The Quarterback's Gigolo: Col...

By PwincessR11

239K 6.4K 1.4K

Jack Nickels is 19, a second year college student with a excellent grade average, still has his better-than-t... More

The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [1]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [2]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [3]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [4]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [5]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [6]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [7]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [8]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [9]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [10]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [11]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [12]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [13]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [15]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [16]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [17]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [18]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [19]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [20]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [21]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [22]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [23]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [24]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [25]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [26]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [27]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [28]
The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [29]

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6.6K 293 119
By PwincessR11

Reed P.O.V


I spotted her in the library, I was about to walk over to Kelly and tell her to speak to Leah their argument was so silly. As I was walking over I noticed people watching me, looking up from their phones and whispering. I stood still and looked around them. Just then my phone chimed, I pulled it out and looked at the screen.

I gritted my teeth when I saw what it was, I’d set my phone notifications to tell me when José posted a new chapter on his blog. I opened the notification and went to take a seat; I could feel this chapter was going to make me angry.

A Series Of Unfortunate Friends: Thirst For The Throne EXPOSURE

By José Garcia


Queen bee. Head cheerleader. Insecure. Skinny. Good skin. Blonde. Selfish, Just a few words that come to mind when I think of Gemma Nickels, one of the main characters in the Liam Townsend kidnapping horror. Gemma was always the star, centre of attention, so naturally she got what she wanted. Including high school sweetheart Reed Sparrow.

The couple dated junior year, the same time that Reed was secretly dating Gemma’s older brother Jack. But you know what they say, keep it in the family eh? Blinded by her childish small-brained need to be popular Gemma ignored the obvious signs that Jack and Reed were having a fling. Liam even tried to warn her about how close Jack and Reed had got.

Any way this is beside the point, today’s post is an exposure; so let me expose Gemma Nickels for who she really is:

-        A immature cheerleader who peaked in high school and tried to get her shine back by selling out her friends for my personal blog usage, for my assistance in gaining popularity. You don’t believe me? Check the link below; it takes you to a video on my homepage where Gemma tells her exact reasons for bringing the gang home to Liam.

Everyone knows who you are now Gemma how does it feel being popular?


I didn’t need to click the link; I knew it was true, I could feel it. Gemma had sold us out to José for popularity? I didn’t realise popularity bothered her that much; we were at university for god sake I thought all that high school stuff was left behind. I sighed locking my phone and putting it back in my pocket. I looked up and people were still watching me.

I rolled my eyes, this was nothing, not nearly as bad as when Jack and I had first come out as a couple in high school, the looks and whisperings I got then were worse than this. Kelly was looking at me, she waved me over and we walked out the library together so we could talk privately.

“Hey Reed, I’m guessing you saw it” she said looking down at her feet.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it”

“It was harsh, I thought José and Gemma were friends”

“I guess it’s to be expected when you make a deal with the devil,” I said.

Kelly chuckled, I smiled at her I missed hanging out with her. But these days it felt like a choice between Kelly and Leah, one Kelly had chosen for me. She’d distanced herself from all of us. It was mostly Zeke and I these days, Leah was always busy or not answering her phone and Jack was consumed by his music and football. He had a match tonight, I was going to see this one I didn’t go to the last match.

“Look Kelly I-“

“How is she?” she asked interrupting me.


“You know Leah, how’s she holding up?”

I looked over at Kelly surprised I thought she was through with Leah. Kelly smiled at me, before shaking her head.

“Come on Reed, she’s one of my best friends, even if I’m upset with her doesn’t mean I don’t care, I just cant be with her like that, it creeps me out” Kelly said explaining herself.

“Well I don’t know how Leah is, she’s been off doing her own thing lately. I don’t understand what’s been going on with all of us. Ever since we got to California everyone seems to be going off their own separate way…”

Kelly wrapped her arm round her waist and I put mine around her shoulder, she rested her head against my chest. “I know exactly what you mean Reed. Maybe life was better back in high school”

I sighed silently agreeing with her, but at the same time not really. The best months of my life happened between high school and university. We stayed cuddled up in silence for a while, the dark clouds rolled over the sky but I could feel it wasn’t going to rain yet. Hopefully it’ll hold off until after the football match.

A familiar walk headed our way, I smiled as I watched him stroll down the corridor towards us he spotted me and smiled. He came over to me and Kelly eyed him suspiciously.

“Reed, I need to borrow you, I’ve got some good news for you about your work” Eli gushed I could read the happiness in his features it was contagious.

“Yeah, okay I’m coming” I turned back to Kelly “I’ll see you at the game later okay, save me a seat”

“Yeah course Reed,” she said.

I pulled away from her and followed Eli down the corridor and out the main building. I turned towards the art block but he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the car park. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion; I thought we were going to discuss my work?

“Come on this way” Eli said still bursting with excitement.

I followed after him willingly, I got into his car and we sped off. Eli put the radio on, and we both sang along in terrible harmony, and not in tune at all. We drove until we found an iHop; my belly grumbled reminding me I was hungry. We sat down in the booth before Eli started to speak.

“So Reed, you’re probably wondering why I dragged you out here… we’re celebrating!”

“Celebrating what?” I said not looking up from the menu.

“I got wind of an art competition and I entered your work, you know the painting you did the very depressed ones, and word on the street is that your favourite for the win”

“What? Really?” I said feeling the excitement myself.

“Yes, and if you win you get to tour and you will be in London for 8months, your work will be displayed in the Tate Modern where you’ll have to give talks about it. So you better get painting!”

“8 months…” I said my throat dry. “That’s a long time Eli”

He looked up at me; his face worried and disappointed “Reed, what’s the problem?”

“8months away from Jack” I whispered.

He sighed heavily ”Are you and Jack really that serious? Are you even going to be together by the end of the year? Jack is focusing on his career it’s time you focused on yours too Reed. You can’t live for Jack”

I put the menu down feeling sick in the pit of my stomach. I had to believe in me and Jack but what if Eli was right? What if we wouldn’t be together at the end of the year and I’d wasted the amazing opportunity. Could Jack and I really work through 8months apart? Or would Jack follow me to London?

“Hi there boys, are you ready to order, what can I get ya?” A bubbly blonde waitress appeared by our table, her plastic smile.

“Can I have Dr Pepper and a pulled pork sandwich,” Eli ordered handing out the menu to her.

“I’ll have the same,” I said not even glancing at her.

When she walked away I looked at Eli again, he stared right into my eyes and I felt my face grow warm as an embarrassing blush crawled onto my skin. I bit my lip and he grinned at me, his hand snaking across the table to squeeze my own. I squeezed back letting him know I wasn’t upset with him.

“Come on Reed its not gonna be that bad, me you and crappy London weather. We’ll have a blast!”

“Wait your coming with me?” I asked my voice high-pitched and squeaky, followed by an impossible to miss blush.

“Well your submitting your work as a student, so yes I’d be with you academic support and that. The head of art already asked me about it, she herself can’t fly, so she nominated me to be your support. She said it’ll be a good teaching experience for me”

“Oh wow… Eli thanks” I gushed sounding like a fan girl.

“You’re more than welcome Reed” he said winking at me, making me blush again, he started laughing, tangling his fingers with mine, just like Jack and I do. I stared down at our entwined hands waiting for the guilt to hit me, but it never came. I bit my lip looking at Eli through my eyelashes. Shit, wasn’t I supposed to feel bad about this?


I sat in the bleachers with Kelly, Zeke and Dolton. He’d got over his homophobic behaviour towards Zeke and me, I think it was because Kelly meant a lot to him. You could see it in the way he watched her. They liked each other a lot. I didn’t know where Leah was but I knew she wouldn’t come sit with us, especially with Kelly and Dolton all cuddled up together.

I spotted Jack and Hayden doing warm ups, I looked away trying to see if I could spot Eli in the bleachers. I couldn’t see him, but I saw Theo and the rest of my housemates sitting together. This game was our championship qualifier. The last time I was at a qualifier I was on the pitch this time I was waving my man on from the stands.

I knew Jack needed to win this one; our high school qualifier had been so emotional especially as he was a senior, his last chance, but now he was a quarterback again. He could win the qualifier at a higher level; it would mean more to have a college championship trophy. I looked back at Jack and saw he’d spotted me; I grinned and waved at him. He waved back.

“Wow, you forgave him easily”

I turned around and saw Mariah with her friends Chloe and Grace standing behind her.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

Mariah looked back exchanging a look with her friends before smirking evilly at me “Leah, she told you she saw me sneaking out of Jack’s room yesterday morning, didn’t she?”

“No she didn’t”

“Oops, my bad” she said holding her manicured hands in front of her mouth in fake innocence. “Well it’s nothing to worry about it’s just like when me and Jack had sex in New York, it was part of a bargain”

My mind froze and I stared at Mariah in horror “You had sex with him” I whispered, I couldn’t even hide the hurt seeping into my voice, the tears filling my eyes.

“Reed don’t listen to her!” Leah shouted appearing suddenly and shoving Mariah to the side.

I glared at Leah “You knew, you knew and you didn’t tell me”

She opened her mouth and then closed it, “Well Hayden told me not too” she mumbled.

“Hayden?!” Kelly said jumping in “And since when do you listen to Hayden? Do you like him or something?”

Mariah scoffed “Leah’s a lesbian of course she doesn’t like Hayden, besides Hayden is way to hot for her”

“You shut your mouth you skanky whore!” I hissed at Mariah.

“Erm excuse me and what’s that supposed to mean?!” Leah said putting her hand on her hip and rounding on Mariah. One of Mariah friends Grace stepped forwards in a threatening pose.

Mariah laughed, it sounded like bells tinkling “Well you know, Hayden wanted me back when we lived in New York. There’s no way he’d downgrade to a dirty tramp like you Leah”

Leah’s hand flew out and she slapped Mariah across the face. Mariah retaliated by shoving Leah, Grace tried to step in then but Kelly grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled her head to the side. The girls’ fought and screamed, slapping pinching and kicking each other. Dolton and I tried to break it up, but eventually security came and hauled Mariah, Kelly, Grace, Chloe and Leah away.

I looked around the stadium and saw everyone was watching the commotion. I looked down at the pitch and saw Jack was looking between all of us with horror all over his face. I shook my head at him in disappointment, he always knew how to make a mess of things. Zeke wrapped his arms around me before flipping Jack the finger. I laughed and smiled up at Zeke.

But the smile didn’t remain on my face for long. Jack. I broke down into real tears crying my heart out Zeke helped me off the bleachers and towards the car park. We leant against his car and listened to the game start in silence. I shivered and pretended Zeke weren’t there. What I needed right now was a strong drink, and time to talk things out with Jack.  

So he’d had sex with her in New York, we weren’t together so that was okay it was justified. I couldn’t expect him to stay faithful to me, when I hadn’t given him any indication I cared. I had to swallow that one that wasn’t anything for me to bitch about; I had to be mature about this. Of course I wasn’t the only person on the earth he lusted for. He had sex with her okay accept it move on Reed.

I just… I thought I was his last, since our first time in San Francisco I thought I was going to be his last forever. Well… I sniffled I had to stop the tears. The crowd roared, someone had scored; I hoped it was our team. I hoped Jack could still play his best, I hopped he wouldn’t worry about the commotion until after the game. He needed to win this match. We needed to win this match.

“Reed?” Zeke whispered. I could see the concern all over his face. “Are you going to be okay?”

I tried my best to smile at him but I think it came out pained “I’m going to be fine Zeke, thanks”

He looked me over before sighing. “I hate seeing you like this, I’ve seen you like this more times than necessary”

I folded my arms across my chest knowing exactly what speech was coming. “And?”

“Jack isn’t any good for you, he’s going to wear and tear you down until you hate yourself for giving him so many chances. I just don’t want to see you screw your life over that boy. He doesn’t deserve you at all”

“What and you do? Do you still have some gay boy crush on me Zeke? Its pathetic really”

“I understand your upset so I know your just lashing out. But this happens to you all the time, hasn’t it occurred to you by now that it’s your own fault this happens to you”

I didn’t have a come back I just stood there glaring at him. He shook his head and walked off leaving me standing there by myself. I heard more roaring and cheering followed by chanting from our cheerleading squad. I guess we had scored then. I heard footsteps walking towards me and I looked up spotting Eli hurrying my way.

The look on his face was a mixture of panic and concern, he didn’t say anything when he reached me he just grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. I settled against him sniffling against his shoulders. After a while he pulled away and wiped off the tears from my face, I smiled at him before nodding to my car.

“Come on, let’s go,” I said trying to turn to leave.

“No” Eli said, his firm grip on my shoulder stopping me from pushing past him.

“What? Why not?”

“Because you always run Reed, whenever it gets tough between you and Jack you give up and try find some excuse or some distraction. What are you going to go home and do?”

I bit my lip trying to think of the right answer “Erm paint?”

“See my point exactly if you’d just been firm with Jack and addressed the issue weeks ago you wouldn’t be feeling like this”

“So what do you expect me to do?”

“Stay. Stay and talk to him, that’s the least respect you could give your relationship” Eli muttered.

“He’s not going to tell me anything…”

“Then make him. You need to be firm Reed. You need to find out from Jack everything that happened in New York. Tonight”

I repeated what he said in my mind over and over as we waited for the game to finish. Eli was right I did need to find out everything, and I had to do it tonight or I never would find out about New York. I hung around listening to Eli’s breathing waiting for the game to finish; we stood leant against my car, our hands brushing every so often.

I turned to look at his side profile, 8 months in London just looking at him. Admiring his handsomeness. I would never admit it out loud, but I did wonder why Eli paid so much attention to me. I couldn’t help but have a big ego and think he liked my work the best out of everyone in the class. Or maybe it was because of what that ginger girl I sat next to in class said. It was because he wanted me.

I blushed deeply and turned away from him as those embarrassing thoughts ran threw my mind. That could never be what Eli wanted I’m a student, his 18year old student. He would never cross that line. Just then a massive uproar ran threw the stadium and I heard the final whistle being blown. I heard our cheerleaders at the top of their voices singing our school cheer. We’d won. We actually won.

A smile crawled onto my face as I thought about how pleased Jack would be, but then I stopped those thoughts, even when I was sad and upset with him, I still cared about his happiness before mine. Students poured out the stadium into the car park. A tall blonde athletic football player in our kit was frantically shoving his way threw the crowded car park.

When Jack saw me he breathed a sigh of relief before marching over to me. He grabbed the top of my arm and yanked me towards him;

“What do you think your doing coming out here by yourself, do you know how dangerous it is for you to be away from me?” he hissed.

“Jack let go of my arm,” I demanded. People around us were starting to stare.

“Do you have any idea what could have happened to you?”


“I was so angry Reed, I took out my anger on the field I smashed up a few guys”

My eyes widened and I stared at him scared. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath letting go of my arm and taking a step back, he watched me with hesitant eyes. As if he was unsure of what to do or say.

“Jack just go and get changed”

“But Reed-”

“Jack just go, get changed and think about how you’re going to tell me”

“Tell you what?” he asked genuinely baffled.

“What happened in New York, and I want the truth, all of it. And if your not prepared to give it to me then don’t bother coming back over here” I said. My voice sounded so ice cold and detached. I could see it shook Jack up just a little bit.

He nodded “I can do that, just… wait here let me get changed and then I’ll tell you everything that happened”



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