House of Anubis: The Sacrific...

By SibunASeason34

44.9K 1.1K 293

Seems like even the old Sibunas have left the building, everything at the Anubis house is getting more intens... More

S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 1
S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 2
S4EP01 "House of Welcome/House of Meetings" Part 3
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 1
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 2
S4EP02 "House of Celebration/House of Journey" Part 3
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 1
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 2
S4EP03 "House of Meetings/House of Parties" Part 3
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 1
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 2
S4EP04 "House of Suspicions/House of Keys" Part 3
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 1
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 2
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 3
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 4
S4EP05 "House of Sibuna/House of Dates" Part 5
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 1
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 2
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 3
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 4
S4EP06 "House of Discovery/House of Catches" Part 5
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 1
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 2
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 3
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 4
S4EP07 "House of Surprise!/House of Break-Up" Part 5
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 1
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 2
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 3
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 4
S4EP08 "House of Explanations/House of Apologies" Part 5
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 1
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 3
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 4
S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 5
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 1
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 2
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 3
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 4
S4EP10 "House of Accusations/House of Tears" Part 5
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 1
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 2
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 3
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 4
S4EP11 "House of Trust/House of Attention" Part 5
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 1
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 2
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 3
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 4
S4EP12 "House of Catch!/House of Break Up" Part 5
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Dissapointment" Part 1
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 2
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 3
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 4
S4EP13 "House of Attack/House of Disappointment" Part 5
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 1
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 2
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 3
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 4
S4EP14 "House of Ideas/House of Understanding" Part 5
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 1
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 2
S4EP15 "House of Decisions/House of Entering" Part 3
S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 4
S4EP15 "House of Desicions/House of Entering" Part 5
S4EP16 "House of Nightmares/House of Double Trouble" Part 1
Author's Note

S4EP09 "House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 2

525 17 3
By SibunASeason34

House of Anubis : The Sacrifice of Isis' Sword

"House of Arguments/House of Memory" Part 2 (out of 5)

Fabian: Said what?

Eddie: See... She didn't exactly tell me why she didn't come back... What she said was...

(Eddie remembers)

(Nina gives him the locket)

Nina: This is something I Have to do on my own. Make sure the Sibunas won't need me. First you won't understand but when you dig up to the bottom of this you'll see that I shouldn't be there disturbing stuff for all of you guys.

Eddie: But, what about...

Nina: Fabian? Right... You'll think of something... Write him a fake break-up letter or something and say it's from me. I don't know. I Know I'm doing the wrong thing but I have no choice...

Eddie: I Don't see why...

Nina: Goodbye Eddie! Thanks for everything.

(Nina and Eddie hug eachother)


Eddie: And that's what she said...

Fabian: Why didn't you tell us earlier?

Amber: Yeah, we were worried!

Eddie: I'm sorry! Okay? Now let's sit here and wait til we arrive to the hospital...

(At the moment)

(Dexter, Cassie & Erin are in the school) 

Cassie: Whoop! First lesson starts in 5 minutes!

Erin: Eek! Can't wait! Kinda shy, going to meet so many people...

Cassie: Don't worry! I Got your back...

Dexter: Wait, if you guys Are going to sit together, that means I'm going to sit alone?

Erin: Sorry Dexter! First day of school always is a little borring, but hey! You can sit next to us!

Dexter: Will do... Wait, where's Jake? I Can sit with him!

Cassie: Oh no, he's already sitting with some ugly girl right there!

(Cassie shows Dexter where Jake's sitting)

Dexter: Whoah! That girl is damn hot!

(Cassie slaps Dexter)

Dexter: Ouch! You have to face the fact you'll never be hotter as anyone in this school!

Cassie: I'd slap again you but that would be animal abuse...

(Cassie and Erin walk to the class)

(Dexter follows)

(All students sit down)

(Teacher comes into class)

(Bell rings)

Mr. Cannerson: Hello Everyone! Nice to meet you! I'm William Carl Cannerson and I will be your new history teacher!

Cassie: Nice to meet you too!

(Cassie keeps looking at Mr. Cannerson's lips)

Cassie: Except the fact he learns the most boring subject on Earth, I'd nominate him as the hottie of school 2014!

(Girl from the back)

Michelle: Agree! I'm Michelle Douglass. I Was born in USA, Idaho, went to school in the North...

Cassie: Yeah Yeah we get it! Nerd who speaks a lot...

Michelle: Excuse me?

Erin: Uhm, I'm sure she didn't mean to...

Cassie: Oh yes, I meant to say that!

(Michelle stands up)

Michelle: Who do you think you are?

Cassie: Person who understands jokes! Not like some people...

Michelle: Oh you're just jelous because you don't have something I do have!

Cassie: What is it?

Michelle: This!

(Michelle sits near Jake)

(Michelle kisses Jake)

Cassie: So what, you think kissing that lunatic can make me jelous?

Jake: Lunatic?

Cassie: Everyone here knows you walk while sleeping!

Dexter: Shave your armpits, Cassie!

Cassie: Why is everyone around here against me but not them?!

(Cassie runs away out of the classroom)

Erin: I'm sorry, Mr., Can I...

Mr. Cannerson: Go!

(Erin follows Cassie)

Erin: That was the last time I ever tried to save you from a fight!

Cassie: I don't care what you idiots think!

Erin: Well, you know what I think? I think that you want to be someone you can't be!

Cassie: Whatever! (Leaves school)

(Erin goes back to the classroom)

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