My Princess

By storywriteriguess

227K 10.3K 867

We have all heard the fairy tales of the princess being locked away in a tower and can only be saved by her o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: 8 years later
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
On Hold. Sorry!
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

8.3K 375 18
By storywriteriguess

Cronus P.O.V
Peering down at the unconscious body of the girl that has lied to me, hurt me, put my life in danger several times, and even stabbed me. I should feel angry, I want to. But only emotion that is flowing through me is a sense of relief. Relief that this infuriating girl in front of me is safe.
Assessing her body I see that there are multiple wounds all over her. Her once pure face, tainted with cuts and bruises. I reach out to brush my fingers along her black eye but I am stopped at a small hand weakly slaps me. I look up and see Clara standing in front of me. Her eyes brimming with tears. I stand up towering before her frail body.
She starts to pound her fists into my chest, not inflicting any damage to me.
"You monster. How could you?" She cries.
At this time I grab her bony wrists to get her to stop using all her energy punching me. She is still yelling and struggling against me as I pull her into a hug. She stops fighting me and just starts sobbing. I can't even imagine the pain she went through.
"It's okay. Myra will be fine." I say stroking the princess's hair. She looks up at me with tearing running down her face.
"I even missed you, you ass. And then you go and try to kill Myra." She says between ragged breaths.
"I am doing this to protect her. Once I get what I need out of these men. Will be on our way. You, me, and Myra. I promise... Do you trust me?" I ask doubt fills me.
She stares at me for a moment with a scowl firmly glued to her face. She looks around at the men I am traveling with. I yet to learn their names because frankly, I don't care.
Clara looks down at Myra with sadness written all over her face but she nods. Agreeing to trust me.
"Just go along with this, please," I ask. She nods.
I kneel back down to Myra. Pushing her golden hair off of her face. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. There is no longing for revenge or cold, angry scowls on her face. It's peaceful, and it suits her.
"Well, we going to collect her bounty or not?" One of the men asks.
"Of course, Clara get your horse ready. We are taking you home and then we are going to turn in this useless girl for a fat stash of cash, imma right fellas?" I ask, the guys laugh in agreement while Clara scoffs. But she does as she told collecting the reins of her horse and mounting her self on. The others do the same with their horses.
I bend down and wrap my arms around Myra. Pulling her up to my chest, carrying her bridal style. Her head is hanging back which gives her the appearance of being dead. I can see her chest rising up and down in a steady pattern to which I sigh in relief.
I walk her over to my horse. Taking my time and holding her tight to me. I have never really been this close to her. She would never let me touch her. Let alone hold her. She always had to do things by herself even though there are people so close to her and willing to help her. She was always so stubborn.
I gently set her on the front of my saddle. Her arms and legs hanging from either side of the horse. Even though I mean her no harm, Myra has a habit of assuming the worse and I haven't given her a reason to think any better, so I decided to tie her hands together as well as tie her to my saddle. I know she will try to rip my head off when she wakes up and I want to take precautions.
"Do we really need her alive?" The leader the group of jackasses asked. I decided on calling the head man of them jackass 1.
"She worth far more dead than alive," I reply sharply.
"As far as I'm concerned she is wanted dead or alive, and want to make her suffer on my terms and not the kings." Jackass 1 shoots.
"Yeah, the girl killed Tom." Jackass 2 says, putting in his two cents. I keep forgetting about the dead jackass. I have heard the story so many times. According to this band of bastards, Myra killed their friend Tom in cold blood. Without any reason, just for the fun of it. And they went after her but she somehow got away and blah, blah, bullshit.
I know for one thing that Myra would not kill solely for the thrill of it. I have seen her, her only goal is to fight for survival. You can see a small gleam of guilt and sadness when she takes a life.
A shiver runs through me as I think back to that night she stabbed me. Her eyes, they were filled with determination, there was no regret when she delivered that blow. Her only concern was for the princess.
I look over to her. The one everyone has been looking for. The girl that was my friend since childhood. I look and see she is looking at Myra. Sadness is in Clara's eyes.
"She'll be fine, Clara," I reassure her.
As if on cue Myra starts to stir. She tries to move but realizes she can't. She turns her head towards me, anger fills her eyes as the once beautiful emerald color is now replaced with an almost black shade. Oh yeah, saying that she is mad is an understatement.
Then out of nowhere the look of concern hits her. Her eyes frantically looking around until they land on Clara. They look at each other. Both parties relieved to see the other alright. Myra turns back to me, the rage on her face is clear. She reminds of a bear that hasn't eaten and is on the brink of starvation, but it's finally locked eyes with its prey. I gulp, I know she can't do anything tied up but she sure looks frightening. I prefer her in a peacefully forced slumber, much less intimidating.
I see her look at Clara again and Clara is shaking her head, I see her mouth "it's okay." And suddenly Myra's whole presence shifts. She is no longer a starving bear but rather a love-struck puppy trying to please its master.
"Pretend to be unconscious or those men may slit your throat," I whisper. Only loud enough for Myra to hear.
She shifts her gaze and looks at the men in front of us. She rests back down.
"Who are they? And why are you with them?" She mumbled.
"You don't recognize them. Well, they know you. You killed their buddy, apparently." I say. She gasps a little, memories coming back. "We are going to turn you into the king for some loot."
She looks at me in disbelief and then glances to Clara who just shakes her head. I hear mutter "bastard" as she settles back down.
It's starting to get dark now as the sun sets behind the trees of the forest. The jackasses stop and look back at us.
"It's getting late, let's make camp here." Jackass 1 declares.
"The bitch up yet?" Jackass 3 asks. I shake my head. I hear Myra mumble something, probably a profanity.
Everyone gets off their horses and ties them off to trees, jackass 2 goes off with pale trying to find some water for the animals. Clara stands by her white steed, petting her. I start to untie Myra. And starts to lift her off the horse.
"I can get off just fine, myself." She scoffs.
"We are still pretending you are asleep so they don't want to take you on. They want you awake and aware so they can kill you slowly." I say. "And if you don't want me to carry you, I'm sure one of those fine gentlemen would be more than welcome to do it."
"I hate you."
"I know, and the feeling is mutual right now." I lie.
"I'm sorry." She says and I look at her shocked. "I needed to see her, I had to save her. Please, understand." Tears start to pool in her eyes.
I have never seen her cry. She has always been encased with a hard, unbreakable shell. But I can see it start to come crumbling down. I carefully lift her off my horse and pull her up to me again. Holding her tight in my arms never wanting to let go.
"It's okay. I forgive you." I say, looking down to her tear stained cheeks. She smiles weakly at me. I look over and see Clara is preoccupied with trying to find a good spot to sleep so I take this moment as an opportunity and press my lips against Myra's forehead. She doesn't punch me or stab me again. She just closed her eyes.
"Pretend to sleep, now. I promise nothing bad will happen. You're safe with me. I will protect you." I whisper my lips to her ear. She shakes her head.
"No, keep her safe." She gestures to Clara.
My heart sinks as I think of the possibility, that I will have to choose between my kingdom and the girl I love. The part that hurts the most is that there isn't really a decision. My mind has been made up for some time now. I know what I must defend, and I know Myra will hate me for my final choice.

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