Law Abiding Lovers (Justin La...

By Hanzo_The_Archer

5.4K 137 31

Justin has reconnected with a school friend, and together, they take on the world that has been thrown at the... More

Love and Lazy
Headphones Work Well
Battle for Brew
Falling to Madness
Medusa Steals Power
I Want My Heart Back
Fighting for Freedom
The Battle Ignites
Another Language
A Slight Encounter

Meeting Him Again

1.4K 21 7
By Hanzo_The_Archer

~Author's Note~

Justin isn't going to refer to Lord Death in this story. I love how he talks, but it's for the sake of my writing, and I don't want prayers in it every time he speaks. In this, Justin is always accompanied by a girl names Annabell, who he often calls Annie. Both are Weapons who can fight without Meisters, and they have teamed up because they have known each other for years. Justin soon falls for the girl, and he realizes that her actions toward him are because she feels the same way about him. Will Justin be able to keep his new lover safe from the rest of the world? Find out! Read, Comment, and Vote!


Annabell's POV

I fixed my robe as I walked. I had been reassigned to accompany another Death Scythe while I mastered the ability of controlling myself without needing a Meister.

I stopped when I saw my new teacher. He was only a few inches taller than me, had blonde hair, and was dressed like a damn priest. He also had earphones in.

"Justin Law?" I asked, surprised. He smiled and held his arms out to me. I couldn't help but run to him.

Justin had been the first to acknowledge me besides my first Meister. He always laughed and made me smile. We had dated once before he became a powerful Death Scythe. It didn't last long because he said he didn't want to lose me as his love. He lost all of his feelings for me once he became Lord Death's Weapon.

"Hey, Annabell. How have you been?" He asked, looking at me after he released me.

"I'm okay."

"Are you sure? I heard about your last Meister turning against the DWMA. I thought it would affect you."

"No. I'm fine. I didn't like that one much anyway. He never really cared about hurting me in the process of killing his foes."

"Oh? Well, I'm sorry he was so rude to you. My job now is to make you a Autonomous Weapon. Come with me."

He turned and started walking away. I stood there for a second, frozen by his new appearance. I shook my head and ran to catch up with him.

I can't go there again. He'll only ignore me. He doesn't feel like that toward me anymore. I thought.


Justin's POV

I smiled when Annabell reached me. She stayed at my side for a good length of time. I made her stop when we reached our destination. I looked at her when she tapped my shoulder.

Why have we stopped? She asked. I had read her lips because I couldn't hear her over my music.

I pointed to the boulders in front of us. "Practice your blade techniques on those for a while. I'll watch and observe your movements." I answered.

She started trembling.

"What is it?" I asked, confused.

I don't know how to make my blades appear. I usually transform all the way, so I can't remember how to partially transform.

I chuckled and paused my music. I took my earphones out and let them dangle over my shawl.

"Man, Lord Death. You sent her to me with no knowledge of partial transformation?" I chuckled under my breath.

"You actually took out your earphones without me begging! This will be easier than I thought!" She cheered.

Her Guillotine Blades shot out of her arms, and she ran toward the boulders. "You lied to me?" I asked, appalled.

"Please forgive me, My Lord. I have gone against speaking rights and have told a lie to my new teacher." She growled, demolishing the boulder.

My heart skipped a beat. She prays? Why? I wondered. I held my hand over my heart, and she looked at me. I froze when she walked up to me. She knocked my hand away and replaced it with her own. Her eyebrows pulled together when she felt my heart as it skipped several beats.

"Is something wrong?" She asked. Her blue eyes met mine, and I shook my head. I didn't want her to worry. "I'm fine. Do some more practicing. Even if you lied to me, you still need to learn how to control your blades." I answered.

She turned away and went to a different boulder.

~Timeskip brought to you by Boulders ~

I sighed as the sun started to set. Annie was running out of steam. She looked at me when I got to my feet. "We should find shelter for now. I think there is a cave close by." I said. She nodded and followed me as I walked.

"Justin?" She asked.

"What is it?" I looked at her over my shoulder.

"Why haven't we stayed in contact like you promised years ago?"

"That was four years ago, and I've been busy."

"But you made it seem like you would make your missions wait just to contact me."

"I was still getting over you when I left." And I still am.

She went silent as we went into the cave. I had gathered a bit of wood so we could make a fire. I accidentally cut my wrist when I was setting the sticks down. On what, I didn't know.

"Are you okay?" She asked. It was dark, but it was silent enough where you could hear my blood as it dripped onto the ground. "It's just a scratch. I'll be fine." I answered. I found two rocks and slid one across the other, creating sparks. The fire was up in only a few minutes.

The firelight danced across her emotionless face. She walked up to me and moved my sleeve. I gasped when she tore a piece of her shirt off and wrapped it around me wrist. "You don't have to do that. I can manage without you tearing up your clothes." I said.

"Shut up, and let me help you for once, Justin." She replied.

"But you don't have to."

"I want to, Idiot."

I stared at her when she backed away. I looked at my wrist to see the cloth neatly tied over the cut. She sat near the fire and held her hands out to it. She didn't smile, and she didn't laugh. She was being serious.

I sat next to her, and she slid away from me. "Sorry. I don't feel comfortable being close to you like that. It brings back too many memories." She explained, her eyes on the fire.

I sighed and looked at the fire as well. "Get used to it. As your temporary teacher, you'll be spending a lot of time with me. Starting with tonight. It's going to get cold, and you don't seem like you could stay warm even with the fire." I stated.

"What are you suggesting?" She asked.

"I could move some of the rocks and make it comfortable to lean against, and you can lay on top of me. I'll have my arms around you. It will act as both protection and warmth."

She grunted in agreement, and I started moving the rocks around. It was getting extremely cold by the time I was done. I had made it close to the fire. She crawled onto me once I laid down. I hesitated before I wrapped my arms around her.

"Get some sleep. You have another full day ahead of you." I said.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and hid her face between my jaw and shoulder. I didn't mind.

"Justin?" She whispered, her breath tickling my neck.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Is this awkward to you?"

"Not really."

"Why is that?"

"I'm still trying to get over you."

"But we haven't seen or spoken to each other for four years."

"I know, but I heard you scream my name every time I got hurt, so it was hard to forget you the way I wanted to."

I took my Zucchetto off and placed it on the ground. She tightened her arms around my neck when a chilling breeze blew over us. I tried to shield her by rolling to the side. She moved her hands to my chest. I looked at her eyes when the breeze stopped.

She stared at me, her eyes lit up by the firelight. She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck again, and my heart began to beat wildly. I couldn't stop myself from leaning toward her. She put her fingers to my lips.

"What?" I asked.

"I think something just bit me." She explained, and her eyes moved to my shoulder. "You have a spider on your shoulder." She whispered. I caught it and crushed it in my hand. I opened it to see the spider turned to nothing but dust.

"That's odd." I whispered.

I looked at her, and she shrugged. I sighed and blew the dust out of my palm. She giggled when I tried to kiss her again.

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