Who Says I'm Nice?

By Wandering_Revenant

91K 3.9K 1.2K

A cold cat girl who hates humans because of what a human has done to her. Team 7 tries to get her to open up... More

Reika's Cat Summonings


1.6K 108 115
By Wandering_Revenant

The next morning, I was looking out the window, watching the village people. "Reika, I have breakfast for you." The nurse called. "Thank you, but I'm not hungry." I called back, looking at the door. I could see her shadow through the door window.

"Okay, I'll come back later then." She said before leaving. I looked out the window again and gasped when I saw Naruto, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, and Neji leaving the village. What the hell is going on? Where are they going?

I quickly got out of bed and ran out of the room. I pushed past nurses and doctors. "Reika?! What are you doing out of your room? Come back! You're still not well!" A nurse called after me. I ignored her and ran out of the hospital, running over to Sakura.

"Sakura, where are they going? Why are they leaving the village?" I demanded, grabbing her shoulders. I noticed tear stains on her face and she was sniffling. "Sakura, focus. Where are they going?" I repeated, losing my patience.

"They're going to get back Sasuke."


"He left last night."

Oh-no. They don't know what they're up against. I ran after them, even though I was far behind.

I ran as fast as I could, trying to catch up with them. Somehow, I was able to catch up with Neji. "Reika, get back to the village. It's too dangerous here." Neji said. "Save it, Hyuga! Where's Naruto?" I demanded.

I face palmed. Oh duh! How stupid can I be? I have his scent! I ran past Neji, heading towards my friend, my master; Naruto Uzumaki.

I ran past Sound Four as they were figthing their battles. I wasn't sure if they knew I was no longer Orochimaru's subordinate. But I didn't care about that right now. All I care about was getting to Naruto.

I gasped my heart roughly pounded against my chest. I stopped running and kneeled on one knee as I clutched the front of my shirt. I'm overdoing it. Gasping for breath, I stood to my feet and started running again.


My ears twitched when I heard Naruto's voice. I know I was getting closer. I ran faster until I tripped and fell on my stomach. My heart was beating much faster than it was before. I coughed up blood, feeling sick as a dog.

"No... I have to keep going. I have to help... Naruto." I panted before standing to my feet. I got to the Final Valley, witnessing Sasuke and Naruto fighting. I saw Sasuke holding Naruto up by his collar with his Chidori activated.

I gasped when I realized Sasuke was going to kill Naruto.


I lunged forward, grabbing the back of Naruto's collar and yanking him out of Sasuke's hold. Just as Sasuke struck, his Chidori went through my shoulder, electricity striking towards my heart. I gasped while coughing up blood.

I fell forward, sinking into the water. "Reika!"

I felt someone grab the back of my shirt and pull up from the water. I was set into someone's lap while they held me.

I opened my eyes, seeing Sasuke's face come into view. "Where's... Naruto?" I whispered. I shoved him away and used the little chakra I had to stay above water and crawled away from him, trying to find Naruto.

"Reika!" I heard his voice in the distance.

(Play Music) "Reika! Reika!" I closed my eyes for a second, then opened them, this time, seeing Naruto's face. "I'm glad... you're okay." I whispered with a smile, blood running down my chin. Naruto held me in his lap as he kept both of us above the water. "Hang in there! I'll take you back to the village! Grandma Tsunade will heal you!" Naruto said.

"No, she can't." I denied.

"She can!"

"Naruto, she can't... because I'm already dead."

Naruto looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Naruto, I'm dying. Just before you left to the Land of Tea, I was taken to the hospital. There's a virus... in my heart... that's killing me. I'm sorry... I didn't tell you sooner." I apologized.

I closed my eyes as I felt my body getting weaker. "No, Reika! Keep your eyes open!" Naruto yelled. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Why didn't you tell us you had a virus? Why didn't you tell us any of this?" Sasuke demanded.

"I didn't tell... because of Naruto. I cared about him too much... to tell him the truth. He was just so happy... I didn't want to... make him hunhappy..." I said.

"No, Reika... Please... don't die. You can't die." Naruto said, tears swelling in his eyes. I smiled. "Kawaii." I whispered.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you how I feel. We didn't even get to train together one more time," Naruto closed his eyes tightly, sniffling. "I don't want you to go. Pleas stay. I don't want to be alone. You're the first person who understood how I felt. Please... Please don't go, Reika." Naruto said, hugging me close to him.

I closed my eyes as tears started to swell in my eyes. "I'm scared. I don't want to die. There's so many things I haven't done yet, so many things I haven't seen yet. I don't want to go just yet. I want to continue living... with you. I want to always stay by your side." I said to Naruto, looking up at him as I gently placed my hand on his cheek.

"Naruto, please promise me... that you'll never stop... chasing after your dream... Keep reaching for it. Don't stop... until you've finally reached your dream. Never give up. Live." I said to him, trying to keep my eyes open.

"I promise! I won't stop until I've become Hokage! But... now all I want... is be with you, Reika." Naruto said. My eyes widened slightly before a smile made its way on my lips. "You idiot..." I said, the tears falling down my cheeks.

I leaned up and gently kissed Naruto. "I love you, Naruto." I whispered before closing my eyes. I felt my heart beats slowing down until it stopped beating altogether. 

Naruto's POV

Reika closed her eyes as her hand fell to her side. "Reika?" I whispered. "Reika!" I began to shake her, trying to get her to open her eyes. Tears ran down my cheeks as I stared at her peaceful face. "No..." I hugged her to my chest as my shoulders began to tremble with sadness.


I yelled at the sky as it started to rain.

Sasuke and I took Reika back to the village. Waiting for us, was all our friends. But when they saw Reika in my arms, their expressions changed.

A funeral for Reika was held later that day. Even Sasuke stayed for her funeral. Each of us, walked up, one by one, setting a flower on Reika's casket.

After the funeral, I looked at Sasuke as he was staring at Reika's grave. "So, what now? Are you going to leave the village?" I asked him. "No." He answered. "I'm going to stay here. I'll get strong on my own. I'm staying for Reika's sake." He said.

Something tells me he had a crush on her. 

I went home, sulking and depressed. I sat on my bed as I thought about Reika and I had so much fun together. But those days are gone and I'll never get to relive those days with her. She's gone.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. But how can there be someone here? My door is locked. I turned around and gasped, seeing Reika as a ghost. "Reika?" I said in disbelief. She smiled before gently petted my head.

"But... how?" I asked. Still smiling, she shrugged, then kissed me, her hands gently touching my cheeks. I stayed there, frozen, until I closed my eyes, enjoying the kiss. I opened my eyes as Reika leaned back and smiled at me.

"Arigato... Naruto." She whispered. Another figure appeared in the room, standing beside Reika; A tall man with cat ears, just like Reika's. She looked up at the figure and smiled. Wait, is this her brother?

He held out his hand to Reika, and she gently took his hand. They both turned around and started walking towards a gold light until they disappeared.

I smiled and looked out the window, gazing at the sun. "Live." Reika's words gently rang in my ears as I imagined her face in the sky. I will live, Reika. For you. I'll always live and become Hokage. Just you wait.

Until then, keep smiling at me. Keep cheering me on. Keep watching over me, Reika.

I love you. 

The End

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