Who Says I'm Nice?

By Wandering_Revenant

91K 3.9K 1.2K

A cold cat girl who hates humans because of what a human has done to her. Team 7 tries to get her to open up... More

Reika's Cat Summonings


1.1K 73 16
By Wandering_Revenant

Reika's POV

I was back in the hospital as Tsunade and the doctors were doing everything they can to make me live a bit longer. But this virus was preventing that from happening. I took all sorts of medicine, but it didn't help.

Tsunade did my x-rays again and let me take a look at this virus. In the photos, I saw a tiny black spot near my heart. "Is that the virus?" I asked. "Yes, that seems to be the thing that's killing you." Tsunade explained.

"Is there any way you can take it out? You know, surgically?"

"I'm afraid not. If we were to perform surgery on your heart in order to take it out, we could end up killing you."

"Are you sure?"

"No doubt."

"Oh, fuck me."

I sighed as I handed the x-rays back to her. "I'm going to the bathroom." I informed. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I have to stay alive, long enough until Naruto goes on his mission.

I took out a kunai knife and slit my wrist. I watched as blood poured out of the wound, but it didn't heal. "Damn this virus. My body isn't healing like it's supposed to." I muttered. I exited the bathroom and walked down the hall, heading back to my hospital room.

"Argh!" My heart pounded roughly against my chest, making an unbearable pain occur. I fell to my knees and shut my eyes tightly as my heart beat faster, making my chest hurt even more. I fell forward and curled up in a ball.

"Reika!" I opened my eyes slightly as doctors surrounded me. "Get Lady Tsunade! Hurry!" One of them yelled. I closed my eyes again as I felt myself losing consciousness. "Fucking... virus..." I murmured before blacking out.

Tsunade's POV

Doctors quickly took Reika to her room and began to hook her up tot he monitor. Her heart was beating rapidly. "Stay with us, Reika!" I said as I placed the oxygen mask over her mouth and nose. A few seconds later, her heart returned to a steady beat.

"There's really nothing we can do to stop the virus?" Shizune asked. "No, I don't think so. At this rate, Reika has only a few weeks to live until she dies." I said. I placed my hand over her forehead and made my hand glow green.

After a few minutes, I took my hand off her forehead. "She's gone into a coma. With any luck, she'll make it through at least a month or two." I said. I felt bad for Reika and worried for Naruto. It was obvious those two had feelings for each other. but neither one of them wanted to confess.

Probably too nervous or worried that the other won't accept their feelings back. But Reika doesn't have that much time. But as long as she doesn't train or go on any missions, she should be fine.

(Time skip) Reika's POV

I squinted my eyes open as my ears twitched when I heard movement. I forced my eyes and sat up. "Hi, Reika. How do you feel?" Naruto asked. "I'm still in the hospital." I noticed. "Yeah, Grandma Tsunade said you were in a coma; You've been out for at least two weeks." Naruto informed.

"Two weeks?! Did you already go on your mission to the Land of Tea?!" I demanded. "Yeah, we just got back yesterday. Everyone was fine. Although, Sasuke came back a little bruised up. He's in the room next door. Well, he was." Naruto informed.

"What do you mean "he was"?" I demanded. "Well, we got into a fight earlier and then, he ran off. I don't know where he is now." Naruto said. "You're not hurt, are you?" I asked. "I'm perfectly fine." He assured me with a smile.

I sighed in relief and hugged him, my arms wrapped around his neck. "Reika, are you okay?" Naruto asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just glad you're okay." I said, softly. "Naruto, there's... I... I have something to tell you." I mentioned, regarding my sickness.


I looked at him in the eye, gazing into his blue eyes. No, there's no way I can tell him about the virus. I don't want him to be upset. I can't do it. "Reika, why are you staring at me like that? Didn't you have something to tell me?" He asked.

"Uh... I'm just really glad we're on the same team and I'm glad that you're my friend." I said. Naruto grinned. "No problem, Reika." He replied. I smiled back, but on the inside, I was heartbroken and scared at the same time.

"Excuse me, sir. But visiting hours are almost over. I need you to leave the hospital." A nurse said as she walked in the room. "What? But you just got here, didn't you?" I asked. "Not really. I've been here for a few hours. It's kind of dark now. See, look out the window." Naruto said.

I looked out the window and Naruto wasn't kidding. It really was dark out. "Oh." I said, my ears flattening. "Don't be upset, Reika. I'll come by tomorrow and we'll see if Grandma Tsunade will let you have a free day so we can go eat some ramen." Naruto suggested.

I smiled, my ears lifting up a bit. "Sure, I'd like that." I said. "Bye, Reika. Sleep well."

I waved to him as he left the room. "Goodnight, Reika." The nurse said, turning out the light.

Once she left, I got out of bed and headed to the roof. I sat there as I gazed at the moon, the cool breeze brushing against my face. "I guess I'll sing one more time before my death." I murmured. I heard a small meow, so I looked to my right, spotting Aimi walking over to me in her cat form.

She turned human and sat beside me. "You don't look well, Reika." She said. "Gee, what gave me away?" I asked, sarcastically. "Reika, is something wrong?" Aimi asked with concern and worry. I sighed. "There's a virus in my heart that's slowing down the healing process in my body," I looked down at my wrist where I cut myself, seeing a scar there.

No way this was going to fade like it should. "I'm dying very soon." I told Aimi. "I'm sorry." She apologized. I shrugged my shoulders before wiping my right eye before a tear could fall. "Will you sing with me, Aimi?" I requested.

Aimi gave a nod. "As you wish, Reika." She replied. We both looked at the view ahead and began to sing:  

It's used to feel like a fairytale

Now it seems we were just pretending

We'd fix our world, then on our way to a happy ending

Then it turned out life was far less like a bedtime story

Than a tragedy with no big reveal of a hero's glory

And it seems we weren't prepared

For a game that wasn't fair

Do we just go home?

Can we follow through?

When all hope is gone, there is one thing we can do

Let's just live!

Day by day

And not be conquered by our sorrows

The past can't hold us down

We must break free 

Inside, we're torn apart

But time will mend our hearts

Move onward

Not there yet

So let's just live!

Aimi and I looked at each other and smile. "Thank you, Aimi." I said. "It was my pleasure. I'm glad I got to sing with you." She said. Aimi turned into a cat and rested herself on my lap. I gently petted her as I gazed at the moon.

Soon, I'll be joining my people and my brother.

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