hand to grab her arm and the other to pull her shirt in an upwards motion. Kaya managed to get the hint and she stood up. I feeling relieved released my hold on her thinking that her stubbornness had surrendered but things quickly went downhill from there.

Kaya's normal face quickly turned beet red and her chest began to rise and fall very quickly. Her hands began to twitch at her sides and her entire body began to shake violently, the pile of sand she had been so intent on eating lay in a heap beside her long forgotten.

Lately, I've been dealing with Kaya's tantrum and it just gets worse every time.

I knew what was going to happen if I didn't get her away from the playground and into my car right away. I reached out my arm timidly and placed it on her shoulder. I regretted it as soon as I did it because when my fingers brushed against her t-shirt she went ballistic. Kaya began thrashing around like a fish out of water trying to get my hand off of her and she let out the most bloodcurdling screams drawing the unwanted attention of the other people in the park to me and kaya. My face turned a tomato shade of red from the embarrassment of having Kaya throw a tantrum in public. I released the hold I had on Kaya and closed my eyes so that the hot, fat, prickly tears would not fall down my face.

I grabbed Kaya and carried her kicking and screaming all the way to the car. I placed a Barbie in her hand to shut her up. opened the backdoor of her car and buckled Kaya into her car seat, Barbie still clutched tightly to her chest. I got into the car and drove away from the playground glad that I had brought the Barbie toy with me to the park. I knew that if I hadn't brought that damn Barbie. Kaya's "tantrum" could have gotten a lot worse. Kaya threw two types of "tantrums". Either she would throw really explosive fits where she would fling toys and throw herself into the couch, wall, and/or table or she would stand still and just scream for hours on end until she fell asleep or if I managed to calm her down.

We had gotten home and I gently unbuckled Kaya from her car seat making sure not to move her too much as she had fallen asleep. I maneuvered myself so I could place Kaya over my shoulder to carry her into the house. I got my purse and her Dora the explorer backpack from the trunk and entered the house. I placed her backpack and my purse on the table beside the door and carried Kaya up the stairs and into her room. I took off her shoes and put her pink pjs on before I tucked her in bed and left the door ajar. I moved sluggishly into my room and face planted onto the bed and fell asleep, too exhausted to take off my shoes.

✘ ✘ ✘

Waking up to the alarm going off. I got up slinging the covers off of my body and popping my back. I got up then headed to the bathroom to take a nice hot shower. Then, I looked at the time and realized I'm meeting Brie and the girls to get our nails and toes done.

Nicole: I'm running late be there in ten.

Brie: You better be sista.

Nicole: I will. Love ya.

I walked into my closet looking for something simple to wear. I left a note for Brock on the nightstand. After getting dressed I head downstairs and grab my keys to make my way out the door.

Walking into the salon, I saw the girls and I sat down in the pedicure chair beside next to Renee.

"How you feeling? You know since getting slapped by Maryse." I said.

"Like I want to go into hiding. At first I was like let's this but now, I'm like I didn't sign up for this." Renee said.

"Awe, poor Renee. Maybe Nikki should train you because I have a feeling this storyline is going to be intense between y'all especially since y'all walking around slapping each other probably decreasing the brain cells y'all have." I said.

"I could totally train you, Renee." Nikki said.

"Good luck, because Maryse is still fit so you'll need hard-core training." Brie said.

"Maybe, Brock and Dean could train me with Nikki. I mean I can't really do anything extreme." Renee suggested.

"I'll talk to Brock." I said.

✘ ✘ ✘

"Hey Brock." Nicole says as she walks into the home Gym where Brock is already working out. "Brock!" Nicole screams realizing that Brock is wearing headphones and obviously can't hear her. Nicole then puts her hand on Brock's shoulder to get his attention and the next thing she knows she is on the ground and Brock is on top of her. Brock actually attacked Nicole from being startled.

"Oh, it's you. My bad". Brock chuckles as he sees who is underneath him. "That's alright. Sorry I startled you." Nicole smiles up at Brock. Nicole couldn't help but to check out Brock who is shirtless and wet with sweat right on top of her. 

"So ummmm..." Nicole says awkwardly and Brock got the idea and got off of Nicole. Nicole then stood up and fix her dress.

"So how long have you been here?" Nicole asks trying to make light conversation. "Eh, about an hour or so." Brock replies.

Nicole has not been able to stop staring at Brock, she knows Brock is going to notice eventually but she just can't pull her eyes away.

"Is there something on my face?" Brock asks, confused since Nicole is just staring at him. "Um, um no." Nicole says shyly, rubbing the back of her neck. 

"What's wrong?" Brock asked.

"The girls were talking and they wanted me to ask you if you would train Renee." Nicole said.

"No way." Brock said.

"Why?" Nicole asked.

"Did you forget she's pregnant?" He asked.

"Oops!" Nicole said.

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