The Quarterback's Gigolo: College [boyxboy] [14]

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Reed P.O.V


I spotted her in the library, I was about to walk over to Kelly and tell her to speak to Leah their argument was so silly. As I was walking over I noticed people watching me, looking up from their phones and whispering. I stood still and looked around them. Just then my phone chimed, I pulled it out and looked at the screen.

I gritted my teeth when I saw what it was, I’d set my phone notifications to tell me when José posted a new chapter on his blog. I opened the notification and went to take a seat; I could feel this chapter was going to make me angry.

A Series Of Unfortunate Friends: Thirst For The Throne EXPOSURE

By José Garcia


Queen bee. Head cheerleader. Insecure. Skinny. Good skin. Blonde. Selfish, Just a few words that come to mind when I think of Gemma Nickels, one of the main characters in the Liam Townsend kidnapping horror. Gemma was always the star, centre of attention, so naturally she got what she wanted. Including high school sweetheart Reed Sparrow.

The couple dated junior year, the same time that Reed was secretly dating Gemma’s older brother Jack. But you know what they say, keep it in the family eh? Blinded by her childish small-brained need to be popular Gemma ignored the obvious signs that Jack and Reed were having a fling. Liam even tried to warn her about how close Jack and Reed had got.

Any way this is beside the point, today’s post is an exposure; so let me expose Gemma Nickels for who she really is:

-        A immature cheerleader who peaked in high school and tried to get her shine back by selling out her friends for my personal blog usage, for my assistance in gaining popularity. You don’t believe me? Check the link below; it takes you to a video on my homepage where Gemma tells her exact reasons for bringing the gang home to Liam.

Everyone knows who you are now Gemma how does it feel being popular?


I didn’t need to click the link; I knew it was true, I could feel it. Gemma had sold us out to José for popularity? I didn’t realise popularity bothered her that much; we were at university for god sake I thought all that high school stuff was left behind. I sighed locking my phone and putting it back in my pocket. I looked up and people were still watching me.

I rolled my eyes, this was nothing, not nearly as bad as when Jack and I had first come out as a couple in high school, the looks and whisperings I got then were worse than this. Kelly was looking at me, she waved me over and we walked out the library together so we could talk privately.

“Hey Reed, I’m guessing you saw it” she said looking down at her feet.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it”

“It was harsh, I thought José and Gemma were friends”

“I guess it’s to be expected when you make a deal with the devil,” I said.

Kelly chuckled, I smiled at her I missed hanging out with her. But these days it felt like a choice between Kelly and Leah, one Kelly had chosen for me. She’d distanced herself from all of us. It was mostly Zeke and I these days, Leah was always busy or not answering her phone and Jack was consumed by his music and football. He had a match tonight, I was going to see this one I didn’t go to the last match.

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