By gracey87

34.8K 1.2K 80

she is leaving.. and i can't do anything.. my love is leaving.. like a fool, I'm blankly standing here.. why... More

Present Day
First Encounter
Unfulfilled Love
Senior Year
Blossoming Love
Secret Love Story
Start of Something New
Jeju Island Trip (Part 1) - Love Hurts
Jeju Island Trip (Part 2) - Truth or Dare
Jeju Island Trip (Part 3) - I Choose You
Jeju Island Trip (Part 4) - Surprise!
Breaking Apart
She's Leaving
Old Friend
Coming Home
Fluttering Feelings
Baekmi's Wedding
The Truth
Good News
Where is Suho?
Begin Again
It's Official
Birthday Gift
I'm Sorry
Yes, I Do
You Are My First
I Will Kill You - (Part 1)
Be With You
Kim Jun Rong
Finale (Part 2) - The End
Announcement New story!

I Will Kill You - (Part 2)

736 31 9
By gracey87

*cont from the last chapter..

Suho: wife!!!
Chorong: hus..husband don't come here, plea..please..
Hyolyn: well..well..well..miss me?
Suho: Hyolyn! What did you do to her? Let her go! I'm here just take me.
Hyolyn: not so easy handsome man..not easy. I cut her both wrist and maybe I will cut her tummy after this we never know hahahaha..!
Suho: please don't! Just take me please, take me! Let her go she is 5 months pregnant please don't do this to her.
Chorong: honey don't risk yourself for me (cry) get out from here, go!
Suho: I'm staying and I won't leave you here alone! You are my life and I love you, I'm willing to risk my own life for you so don't ask me to leave because I would never ever leave you!
Chorong: (cry)
Suho: hold a bit longer I promise you we will get out from here, okay?
Chorong: okay..(cry)
Hyolyn: (clap hands) awww..I feel touched by you two love birds, watching a drama but sadly I forgot to bring my snacks and popcorn hahaha..
Suho: what you from me? Tell me right here right now.
Hyolyn: oh..almost forgot about that, okay focus back to business. (Throw away 1 small envelope) take that envelope and read it.

Suho move forward a bit and take the envelope, he open and read it.
Suho: are you crazy?! You want me to divorce her?!
Hyolyn: yes! You sign the paper and divorce her, i will let her go once you sign the paper. She already sign the paper and I only need your signature to complete the procedure.
Suho: that's why you cut her wrist?! Damn it! Hyolyn listen here carefully, I won't leave her and divorce her, I love my wife and she is the only one for me! Why you want to do this crazy and stupid thing?
Hyolyn: because I love you so much my dear, I'm willing to kill her just so you can marry me. If you don't sign the paper this is the last time you will see her face and hear her voice.
Suho: this is insane! No! I will not sign the paper! (Walk to Chorong)
Hyolyn: don't you dare get near that b****! You saw the rope? Once I press this button it will open the floor and she will die hanging on the rope, so don't you ever think about it..hurmm..looks like I'm going to proceed my plan B.
Suho: (stop walking immediately) let her go, replace her with me..!
Hyolyn: I will not replace her with you because you are going to marry me my love. (Call someone)

Two guy enter the main door and stand beside Suho, both received signal from Hyolyn and nodded understand. One man hold Suho both hands and place it on his back and the other guy start to hit him, punch Suho on his stomach and face. Suho try to fight but his hands is being hold tight by the other guy. Chorong saw it in front of her eyes and start screaming ask them to stop hitting Suho. Suho feel dizzy and weak, he fall on the floor blood coming out from his mouth. They take the baseball bat and hit Suho multiple times at the back, he is lying on the floor with full of blood. Suho is half conscious his body is in pain, his eyes covered with blood but he still can see Chorong crying and asking for help. The guy lift up Suho face and kick it right in his left side of face, Suho fainted. Suho slowly open his eyes, his both hands is tie with the thick rope he look around and saw Chorong next to her also tie up with the rope.
Chorong: wake up husband..wake up!
Suho: arghh..wi..wife..are you okay?
Chorong: I'm okay..
Suho: see your face make all the pain go away.
Chorong: (cry) I'm sorry..
Suho: for what?
Chorong: for all this if I'm not married with you all of this won't happen. I should have stay in Canada and let you live your life peacefully. I'm sorry.
Suho: wife..listen to me you are the best thing ever happened in my life. I never love someone the way I love you, you are my other half and without you my life will be meaningless. Don't say your sorry because I never regret marrying you and falling in love with you at the first place. You are part of my life and I really need you.
Chorong: (cry) but I can't imagine my life without you if something happened to you! How about our baby? I don't want our baby born without a dad, I don't want him growing up without you by his side. I..I..
Suho: hei..honey don't worry nothing's gonna happen to me okay, I am strong enough to fight this.

Hyolyn suddenly come near them out of nowhere, she drag the chair and sit next to Suho. She is holding a gun and point it on Suho head.
Hyolyn: let's play a game shall we, inside this gun have 5 bullets I will remove 4 bullets and left one inside here. If you don't sign the divorce paper I will pull the trigger and if you lucky enough you still be alive and if not the bullet will burst your brain out from your skull. Fun isn't it?! Hahahaha..!!!
Suho: you crazy!!!
Hyolyn: if you still alive and insist not signing the paper I will change the game rule, I will point this gun to her belly, just so you know the bullets will kill the baby. You play hard with me I will play smart with you. GAME ON!

Hyolyn removed the 4 bullets and left only one inside the gun, she pull the trigger and point it on Suho head. Suho heart beat pounding very fast, he look at Chorong who is nonstop crying try to calm her down.
Suho: honey don't cry please everything will be fine, trust me.
Hyolyn: (slap Suho face) shut up and start play the game! You know that I start falling in love with you when i saw you play the basketball back in high school you look charming and make my heart melt. So, sign the divorce paper please love..
Suho: No!
Hyolyn: (release the trigger) hahahaha..!!! Lucky! Okay, next try..
Suho: Damn you Hyolyn!
Hyolyn: what? Are you scared? Hahaha..okay, why you never give me a chance to love you? Not even once..Why? Even before that b**** become your girlfriend, why?! Sign the paper!
Suho: I fall in love with my wife during our first year in school, since that moment I never love other girls the way I love her. No matter what you've done to us in the past and present my love and my heart only for her, not you and not other girls. No! I won't sign the divorce paper.
Hyolyn: (release the trigger for the 2nd time) wow! You such a lucky guy my dear! Okay now the last chance for you to change your mind.
Suho: arghhhh..!!! Let us go!!!
Chorong: Hyolyn stop it! You gonna kill him! Please don't!
Hyolyn: shut up b****! Wait for your turn. Let's say I kill that b**** and your baby will you consider marrying me? You must be lonely and nobody will love and care about you anymore, will you? Sign the paper please..(kiss Suho on the lips but he rejected it quickly).
Suho: I won't let that happen to her and our baby because I will protect both of them even it takes me to sacrifice myself. I will not change my mind and I will never give my signature, understand!
Hyolyn: (pull the trigger for the 3rd time) damn!!! Why is it so hard to kill you!
Suho: arghhh..! Shit!!! (Heavy breathing) Take off this rope let us go now!
Hyolyn: hahaha.. I almost forgot still got 2 more chance and I'll pass it to that b**** and of course the 4th or 5th trigger can kill her and the baby. Goshh.. I'm so happy!!!
Suho: don't you think about that!!! Don't do that to her, point the gun on me not her!
Hyolyn: the game rule is changing and there's no turning back. I give you 2 more chance to sign the paper if not say goodbye to your loving wife and baby hahaha..remember play smart not play hard.
Chorong: honey..help me..(cry)
Suho: don't do it please..
Hyolyn: shut up Suho! You got your turn and now is her turn. Just sit down, relax and enjoy the show okay dear hahaha..
Suho: wife..look at me, just look at me. Hold on for me please..please..(tears form in the corner of his eyes)
Chorong: (crying) husband..(crying)
Hyolyn: enough love birds no more drama back to reality. (Point the gun on Chorong belly) well b**** your job is simple ask your husband to sign the paper if not I will blow up the baby!
Chorong: please don't involve our baby in this situation he is not guilty, please Hyolyn (cry).

Walk near Chorong and point the gun on her head, she whisper something to her..
Hyolyn: do it or I will kill your baby. Now..
Chorong: husband..sign the paper please, just sign it.
Suho: No! I won't do it, NEVER!
Chorong: she will kill me and the baby, just sign it please..
Suho: don't ask me to do such thing, please don't force me wife cause you know I won't do it..i just can't...I love you so much.
Chorong: I love you too but we don't have a choice, sign it please..
Suho: (shake his head)
Hyolyn: times up!

Without warning Hyolyn release the 4th trigger but nothing happened to Chorong. Chorong whole body is shaking due to feel shocked. She deep breathing in and out to calm her heart down. Suho on the other side is yelling and swearing to Hyolyn.
Suho: bullshit!!! Stop it! Arghhh..you know you are crazy woman! Crazy b****!!! You almost kill my wife you fool!

Suho trying very hard to remove the rope from his both hands but it's too tight. Hyolyn nonstop laughing because she knows the last trigger for sure contain the bullets she left inside.
Hyolyn: listen here this is the last round and it contains the bullet I left earlier. My dear Suho this is your last chance to change your mind, if you still stubborn and not listening to what I said you will regret this for the rest of your life. Your wife and baby life is in your hands now, i let you decide.

Hyolyn pull the 5th and last trigger and point it to Chorong, Chorong is crying and ask Hyolyn to stop but Hyolyn don't give a damn about her.
Hyolyn: hei b**** this is it you last chance, faster!
Chorong: honey..it's okay just sign the paper, I surrender..maybe this lifetime we are not meant to be together it's okay for the sake of our baby I'm willing and accept you divorce me (crying).
Suho: honey..what you mean?! I'm your husband and we love each other. Don't give up please..don't..
Chorong: I'm not giving up..I'm thinking about our baby, he don't know anything, he is innocent and I won't let him die without seeing me and you..his mom and dad who loves him very much. Just sign the paper please..(crying)
Suho: but..
Chorong: listen to me..only this time..

Suho take a deep breath his hands form a fist, he hold his anger. He put aside his pride, kneel down and look down on the floor. He begging Hyolyn for mercy, he cries and ask Hyolyn not to force him.
Hyolyn: wow! Who ever thought the most famous ex-playboy, troublemaker, charming and handsome guy in school get down on his knee begging me for mercy! You even cry for me! Awww..I feel so touched my dear.
Suho: please let her go, take me instead shoot me! I'm begging you please have mercy on my wife and my baby. Please..I..I..I'm begging you please..(crying).
Hyolyn: but you have your turn, this last bullet is for them not you my dear.
Suho: just shoot me! Please! You want to kill me right?! Right?! Then I'm here come on! Shoot me! Arghh..! Shit!!!
Hyolyn: are you sure about this? I will not kill both of you if you sign the paper, but you need to marry me, simple is that. Don't make it too complicated.
Suho: i rather die than sign the paper, divorcing my wife means I'm living this world without a heart and soul. Kill me! That's what you want right! Go ahead I'm waiting..!
Hyolyn: hurmm..if you said so..
Suho: honey..if let's say I'm not survive or die (tears falling) thank you for giving your heart to me and trusting me with yours, thank you for walking beside me and for wanting me at your side, thank you for thinking of me and for always staying on my mind, thank you for making me smile and for smiling along with me, thank you for being who you are and helping me be me, thank you for each day and night and for always.
Chorong: don't say like that honey..please..(crying)
Suho: no..i want to say it before it's too late. I see us getting married, moving in together, cuddling in the couch, waking up to good morning kisses, having arguments, making up after, cooking our favorite foods, smiling for no reason, annoying each other when we're bored and knowing you pregnant is the best feeling I've never felt in my life but sadly I'm not able to see our baby growing up, I see us together but not with the baby, I'm sorry.
Chorong: you are not going to die! No! You can fight this I know you're strong.
Suho: My wonderful wife Park Chorong no matter where you are or what you're doing or who you are with, I will always, honestly, truly, completely, Love you.

Hyolyn get annoyed with them she point the gun on Suho and shoot Suho.
Chorong: Nooo..!!! Honey! (Crying).

The bullet landing on Suho right chest, at the same time police barge in the factory and shoot Hyolyn twice on her stomach. She fell down and the blood running down to the floor. Chorong is crying out loud, Suho both hand still tie with the rope, kneel down on the floor with his head facing down. The blood dripping from his head and chest. Chanyeol run to Chorong and release her, Baekhyun go to Suho and open the tie rope on his both hands. Chorong run towards Suho, she put Suho head over her lap and slap Suho face few times to wake him up.
Chorong: husband wake up! Wake up please! Yah! Husband wake up! (Crying). Call the ambulance now!!!
Suho: (barely can open his eyes) hai..m..my wi..wife..
Chorong: you okay? Wake up and talk to me.
Suho: you look beautiful wife even when you cry..(vomit blood).
Chorong: (clean Suho mouth with her shirt) open your eyes please, look at me.
Suho: I am looking at you now (holding Chorong hands tightly) I get the biggest smile on my face when I talk about you (vomit blood again).

Suho suddenly get a difficulty in breathing, he held his chest and try to catch the air for breathing. When he breath in and out he feel the crucial pain on his right chest where the bullet is.
Suho: arghh..pain! I'm in pain!
Chorong: stay strong honey the ambulance is on their way. Don't fall asleep keep your eyes open and look at me! Look at me!
Suho: I don't think I can make it honey, I'm sorry..arghhh..!! My chest! Arghh!

Suho vomit blood for the 3rd time and losing more blood volume on the wound area. Chorong take her handkerchief and press it on the bleeding area. Suho suddenly stop breathing and his tight grip on Chorong hands starting to loose his hands fall down on the floor.
Baekhyun: hyung..wake up!! Yah! Don't joke around! Wake up!
Chanyeol: (grab his collar) hyung, wake up!

Chorong check his pulse and breathing but she heard nothing, she immediately start to perform the cpr. She do the cpr while tears nonstop falling down from her eyes. After doing it for multiple times she finally stop and sat down on the floor rubbing her belly while crying, Chanyeol hold her shoulder.
Chanyeol: noona, what happened?
Chorong: he's gone..my husband is gone..

Author: since I'm still on my Christmas holiday I will update few more chapters..just want to inform my readers this book will come to an end soon.. I already have the ending plot but still need to edit here and there before I publish it to you all..keep on reading and thank you for your support! ✌🏻️


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